vu han minh duc-porfolio
2 table of content Hi, my names Vu Han Minh Duc i study at Van Lang university.This portfolio was made when i study at 2nd year university. So this portfolio couldn’t completely good .
I just want to make this portfolio to show my skill in create a concept and skil. my most strengths skills is create concpet and analysis.
Education background -I’m in my 2nd year of university
Experience -i have 1 year of experience in an internship position at the company TPS8 -i was tutored sometimes
3 table of content
on progress learning 1.fas food restaurant 2.villa 3.history of orient ar c h i t e c t u r e personal-skill 1.photoshop-skills 2.revit-skills
vu han minh duc-porfolio on progress learning
history of architecturesemester 2020-2021-third project
history of orient architecture
villa- semester 2020-2021-first project
art of camera moverment
table of content
fasfood restaurant- semester 2020-2021-second project
table of content
learn by myseflt
learn by myseflt
training skills reivt
on progress learning skills
training skills photoshop
vu han minh duc-porfolio
6 restaurant fast food
restaurant fast food
the main concept solve a problem of the shape of area. Choose a glass frame system and roof curvy to make a point of view during a building plugged into the ground can make hallucination a roof flying .
7 7 restaurant fast food
-double direction of roof create the perspective of the project participants
-also i integrated gree space into the bulding to fix greenhouse effect
vu han minh duc-porfolio
8 restaurant fast food
9 restaurant fast food
the rhythm of green space throughout the building
the curvy direction to sweep a viewpoint
vu han minh duc-porfolio
10 villa
11 villa Art of camera moverment in film it like, when you have full space and you create narrow way to make a viewpoint also make open space
vu han minh duc-porfolio
12 history of orient architecture History of orient architecture
-Locate in japanese
13 history of orient architecture -The main concept urban of fashion hair
vu han minh duc-porfolio
14 Concept history of orient architecture
vu han minh duc-porfolio
16 photoshop skills
skills photoshop
style black and white
17 photoshop skills style illustrate
vu han minh duc-porfolio
18 revit skills
skills revit yam restaurant
19 revit skills yam restaurant
vu han minh duc-porfolio
20 revit skills
kindergaten BonMon
21 revit skills
kindergaten BonMon
+4. 740
1 TẦNG ẤP +1.C140 GIẬT +0. 780 ĐẤT MẶT 000 ±0.
vu han minh duc-porfolio
22 revit skills
revit skills