Dubuque County Fair Wedding Booklet

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A bout U s O ur experienced team takes the stress out of planning your big d ay! W e can accom m od ate receptions of up to 900 people and w e can provid e any of your reception need s,includ ing linens,backd rops,larg e d ance floor,easy parking and full service bar. O ur friend ly,hig h energ y and accom m od ating staff is attuned to the ind ivid ual requirem ent of each event. W e are alw ays available to answ er any questions you have from the m om ent you tour our beautiful w ed d ing venue until the conclusion of your unique event. W e w ill w ork w ith you to ensure your special d ay is executed flaw lessly.

C ontact U s: 14569 O ld H ighw ay R oad D ubuque,IA 52002

Banquet & Reception Information

563-588-1406 M kotz@ dbqfair.com K kotz@ dbqfair.com w w w .dbqfair.com

A bout U s O ur experienced team takes the stress out of planning your big d ay! W e can accom m od ate receptions of up to 900 people and w e can provid e any of your reception need s,includ ing linens,backd rops,larg e d ance floor,easy parking and full service bar. O ur friend ly,hig h energ y and accom m od ating staff is attuned to the ind ivid ual requirem ent of each event. W e are alw ays available to answ er any questions you have from the m om ent you tour our beautiful w ed d ing venue until the conclusion of your unique event. W e w ill w ork w ith you to ensure your special d ay is executed flaw lessly.

C ontact U s: 14569 O ld H ighw ay R oad D ubuque,IA 52002 563-588-1406 M kotz@ dbqfair.com K kotz@ dbqfair.com w w w .dbqfair.com

Banquet & Reception Information

M ulti-D ay P ackages B e able to hold your rehearsal d inner, d ecorate,and have your reception w ithout the stress. R ent m ultiple d ays at a d iscount!

2 D ay D eal- F riday W edding R ent T hursd ay and F rid ay for only $725 . Includ es space to hold your rehearsal d inner T hursd ay and to d ecorate w ith a F rid ay reception. D iscoun t of $225

2 D ay D eal- S aturday W edding R ent F rid ay and S aturd ay for only $1275 . Includ es space to hold your rehearsal d inner F rid ay and to d ecorate w ith a S aturd ay reception. D iscoun t of $225

3 D ay D eal- S aturday W edding R ent T hursd ay,F rid ay and S aturd ay for only $15 5 0. Includ es space to hold your rehearsal d inner either T hursd ay or F rid ay and to d ecorate w ith a S aturd ay R eception. D iscoun t of $400

A sk us about caterin g your ev en t!!

F acility R estrictions W hen planning your set-up,you m ust coord inate the tim e and item s to be used w ith the F airg round s O ffice. T he F air office has several layout options available;any chang es to the chosen layout m ust be g iven to us 48 hours prior to your event. T he D ubuque C ounty F air A ssociation w illnot guarantee set-up tim es prior to 72 hours before your event. P lease contact our office to check on available set-up tim es for d ecorating . It is the renter’s responsibility to inform their D J,cake supplier and any other suppliers of item s being d elivered of w hat tim e they m ay arrive and set-up. T ear-d ow n tim e w ill be lim ited to one hour after event end ing tim e or be subject to an ad d itional fee,unless other arrang em ents have been d iscussed .

D ecoration R estrictions • W e d o not allow tape or staples on our tables, floors,furniture or w alls. T his includ es ad hesive prod ucts on d ance floor. • C onfetti,sand ,crystal g el balls etc. of any type, are prohibited . • C and les m ust be in cand le hold ers. N o free stand ing cand les are allow ed . A ll d écor item s that you bring in m ust be rem oved at the end of your event,unless prior arrang em ents have been m ad e w ith the F air O ffice.

M ulti-D ay P ackages B e able to hold your rehearsal d inner, d ecorate,and have your reception w ithout the stress. R ent m ultiple d ays at a d iscount!

2 D ay D eal- F riday W edding R ent T hursd ay and F rid ay for only $725 . Includ es space to hold your rehearsal d inner T hursd ay and to d ecorate w ith a F rid ay reception. D iscoun t of $225

2 D ay D eal- S aturday W edding R ent F rid ay and S aturd ay for only $1275 . Includ es space to hold your rehearsal d inner F rid ay and to d ecorate w ith a S aturd ay reception. D iscoun t of $225

3 D ay D eal- S aturday W edding R ent T hursd ay,F rid ay and S aturd ay for only $15 5 0. Includ es space to hold your rehearsal d inner either T hursd ay or F rid ay and to d ecorate w ith a S aturd ay R eception. D iscoun t of $400

A sk us about caterin g your ev en t!!

F acility R estrictions W hen planning your set-up,you m ust coord inate the tim e and item s to be used w ith the F airg round s O ffice. T he F air office has several layout options available;any chang es to the chosen layout m ust be g iven to us 48 hours prior to your event. T he D ubuque C ounty F air A ssociation w illnot guarantee set-up tim es prior to 72 hours before your event. P lease contact our office to check on available set-up tim es for d ecorating . It is the renter’s responsibility to inform their D J,cake supplier and any other suppliers of item s being d elivered of w hat tim e they m ay arrive and set-up. T ear-d ow n tim e w ill be lim ited to one hour after event end ing tim e or be subject to an ad d itional fee,unless other arrang em ents have been d iscussed .

D ecoration R estrictions • W e d o not allow tape or staples on our tables, floors,furniture or w alls. T his includ es ad hesive prod ucts on d ance floor. • C onfetti,sand ,crystal g el balls etc. of any type, are prohibited . • C and les m ust be in cand le hold ers. N o free stand ing cand les are allow ed . A ll d écor item s that you bring in m ust be rem oved at the end of your event,unless prior arrang em ents have been m ad e w ith the F air O ffice.

P ricing Insurance

C erem ony

T he D ubuque C ounty F air A ssociation hold s $1,000,000 w orth of G eneral L iability coverag e for any incid ent that is d ue to neg lig ence of the D ubuque C ounty F air A ssociation. In ad d ition, our insurance com pany requires all renters to subm it a C ertificate of G eneral L iability Insurance. You should contact your ag ent and have them call the D ubuque C ounty F air A ssociation for ad d itional inform ation. T he certificate m ust be received in the F airg round s office prior to your event d ate. If you d on’t have insurance, you can purchase insurance throug h the D ubuque C ounty fairg round s.

L ooking for an outd oor w ed d ing ? O ur festival area w ould be the perfect area to hold a cerem ony. $100 for a 1 hour cerem ony w hen you book the g rand ballroom for your reception.

R eception

C arry-in of w ine is subject to a $10 corking fee per bottle and M U ST be served by our bar staff. N o O ther C arry-ins A llow ed. A 15 % g ratuity is autom atically charg ed on all beverag e ord ers that are charg ed to the m aster bill. B artend ers retain the rig ht to have tip jars in place unless prior arrang em ents have been approved by the office or g eneral m anag er.

T he g rand B allroom can accom m od ate up to 900 people. T he rental rate for S aturd ay is $1000.00. F rid ay is $5 00. S und ay throug h T hursd ay is $45 0.00. P rice includ es 5 hours and set of tables,chairs, clean up and our bar staff.

P ricing Insurance

C erem ony

T he D ubuque C ounty F air A ssociation hold s $1,000,000 w orth of G eneral L iability coverag e for any incid ent that is d ue to neg lig ence of the D ubuque C ounty F air A ssociation. In ad d ition, our insurance com pany requires all renters to subm it a C ertificate of G eneral L iability Insurance. You should contact your ag ent and have them call the D ubuque C ounty F air A ssociation for ad d itional inform ation. T he certificate m ust be received in the F airg round s office prior to your event d ate. If you d on’t have insurance, you can purchase insurance throug h the D ubuque C ounty fairg round s.

L ooking for an outd oor w ed d ing ? O ur festival area w ould be the perfect area to hold a cerem ony. $100 for a 1 hour cerem ony w hen you book the g rand ballroom for your reception.

R eception

C arry-in of w ine is subject to a $10 corking fee per bottle and M U ST be served by our bar staff. N o O ther C arry-ins A llow ed. A 15 % g ratuity is autom atically charg ed on all beverag e ord ers that are charg ed to the m aster bill. B artend ers retain the rig ht to have tip jars in place unless prior arrang em ents have been approved by the office or g eneral m anag er.

T he g rand B allroom can accom m od ate up to 900 people. T he rental rate for S aturd ay is $1000.00. F rid ay is $5 00. S und ay throug h T hursd ay is $45 0.00. P rice includ es 5 hours and set of tables,chairs, clean up and our bar staff.

Deposits & Payments

D écor R ental

W hen you book a d ate at our facilities,a contract is issued to you. T he contract is d ue back to the fairg round s w ith a nonrefundable deposit of 50% of your rental fees,w ithin tw o w eeks of the booking d ate. If your contract and d eposit are received by the d ue d ate,your reservation w ill becom e confirm ed . Your final rental balance and any and all additional charges are due at the conclusion of your event. W e accept V isa, M asterC ard ,C ash or C hecks. A $30 service fee,in ad d ition to the orig inal check am ount, w ill be charg ed on any returned checks.

D ecorations

Cancellation In the event of a cancellation,the d eposit is non-refund able. If you cancel your event w ithin sixty (60) d ays of the sched uled event d ate,you w ill be billed for the rem aining balance of your rental fee.

Damage Waiver T he D ubuque C ounty F airg round s hold s renters fully responsible for d am ag e, vand alism or theft of property that m ay occur d uring your event. T he F airg round s office w ill notify you in w riting if w e encounter problem s d uring your event.

L ig hted B ack D rop… $5 0.00 ea. H ig h top P ub tables w ith linen… .$12.00 ea. P rojector… $35 .00 P ortable S ound S ystem … $5 0.00 65 Inch F lat S creen...$5 0.00

L inens T able L inen… $6.00 ea. A vailable in w hite only

C hair C overs… $1.5 0 ea.

S kirting S kirting … $15 .00 ea. P lastic covering for all tables… $75 .00 A ll prices above includ e set up and tear d ow n of linens and skirting

Deposits & Payments

D écor R ental

W hen you book a d ate at our facilities,a contract is issued to you. T he contract is d ue back to the fairg round s w ith a nonrefundable deposit of 50% of your rental fees,w ithin tw o w eeks of the booking d ate. If your contract and d eposit are received by the d ue d ate,your reservation w ill becom e confirm ed . Your final rental balance and any and all additional charges are due at the conclusion of your event. W e accept V isa, M asterC ard ,C ash or C hecks. A $30 service fee,in ad d ition to the orig inal check am ount, w ill be charg ed on any returned checks.

D ecorations

Cancellation In the event of a cancellation,the d eposit is non-refund able. If you cancel your event w ithin sixty (60) d ays of the sched uled event d ate,you w ill be billed for the rem aining balance of your rental fee.

Damage Waiver T he D ubuque C ounty F airg round s hold s renters fully responsible for d am ag e, vand alism or theft of property that m ay occur d uring your event. T he F airg round s office w ill notify you in w riting if w e encounter problem s d uring your event.

L ig hted B ack D rop… $5 0.00 ea. H ig h top P ub tables w ith linen… .$12.00 ea. P rojector… $35 .00 P ortable S ound S ystem … $5 0.00 65 Inch F lat S creen...$5 0.00

L inens T able L inen… $6.00 ea. A vailable in w hite only

C hair C overs… $1.5 0 ea.

S kirting S kirting … $15 .00 ea. P lastic covering for all tables… $75 .00 A ll prices above includ e set up and tear d ow n of linens and skirting

C atering S ervices T he D ubuque C ounty F airg round s offers catering for rehearsal and reception d inners. A sk for prices from the office. W e also have a list of approved caterers that you can select from . A ny food brought in m ust be from a licensed and insured caterer.You m ust inform the office of the nam e of the caterer and the num ber of people you are ord ering food for. P lease contact the caterer for their m enu and prices. Y ou w illneed to m ention that your event is taking place at the D ubuque C ounty F airgrounds for accurate pricing,as caterers’prices vary by venue. T he D ubuque C ounty F air A ssociation d oes not provid e bussing service for your m eal. T he caterer is responsible for the m ajority of the clean-up of plates & utensils. P lease inquire w ith them if there is an ad d itional bussing charg e,as this service is required .

A lcoholC onsum ption N o one und er the leg al ag e of 21 w ill be perm itted to purchase or consum e alcoholic beverag es at any tim e. If appropriate ID cannot be prod uced ,w e w ill not serve g uests of any ag e. G uests m ay be required to w ear a w ristband id entifying them as of leg al ag e. A ll m inors found consum ing alcohol w ill be prosecuted to the fullest extent. T he D ubuque C ounty F air A ssociation has the leg al rig ht to refuse service to anyone w ho appears to be intoxicated ,as w ell as reserving the rig ht to ask the person to leave the prem ises if he/she refuses to cooperate. T he D ubuque C ounty F air A ssociation retains the rig ht to call a prem ature end to an event if the participants show a blatant d isreg ard for our rules,policies,property and staff.

C atering S ervices T he D ubuque C ounty F airg round s offers catering for rehearsal and reception d inners. A sk for prices from the office. W e also have a list of approved caterers that you can select from . A ny food brought in m ust be from a licensed and insured caterer.You m ust inform the office of the nam e of the caterer and the num ber of people you are ord ering food for. P lease contact the caterer for their m enu and prices. Y ou w illneed to m ention that your event is taking place at the D ubuque C ounty F airgrounds for accurate pricing,as caterers’prices vary by venue. T he D ubuque C ounty F air A ssociation d oes not provid e bussing service for your m eal. T he caterer is responsible for the m ajority of the clean-up of plates & utensils. P lease inquire w ith them if there is an ad d itional bussing charg e,as this service is required .

A lcoholC onsum ption N o one und er the leg al ag e of 21 w ill be perm itted to purchase or consum e alcoholic beverag es at any tim e. If appropriate ID cannot be prod uced ,w e w ill not serve g uests of any ag e. G uests m ay be required to w ear a w ristband id entifying them as of leg al ag e. A ll m inors found consum ing alcohol w ill be prosecuted to the fullest extent. T he D ubuque C ounty F air A ssociation has the leg al rig ht to refuse service to anyone w ho appears to be intoxicated ,as w ell as reserving the rig ht to ask the person to leave the prem ises if he/she refuses to cooperate. T he D ubuque C ounty F air A ssociation retains the rig ht to call a prem ature end to an event if the participants show a blatant d isreg ard for our rules,policies,property and staff.

Food Service T he D ubuque C ounty F air A ssociation offers several caterers that you m ay choose from . W hether you are looking for casual appetizers or a form al d inner buffet,these caterers offer m any services and food choices. W e have provid ed their contact phone num bers so that you m ay speak w ith them d irectly about their service, prices & availability. You m ust m ention that your reception is taking place at the D ubuque C ounty F airg round s for accurate pricing .

The Barn ~ 563-552-2353 Hy-Vee -Asbury Plaza ~ 563-583-2199 Hy-Vee – Locust St ~ 563-583-6148 Hy-Vee –Dodge St ~563-583-5204 J & D Catering ~ 563-921-2935 Kalmes Catering ~ 563-773-2480 Poor Man’s Café ~ 563-552-1881 Edgewood Locker ~ 563-928-6814 Tony Roma’s ~ 563-690-3249 Rhody’s ~ 563-585-1500 A ll outsid e caterers are w elcom e but m ust be approved by the D ubuque C ounty F airg round s.

Food Service T he D ubuque C ounty F air A ssociation offers several caterers that you m ay choose from . W hether you are looking for casual appetizers or a form al d inner buffet,these caterers offer m any services and food choices. W e have provid ed their contact phone num bers so that you m ay speak w ith them d irectly about their service, prices & availability. You m ust m ention that your reception is taking place at the D ubuque C ounty F airg round s for accurate pricing .

The Barn ~ 563-552-2353 Hy-Vee -Asbury Plaza ~ 563-583-2199 Hy-Vee – Locust St ~ 563-583-6148 Hy-Vee –Dodge St ~563-583-5204 J & D Catering ~ 563-921-2935 Kalmes Catering ~ 563-773-2480 Poor Man’s Café ~ 563-552-1881 Edgewood Locker ~ 563-928-6814 Tony Roma’s ~ 563-690-3249 Rhody’s ~ 563-585-1500 A ll outsid e caterers are w elcom e but m ust be approved by the D ubuque C ounty F airg round s.

Beverage Service Wine Coolers & Carbonated Beverages S m irnoff R azz $60.00 per case

Well Liquor A m aretto,A pple P ucker,A pricot S chnapps, B lack V elvet,B lackberry B rand y,B utterscotch S chnapps, C hristian B rothers B rand y,F leischm ann’s G in,K essler’s,L aud ers S cotch,P each S chnapps,P epperm int S chnapps,R aspberry S chnapps,S loe G in,S eag ram s 7,P opov V od ka $55 per bottle (1 ltr) P rice includ es m ixers,cups,straw s and g arnish

Premium Liquor B acard i R um ,B ailey’s Irish C ream , C anad ian C lub,C aptain M org an,C row n R oyal,C utty S ark, D r. M cG illicud d y’s,Jack D aniels,Jag erm eister,Jim B eam , Jose C uervo E special,K ahlua,M alibu R um ,R um ple M inze, S outhern C om fort,T anqueray G in,T ito’s V od ka,U V B lue $65.00 per bottle (1 ltr) P rice includ es m ixers,cups,straw s and g arnish

Beverage Service Keg Beer B ud w eiser,B ud L ig ht,B usch L ig ht,M iller L ig ht,C oors L ig ht $250.00 each

Bottle Beer B ud w eiser,B ud L ig ht,B usch L ig ht,M iller L ite,C oors L ig ht, B usch N /A C ans,S elect 5 5 & M ichelob U ltra $55.00 per case (24 bottles)

Soda & Water C oke,D iet C oke,S prite,S prite Z ero,M ountain D ew , D iet M ountain D ew ,P epsi,D iet P epsi,C affeine F ree D iet P epsi, F resca,R oot B eer,D r P epper $20.00 per case (24 cans)

House Wine W hite Z infand el,C hard onnay,M erlot $15.00 per bottle (1.5 L iter)

Champagne A nd re W hite,A nd re P ink or A nd re S pum ante $12.00 per bottle 75 0m l

Sparkling Grape Juice ~ $5.00 per bottle B everag e charg es subject to 15 % g ratuity. P rices are subject to chang e w ithout notification Beverage Tickets ~ W ell or P rem ium D rinks $3.50 each

Cash Bar N o ad d itional charg e. A $100.00 staff fee w ill be charg ed for any event that d oes not have a cash bar. You m ay request item s not listed ,prices w ill vary. B everag e charg es subject to 15 % g ratuity. P rices are subject to chang e w ithout notification.

Beverage Service Wine Coolers & Carbonated Beverages S m irnoff R azz $60.00 per case

Well Liquor A m aretto,A pple P ucker,A pricot S chnapps, B lack V elvet,B lackberry B rand y,B utterscotch S chnapps, C hristian B rothers B rand y,F leischm ann’s G in,K essler’s,L aud ers S cotch,P each S chnapps,P epperm int S chnapps,R aspberry S chnapps,S loe G in,S eag ram s 7,P opov V od ka $55 per bottle (1 ltr) P rice includ es m ixers,cups,straw s and g arnish

Premium Liquor B acard i R um ,B ailey’s Irish C ream , C anad ian C lub,C aptain M org an,C row n R oyal,C utty S ark, D r. M cG illicud d y’s,Jack D aniels,Jag erm eister,Jim B eam , Jose C uervo E special,K ahlua,M alibu R um ,R um ple M inze, S outhern C om fort,T anqueray G in,T ito’s V od ka,U V B lue $65.00 per bottle (1 ltr) P rice includ es m ixers,cups,straw s and g arnish

Beverage Service Keg Beer B ud w eiser,B ud L ig ht,B usch L ig ht,M iller L ig ht,C oors L ig ht $250.00 each

Bottle Beer B ud w eiser,B ud L ig ht,B usch L ig ht,M iller L ite,C oors L ig ht, B usch N /A C ans,S elect 5 5 & M ichelob U ltra $55.00 per case (24 bottles)

Soda & Water C oke,D iet C oke,S prite,S prite Z ero,M ountain D ew , D iet M ountain D ew ,P epsi,D iet P epsi,C affeine F ree D iet P epsi, F resca,R oot B eer,D r P epper $20.00 per case (24 cans)

House Wine W hite Z infand el,C hard onnay,M erlot $15.00 per bottle (1.5 L iter)

Champagne A nd re W hite,A nd re P ink or A nd re S pum ante $12.00 per bottle 75 0m l

Sparkling Grape Juice ~ $5.00 per bottle B everag e charg es subject to 15 % g ratuity. P rices are subject to chang e w ithout notification Beverage Tickets ~ W ell or P rem ium D rinks $3.50 each

Cash Bar N o ad d itional charg e. A $100.00 staff fee w ill be charg ed for any event that d oes not have a cash bar. You m ay request item s not listed ,prices w ill vary. B everag e charg es subject to 15 % g ratuity. P rices are subject to chang e w ithout notification.

Beverage Service Wine Coolers & Carbonated Beverages S m irnoff R azz $60.00 per case

Well Liquor A m aretto,A pple P ucker,A pricot S chnapps, B lack V elvet,B lackberry B rand y,B utterscotch S chnapps, C hristian B rothers B rand y,F leischm ann’s G in,K essler’s,L aud ers S cotch,P each S chnapps,P epperm int S chnapps,R aspberry S chnapps,S loe G in,S eag ram s 7,P opov V od ka $55 per bottle (1 ltr) P rice includ es m ixers,cups,straw s and g arnish

Premium Liquor B acard i R um ,B ailey’s Irish C ream , C anad ian C lub,C aptain M org an,C row n R oyal,C utty S ark, D r. M cG illicud d y’s,Jack D aniels,Jag erm eister,Jim B eam , Jose C uervo E special,K ahlua,M alibu R um ,R um ple M inze, S outhern C om fort,T anqueray G in,T ito’s V od ka,U V B lue $65.00 per bottle (1 ltr) P rice includ es m ixers,cups,straw s and g arnish

Beverage Service Keg Beer B ud w eiser,B ud L ig ht,B usch L ig ht,M iller L ig ht,C oors L ig ht $250.00 each

Bottle Beer B ud w eiser,B ud L ig ht,B usch L ig ht,M iller L ite,C oors L ig ht, B usch N /A C ans,S elect 5 5 & M ichelob U ltra $55.00 per case (24 bottles)

Soda & Water C oke,D iet C oke,S prite,S prite Z ero,M ountain D ew , D iet M ountain D ew ,P epsi,D iet P epsi,C affeine F ree D iet P epsi, F resca,R oot B eer,D r P epper $20.00 per case (24 cans)

House Wine W hite Z infand el,C hard onnay,M erlot $15.00 per bottle (1.5 L iter)

Champagne A nd re W hite,A nd re P ink or A nd re S pum ante $12.00 per bottle 75 0m l

Sparkling Grape Juice ~ $5.00 per bottle B everag e charg es subject to 15 % g ratuity. P rices are subject to chang e w ithout notification Beverage Tickets ~ W ell or P rem ium D rinks $3.50 each

Cash Bar N o ad d itional charg e. A $100.00 staff fee w ill be charg ed for any event that d oes not have a cash bar. You m ay request item s not listed ,prices w ill vary. B everag e charg es subject to 15 % g ratuity. P rices are subject to chang e w ithout notification.

Beverage Service Wine Coolers & Carbonated Beverages S m irnoff R azz $60.00 per case

Well Liquor A m aretto,A pple P ucker,A pricot S chnapps, B lack V elvet,B lackberry B rand y,B utterscotch S chnapps, C hristian B rothers B rand y,F leischm ann’s G in,K essler’s,L aud ers S cotch,P each S chnapps,P epperm int S chnapps,R aspberry S chnapps,S loe G in,S eag ram s 7,P opov V od ka $55 per bottle (1 ltr) P rice includ es m ixers,cups,straw s and g arnish

Premium Liquor B acard i R um ,B ailey’s Irish C ream , C anad ian C lub,C aptain M org an,C row n R oyal,C utty S ark, D r. M cG illicud d y’s,Jack D aniels,Jag erm eister,Jim B eam , Jose C uervo E special,K ahlua,M alibu R um ,R um ple M inze, S outhern C om fort,T anqueray G in,T ito’s V od ka,U V B lue $65.00 per bottle (1 ltr) P rice includ es m ixers,cups,straw s and g arnish

Beverage Service Keg Beer B ud w eiser,B ud L ig ht,B usch L ig ht,M iller L ig ht,C oors L ig ht $250.00 each

Bottle Beer B ud w eiser,B ud L ig ht,B usch L ig ht,M iller L ite,C oors L ig ht, B usch N /A C ans,S elect 5 5 & M ichelob U ltra $55.00 per case (24 bottles)

Soda & Water C oke,D iet C oke,S prite,S prite Z ero,M ountain D ew , D iet M ountain D ew ,P epsi,D iet P epsi,C affeine F ree D iet P epsi, F resca,R oot B eer,D r P epper $20.00 per case (24 cans)

House Wine W hite Z infand el,C hard onnay,M erlot $15.00 per bottle (1.5 L iter)

Champagne A nd re W hite,A nd re P ink or A nd re S pum ante $12.00 per bottle 75 0m l

Sparkling Grape Juice ~ $5.00 per bottle B everag e charg es subject to 15 % g ratuity. P rices are subject to chang e w ithout notification Beverage Tickets ~ W ell or P rem ium D rinks $3.50 each

Cash Bar N o ad d itional charg e. A $100.00 staff fee w ill be charg ed for any event that d oes not have a cash bar. You m ay request item s not listed ,prices w ill vary. B everag e charg es subject to 15 % g ratuity. P rices are subject to chang e w ithout notification.

C atering S ervices T he D ubuque C ounty F airg round s offers catering for rehearsal and reception d inners. A sk for prices from the office. W e also have a list of approved caterers that you can select from . A ny food brought in m ust be from a licensed and insured caterer.You m ust inform the office of the nam e of the caterer and the num ber of people you are ord ering food for. P lease contact the caterer for their m enu and prices. Y ou w illneed to m ention that your event is taking place at the D ubuque C ounty F airgrounds for accurate pricing,as caterers’prices vary by venue. T he D ubuque C ounty F air A ssociation d oes not provid e bussing service for your m eal. T he caterer is responsible for the m ajority of the clean-up of plates & utensils. P lease inquire w ith them if there is an ad d itional bussing charg e,as this service is required .

A lcoholC onsum ption N o one und er the leg al ag e of 21 w ill be perm itted to purchase or consum e alcoholic beverag es at any tim e. If appropriate ID cannot be prod uced ,w e w ill not serve g uests of any ag e. G uests m ay be required to w ear a w ristband id entifying them as of leg al ag e. A ll m inors found consum ing alcohol w ill be prosecuted to the fullest extent. T he D ubuque C ounty F air A ssociation has the leg al rig ht to refuse service to anyone w ho appears to be intoxicated ,as w ell as reserving the rig ht to ask the person to leave the prem ises if he/she refuses to cooperate. T he D ubuque C ounty F air A ssociation retains the rig ht to call a prem ature end to an event if the participants show a blatant d isreg ard for our rules,policies,property and staff.

C atering S ervices T he D ubuque C ounty F airg round s offers catering for rehearsal and reception d inners. A sk for prices from the office. W e also have a list of approved caterers that you can select from . A ny food brought in m ust be from a licensed and insured caterer.You m ust inform the office of the nam e of the caterer and the num ber of people you are ord ering food for. P lease contact the caterer for their m enu and prices. Y ou w illneed to m ention that your event is taking place at the D ubuque C ounty F airgrounds for accurate pricing,as caterers’prices vary by venue. T he D ubuque C ounty F air A ssociation d oes not provid e bussing service for your m eal. T he caterer is responsible for the m ajority of the clean-up of plates & utensils. P lease inquire w ith them if there is an ad d itional bussing charg e,as this service is required .

A lcoholC onsum ption N o one und er the leg al ag e of 21 w ill be perm itted to purchase or consum e alcoholic beverag es at any tim e. If appropriate ID cannot be prod uced ,w e w ill not serve g uests of any ag e. G uests m ay be required to w ear a w ristband id entifying them as of leg al ag e. A ll m inors found consum ing alcohol w ill be prosecuted to the fullest extent. T he D ubuque C ounty F air A ssociation has the leg al rig ht to refuse service to anyone w ho appears to be intoxicated ,as w ell as reserving the rig ht to ask the person to leave the prem ises if he/she refuses to cooperate. T he D ubuque C ounty F air A ssociation retains the rig ht to call a prem ature end to an event if the participants show a blatant d isreg ard for our rules,policies,property and staff.

Food Service T he D ubuque C ounty F air A ssociation offers several caterers that you m ay choose from . W hether you are looking for casual appetizers or a form al d inner buffet,these caterers offer m any services and food choices. W e have provid ed their contact phone num bers so that you m ay speak w ith them d irectly about their service, prices & availability. You m ust m ention that your reception is taking place at the D ubuque C ounty F airg round s for accurate pricing .

The Barn ~ 563-552-2353 Hy-Vee -Asbury Plaza ~ 563-583-2199 Hy-Vee – Locust St ~ 563-583-6148 Hy-Vee –Dodge St ~563-583-5204 J & D Catering ~ 563-921-2935 Kalmes Catering ~ 563-773-2480 Poor Man’s Café ~ 563-552-1881 Edgewood Locker ~ 563-928-6814 Tony Roma’s ~ 563-690-3249 Rhody’s ~ 563-585-1500 A ll outsid e caterers are w elcom e but m ust be approved by the D ubuque C ounty F airg round s.

Food Service T he D ubuque C ounty F air A ssociation offers several caterers that you m ay choose from . W hether you are looking for casual appetizers or a form al d inner buffet,these caterers offer m any services and food choices. W e have provid ed their contact phone num bers so that you m ay speak w ith them d irectly about their service, prices & availability. You m ust m ention that your reception is taking place at the D ubuque C ounty F airg round s for accurate pricing .

The Barn ~ 563-552-2353 Hy-Vee -Asbury Plaza ~ 563-583-2199 Hy-Vee – Locust St ~ 563-583-6148 Hy-Vee –Dodge St ~563-583-5204 J & D Catering ~ 563-921-2935 Kalmes Catering ~ 563-773-2480 Poor Man’s Café ~ 563-552-1881 Edgewood Locker ~ 563-928-6814 Tony Roma’s ~ 563-690-3249 Rhody’s ~ 563-585-1500 A ll outsid e caterers are w elcom e but m ust be approved by the D ubuque C ounty F airg round s.

Deposits & Payments

D écor R ental

W hen you book a d ate at our facilities,a contract is issued to you. T he contract is d ue back to the fairg round s w ith a nonrefundable deposit of 50% of your rental fees,w ithin tw o w eeks of the booking d ate. If your contract and d eposit are received by the d ue d ate,your reservation w ill becom e confirm ed . Your final rental balance and any and all additional charges are due at the conclusion of your event. W e accept V isa, M asterC ard ,C ash or C hecks. A $30 service fee,in ad d ition to the orig inal check am ount, w ill be charg ed on any returned checks.

D ecorations

Cancellation In the event of a cancellation,the d eposit is non-refund able. If you cancel your event w ithin sixty (60) d ays of the sched uled event d ate,you w ill be billed for the rem aining balance of your rental fee.

Damage Waiver T he D ubuque C ounty F airg round s hold s renters fully responsible for d am ag e, vand alism or theft of property that m ay occur d uring your event. T he F airg round s office w ill notify you in w riting if w e encounter problem s d uring your event.

L ig hted B ack D rop… $5 0.00 ea. H ig h top P ub tables w ith linen… .$12.00 ea. P rojector… $35 .00 P ortable S ound S ystem … $5 0.00 65 Inch F lat S creen...$5 0.00

L inens T able L inen… $6.00 ea. A vailable in w hite only

C hair C overs… $1.5 0 ea.

S kirting S kirting … $15 .00 ea. P lastic covering for all tables… $75 .00 A ll prices above includ e set up and tear d ow n of linens and skirting

Deposits & Payments

D écor R ental

W hen you book a d ate at our facilities,a contract is issued to you. T he contract is d ue back to the fairg round s w ith a nonrefundable deposit of 50% of your rental fees,w ithin tw o w eeks of the booking d ate. If your contract and d eposit are received by the d ue d ate,your reservation w ill becom e confirm ed . Your final rental balance and any and all additional charges are due at the conclusion of your event. W e accept V isa, M asterC ard ,C ash or C hecks. A $30 service fee,in ad d ition to the orig inal check am ount, w ill be charg ed on any returned checks.

D ecorations

Cancellation In the event of a cancellation,the d eposit is non-refund able. If you cancel your event w ithin sixty (60) d ays of the sched uled event d ate,you w ill be billed for the rem aining balance of your rental fee.

Damage Waiver T he D ubuque C ounty F airg round s hold s renters fully responsible for d am ag e, vand alism or theft of property that m ay occur d uring your event. T he F airg round s office w ill notify you in w riting if w e encounter problem s d uring your event.

L ig hted B ack D rop… $5 0.00 ea. H ig h top P ub tables w ith linen… .$12.00 ea. P rojector… $35 .00 P ortable S ound S ystem … $5 0.00 65 Inch F lat S creen...$5 0.00

L inens T able L inen… $6.00 ea. A vailable in w hite only

C hair C overs… $1.5 0 ea.

S kirting S kirting … $15 .00 ea. P lastic covering for all tables… $75 .00 A ll prices above includ e set up and tear d ow n of linens and skirting

P ricing Insurance

C erem ony

T he D ubuque C ounty F air A ssociation hold s $1,000,000 w orth of G eneral L iability coverag e for any incid ent that is d ue to neg lig ence of the D ubuque C ounty F air A ssociation. In ad d ition, our insurance com pany requires all renters to subm it a C ertificate of G eneral L iability Insurance. You should contact your ag ent and have them call the D ubuque C ounty F air A ssociation for ad d itional inform ation. T he certificate m ust be received in the F airg round s office prior to your event d ate. If you d on’t have insurance, you can purchase insurance throug h the D ubuque C ounty fairg round s.

L ooking for an outd oor w ed d ing ? O ur festival area w ould be the perfect area to hold a cerem ony. $100 for a 1 hour cerem ony w hen you book the g rand ballroom for your reception.

R eception

C arry-in of w ine is subject to a $10 corking fee per bottle and M U ST be served by our bar staff. N o O ther C arry-ins A llow ed. A 15 % g ratuity is autom atically charg ed on all beverag e ord ers that are charg ed to the m aster bill. B artend ers retain the rig ht to have tip jars in place unless prior arrang em ents have been approved by the office or g eneral m anag er.

T he g rand B allroom can accom m od ate up to 900 people. T he rental rate for S aturd ay is $1000.00. F rid ay is $5 00. S und ay throug h T hursd ay is $45 0.00. P rice includ es 5 hours and set of tables,chairs, clean up and our bar staff.

P ricing Insurance

C erem ony

T he D ubuque C ounty F air A ssociation hold s $1,000,000 w orth of G eneral L iability coverag e for any incid ent that is d ue to neg lig ence of the D ubuque C ounty F air A ssociation. In ad d ition, our insurance com pany requires all renters to subm it a C ertificate of G eneral L iability Insurance. You should contact your ag ent and have them call the D ubuque C ounty F air A ssociation for ad d itional inform ation. T he certificate m ust be received in the F airg round s office prior to your event d ate. If you d on’t have insurance, you can purchase insurance throug h the D ubuque C ounty fairg round s.

L ooking for an outd oor w ed d ing ? O ur festival area w ould be the perfect area to hold a cerem ony. $100 for a 1 hour cerem ony w hen you book the g rand ballroom for your reception.

R eception

C arry-in of w ine is subject to a $10 corking fee per bottle and M U ST be served by our bar staff. N o O ther C arry-ins A llow ed. A 15 % g ratuity is autom atically charg ed on all beverag e ord ers that are charg ed to the m aster bill. B artend ers retain the rig ht to have tip jars in place unless prior arrang em ents have been approved by the office or g eneral m anag er.

T he g rand B allroom can accom m od ate up to 900 people. T he rental rate for S aturd ay is $1000.00. F rid ay is $5 00. S und ay throug h T hursd ay is $45 0.00. P rice includ es 5 hours and set of tables,chairs, clean up and our bar staff.

M ulti-D ay P ackages B e able to hold your rehearsal d inner, d ecorate,and have your reception w ithout the stress. R ent m ultiple d ays at a d iscount!

2 D ay D eal- F riday W edding R ent T hursd ay and F rid ay for only $725 . Includ es space to hold your rehearsal d inner T hursd ay and to d ecorate w ith a F rid ay reception. D iscoun t of $225

2 D ay D eal- S aturday W edding R ent F rid ay and S aturd ay for only $1275 . Includ es space to hold your rehearsal d inner F rid ay and to d ecorate w ith a S aturd ay reception. D iscoun t of $225

3 D ay D eal- S aturday W edding R ent T hursd ay,F rid ay and S aturd ay for only $15 5 0. Includ es space to hold your rehearsal d inner either T hursd ay or F rid ay and to d ecorate w ith a S aturd ay R eception. D iscoun t of $400

A sk us about caterin g your ev en t!!

F acility R estrictions W hen planning your set-up,you m ust coord inate the tim e and item s to be used w ith the F airg round s O ffice. T he F air office has several layout options available;any chang es to the chosen layout m ust be g iven to us 48 hours prior to your event. T he D ubuque C ounty F air A ssociation w illnot guarantee set-up tim es prior to 72 hours before your event. P lease contact our office to check on available set-up tim es for d ecorating . It is the renter’s responsibility to inform their D J,cake supplier and any other suppliers of item s being d elivered of w hat tim e they m ay arrive and set-up. T ear-d ow n tim e w ill be lim ited to one hour after event end ing tim e or be subject to an ad d itional fee,unless other arrang em ents have been d iscussed .

D ecoration R estrictions • W e d o not allow tape or staples on our tables, floors,furniture or w alls. T his includ es ad hesive prod ucts on d ance floor. • C onfetti,sand ,crystal g el balls etc. of any type, are prohibited . • C and les m ust be in cand le hold ers. N o free stand ing cand les are allow ed . A ll d écor item s that you bring in m ust be rem oved at the end of your event,unless prior arrang em ents have been m ad e w ith the F air O ffice.

M ulti-D ay P ackages B e able to hold your rehearsal d inner, d ecorate,and have your reception w ithout the stress. R ent m ultiple d ays at a d iscount!

2 D ay D eal- F riday W edding R ent T hursd ay and F rid ay for only $725 . Includ es space to hold your rehearsal d inner T hursd ay and to d ecorate w ith a F rid ay reception. D iscoun t of $225

2 D ay D eal- S aturday W edding R ent F rid ay and S aturd ay for only $1275 . Includ es space to hold your rehearsal d inner F rid ay and to d ecorate w ith a S aturd ay reception. D iscoun t of $225

3 D ay D eal- S aturday W edding R ent T hursd ay,F rid ay and S aturd ay for only $15 5 0. Includ es space to hold your rehearsal d inner either T hursd ay or F rid ay and to d ecorate w ith a S aturd ay R eception. D iscoun t of $400

A sk us about caterin g your ev en t!!

F acility R estrictions W hen planning your set-up,you m ust coord inate the tim e and item s to be used w ith the F airg round s O ffice. T he F air office has several layout options available;any chang es to the chosen layout m ust be g iven to us 48 hours prior to your event. T he D ubuque C ounty F air A ssociation w illnot guarantee set-up tim es prior to 72 hours before your event. P lease contact our office to check on available set-up tim es for d ecorating . It is the renter’s responsibility to inform their D J,cake supplier and any other suppliers of item s being d elivered of w hat tim e they m ay arrive and set-up. T ear-d ow n tim e w ill be lim ited to one hour after event end ing tim e or be subject to an ad d itional fee,unless other arrang em ents have been d iscussed .

D ecoration R estrictions • W e d o not allow tape or staples on our tables, floors,furniture or w alls. T his includ es ad hesive prod ucts on d ance floor. • C onfetti,sand ,crystal g el balls etc. of any type, are prohibited . • C and les m ust be in cand le hold ers. N o free stand ing cand les are allow ed . A ll d écor item s that you bring in m ust be rem oved at the end of your event,unless prior arrang em ents have been m ad e w ith the F air O ffice.

A bout U s O ur experienced team takes the stress out of planning your big d ay! W e can accom m od ate receptions of up to 900 people and w e can provid e any of your reception need s,includ ing linens,backd rops,larg e d ance floor,easy parking and full service bar. O ur friend ly,hig h energ y and accom m od ating staff is attuned to the ind ivid ual requirem ent of each event. W e are alw ays available to answ er any questions you have from the m om ent you tour our beautiful w ed d ing venue until the conclusion of your unique event. W e w ill w ork w ith you to ensure your special d ay is executed flaw lessly.

C ontact U s: 14569 O ld H ighw ay R oad D ubuque,IA 52002

Banquet & Reception Information

563-588-1406 M kotz@ dbqfair.com K kotz@ dbqfair.com w w w .dbqfair.com

A bout U s O ur experienced team takes the stress out of planning your big d ay! W e can accom m od ate receptions of up to 900 people and w e can provid e any of your reception need s,includ ing linens,backd rops,larg e d ance floor,easy parking and full service bar. O ur friend ly,hig h energ y and accom m od ating staff is attuned to the ind ivid ual requirem ent of each event. W e are alw ays available to answ er any questions you have from the m om ent you tour our beautiful w ed d ing venue until the conclusion of your unique event. W e w ill w ork w ith you to ensure your special d ay is executed flaw lessly.

C ontact U s: 14569 O ld H ighw ay R oad D ubuque,IA 52002 563-588-1406 M kotz@ dbqfair.com K kotz@ dbqfair.com w w w .dbqfair.com

Banquet & Reception Information

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