V2E3 Dublin Newsletter

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DUBLIN NEWSLETTER Volume 2 Edition 3 July 2021 2021-2022 Term

Check us out on Instagram and Tik Tok!! @dublinkeyclub

This Month's Newsletter Will Cover: 1.

A Message From Your Editor


Boba Fundraiser


Officer "Get To Know You"


Member of the Month


Upcoming Events


Member Question of the Month+Winners


Articles and Visuals


Game Night

A Message From Your Editor

Happy Fourth Of July! We hope you have all had a relaxing summer so far and we hope that you continue to enjoy the rest of your summer! Additionally, we want to thank you all again for participating in Key Club and giving back even during the summer! Due to your devotion with articles and visuals as well as attendance at events, Dublin is still in first place for Devils' Golden Cup!

Ryka Dhawan

We Have A T4 Boba Fundraiser Coming Up! Be sure to bring your family and friends!!

(You Don't Need To Be In Key Club To Partake)

Officer "Get To Know You"

Thank You To Srija Nampally For This Month's Officer Question!

Question for the officers: What is the most embarrassing music that you like to listen to?


Priya(co- vice president): You can laugh, you can judge, but not without I actually enjoy listening to Doomer music, specifically Russian Doomer admitting that you like these songs too: I music. It’s a genre that’s somewhat enjoy listening to Disney music. You may think, that's fine! But that's not what I mean. difficult to describe, but I do listen to I mean, disney CHANNEL music. Hannah it occasionally. I find it embarrassing Montana, Austin and Ally, Victorious (I know to listen to mainly because it’s that's nickelodeon) songs are bops and you difficult to explain to people what it cannot deny that. exactly is.

Aryan(co-vice president):

Some Country Music


I don't know how embarrassing this really is, but I love to jam out to old Taylor Swift music. A couple of my favorite songs that are great to karaoke are "we are never ever getting back together" and "blank space". :)

Have a question for the officers to answer in the next Newsletter? Fill out this form: https://forms.gle/7V8JvnsLKENvKhcm6

Sanjana(Secretary): Lol I have so many but probably my most prominent one is Indian music. I usually listen to it while studying instead of instrumental or relaxing music and I always get embarrassed when people ask me if they could listen to it as well. I also really like pop and Ariana Grande which I have no shame for of course, but she isn’t always liked by people so that’s why I sometimes feel embarrassed to say I love her music.

Jessica(Historian): Hmmmmm, probably Justin Bieber haha. I actually really like his old songs! I used to be really ashamed of admitting that I like his music back when he was really famous (around when I was in 2nd grade or so), but now, I'm not scared to say it. You can't deny that his older songs are really catchy!

Ryka(Editor): I honestly don't know. Personally, I don't consistently listen to one genre or every song from one artist so I think the most embarrassing thing for me would probably be occasionally listening to random artists.

Leanne(Project Chair): Some might consider it embarrassing, but I like to listen to Kpop. Japanese 80’s city pop is also really good too. Other than those two, I don’t really have an other genres to add here.

Member of the Month The member of the month does receive prizes! If you are member of the month, you will have a choice between receiving a PTP sticker or being allowed to give all the officers one dare to complete. The completed dares will be posted on Instagram and Tik Tok. You can be next month's member of the month by participating in as many service events and meetings as you can. With that being said, the Member of the Month for June is....

Fiona Lau!!!

PTP Stickers

PTP Stickers

UPCOMING EVENTS *All Events are an Hour Long Excluding Bonding* Zoom Link For all Events: https://tinyurl.com/zoomdublinkc

Join us for a chance to earn up to 5 hours a week by doing a volunteering opportunity of your choice! Dates: Week of 7/05-7/09 1pm-2pm Week of 8/02-8/06 1pm-2pm

Friday 7/28 1pm-2pm: Tappy Trees+Bonding

And as always CMN Card making is still going on.

JULY DWS: Charity Miles!

WHEN: Thursday, July 1st to Saturday, July 31st | Fill out the verification form available through email by Sunday August 1st!! You must set the charity to March of Dimes and/or Unicef in order for your hours to be valid!

Please refer to the emails that go out for more information and updates!

Member Question of The Month Question of the Month: What is your proudest accomplishment and why?

How It Works:

Fill out the the form below answering this month's question of the month. The officers will pick the best/funniest/most interesting response. The winner will get 5 member points and those who participated will get 3 member points. The winner's response will be highlighted in next month's newsletter(can be anonymous). Remember, member points help make you member of the month! So, what are you waiting for??? This is a quick and easy way to get some member points and to allow us to learn about you!

Form: https://forms.gle/g8DBGZ4LcTumENRDA Due By: Friday 7/30 at 11:59pm

Last Month's Question of the Month Winner is.....

Victoria Abigail De Jesus Last Month's Question Was... If you could choose to remain an age forever, what age would you choose and why? Yuni's response was: "I would probably choose to remain 25 or 26. I feel like that’s a decent age because I would be old enough to do a lot of things as a young adult, especially since I want to travel around the world. I think mid-twenties is a good age because it is very youthful and I would still be able to move around a lot for traveling. Overall, I just feel like one’s twenties is the time where people would spend their time having a lot of fun, trying many different things. "

Thank You To those of You Who Participated Last Month. Below are the amount of member points you gained... Victoria: 5 member points Aditi Natarajan: 3 member points Srija Nampally: 3 member points

Articles and Visuals

Learn about the experiences of other Key Club Members at events and make sure to submit them to help us gain more points for Devils' Golden Cup!

"The event was great, and I enjoyed spending time with the fellow club members and this was a fun event!"

"Through this activity, we can use paper cranes to convey our support. We use paper cranes to encourage children who are sick and make them strong. We are using our ways to help them and give them hope to live."

"This event is so fun! I've always loved origami as a kid, but never got the chance to sit down and do it. Now, I can. I really enjoyed this event, it's so satisfying to fold it and decorate it. Another reason I really love this event is that I can send notes of encouragement to people through this! I really recommend that everyone attend this event next time it rolls around, because this way you are able to send encouraging/kind words to people without it being awkward haha." -Jessica Wang

July Game Night

On one Friday of every month we will be having a game night! Come get to know other Key Clubbers, get to know officers, and have a great time! Feel free to bring a few friends who aren't in Key Club as well!

*You Don't Have To Be In Key Club To Participate in Game Nights!

THANK YOU FOR READING THIS EDITION OF OUR NEWSLETTER! If You Have Any Questions feel free to email dublinkeyclub@gmail.com or reach out through Instagram @dublinkeyclub!

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