Ans-It is defined as a subset of artificial intelligence (AI) technology which allow systems to learn and develop from experience automatically without being programmed specifically. The focus of machine learning is on designing computer programmes which can access and use data to learn for themselves.
training dataset. For instance, to train the model, firstly it needs to be classified dataset and then label into labelled groups. On the other side,
Ans-In Machine Learning, the cross-validation method enables a
framework to improve the efficiency of the given Machine Learning algorithm to which you feed multiple sample data from the dataset. This method of sampling is done to split the dataset into smaller parts with the same number of rows, from which a random part is chosen as a test set and the rest of the parts are stored as train sets. It consists of the following techniques:
Holdout method K-fold cross-validation
Stratified k-fold cross-validation Leave p-out cross-validation