Dublin June Newsletter-V2E2

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DUBLIN NEWSLETTER Volume 2 Edition 2 June 2021 2021-2022 Term

Check us out on Instagram and Tik Tok!! @dublinkeyclub

This Month's Newsletter Will Cover: 1.

A Message From Your Editor


Boba Fundraiser


Officer "Get To Know You"

4. Member of the Month, Prizes, and Officer Dare 5.

Upcoming Events


Member Question of the Month+Winners


Articles and Visuals


Game Night

A Message From Your Editor

First and foremost, I want to congratulate all of you for making it through this school year! No matter what happened, you all made it through this unprecedented school year and should be extremely proud! Secondly, I want to thank you all for being such amazing members. Thank you for all your contributions to Key Club and the community. We are currently Club of the month and we are 1st place in Devils' Golden Cup. All of this wouldn't have been possible if it wasn't for you guys! Lastly, I hope you all have a safe, fun, and relaxing summer and we hope to see you all at events!

Ryka Dhawan

We Have A T4 Boba Fundraiser Coming Up! Be sure to bring your family and friends!!

Officer "Get To Know You"

Question for the officers: What Was Your First Impression of Key Club?


In simplest terms, my first impression of Key Club was ...insane. We were in-person and almost a hundred people had crowded around poor Ms. Sheaff's classroom! I could not find a desk and had to sit on the ground with 50 or so people who resorted to the same fate. The president at the time was my FMP mentor and was always incredibly sweet to me. The positive and friendly atmosphere of the Key Clubbers I met (who have now graduated), will always remain in my memory.

Aryan(co-vice president):

My first impression of key club was that it is a great place to volunteer and meet new people.

Priya(co- vice president): I always thought of Key Club as a nice escape from the stress of school! I found comfort in helping out the community and talking to fellow Key Club members. I hope I can help new members feel the same way!


My first impression of key club was that it was a super fun and safe place! When I walked into my first key club meeting, everyone was super kind and willing to get to know each other. Key club is the best and most wholesome community I have ever been a part of! <3

Have a question for the officers to answer in the next Newsletter? Fill out this form: https://forms.gle/7V8JvnsLKENvKhcm6

As an incoming freshmen, I have realized that KEY club At first I didn't know what Key Club was but I is one of the most welcoming clubs of DHS and I immediately realized I belonged here. Unlike other club found out about it at the Club Rush so I decided meetings where officers and members just go over slides to go to the first meeting. When I entered the with no member and officer bonding, KEY club is more classroom, it was soooo packed and there was than that and it welcomes new members every single meeting. Also there are rewards for participating, endless barely any room to sit but there was pizza lol. I opportunities to earn service hours and division events felt like it was completley different from all allowing us to meet even MORE people. I could go on and other clubs because of the positive atmosphere on about the beauty of this club but all I can say is that this was one of the most impactful things that made my and the dedication to community service which freshmen year an amazing one. was evident in their upcoming events!

To be completely honest, when I first heard about Key Club, I thought that it was a club where When I went to their first meeting after the people made keys LOL. However, when I did more club fair, my first impression was about how research about it, I found out that it is actually a was many people showed up. It led me to service/volunteering club! I also heard many good think that this must be a great club! Little things about this club, so I decided to give it a did I know how big it actually was, until I shot. My first impression of Key Club when I joined a club meeting and service event was that went to my first DCM during the summer (I believe). It was so fun and everyone was everyone was really nice, outgoing, and welcoming for new people. At first I was a little really nice and funny. Also the atmosphere scared to talk to people, but I quickly came out of was really welcoming and I enjoyed my time that shell since everyone here is so kind :) there.

Member of the Month The member of the month does receive prizes! If you are member of the month, you will have a choice between receiving a PTP sticker or being allowed to give all the officers one dare to complete. The completed dares will be posted on Instagram and Tik Tok. You can be next month's member of the month by participating in as many service events and meetings as you can. With that being said, the Member of the Month for May is....

Ria Khatri!!!

PTP Stickers

PTP Stickers

Last Month's Member of the Month, Rajesh Ganji, gave the officers a dare to eat a spoonful of hot sauce so be sure to check it out: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1yPyeCppEcVyUzsaqTbqXhn aSCOWcUyVW/view?usp=sharing

UPCOMING EVENTS *All Events are an Hour Long Excluding Bonding* Zoom Link For all Events: https://tinyurl.com/zoomdublinkc

Join us for a chance to earn up to 15 hours by doing a volunteering opportunity of your choice! Dates: Week of 5/31-6/4 1pm-2pm Week of 7/05-7/09 1pm-2pm Week of 8/02-8/06 1pm-2pm

Friday 7/28 1pm-2pm: Tappy Trees+Bonding Saturday 6/27 2pm-4pm: Cranes For Cancer+Bonding Wednesday 6/02 1pm-2pm: Senior Night(make cards for seniors) And as always CMN Card making is still going on.

JULY DWS: Charity Miles!

WHEN: Thursday, July 1st to Saturday, July 31st | Fill out the verification form available through email by Sunday August 1st!! You must set the charity to March of Dimes and/or Unicef in order for your hours to be valid!

Please refer to the emails that go out for more information and updates!

Member Question of The Month Question of the Month: If you could choose to remain an age forever, what age would you choose and why?

How It Works:

Fill out the the form below answering this month's question of the month. The officers will pick the best/funniest/most interesting response. The winner will get 5 member points and those who participated will get 3 member points. The winner's response will be highlighted in next month's newsletter(can be anonymous). Remember, member points help make you member of the month! So, what are you waiting for??? This is a quick and easy way to get some member points and to allow us to learn about you!

Form: https://forms.gle/g8DBGZ4LcTumENRDA Due By: Friday 6/25 at 11:59pm

Last Month's Question of the Month Winner is.....

Seoyun Kim (Yuni) Last Month's Question Was... If you could only eat one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be and why? Yuni's response was: "I would definitely say poké bowl because there are so many different options, like different types of sashimi vegetables sauce and rice to put in. I feel like it's nutritious as well because it's balanced." Thank You To those of You Who Participated. If you were the first five participants you received 3 extra member points. Below are the amount of member points you gained... Yuni: 8 member points Rajesh Ganji: 6 member points Srividhya Chandramouleeswaran: 6 member points Aditi Natarajan: 6 member points Srija Nampally: 6 member points

Articles and Visuals

Learn about the experiences of other Key Club Members at events and make sure to submit them to help us gain more points for Devils' Golden Cup! "I had a lot of fun bonding with free rice because it is such an easy way to get hours as well as volunteer for a good cause. It was great seeing my friends there. It was a good time to relax and listen to music before finals too. I absolutely love free rice events." -Srividhya Chandramouleeswaran

"We played skribbl.io for a bit! It was super fun and I enjoyed this bonding event <3 I am VERY bad at the game but it was fun! I loved seeing everyone struggle to figure out my abraham lincoln drawing <3"

"During Game Night we played Garctic Phone and Among Us. I watched the others play Gartic Phone which was like an online version of telephone because I joined a little later. It was really fun to see what they came up with and then we played among us which I haven’t played in a while, so I wasn’t super great at it. Then during the first round I was imposter and it was funny for me to try and conceal my identity while also killing the crew mates. It was fun to hear everyone accuse each other and defend themselves." -Ria Khatri

June Game Night

On one Friday of every month we will be having a game night! Come get to know other Key Clubbers, get to know officers, and have a great time! Feel free to bring a few friends who aren't in Key Club as well!

*Make Sure To Have Your Account Ready Beforehand!!

THANK YOU FOR READING THIS EDITION OF OUR NEWSLETTER! If You Have Any Questions feel free to email dublinkeyclub@gmail.com or reach out through Instagram @dublinkeyclub!

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