Issue 145 - November 2015
cial fi i t r a n Watso nce system e intellig
Now Dubai
er v One s Cloud b CX La
Smart Government 2.0: The second generation of the smart transformation in Dubai DSG in the Innovation Week
MBR Smart Majlis.. A smart channel of communication
Government performance and orientation of public services in Singapore
To become a world-class smart government for the 21st century.
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To formulate and implement policies and initiatives for innovative and smart ICT usage contributing to economic welfare, social progress and global competitiveness of Dubai.
Issue 145 - November 2015
Editorial Team
10 The hospitable city offers an unbelievable tourist experience
12 Dubai police apps for a safer and a happier society
DSG honours entities for participation at the unified DSG stand at Gitex 2015
Dub ai
The articles in this publication reflect only the author’s opinions and not necessarily those of the Smart Government or its staff. Republishing of material in this publication is not permitted without attribution of this publication as the source.
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Smart Government 2.0: The second generation of the smart transformation in Dubai
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cial n ar tifi Wat so nc e sy st em ge in te lli
Mohammed Bin Rashid Smart Majlis for a smart and vibrant city The evolution from eGovernment to smart government also emphasizes that human resources are the most important asset of the UAE. HH Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, UAE Vice President & Prime Minister and Ruler of Dubai once said that the secret of excellence lies in innovation. He considered innovation to be the locomotive for development projects saying that “nations that do not innovate die, wither away and exit the race of human development”. The UAE’s national innovation strategy, includes supporting over 5000 innovators and researchers and investing more than AED 5.5 billion in business incubators to provide a healthy environment is clear evidence of His Highness’s belief that nations that innovate create enablers for sustainability and entrepreneurship. . *** The latest UAE initiative is the Mohammed Bin Rashid Smart Majlis, which is a smart platform for 30 government entities, giving everybody the opportunity to submit their ideas and create the future of Dubai; in addition to having smart brainstorming sessions. Discussion topics at the Majlis reflect the vision of the leadership that focuses on the service sectors to deliver the best performance to maintain the global status of Dubai. The Majlis in its current form is a smart incubator for creative and innovative ideas open to all nationals, residents and visitors to submit their opinions and ideas that will be appreciated and given personal attention from His Highness to build the smartest city in the world. This Majlis is also an embodiment of the leadership’s vision to build a model based on tolerance, openness, co-existence, involving the public and making room for their opinions, benefiting from their experiences to create more opportunities for better quality life and happiness. *** What is interesting here, is the massive response that the Smart Majlis received straight after its launch. Dubai Courts received 113 ideas and suggestions and are already discussing some for implementation. KHDA and RTA have received over 500 suggestions, while Dubai Municipality received 269 suggestions and 34 notes; and DEWA received 334 and 7 development suggestions. There were similar responses received by other government entities. On its part, Dubai Smart Government Department confirms its keenness on supporting His Highness’s Smart Majlis, where its strategy relies on involving the public and taking their opinions into consideration by developing smart government services and apps through its Customer Experience Lab that designs services based on users’ needs leading to a higher level of user satisfaction. The department is also employing all the smart innovative channels it provides in attracting new creative ideas, suggestions and initiatives from the public to be a stream for enriching the Majlis with constructive ideas and suggestions. *** You can now envision what you want Dubai to be and tell us your aspirations for the future government through the Mohammed Bin Rashid Smart Majlis or use the smartphone app ‘MBR Majlis’ to interact and participate in the future of Dubai. The Editorial Team
Issue 145 November 2015
DSG in the Innovation Week
“Be Smarter than your smart device” from DSG
DSG signs MoU with MIT Connection Science Group & Analytics Center
Dubai Smart Government (DSG) conducted a number of talks on information security titled ‘Be smarter than your smart device’ at Mirdif City Centre. The talks were part of DSG’s participation in the UAE Innovation Week. The talks included many aspects of information security and how to take adequate protection on smart devices, on social media and the risks that children might face online.
Dubai Smart Government Department (DSG) signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with MIT Connection Science Group (MITCSG) & Analytics Center (AC) during Smartcon Dubai 2015, as part of a series of initiatives from DSG in participation and solidarity with the ‘UAE Innovation Week’. The Smartcon event brings together the world’s greatest thinkers and practitioners on Big Data, Internet of Things (IoT), Artificial Intelligence & Advanced Analytics.
“Be Smarter than your smart device” from DSG
Dubai Now app receives encouraging public response
Dubai Smart Government Department (DSG) organized an exclusive workshop for government employees titled ‘Employing big data to add more moments of happiness to your life in Dubai now.’ The workshop is part of DSG’s innovative activities for the UAE Innovation Week, a platform for all government entities to showcase their latest modern innovations in an effort to disseminate a culture of innovation in UAE society.
Dubai Smart Government (DSG) has received a very encouraging response from the public during UAE Innovation Week especially for its Dubai Now app, which was recently launched at Gitex 2015. The app is being demonstrated to the general public at DSG’s special stand at Mirdif City Centre during UAE Innovation Week.
You can find more news on our facebook page: Issue 145 November 2015
Cover story
ificial t r a n Watso nce system e intellig
Now Dubai
One Cloud es b CX La
Smart Government 2.0: The second generation of the smart transformation in Dubai The launch of Dubai’s electronic transformation in 2000 evolved into the first Arab smart government in 2013, in line with the policy of HH Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President and Prime Minister of UAE and Ruler of Dubai. Since that time, Dubai has witnessed strategic changed in government operational systems and efficiency. These changes have had major milestones on the journey initially during the eGovernment and then smart government as part of the evolution towards a future government. The government has launched a number of integrated services to enable and facilitate this process of conversion. These include Government Resource Planning Systems, Government Information Network, ePay, mPay and MyID.
Issue 145 November 2015
What DSG introduced during Gitex 2015, is an extraordinary leap towards the smart transformation in what deserves to be called ‘Smart Gov 2.0’. This is the kind of government that HH Sheikh Mohammed described initially when he launched smart government as being one that is easy, hospitable and available around the clock Let us look at some of these milestones and projects which are expected to have a leading role in Smart Gov 2.0 to usher in a completely different and new era in governance
CX Lab The Customer Experience Lab or CX Lab is a key part of the transformation to Smart Gov 2.0 in Dubai. The first of its kind in the region, the CX Lab is expected to create better and more useful government services, to be on part with international standards of testing as seen in large technology companies like Google, Apple etc. The CX lab has all kinds of equipment and testing standards to check reactions of customers, including tracking eye movement and facial gestures to analyze moods, reactions and satisfaction levels. The lab is expected to create a wealth of information and research which will be immensely useful in building future services for Smart Gov 2.0. The CX lab goes beyond interface design, digging deep into analysis of content and uncovering new ways of interaction with customers including voice channels.
easily access Information Technology resources, saving them cost and effort from establishing these resources individually. CloudOne is a pool of computing devices including CPUs, RAM, HDDs space, network services and security systems and firewalling. It represents a secure, flexible, reliable, scalable and agile infrastructure which provides IT services as per the needs of government entities, such as multitenant processing of data, memory, storage and networks.
Cloud One services for Dubai Government
CloudOne enables the required capacity to be obtained in a record time of no more than 24 hours, saving the time and effort of government entities and helping them focus on innovation in government services without the need to wait for purchasing, supply and operating procedures. The government entities will benefit from Dubai Smart Government’s distinctive experiences and the updated components of CloudOne, which Dubai Smart Government will continue to update in line with technology cycles.
Cloud One is a smart infrastructure cloud service for Dubai government entities that was launched at Gitex 2015 by Dubai Smart Government. The shared smart infrastructure will allow all Dubai government entities to
All of this represents additional capacity in which government entities can now focus on innovation of introducing smart services to the public, instead of wasting their resources in appointing technical
In short, the CX lab puts the customer at the heart of the design and development process, instead of being the recipient of a service which they may not like from various perspectives such as content, design or user experience.
experts, and purchasing hardware and equipment needed for the technical operations as Dubai Smart Government takes this burden now on behalf of all government entities. As a result, the quality and quantity of smart services which will be launched by government departments in the next phase are expected to escalate at a high pace.
Dubai Now
His Highness Sheikh Hamdan Bin Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Dubai Crown Prince and Chairman of Dubai Executive Council, launched Dubai Now: the first of its kind unified hub for smart government services on the first day of Gitex Technology Week 2015. Dubai Now enables customers to access multiple government services and conduct all transactions, through their smartphones. Issue 145 November 2015
Dubai Now was designed with active customer engagement at DSG’s Customer Experience (CX) Lab. It is a very comprehensive hub for the public to communicate and interact with Dubai government entities, considering that it combines 22 government entity services under one app. All customers who have existing accounts with mPay
app or MyID will be able to use their login to access Dubai Now easily and take maximum advantage of an array of the service packages that have been created based on customers’ interests. These service packages are classified under 11 categories: payments and bills; housing and public transport; security and justice; health;
driving; visas; educational services; Islamic services; business; and public services. Dubai Now contains an interactive, smart dashboard that can be customized to have most used services in one place. It can then analyze the transactions and provide timely reminders and notifications, among other useful settings. Dubai Now contains most commonly used services such as paying traffic fines, Salik, Nol, Etisalat, Du, DEWA, some of Dubai Municipality and Dubai Customs services, donating to Al Jalila Foundation and Dubai Cares, getting flight information, booking taxis, accessing health services, searching for the closest pharmacy, obtaining GDRFA visa services, religious services including prayer timings and mosque locations; RERA rental increase calculator, knowing types of business activities, inquiring about and renewing trade licences, booking trade names, accessing emergency and business services, inquiring about public services including weather reports and postal services and getting familiar with educational services; among others.
Issue 145 November 2015
services to the public. The final pillar or layer is the artificial intelligence on top which can be used as a personalized experience for customers who interact with the smart government.
The strategy of Dubai Smart Government The smart transformation in Dubai represent innovation, creativity and a
Watson artificial intelligence system launched Dubai Smart Government Department (DSG) and the Department of Economic Development (DED) have announced plans to transform government services using IBM’s cognitive computing system called ‘Watson’ during a press conference on the final day of Gitex Technology Week 2015. The government is working in collaboration with IBM to launch the new service, which will, in the initial stage enable exclusively DED customers, to benefit from the advanced self-service provided by the system to respond to all their inquiries related the DED’s services. ‘Watson’ is a cognitive computing system that will allow customers to easily make their requests understood on government department websites. This means, for example, that business people looking to start new businesses in Dubai can easily request information and advice about new business set-up and receive all the relevant information about licenses and fees in written or audio format; without having to visit a government department or communicate with government employees via phone or email. Unlike other well-known computing systems, the Watson system can collect data from all sources, from research reports and reading millions of unorganized documents within a few seconds through reading tweets on various social media. It then analyzes,
processes, organizes and classifies these data to meet customers’ needs. The Watson system will eventually be used by other government departments.
The pillars of Smart Gov 2.0 are in place Each of these initiatives create a pillar for Smart Gov 2.0. At the base is the CX Lab which creates smart services based on customer needs. This is followed by Dubai Now which provides the most useful services of the government on multiple platforms. Then you have Cloud One services so that government departments can create multiple platforms for their
happy life which is contained within the strategy of DSG 2014-2017 in line with the initiative of His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, UAE Vice President and the Prime Minister and Ruler of Dubai, and as an implementation of the directives of His Highness Sheikh Hamdan bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Crown Prince of Dubai and Chairman of the Executive Council to shift to the smart government. The strategy was drafted specifically to ensure the efficiency of the smart transformation, and the best use of technical solutions which proves that Dubai Smart Government is working as a unified government to meet the needs of customers, which is consistent with the smart policies adopted by our leadership.
Issue 145 November 2015
DSG honours entities for participation at the unified DSG stand at Gitex 2015
Dubai Smart Government Department (DSG) honoured 36 government entities, which jointly participated in the 35th edition of Gitex Technology Week 2015 and showcased their eServices and the latest smart apps, services and solutions at DSG’s 3,800-square metre unified stand. DSG’s services and apps as well as its innovative visions of the services and prospects of the government of the future, which was announced for the first time, were also showcased at Gitex 2015.
36 government entities
Bin Humaidan delivered a speech in which he commended the government entities’ successful participation in DSG’s stand during Gitex 2015 and the practical opportunity that these government entities offered to more than 10,000 people who visited the stand to get familiar with the achievements made by Dubai Government during their process of transformation to smart government while aiming to add satisfaction and happiness to all when accessing government services. He pointed out that the services which the visitors the visitors tried out reflected the smart services of Dubai in the present and the future.
Dubai moments
Bin Humaidan valued the spirit of joint co-operation and co-ordination that prevailed among this large number of government entities that took part in DSG’s stand at Gitex 2015, stressing
Issue 145 November 2015
DSG’s commitment to employ its advanced infrastructure, smart service systems and high-level technical support to upgrade the performance of smart services and make a positive imprint in terms of completing transformation to the connected, integrated smart government and ensuring that Dubai become the smartest city in the world.
Media coverage
Following a short documentary on the most important activities witnessed by the stand, Sumaia Bin Hammad, Director of Marketing and Corporate Communications Department, who was also the DSG Gitex team leader, mentioned some relevant statistics: More than 10,000 people visited the stand and learnt about more than 100 smart device apps and services that were showcased by all the government entities. During Gitex week, 5 press conferences were held, and 14 MoUs were signed. Some 21 entities gave over 300 smart devices to lucky visitors
and survey participants, she said, adding that the government entities gave 33 lectures and presentations about smart services and apps to the visitors. The media coverage was comprehensive across all channels and the DSG dedicated website; as well as social media channels. This way, all followers were able to stay updated on the achievements of Dubai Government in its quest to be the smartest city in the world, Bin Hammad noted.
Achievements feedback
Bin Hammad pointed out that satisfaction rate of the participating entities was 84.8 per cent, based on the feedback of the survey distributed to all its partners. At the end of the ceremony, Bin Humaidan honoured all the teams representing the government entities who had jointly participated under the DSG banner at this year’s edition of Gitex.
Smart Majlis
Mohammed Bin Rashid Smart Majlis: A smart channel of communication His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President and Prime Minister of the United Arab Emirates and Ruler of Dubai has launched “Mohammed Bin Rashid Smart Majlis”, the largest smart and integrated platform in Dubai connecting 30 entities that will receive suggestions, comments, and ideas on which brainstorming sessions will be conducted. The Smart Majlis will operate under His Highness Sheikh Mohammed’s direct supervision.
The Majlis’s Goal
According to Sheikh Mohammad bin Rashid Al Maktoum’s vision, the Majlis’s goal is to give all members of society the opportunity to attend the Majlis and to present their ideas and comments, consult together and work hand in hand to promote the development process, which should be accomplished with the efforts of every individual. This can only be implemented if it integrates the traditional idea of the Majlis with advanced technology, which will allow everyone in Dubai and its fans around the world to contribute to the development process 24/7. Ideas are not exclusive to a chosen few, as much as they are not limited to a specific period of time.
Three main pillars
“Mohammed bin Rashid Smart Majlis” consists of three basic sections. The first section offers residents and visitors of Dubai and its fans around the world the opportunity to present innovative ideas that can contribute to the development of the city and enhancing its attractiveness in various fields. This is made possible through a simple process that ensures that the submitted idea is evaluated by competent authorities. The second section provides the public with the opportunity to give feedback on whether there are any defects or faults in various facilities such as parks, beaches and roads by photographing such defects and specifying their geographical locations, thus enabling competent authorities to identify them and adopt all measures necessary to help maintain the good image of the city and its public facilities. The third section is concerned with brainstorming exercises regarding various issues raised by His Highness from time to time in the Smart Majlis.
This enables the public to submit their views and interact. In addition, the Majlis allows its users to follow up on the progress of their ideas and comments, as this information is updated periodically by the competent authorities. The “Mohammed bin Rashid Smart Majlis” forms a network that connects more than 30 entities. There are dedicated specialized teams that will work on tracking the ideas and comments in different areas.
How to be part of the initiative
Community members can register on either of these platforms to present their ideas or comments through a simple process that includes stating the title of the idea or comment, providing a summary, choosing its relevant category, which includes: Business and Entrepreneurship, Smart City, Tourism and Entertainment, Parks and Beaches, Transportation, Electricity and Water, Safety and Security, Government Services, Health, Education, Law and Justice, Roads and Traffic, Social Responsibility and Charity Work, Art and Culture, Youth, Sports, Environment, Media, Real Estate and Housing, apart from other fields. Attendees of “Mohammed Bin Rashid Smart Majlis” are welcome to provide information to support their ideas and comments, which could be
in the form of photos, videos, e-links or files. A team comprising of various competent authorities is tasked with the responsibility of evaluating the ideas and comments that His Highness receives via the smart Majlis in order to support the appropriate decisionmaking process.
How to best use the Majlis
Mohammed bin Rashid Smart Majlis can be accessed via the smart phone application MBRMajlis, or through its official website or the website The “Mohammed bin Rashid Smart Majlis” aims to achieve a number of objectives all revolving around promoting innovative communication between His Highness and all segments of the society, paving the way for everyone to offer their ideas and comments, in addition to hosting debates on various topics. The interaction will enrich the development process and generate collective contributions. The “Mohammed bin Rashid Smart Majlis “ further encompasses a set of pillars that focus on collective thinking, openness to various developmental fields, effective follow-up of ideas and comments, belief in the value and impact of ideas, and promoting the concept of creative “outside the box” thinking.
Issue 145 November 2015
Smart tourism
The hospitable city offers an unbelievable tourist experience The Department of Tourism and Commerce Marketing (DTCM) has been characterized for its comprehensive app: “Visit Dubai” which is an integrated platform for tourists. The app reflects the ambitious trend of tourism DTCM has for the 21st century.
This app provided by DTCM is very comprehensive and includes all the sights, events and attractions of Dubai. Features such as ‘My trip’ can be customized, so that a visitor can plan their day, based on event opening times and geographical location. It also ties in with related services from Dubai Culture and RTA, so a visitor can get more cultural knowledge from a particular site visit or hail a taxi.
Issue 145 November 2015
Discover Dubai Jumeirah, Burj Khalifa, Burj Al Arab, Dubai Mall and such landmarks are included. Events such as DSF, DSS, Eid, Dubai Motor Show and all the events that are in town are included. Key events are categorized based on sports, business and entertainment.
Shopping, restaurants and relaxation The app is useful for shopping mall information including timings, directories, boutique stores and the related information. It becomes easy to plan trips and customize the app and your day, using the app.
Smart mall
Smart mall service from RTA: shop conveniently while using the metro
Roads and Transport Authority (RTA) in Dubai has launched the smart mall project in Dubai to cater to Dubai metro users. Using smart screens, customers can purchase items at certain metro stations such as Mall of the Emirate, Damac, Dubai Internet City, ADCB Bank and Baniyas Station. Later this smart mall service will be expanded to other stations and will allow purchase of other items such as clothing and electronics.
Users tap on the smart screen and pay for the purchases which are instantly released to them or can be obtained at a later stage of the journey. RTA launched this service after a realistic and thorough study conducted on metro stations and the needs of the users, in order to increase the satisfaction and happiness of the people of Dubai and to strengthen government partnership with the private sector.
Issue 145 November 2015
Smart justice
Dubai Courts uses smart services to serve and guard social justice in Dubai Dubai Courts launched 10 smart apps during at Gitex 2015 under the theme ‘Future Courts and Innovative Services for a Happy Community. This was done in order to raise happiness and satisfaction levels with its customers and employees. The platform at Gitex raised much awareness on how much Dubai Courts has transformed from traditional services to a mobile and e-notary system.
Happy employees and customers
The e-notary system allows the completion of several transactions through the Dubai Courts website, without the need to visit the Courts. This can be seen from recent statistics which show that of the 9 law firms authorized to provide notary services, more than 330 transactions, supervised by 11 staff were accomplished during the first quarter of the year. The mobile notary service that was disclosed at Gitex 2015 brings public notary services to your door. The kit includes a laptop, scanner, printer, device for electronic signature and card reader for the EIDA card. This mobile kit allows e-notary services to be completed at home or office for various contracts and documentation.
Issue 145 November 2015
During Gitex, Dubai Courts also launched an electronic system for judges to write their deliberations electronically, leading to smart judgements, which can be electronically transmitted. The smart exchange system which was also launched allows the disbursement of payment service though direct debit with Emirates NBD bank. The platform also has a method to store the documentation and locate it using RFID.
E- Certification
The E-certification has contributed to the reduction of documentation procedures from five steps at the notary down to just two steps, thereby contributing to efficiency and leading to happiness and satisfaction among customers.
Smart security
Dubai police apps for a safer and a happier society Dubai Police has announced the launch of 3 smart services at GITEX 2015 including “SOS” service and fines notification service on Apple Smart watches. The third service is a three-dimensional touch that enables the disabled to use smart apps of Dubai Police easily. These services aims at ensuring the happiness of the people and to raise the satisfaction levels among people.
SOS app
Dubai Police assured that the “SOS” service on Apple watches will enable any individual who needs emergency assistance to use the watch to send a direct alert to the operations room and have the nearest police patrol head to the location of the users in minutes. This service should be extremely useful for the elderly, infirm and those with special needs or those who live alone.
Fines notification service on Apple watch
Dubai Police has introduced fines notification on Apple watches to enable users to be alerted immediately to any fines they might have. This is all part
of the smart services introduced by Dubai Police who are trying to ensure that their services are available on many platforms.
Three-dimensional touch Dubai Police has launched an iPhone app for those with special needs. It includes most common smart services but uses a three dimensional touch. Services include SOS services, fine payment, reporting accidents, checking traffic files. The service makes use of the latest update to the iPhone allowing users to click on the icon and then dig deeper to find more options.
Issue 145 November 2015
Smart governments
Government performance and orientation of public services in Singapore Singapore ranked first on the level of digital maturity, according to a study conducted by “Accenture International” for government performance which has helped to achieve the digital readiness in Singapore and a sound monetary management and a framework of an effective government. The country has the highest global percentage of subscription in the Internet service on smart mobile phones. Also it acquired one of the highest percentage in access to the Internet through smart mobile phones. It is not surprising that Singapore is on top in the global study of the digital performance, with its more mature services compared to other countries. It has a distinguished experience in serving its citizens as the government provides them with various services that focus on the needs of citizens. It is worth mentioning that the services include government entities with multiple channels, and innovative initiatives in communication and education, in which Singapore has always tried to reach excellence. Singapore government’s smart initiative lies under the following main pillars:
Methodology and the digital strategy
Singapore’s government is seeking to move towards a cooperative government, where the e-government plan in 2015 is based on the vision to make the government a cooperative one with the population in innovation and communicate with them in a better way through three strategic points including making citizens participate in innovation, communicating with citizens in order to drive them to participate effectively, and stimulating the complete transformation of e-government.
Programs directed to residents
The Singapore government has designed programs for its citizens such as the private data, which provides easy access to the available government data on “ sg”. It also provided its citizens with a program that allows individuals and companies to easily search for, and learn about and access mobile devices provided by Singapore government through “m. “.
Government programs
Government programs are directed to focus on cloud computing, which provides citizens with a technological environment which is able to be shared with flexibility and
Issue 145 November 2015
safety in order to obtain computing resources quickly and easily. The “Cube” is a collaborative social platform that allows government employees to exchange ideas with each other and share knowledge with each other through a virtual social environment. The institutional structure of government entities serves as a mean aiming at creating a unified point of view of institutional structures in all government departments in order to raise the level of IT assets and the rationalization of expenditure.
Priorities of citizens
The smart government services priorities for citizens in Singapore are based on three main pillars: 1. Understanding the priorities of the citizens effectively, where citizens want from the government to provide them with a system that leads to more participation and cooperation in the public services. 2. Verification of adequate government services to citizens’ needs in a better way where citizens want the government to raise the rates of allocation of services according to the needs of individuals through smart digital platforms 3. Providing services in a cost-effective manner, where citizens want from the government to focus on improving the level of cost-effectiveness through the study of information and communications technology services prices. The challenge today lies in Singapore with how to stay on top, and how to improve the level of services related to big data and the analytical skills. In the feverish race at the global level among the countries that provide smart government services, Singapore, like other countries on the top must continue to make a non-stop effort to reach its objectives in the context of smart government services.
Apps panorama
Smart apps panorama of November 2015
“Four Driver” App to know your car better This app is good for drivers, who need additional information. Car owners might drive well, but they may have forgotten some information like traffic signs and car user manuals. The app has special sections with essential information on tire pressure and special symbols. Available on iPhone, iPod touch and iPad.
Smiling alarm clock app This smart alarm clock is characterized by its ability to wake you up even from a heavy sleep. After you set your alarm, you cannot deactivate it, until you play a predetermined game. So it forces you to become alert. You can set sounds and background by using your audio and visual files. The app design is beautiful and it is easy to use and provides over 10 games to stimulate your brain. It works with the iPhone, iPod & iPad.
“Hotels Combined” App to chose the best hotels for bests price This free app is used to compare the best hotels in terms of quality and price, among hundreds of travel sites. It has already won the trust of millions of users around the world and reached more than 300 million visitors searching for the best hotel prices in more than 120,000 destinations around the world. The app has a quick and easy search and can show you the prices in many currencies. It works on iPhone, iPod - Touch, iPad and also on Android devices.
Issue 145 November 2015
Apps wizard
Tifli app: Smart app for expecting mothers
Expecting moms can benefit from the ‘Tifli’ app, launched by DHA. The app ensures you monitor the health of your growing foetus and provides you with essential information and data; making the app a mobile clinic in your hand. This app can be download by all users of smart phones.
Building personal profile
On registering, you first build up a personal profile and your interest areas, to create a set of health indicators and related information, so that you can regularly monitor the weight and health of your baby.
Following up the status of pregnancy
Fetal movement can be observed and noted so that any unusual changes in abdomen size or body weight can be looked at by the doctor and necessary treatment can be made.
Growth rate
The app provides an excellent interface to help a pregnant woman know the size of the foetus and the rate of growth in each week of pregnancy. The app uses a fruit metaphor to compare the baby size, showing what a wonderful harvest awaits the expectant mother.
Issue 145 November 2015
Health services for pregnant women
The app provides the following services for expecting mothers: 1. Reserving a consultation appointment for periodic review, including follow up visits to the doctor and maternity clinic. 2. Requesting an ambulance: If there is any emergency, the family can request an ambulance through the app. The ambulance is directed to the house, using the app coordinates, to make a speedy arrival and treatment. 3. Booking birth appointments with the hospital: The app provides the possibility of booking an appointment for the birth of the baby.
Follow-up of the child after birth
The app provides a schedule of the dates of vaccination necessary for the child after birth. It also helps alert the mother on the deadlines through integration with the smartphone calendar. The app also contain information about the child and the normal weight and height indicators.