The Practical Fiction of Psychoanalysis

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THE PRACTICAL FICTION OF PSYCHOANALYSIS: An exegesis of the critiques and defenses of psychoanalytic modus operandi The methodology and validity of the kind of knowledge-generation produced in clinical psychoanalysis is the subject of much critical debate. What constitutes psychoanalytic ‘evidence’ and how this evidence is validated are two fundamental questions that psychoanalysts must be constantly aware of and ready to answer. There are many different ways of looking at these issues, some of which will be addressed in this essay. Starting with Freud and his ‘medical-scientific’ search for a clinical method to relieve psychological symptoms, we find hypnosis and later, dreams and free associations as indicative of the traditional position psychoanalysts have taken with respect to the methodological constraints of their particular ‘brand’ of epistemology1. A central question in this thesis is whether psychoanalysis can be measured as an empirical science, equal in its objective verifiability to the other ‘natural’ sciences, already well established in Freud’s time and all of which dealt with material subject matter2. The immateriality of psychoanalytic data, ab initio, is of critical importance to many of the responses psychoanalysts are required to make in defence of their prized discipline. Psychoanalysis is accused of being invalid, unreliable, un-empirical, unfalsifiable, overly inductive and essentially un-scientific. These criticisms are briefly referenced to their major proponents and the defenses made will be introduced to give the reader an overview of the status of the debate, which continues to this day, about the crisis of psychoanalysis as a science. 3 Freud was aware that his hypnotic method was vulnerable to attack and anticipated several criticisms, with characteristic austerity. Suggestion 4 was one such criticism, to which he responded in his published case materials. Anna O. 5 was described as being completely unsuggestible due to her, at times obstinate, critical common sense 6. This unsuggestible nature, which transpires to be internally consistent with the other clinical ‘facts’ of her case, is enough for Freud to rule out the possibility that


Theory of knowledge with regards to method validity and scope // investigation of what distinguishes justified belief from knowledge 2 These scientific disciplines were all able to construct experiments; investigating relations between variables that were objectively verifiable and reliably inter-observable (sometimes with the use of microscopes), whereas psychoanalysis deals in what is immaterial, what is hidden, what is in the realm of the so-called ‘unconscious’. 3 The conclusion that psychoanalysis may never be a science, as science wants it to be, and that it nonetheless appears valid and useful is summarised under the title of this essay: the practical fiction of psychoanalysis which seems adequate enough to justify its existence, and brings light to an otherwise darkened arena where it could seem as if the ‘dead horse’ of psychoanalysis was being kicked by straw men. 4 The undeniably possibility of the suggestion of the analyst to the patient during hypnosis. 5 The patient with whom the talking-cure (later to develop into psychoanalysis) was first discovered as a method of alleviating psychological and psychosomatic symptoms. “She had great poetic and imaginative gifts, which were under the control of a sharp and critical common sense. Owing to this latter quality she was completely unsuggestible; she was only influenced by arguments, never by mere assertions. Her willpower was energetic, tenacious and persistent; sometimes it reached the pitch of an obstinacy which only gave way out of kindness and regard for other people.”Breuer, J. & Freud, S. (1896). Studies in Hysteria, Chpt II, p. 21 6

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