Annual Strategic Impact Assessment 2017/18

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1.1 Integrated strategic planning, quality assurance and financial health framework 1.2 Executive summary - balanced scorecard DIVERSITY ON DIVERSITY IMPACT ON DIVERSITY ENGAGEMENT ENGAGEMENT AND PARTICIPATION AND ENGAGEMENT PARTICIPATION AND PARTICIPATION IMPACT ONIMPACT 1.3 What were the college’s overall strategic outputs and inputs?





2.1 Balanced scorecard 2.2 Summary of outputs and inputs 2.3 Engagement and participation rates 2.4 Impact on diversity and inclusion 2.5 Outcomes for learners 2.6 Stakeholder satisfaction 2.7 Distance travelled by learners 2.8 Learner destinations 2.9 Impact on regional skills and the regional economy DISTANCE TRAVELLED DISTANCE TRAVELLED DISTANCE TRAVELLED 2.10 Review of strategic inputs (SIPs)




3.1 Balanced scorecard 3.2 Summary of outputs and inputs 3.3 Engagement and participation rates 3.4 Impact on diversity and inclusion 3.5 Outcomes for learners 3.6 Stakeholder satisfaction 3.7 Distance travelled by learners 3.8 Learner destinations 3.9 Impact on regional skills and the regional economy ON SKILLS REGIONAL IMPACTSKILLS ON REGIONAL SKILLSREVIEW OFREVIEW IMPACT ONIMPACT REGIONAL STRATEGIC OF STRATEGIC INPUTS REVIEWINPUTS OF STRATEGIC INPUTS 3.10 Review of strategic inputs (SIPs) AND THE ECONOMY REGIONAL AND ECONOMY THE REGIONAL ECONOMY AND THE REGIONAL

4 5 6 8

12 12 13 15 17 18 23 25 26 29 31

36 36 37 39 41 42 43 44 45 47 48


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4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 4.9

7.1 Balanced scorecard 7.2 Summary of outputs and inputs 7.3 Income 7.4 Operating surplus 7.5 In-country projects 7.6 Delegates in learning 7.7 International visitors to Dudley on scoping missions 7.8 Delegate satisfaction and achievement rate (UKIERI project)

106 107 109 110 111 112 113

Balanced scorecard Summary of outputs and inputs Engagement and participation rates Impact on diversity and inclusion Outcomes for learners Stakeholder satisfaction Learner destinations Impact on regional skills and the regional economy Review of strategic inputs (SIPs)

52 53 55 57 58 61 63 66 68



5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 5.8

72 73 75 77 78 81 83 86

Balanced scorecard Summary of outputs and inputs Engagement and participation rates Impact on diversity and inclusion Outcomes for learners Stakeholder satisfaction Impact on regional skills and the regional economy Review of strategic inputs (SIPs)

6. HIGHER SKILLS LEARNERS 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7 6.8 6.9

Balanced scorecard Summary of outputs and inputs Engagement and participation rates Impact on diversity and inclusion Outcomes for learners Stakeholder satisfaction Learner destinations Impact on regional skills and the regional economy Review of strategic inputs (SIPs)

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90 90 91 94 96 97 98 100 101 103


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1. INTRODUCTION The Annual Strategic Impact Assessment is a high-level analytical document which reviews the college’s progress in delivering the Strategic Plan 2016-19. It explicitly assesses the impact the college has made on its learners and the wider economy. The Annual Strategic Impact Assessment subsumes the former self-assessment report. The college seeks to fully integrate its strategic planning, quality assurance and financial health frameworks (see diagram overleaf). At the heart of this framework is the college’s mission and vision applied to the key client groups we serve. All aspects of the framework are bespoke to each key client group. Through Strategic Output Priorities (SOPs) we seek to express clearly the target outcomes for each key client group. Accordingly, the college assesses and prioritises those high level inputs - Strategic Input Priorities (SIPs) - required over the life of the strategic plan to realise these outcomes. A detailed College Operational Development Plan (CODP) provides an annual college-wide work stream. It specifies actions under each of the strategic input priorities for each key client group. The CODP is monitored by the Corporation and its various committees. Localised subject Quality Improvement Plans (QIPs) and staff individual performance objectives, arising from the college’s Performance Management Review system (PMR), link to and support the CODP.

of quality assurance and financial health indicators at a more granular level. Foremost of these are individual Subject Impact Assessments (SIAs) and Self-Evaluation Documents (SEDs) for our higher education programmes. In 2015/16 the college introduced a summative assessment of impact based on a balanced scorecard methodology, which can be seen at the start of each key client group section. Using a weighted scoring method applied to a number of strategic indicators, based on grade descriptors, the college assesses its overall impact on each key client group as either ‘above expectation’, ‘meets expectation’ or ‘below expectation’. The methodology assumes that 'meets expectation' is itself high performance aligned to our strategic ambition. The balanced scorecard is tailored in the areas assessed and the grade descriptors are used to ensure the framework is properly aligned to each of the college's key client groups. Further information on the college’s performance can be found on the Dudley dashboard on the college’s website.

The Annual Strategic Impact Assessment is the summative assessment and review of the college’s integrated strategic planning, quality assurance and financial health framework. It places an emphasis on the outcomes of the college’s actions, in effect the achievement, or otherwise, of our strategic output priorities. The Annual Strategic Impact Assessment is therefore data driven and narrative sections on the college’s inputs are intentionally limited. It is informed by a wide range


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Who are we here to support?

Key Client Groups (KCGs)

Full-time learners aged 16-18 years (college based). Full-time A level learners aged 16-18 years (college based). Full and part-time adult skills learners (college based). Apprenticeships and work based learners. Higher skills learners.

Personal objectives, from Performance Management Reviews (PMRs). Engagement and participation rates. Impact on diversity and inclusion. Outcomes for learners. Stakeholder satisfaction. Distance travelled by learners. Learner destinations. Impact on regional skills and the regional economy.

Why are we here?

College Operational Development Plan (COPD)

Subject impact assessment plans

Strategic Output Priorities (SOPs)

Strategic Plan Mission and Vision

Specifically what do we need to do each year?

What outcomes do we want for each of our key client groups?

Mid-Term Course Reviews. Internal and External Verification/ Moderation Reports. Local performance indicators i.e. attendance, learner progression. External Quality Framework Assessments i.e. Matrix, Investors in People. Feedback, internal and external surveys and learner voice activities.

Subject Performance Reports (SPRs)

Annual Strategic Impact Assessment (ASIA)

Self-Evaluation Documents, Higher Education (SED)

How do we know if we are making a difference?

Teaching and learning observations. HE Board of Study. Governance self-assessment.

Strategic Input Priorities (SIPs)

Review of strategic outputs

Financial health indicators

How about our financial health?

Outstanding teaching and learning. A relevant and responsive curriculum. Outstanding facilities and resources. Effective arrangements for meeting employers’ needs. Effective learner support services. Effective safeguarding and promotion of British values. Effective Leadership & Management.

At a strategic level what inputs do we need to focus on?


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Below expectations

Meets expectations

Above expectations

Full-time learners aged 16-18 years

Full-time A level learners aged 16-18 years

Full-time and part-time adult skills learners

Apprenticeship and work-based learners

Higher skills learners

Dudley College Worldwide


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The overall performance of this key client group is 'meeting expectations'. This group is exceeding expectations in terms of recruitment, diversity of our learners, their destinations and the financial impact on the college. Achievement rates, satisfaction, value added (distance travelled) and regional impact are meeting college expectations, although there are specific areas where improvements can be made. Once this is consistent across all curriculum areas, we would expect this key client group to be above expectations.

The overall performance of this key client group continues to be 'above expectations'. This group is exceeding expectations in terms of recruitment, achievement, learner/employer satisfaction and the financial impact on the college. Timely achievement has dipped slightly due to recent Apprenticeship reform changes, but still remains considerably above national rates. Increasing the diversity mix of our learners and raising the volume of work that is directly related to local skills needs, continues to be a focus.



The overall performance of this key client group is ‘meeting expectations’. Most measures are meeting expectations, including achievement, distance travelled and destinations. Whilst there have been improvements in these areas to meet the colleges expectations (such as an increase in high grades and more learners progressing to University), more can still be done to drive this further into 'above expectations'.

The overall performance of this key client group is 'meets expectations'. Learner achievements, satisfaction and destinations upon completion are both 'above expectations'.Whilst recruitment, regional impact and financial impact are all good there is still room to raise these further in line with the college's Strategic Plan.

FULL-TIME AND PART-TIME ADULT SKILLS LEARNERS The overall performance of this key client group is ‘above expectations'. The increased participation of adult learners, the diversity of this learner group, and the levels of satisfaction they report are all exceeding expectations. For all other measures (achievement, destinations, regional impact and financial impact) the performance has improved in many areas but could improve further. The focus is on continuing to develop adult provision that is aligned to employment in local priority sectors.

DUDLEY COLLEGE OF TECHNOLOGY WORLDWIDE The overall performance of this key client group is 'meeting expectations'. Dudley College Worldwide is exceeding expectations in terms of delegate achievement and their satisfaction. However the priority going forward is to maintain consistency in this delivery and financial out-turn.


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OUTPUTS What key outputs did we achieve? We significantly increased local participation in skills based learning: − We engaged: 4,006 young people in college based programmes; 1,379 young people and 2,474 adults in Apprenticeships; 3,040 adults in skills programmes; 487 adults in higher skills programmes.

− There are no significant differences in the success rates of learners from diverse groups or those with a learning difficulty or disability with the exception of those identifying as other ethnicity for both 16-18 and 19+. We supported the progression of our learners to positive destinations:

− Despite a falling local demographic and the falling demand from employers due to the Apprenticeship reform, we have maintained our Apprenticeship enrolment numbers this year.

− 2,386 learners (95.6%) young learners and 2,789 adults learners (93.7%) completing their programme of study progressed immediately to a positive destination, either higher or further training or directly into employment.

We successfully engaged learners from diverse communities:

We made a significant impact on the local skills gap by upskilling young people and adults:

− 1,090 learners (27%) young people on college based programmes and 1,180 learners (38.8%) adults on skills programmes were from ethnic minority groups. Our learners are more diverse than the local community where 11.9% of the population are from minority groups. − 1,157 (28.9%) college based young people and 696 (22.9%) adult learners on skills programmes reported a learning difficulty or disability. − 165 (33%) A and AS learners were from ethnic minority groups and 68 (13.5%) reported a learning difficulty or disability.

− 1,940 (51%) of Apprenticeships were on programmes directly supporting the Black Country Local Enterprise Partnership’s priority sectors. −

1,480 (39%) apprentices were following STEM programmes of study.

1,678 (42%) young people were following STEM programmes of study

− 295 (59%) A and AS learners were studying STEM subjects.

198 (31%) of higher skills learners were following STEM programmes of study.

We increased the numbers of learners who successfully achieved their programme of study:

− 351 learners (29.8%) of 16-18 learners completing their level 3 programme progressed immediately to Higher Education.

− Young people and adults on college based programmes, at all levels, achieve at rates above those reported nationally.

− 102 (24.4%) adult learners completing their level 2 programme, progressed immediately to an advanced level skills programme.

− Apprenticeship achievement rates remained very high. This is in spite of the Apprenticeship reform changes from frameworks to standards which have become more challenging for apprentices. All ages and all levels are still significantly above national rates.

- 94 (48.0%) young people achieved a grade A-C in mathematics and 195 (56.4%) achieved a grade A-C/9-4 in English in their retake programme.


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OUTPUTS CONTINUED We continue to achieve high levels of learner satisfaction across all areas which are well above national comparators.

What better outputs could we achieve?

− We increased the levels of learner satisfaction for our A level provision and this is now higher than national comparators.

The achievement rates of our level 2 functional skills provision.

The achievements of learners reporting ‘mixed’ ethnicity type.

− Externally and internally conducted surveys report high levels of satisfaction across the range of college programmes.

− The number of young people choosing non-traditional routes through Higher Education (such as degree Apprenticeships). −

The satisfaction scores for certain groups of learners.

− The number of learners completing A levels progressing into Higher Apprenticeships. − The timely success of certain Apprenticeship programmes.


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INPUTS What were the key strengths of our inputs? − The quality of teaching, learning and assessment, which was graded ‘Outstanding’ by Ofsted (May 2017).

− The support and challenge provided by teachers and assessors to raise the ambitions of young apprentices.

− An extensive A level curriculum offer and teachers’ delivery of engaging lessons which utilise resources and facilities very well.

Effective partnership with private training providers.

− A responsive 16-18 curriculum well aligned to local skills needs and clear progression routes to advanced and higher level skills programmes. −

Dedicated and effective progression guidance for A level learners.

− A comprehensive work readiness programme with excellent work placement opportunities for learners which develops and extends their work-related skills. −

Highly effective arrangements to support and safeguard learners.

− The college’s performance management system, which is used effectively to set challenging targets for staff. − Continuously evolving processes for developing outstanding practice in teaching and learning. − A strategic approach to the delivery of GCSE retake programmes which has led to improved learner achievement that is sector leading. − Effective ‘Upgrade – high achievement’ strategy aimed at supporting learners to achieve the highest possible grade in their programme. − The continued development of the Dudley Learning Quarter offers outstanding facilities and resources for learners including the opening of the Construction Apprenticeships Training Centre for learners on construction trades provision. − Leadership & Management which, in the vast majority of curriculum areas, is highly effective.

What inputs could we deliver better? − The ability of all teaching staff to differentiate effectively to meet the needs of learners with complex learning difficulties and disabilities. − Further develop our capacity to deliver Industrial Placements to learners on level 3 Study Programmes in a number of areas. − Dealing with learner satisfaction feedback in certain curriculum areas to ensure learners are aware of action taken. −

Supporting more employers to move from Apprenticeship frameworks to standards.

− The number of higher apprentices has improved from the previous year but will continue to be an area of focus. − Increasing access to online Apprenticeship tracking tools (including SmartAssessor) to employers. − The breadth of our higher skills programmes including a strategic vision for the area. − The promotion to women of graduate careers in engineering and advanced manufacturing.


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The College’s new Construction Apprenticeship Training Centre (CAT) opened in October 2017 – delivering first-class training facilities for all construction trades. 11

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16-18 year old learners


Exceeds expectations

Animal Science

Below expectations

Building Technologies

Exceeds expectations


Meets expectations


Meets expectations

Construction Trades

Meets expectations

Early Years

Meets expectations


Meets expectations

English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL)

Exceeds expectations

Hair & Beauty

Exceeds expectations

Health & Social Care

Meets expectations



Meets expectations

Regional Skills impact Financial contribution


Meets expectations

Motor Vehicle

Exceeds expectations

Performance Studies

Meets expectations

Public Services

Meets expectations


Below expectations


Meets expectations

Below expectations

Meets expectations

Above expectations

Participation Diversity Achievement Satisfaction Distance travelled


The overall performance of this key client group is 'meeting expectations'. This group is exceeding expectations in terms of recruitment, diversity of our learners, their destinations, and the financial impact on the college. Achievement rates, satisfaction, value added (distance travelled), and regional impact are meeting college expectations, although there are specific areas where improvements can be made. Once this is consistent across all curriculum areas we would expect this key client group to be above expectations.


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Special Education Needs & Disability (SEND)

Exceeds expectations


Below expectations

Travel & Tourism

Exceeds expectations

Visual Arts

Meets expectations

Youth Skills

Meets expectations

As well as this Strategic Impact Assessment, each curriculum area also conducts its own annual assessment of performance against the same criteria. The table above gives a summary of the overall scorecard grades for each curriculum area within this key client group. It is important to note that ‘meets expectations’ is already a high standard that we set for our curriculum teams. There is no relation to our scorecard methodology and Ofsted grades. An area may be performing well in terms of learner achievement for example, but not meeting our expectations in terms of recruitment and financial impact. This Subject Impact Assessment allows us to focus on the areas we wish to develop further over the coming academic year.

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OUTPUTS What key outputs did we achieve? We significantly increased local participation in skills based learning: −

We engaged 4,006 young people in learning in 2017/18.

Despite a falling local demographic we have increased the participation of young people in learning by 54.7% since 2011.

We successfully engaged learners from diverse communities: −

1,090 learners (27%) were from ethnic minority groups. Our learners are more diverse than the local community where 11.9% of the population are from minority groups.

1,157 learners (28.9%) reported a learning difficulty or disability. The number of learners declaring a disability has increased by 8.2% over the last three years.

We supported high numbers of learners to successfully achieve their programme of study: −

Overall achievement rates for learners at all levels are above latest national rates.

The achievement rates of male and female learners and those with and without a learning difficulty or disability are broadly similar.

The Alps T score showed a continued improvement and is now a grade 4.

We supported the progression of our learners to positive destinations: −

2,386 learners (95.6%) completing their programme of study progressed immediately to a positive destination, either higher or further training or directly into employment.

Progression was positive for learners at all levels: level 1: 97.2% level 2: 95.7% level 3: 94.6%

We made a significant impact on the local skills gap by upskilling young people: −

1,678 (42%) young people were following STEM programmes of study.

728 (73.7%) learners completing their level 2 programme, (those who joined us with less than 5 GCSEs grade C or above from school), progressed immediately to an advanced level skills programme.

351 learners (29.8%) completing their level 3 programme progressed immediately to Higher Education.

907 learners improved their functional skills in English and mathematics.

94 learners (48.0%) achieved a grade A-C in mathematics and 195 (56.4%) achieved a grade A-C/9-4 in English in their retake programme.

We continued to achieve high levels of learner satisfaction against national comparators.

What better outputs could we achieve? −

The value added scores of learners completing BTEC level 3 National Diplomas, whilst improving, needs further work to ensure consistency across curriculum areas.

Achievement rates on a minority of technical programmes that have moved to new exam-based assessment methodology.

The achievement rates of our level 2 functional skills provision.

The achievements of learners reporting ‘mixed’ ethnicity type.

The number of young people choosing non-traditional routes through Higher Education (such as degree Apprenticeships).

The satisfaction scores for learners, whilst high, could improve further in certain curriculum areas.


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INPUTS What were the key strengths of our inputs?

What inputs could we deliver better?

A responsive curriculum well aligned to local skills needs.

Clear progression routes to advanced and higher level skills programmes.

The process and systems we have in place to support learners to achieve the very highest grades could be improved further in some curriculum areas.

The quality of teaching, learning, and assessment, which was graded ‘Outstanding’ by Ofsted (May 2017).

The ability of all teaching staff to differentiate effectively to meet the needs of learners with complex learning difficulties and disabilities.

Continuously evolving processes for developing outstanding practice in teaching and learning.

Further develop our capacity to deliver Industrial Placements to learners on level 3 study programmes in a number of areas.

A strategic approach to the delivery of GCSE retake programmes, which has led to improved learner achievement that is sector leading.

Dealing with learner satisfaction feedback in certain curriculum areas to ensure learners are aware of action taken.

Highly effective support for learners – both in-class and through a range of dedicated support services.

Effective ‘Upgrade – high achievement’ strategy aimed at supporting learners to achieve the highest possible grade in their programme.

Very high standards of learner behaviour reinforced throughout their programme of study.

A comprehensive work readiness programme with excellent work placement opportunities for learners, which develops and extends their work-related skills.

Good partnerships with the Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) and the wider business community, which benefits learners.

Highly effective arrangements to support and safeguard learners and to promote British values.

The continued development of the Dudley Learning Quarter offers outstanding facilities and resources for learners including the opening of the Construction Apprenticeships Training Centre for learners on construction trades provision.

The college’s performance management system which is used effectively to set challenging targets for staff.

Leadership & Management which, in the vast majority of curriculum areas, is highly effective.


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2.3 ENGAGEMENT AND PARTICIPATION RATES Learner engagement trend analysis


3,852 3,468






3,661 33,000

3,054 2,589



2,500 2,000


1,500 1,000



Number of 16-18 year olds in the region



0 2011/12








16-18 Population

We have been successful in our drive to engage more young people in learning. The overall numbers of learners rose in 2017/18. Core college programmes of study have continued to grow, resulting in a shift from 2,589 learners in 2011/12 to 4,006 learners in 2017/18, an increase of 54.7%. This growth is set against a backdrop of a shrinking population of young people aged 16-18 years, both in Dudley borough and the surrounding areas. There are a number of factors influencing this growth, none more so than the improving quality of our provision and the development of the Dudley Learning Quarter, which now provides first class specialist training facilities. This growth shows high levels of confidence in Dudley College of Technology and is vital both for the regional economy and our continued financial health.


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Seisdon Gospel End Tipton Himley

West Bromwich Oldbury

Rowley Regis Brierley Hill

Stourbridge Halesowen

The map shows the travel to learn pattern of our learners in 2017/18. The majority of learners are from Dudley borough, as you would expect, with increasing numbers of learners looking to remain in Dudley to study rather than travel elsewhere. Our catchment area has extended slightly, with an increase in recruitment from the schools in the west of the borough and on the border with Wolverhampton. We are pleased to be the first choice for many local learners and recognise the wider regional contribution we make to the lives of learners aged 16-18 years.


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Learning difficulty or disability Asian 13.5%

Male 54%

Black 5.8%

Yes 21.5%

Mixed 6.5%

Other 1.4%

White 72.8%

Female 46%

For learners aged 16-18 years there were slightly more male learners in 2017/18 than female (which is in keeping with the previous year), however both groups achieved at very similar rates. We continue to support a diverse mix of learners. Their ethnicity profile shows our learners as a group are more diverse than the local community. 27.2% of our learners are from minority groups which make up; 11.9% of the local population. Learners from minority groups succeed at an equally high rate compared to others in the college; ‘mixed’ ethnicity learners continue to be the exception. Despite a slight increase in their achievement (+2%) compared with last year, they still achieved 5% below the college average. The college will continue to investigate this and take any required action. Feedback from our learners and other stakeholders indicates that the college provides an inclusive and harmonious environment in which to study.

No 78.5%

We are pleased to support 1,157 learners with learning difficulties or disabilities. The number of learners with a learning difficulty or disability studying with us has increased by 8.2% over the last three years. They succeed at a comparable rate to their peers, although the gap has increased slightly this year (5.8% compared to 1.3% in 16/17). This may be due to the increase in learners with more complex needs. The college is implementing a new Lead Practitioner role to support teaching staff in meeting the needs of these learners within the classroom.


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Achievement rate - all levels

Achievement rates for our full-time learners aged 16-18 years have remained high and are above latest published national rates at all levels. The overall achievement rate now stands at 82.3% above the last published national rate of 81.5%.



90% 80%



77.8% 77.1%







60% 50%





College achievement rate

Level 2

Latest published national achievement rate


Level 1 achievement has increased on the previous year, now moving considerably above national level. Level 2 achievement has remained broadly in line with previous year and above national rate.

100% 90%




Level 3 achievement remains above latest national rate and has maintained at the rate reported in 16/17. The challenge remains with learners on BTEC Science programmes where they are expected to take an end point examination. The college continues to work with these learners to prepare them for the examination element of the programme.


79.0% 78.9%


50% 2015/16



60% 50%

College achievement rate




College success rate

Level 3

Latest published national success rate

Latest published national achievement rate

100% 90%







80% 70% 60% 50%


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College success rate Latest published national success rate

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Former Prime Minister Tony Blair and Ian Austin MP visit Dudley College of Technology 19

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2.5 OUTCOMES FOR LEARNERS CONTINUED Functional Skills achievement rate - all levels 100%


80% 69.4%



65.9% 60.7% 59.9%

50% 2015/16



College achievement rate Latest published national achievement rate

We are very pleased to report a continued improvement in overall achievement rates in Functional Skills. We work with learners who achieved a grade E/2 or below to complete a Functional Skills qualification as a stepping stone to ultimately retake their GCSE qualification. The team have worked hard to improve the performance of learners on entry level and level 1 programmes. We have seen a dip in performance at level 2 in both English and mathematics Functional Skills. The number of learners studying at level 2 is small. The Lead Practitioners will work closely with tutors teaching level 2 Functional Skills and learners studying at level 2 to improve outcomes.


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2.5 OUTCOMES FOR LEARNERS CONTINUED GCSE retake results - three year trend

A*-C or 9-4

18.8% 43.4%

D-G or 3-1




51% 78.2% 56.4%





48% 2016/17


GCSE English 2017/18 continued to see very large number of learners undertaking GCSE retakes, having not achieved this qualification at school. Although there was a drop in performance in English following an exceptional year in 16/17, the high grades remain strong, and well above latest national rates reported. This year also saw our learners undertaking the reformed GCSE mathematics qualification – now graded from 1 to 9. This includes a much wider and challenging syllabus and an additional examination, going from two exams to three. Despite this, our high grade (9-4) results in mathematics remained high with 48% of learners achieving these grades. Our approach to deliver GCSE retakes over a two year programme, with the opportunity for a first year achievement for more able learners, appears to give the best opportunity for success.




GCSE mathematics



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2.6 STAKEHOLDER SATISFACTION Year end learner satisfaction (QDP survey) 100


73 73

74 74

73 72

Teaching and learning

The support I receive

My progress



79 78

73 73

76 77 66 65

75 76








16-18 rating

Test and assessments

Wellbeing Work placement Accommodation and and work equipment experience

Learner voice

Next step

Overall satisfaction


We conduct surveys each year to understand learners’ satisfaction with their programme of study and the wider college. Their feedback informs subject impact assessment reviews and quality improvement plans. The college employs an external agency, QDP, to conduct midyear and end-year surveys and to benchmark the results against 80 other grade 2 or above general Further Education colleges.

Whilst responses are broadly in keeping with the national benchmark, they do show a slight drop in levels of learner satisfaction (compared to the previous year) on all measures apart from Work Placement and Work Experience, which was maintained, and Accommodation and Equipment, which improved. The drop in learner satisfaction may be as a result of the ‘Outstanding’ grade awarded and the heightened expectation linked to this, but clearly this will be a focus of our improvement work in 2018/19 to ensure high levels of satisfaction are reported. This will be actioned at a subject area level, following up survey results with activity linked to any areas of concern.


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2.6 STAKEHOLDER SATISFACTION CONTINUED The chart below shows the results of the Skills Funding Agency FE Choices Learner Satisfaction survey, which is conducted externally. Responses to the survey remain high, with an overall satisfaction rating of 8.1, which is in keeping with the previous year. This shows us rated in position 32 out of 207 colleges who complete this survey nationally. Like the above QDP survey, this represents a slight drop from the previous year and shows the need to continue to drive improvement to meet expectations of our learners.

Learners were asked to rate various aspects of their course, learning programme, or training programme on a scale of 0 to 10 where 0 is ‘very dissatisfied’ and 10 is ‘very satisfied’. The questions were as follows: 1. How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the teaching on your course/training programme/activity? 2. How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the way staff treat you?

Learner Satisfaction (FE Choices Survey)

3. How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the advice you have been given about what you can do after this course/ training programme/activity?

10 9

4. How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the support you get on this course/training programme/activity?

8 Learner satisfaction


5. How satisfied or dissatisfied are you that the course/ training programme/activity is meeting your expectations?


6. How satisfied or dissatisfied are you that your college/ learning provider responds to the views of learners?

5 4

7. Overall, how satisfied or dissatisfied are you with your college/learning provider?


8. How likely is it that you would recommend the college/ learning provider to friends or family?

2 1 0 2017/18

Qu. 1

















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2.7 DISTANCE TRAVELLED BY LEARNERS Alps Value Added Indicator *Alps - Advanced level performance system

Single year T score

Three year T score

Alps T score Alps T score grade














40% 25%












Alps Value Added Measure for BTEC programmes only (A levels reported in Section 3)


















2015/16 - 2017/18








The Alps T scores combine the provider's value added indicator, along with the top and bottom 25% teaching and learning indicators, to provide an overall picture of performance. This is compared against the performance of all providers in the Alps benchmark and graded on a scale of 1 (best) to 9 (worst). A grade of 4 is considered good performance in that learners are achieving their expected grade. The value added score for our learners is a measure of their final grade compared to the grades and qualifications they achieved prior to their enrolment with us. It determines whether our learners are making enough progress with their studies. The ‘T score’ provides an overall measure of performance, as shown in the table above. The table shows that our overall T score for learners on BTEC National Diploma programmes is improving and now meets the level we would expect based on the grades of our enrolling learners. However, we want to do more to ensure our learners go beyond this and achieve a grade above their expected performance. Equally, the improvement in value added scores is not seen consistently across all subject areas. We will work with areas to ensure all of our learners not only succeed, but do so with the highest possible grade.

Please note: Due to a significant shift in BTEC performance in 2015, the Alps reports have been re-benchmarked for 2015/16 and do not allow an exact comparison with previous years.


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2.8 LEARNER DESTINATIONS All levels Unemployed/voluntary/ NEET/other 4.4%

Higher Education 16.9%

Education/training (not HE) 53.4% Employment 25.3%

We gather information on the destination of our completing learners each year via tutors and phone survey conducted a few months after completion of their programme of study. The above charts show the headline destination data for all learners aged 16-18 years completing their studies in 2017/18, followed by an analysis by level.


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Level 1

Level 2

Unemployed/voluntary/ NEET/other 2.8% Higher Education 1.5% Employment 18%

Unemployed/voluntary/ NEET/other 4.3%

Level 3 Unemployed/voluntary/ NEET/other 5.4%

Higher Education 1.0%

Employment 20.6%

Higher Education 34.4% Employment 32.3%

Education/training (not HE) 77.7%

Education/training (not HE) 74.1% Education/ training (not HE) 28%

Overall the survey reported that 2,387 (95.6%) completing learners progressed to a positive destination, Higher Education (University), education, training or employment. A positive progression rate is seen at all levels; level 1: 97.2%, level 2: 95.7%, level 3: 94.6%. This continues a three year trend of positive outcomes for our learners. 3,404 learners (34.4%) from level 3 progressed directly into Higher Education and 380 (32.3%) progressed into employment. The number of learners choosing to progress to Higher Education is consistent with numbers reported in 16/17. The numbers progressing to employment has increased again (+2%). At lower levels the bulk of learners continued in education. This is due to many learners arriving at college with less than five GCSEs grade C or above who followed preparatory qualifications as a stepping stone to level 3 and beyond.


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2.8 LEARNER DESTINATIONS CONTINUED Destinations by diversity type 0%






Male Female Asian Black Mixed White LDD* - Yes LDD* - No

Education/training (not HE)

Higher Education



*Learning Difficulty or Disability (LDD) An analysis of destinations by diversity type shows that the overall positive destination rate is broadly the same for all groups. The increase in the number of learners progressing to employment can be seen across all cohorts. The college is committed to encouraging more of our learners to continue on to higher studies. The numbers choosing to complete higher studies through a Higher Apprenticeship has more than doubled since 2015/16. We continue to work with Universities through the National Collaborative Outreach Project (NCOP) on a wide range of initiatives to drive this.


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2.9 IMPACT ON REGIONAL SKILLS AND THE REGIONAL ECONOMY STEM in the curriculum - trend analysis

60% 50%

50% 40%

46% 39%





30% 20% 10% 0% 2011/12







The local economy relies on a workforce with high level skills in STEM subjects (science, technology, engineering and mathematics). The chart shows the percentage of qualifications completed by learners aged 16-18 years that were in STEM related subjects. In 2017/18, 1,682 (42%) of our young people followed STEM programmes of study. Although this represents a three year drop, it is predominantly linked to the number of A level learners studying in STEM subjects which has reduced from 68% to 59%. We continue to see a good percentage of our learners studying STEM, showing our continued focus on ensuring we develop our curriculum to meet the needs of these important sectors. The bulk of our newly introduced curriculum programmes (such as our new Centre for Advanced Building Technologies) are linked to STEM careers.


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2.9 IMPACT ON REGIONAL SKILLS AND THE REGIONAL ECONOMY CONTINUED Progression to advanced level - trend analysis 900



















10% 2011/12 Level 2 leavers



Level 3 next year





Forward progression

As detailed earlier, in total 95.7% of completing level 2 learners progressed to a positive destination, either education or employment. 74.1% of learners continued on with training, the majority with us. As detailed in the graph, 47% of all of the college’s level 2 learners progressed directly into level 3 provision. This progression rate has increased since 2011/12 and is in keeping with previous years. This indicates that the completion of a level 2 programme is effective in supporting immediate progress to advanced level skills training, and that a growing number of level 2 learners choose this option. The college clearly plays an important role locally in progressing learners to advanced level skills programmes which are required to support the regional economy.


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2.10 REVIEW OF STRATEGIC INPUTS (SIPs) OUTSTANDING TEACHING AND LEARNING The quality of teaching, learning and assessment is routinely outstanding. Ofsted commented that: “Most teachers and assessors make very careful use of the extensive information they hold on learners’ prior attainment and recent progress; they plan lessons that ensure that work is demanding for all members of the group and helps them to achieve their potential. Where learners struggle, teachers are quick to identify this and to help them catch up.” “In the best lessons teachers use their industry knowledge and experience to stretch, challenge, motivate and inspire learners about their subject.Teachers make excellent use of these resources and, in addition, develop varied, creative and stimulating learning materials that inspire learners to succeed. The use of ILT and SMART technologies is well developed across college, which enhances learners’ experience.” Ofsted Further Education & Skills Inspection Report May 2017. Teachers successfully develop the English skills of learners and focus very well on spelling, punctuation, and grammar in lessons and in marked work. Learners develop their skills of discussion and argumentation well and are able to challenge each other’s viewpoint robustly and respectfully in lessons. As a result of well-thought-out improvement planning, the teaching of discrete English and mathematics has improved significantly this year, and is now consistently good; learners are making significantly better progress in lessons than they were in previous years. The assessment of learners’ progress is highly effective. In lessons, teachers skilfully use a range of strategies to acquire a strong insight into the skills gaps of individual learners. They use this information well to plan activities that meet learners’

individual needs and prior learning. In the large majority of lessons, feedback and target setting are comprehensive, and learners have a clear understanding of how they can improve their work. Learners respond very well to this feedback and make considerable progress as a result of the support and guidance they receive. Support and challenge provided by teachers is effective. Staff demonstrate high expectations of learners and set challenging targets, which leads to learners producing a high standard of work. Targets are monitored effectively and support or intervention is put in place as required. A college-wide ‘Upgrade’ campaign puts an ongoing focus on high grades and provides a relentless drive for staff and learners to make the best progress possible from their starting point, to achieve their target grade and beyond. Staff provide a range of excellent additional services to help learners who may be struggling with English and mathematics. For example, the ‘Learning Hub’, a dedicated study space within the college, provides additional sessions every week, and ‘Upgrade Week’, a week where normal timetables are suspended, is used to raise aspirations, provide intensive support for those preparing for exams, and to further challenge learners to achieve high grades in their technical qualifications.

Over a number of years, managers have introduced progressive and sustained improvements to cross-college approaches to improving the quality of teaching, learning and assessment. This includes highly effective ‘teaching triangles’, ‘teach meets’ and ‘bring and brag’ sessions allowing teachers to discuss and share practice. These approaches are contributing to a further, very positive improvement in the college’s culture, which encourages teachers to be professionally reflective, confident, enthusiastic, and willing to take risks to bring the best out of their learners. “Teachers take the opportunities, where they arise in lessons, to promote the diversity of modern Britain very effectively to their learners.Teachers ensure that learners have a strong understanding of current global topics and link this well to securing a good understanding amongst learners of British values” - Ofsted Further Education & Skills Inspection Report May 2017.

Learners with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) are well supported to progress on to mainstream programmes. Teaching in this area is innovative and inspiring, and allows learners to develop their independence. Internal quality assurance of teaching, learning and assessment is robust and covers all teachers, assessors and learning support staff. Biennial health checks, which include formal ungraded observations against our professional teaching standards, are carried out by a dedicated team from our Standards and Performance department.


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2.10 REVIEW OF STRATEGIC INPUTS (SIPs) CONTINUED A RELEVANT AND RESPONSIVE CURRICULUM “The college makes an outstanding contribution to the development of digital, scientific, engineering and technological skills in the region by ensuring that the curriculum responds directly to emerging skills gaps. Extremely close collaboration with the college’s key stakeholders, including the Black Country Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP), employers and higher education institutions, has created new opportunities for learners at the college to progress successfully into employment, further training or higher education.” Ofsted Further Education & Skills Inspection Report May 2017. The college has embraced the STEM agenda offering clear progression routes from entry level to higher skills. This effectively responds to the significant skills shortage identified in the Black Country and the LEP priorities. There is a need to continue to develop higher level professional and technical skills programmes in building technologies. To support this and build upon the successful work already started with Building Information Modelling programmes, the college has opened a new centre, Dudley Advance II - Centre for Advanced Building Technologies. Level 1 provision is enhanced by the introduction of a new technical qualification that provides a greater focus on core skills, giving learners the knowledge, skills and understanding required to progress to the next level. Significantly improved arrangements are in place to support all learners to develop their English and mathematical skills. Actions include extensive restructuring of timetables, introducing these subjects into cross-college conferences to emphasise their importance to learners, increasing hours on discrete courses, recruiting new specialist teachers, and supporting existing teachers to gain level 4 qualifications in English and mathematics. As a result, learners clearly

understand the message that good English and mathematical skills are essential for their next steps and future opportunities, and achievement rates in both English and mathematics have continued to improve significantly. OUTSTANDING FACILITIES AND RESOURCES Learners value and make very good use of the exceptional facilities and accommodation that are available to them. Industry-standard equipment and software enable learners to produce practical work of a very high standard. As a result, learners entering employment and further vocational study leave the college work-ready, and as attractive candidates for prospective employers. Leaders and managers have worked closely with a range of employers and partners to develop learning facilities of an exceptional standard, including a range of new buildings that contain a wide array of very good specialist equipment. Following the success of our flagship engineering centre, Dudley Advance, Dudley Advance II - Centre for Advanced Building Technologies is now complete and supports the engagement of young people in higher level training and progression routes within this sector. Our 3G sports pitch which opened last year, provides learners with a Football Association standard competition pitch - further enhanced by the construction of a grandstand. Our Construction provision also moved into the new CAT Centre facility in October 2018, giving learners access to high-quality training facilities for all construction trades. The college continues to operate a number of successful ‘Real Work Environments’ - Evolve Hair and Beauty, Evolve Gym, Evolve Theatre and Aspire Works. Our Stir catering facilities extend across all sites and include a café, refectory, bistro and juice bar. Well-managed study areas (iPoints/library) provide learners with appropriate space and equipment to undertake research and complete their assignments.

EFFECTIVE ARRANGEMENTS FOR MEETING EMPLOYERS’ NEEDS Teachers and curriculum managers relentlessly pursue partnerships with organisations that enhance learners’ experiences significantly. Learners have access to very highquality work-experience opportunities in an impressive range of settings. In addition, many learners work on innovative cross-curricular projects. These provide rich opportunities for them to showcase and celebrate the work they produce in lessons, such as media learners undertaking live projects on behalf of local businesses and charities. The college’s employer engagement has been enhanced by a business-to-business and ‘routes to market’ approach. This is driven by a dedicated team of business development managers who build sustainable relationships with local and regional employers. This has further improved collaboration with local employers to ensure that work experience activities are of a high quality, well planned and meaningful. These relationships also help to ensure our curriculum is modelled to meet employer needs. Guest speakers from industry ensure learners have access to ‘real’ insights into their chosen career pathway. Construction Industry Training Board (CiTB), McCains, PRG Lighting, West Midlands Police, Fulcro, The Black Country Living Museum, Olympic athletes and local care home managers are just some examples of employers who delivered career focussed talks and live briefs for work experience. Learners in engineering engage on an ‘Advance your career’ mentoring scheme in which, following a process of application and interview, they are matched up with a suitable employer who will act as their mentor. Mentoring often leads to employment opportunities following work placement. Alternatively learners are guided by those industry experts to support their career choices.


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The college’s Performance Improvement Programme enables learners to develop and gain the holistic skills required to become a successful employee.

The learners’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development is ensured through a comprehensive cross college Performance Improvement Programme.

As a lead college for WorldSkills UK, our learners are able to engage in regional and national competitions to showcase the industry skills gained in college and highlight the technical and vocational skills available for young people.


EFFECTIVE SAFEGUARDING AND PROMOTION OF BRITISH VALUES Safeguarding arrangements are comprehensive and additional staff resources in this area have ensured staff are able to quickly identify learners or groups who are at risk. Support for learners identified at risk is effective. Learner satisfaction around feeling safe in college is exceptional. The Prevent agenda is well embedded across college and into our safeguarding practices. Training for all staff, including governors and volunteers, is robust and effectively monitored through the single-central record in personnel. Biennial college conferences offer opportunities for safeguarding and Prevent refresher training, to ensure staff are up to date with current safeguarding and Prevent legislation and concerns. Effective communication with external partners, including the police and local authority, enables us to assess local risk and respond appropriately to safeguard our learners. “Staff ensure that learners are made fully aware of safeguarding matters at induction and reinforce these well in tutorials and reviews. As a result, learners can clearly describe how to keep safe, including when using the internet, and how the college promotes their understanding of British values. - Ofsted Further Education & Skills Inspection Report May 2017.

Leadership & Management in the vast majority of areas is highly effective. College management arrangements have evolved in the creation of Key Client Leadership Groups. The groups are tasked with driving the college’s work to meet the targets set in our ambitious three year strategic plan. The groups meet regularly to facilitate detailed analysis of each in-year and all-year action plan and enable a focus on performance of key client groups and developments. This team leads on the development of improvements in English and mathematics outcomes, and continues to focus on our priority to drive more learners to achieve the very highest grades in their programme of study. “Leaders and managers have successfully maintained a culture of very high expectations among learners and staff. Relationships between staff and learners continue to be exceptionally strong, and learners’ behaviour is exemplary.” - Ofsted Further Education & Skills Inspection Report May 2017. “Senior leaders maintain a relentless focus on sustained, iterative improvements to the college’s provision for the benefit of learners and staff. For example, they have evolved a more holistic approach to staff performance review.This is valued highly by staff for the greater ownership they have in applying the college’s priorities to their personal developmental objectives.” - Ofsted Further Education & Skills Inspection Report May 2017. Managers use data effectively to drive performance and monitor any areas of under performance. Managers communicate effectively across college to ensure the vision is achieved.


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2.10 REVIEW OF STRATEGIC INPUTS (SIPs) CONTINUED EFFECTIVE SUPPORT FOR LEARNERS Support for learners is highly effective and enables those with additional needs to succeed at a rate comparable to their peers. Excellent in-class support enables learners to access their curriculum and make good progress towards their learning goals. Support for high-needs learners enables inclusive access to the curriculum. Many areas of the college have adapted to the changes in the SEND Code of Practice and are developing the effective use of Education, Health and Care Plans in their practice. We continue to focus on ensuring Education, Health and Care plans are used consistently across college to meet the needs of learners. Continued Professional Development of teaching and learning support staff is essential to ensure we maintain high-quality support for an increasing number of learners with complex needs, both with and without an Education, Health and Care Plan. “Staff provide excellent support for those learners and apprentices who need extra help in their studies. Staff assess learners’ and apprentices’ needs thoroughly before they enrol, ensuring that they receive the help they need as soon as they start their programme.” - Ofsted Further Education & Skills Inspection Report May 2017. Confidential counselling is effective in supporting learners with complex personal issues to remain on programme and succeed. Finance and welfare support for learners is effective and enables them to manage the financial aspects of college. This includes providing free bus passes for all learners and free meals for those eligible.

PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT, BEHAVIOUR & WELFARE “Teachers are highly motivational, raising the aspirations and self-belief of learners, inspiring them to make the most of their time at college.This, coupled with very high-quality careers advice, ensures that learners have well-considered plans for their futures and that they understand the steps they need to take to succeed. As a result, the overwhelming majority of learners progress to sustained employment, Apprenticeships, or higher education.” - Ofsted Further Education & Skills Inspection Report May 2017. Learner behaviour is exemplary and facilitates an inclusive and harmonious environment. The importance of the four As (attitude, attendance, aspiration and achievement) is emphasised to all learners from induction through to completion, whilst every learner is encouraged to ‘start with the end in mind’ ensuring career focused goals. Our dedicated Performance Improvement Programme (PIP) allows learners to develop as individuals and engage in a comprehensive range of in-class and cross college activities raising awareness of key issues affecting young people within society. The Performance Improvement Programme also provides dedicated one to one and group sessions for learners to plan their next steps and set aspirational, differentiated targets which are monitored by personal tutors. Learners and staff make use of a bespoke ‘grade calculator’ and ‘value-added’ tool to support their individual progress and the ‘Upgrade’ agenda.

The Performance Improvement Programme is extensively supported by external partners who deliver a range of innovative and engaging activities including: Loudmouth Theatre – Working for Marcus (Child Sexual Exploitation), Round Midnight Theatre – Straight Talking (Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender), West Midlands Fire Service – Road Casualty Reduction, Switch – Drug and Alcohol Awareness, Respect Yourself – Healthy Relationships. “Learners develop their personal and social skills very well throughout their time at the college. As a result of highly effective and carefully planned lessons and extra-curricular activities, learners grow in confidence and maturity, making significant progress in their oral communication, collaborative working and leadership skills. For example, learners in hair and beauty have used their own initiative to visit local hospital wards at weekends to offer treatments and therapy to patients, a project that also demonstrates the compassion they have developed for contributing to wider society.” - Ofsted Further Education & Skills Inspection Report May 2017.

High-quality careers advice and guidance from staff helps learners to make informed choices about their progression, whether it be employment, self-employment, education or training. This includes a dedicated UCAS co-ordinator for those progressing to Higher Education and cross-college events such as ‘Progression Talks’ and ‘Progression Week’.


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Performing Arts and Dance students entertain at Celebrating Success awards 35

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Below expectations

Meets expectations

Above expectations

Participation Diversity Achievement Satisfaction Distance travelled Destinations Regional Skills impact Financial contribution

The overall performance of this key client group is ‘meeting expectations’. Most measures are 'meeting expectations', including achievement, distance travelled and destinations. Whilst there have been improvements in these areas to meet the college's expectations (such as an increase in high grades and more learners progressing to University), more can still be done to drive this further into 'above expectations'.



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OUTPUTS What key outputs did we achieve?

We significantly increased local participation in A and AS level learning:

We increased the levels of learner satisfaction for our A level provision and this is now higher than national comparators.

We engaged 500 young people in A and AS levels in 2017/18.

Despite a falling local demographic we have increased the participation of young people in A and AS levels by 83% over the last five years.

We successfully engaged A level learners from diverse communities: −

165 (33%) A and AS learners were from ethnic minority groups. Our A and AS learners are significantly more diverse than the local community where 11.9% of the population are from minority groups.

68 (13.5%) of A and AS learners reported a learning difficulty or disability.

We supported A level learners to successfully achieve their programme of study:

Education, including an increasing number to Russell Group universities. 18 (7.7%) of those progressing went onto Higher Apprenticeships.

What better outputs could we achieve? −

The number of learners achieving high grades has improved this year, but this can improve further to ensure all learners reach their full potential.

The number of learners completing A levels progressing into Higher Apprenticeships.

The achievement rate of learners on art, mathematics, physics, accounting, religious studies and product design.

Achievement rates for learners with a learning difficulty or disability on AS levels, which has fallen below the college average.

− Overall achievement rates on A levels are above national rates and have been for the last three years. We supported the progression of our A level learners to positive destinations: −

170 (93.9%) of A level learners completing their programme of study progressed immediately to a positive destination, either higher or further training or directly into employment.

We made a significant impact on the local skills gap by upskilling young people: −

295 (59%) A and AS learners were studying STEM subjects.

195 (84.3%) learners completing A levels progressed immediately to Higher


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INPUTS What were the key strengths of our inputs?

What inputs could we deliver better?

An extensive curriculum offer.

The quality of teaching, learning and assessment, which was judged by Ofsted to be ‘outstanding’ (May 2017).


Increased contact time with year two learners to provide additional input and support ahead of the new two year exams.

Teachers’ delivery of engaging lessons which utilise resources and facilities very well.


The effective use of PIP sessions and supporting technologies to drive high grades strategy and target setting for learners.

The support and challenge provided by teachers raising the aspiration of A and AS level learners.


The promotion of Higher Apprenticeships as an alternative progression route for A level completers.

Dedicated and effective progression guidance for A level learners.

Highly effective arrangements to support and safeguard learners.

Outstanding facilities and resources provided at Dudley Sixth and across the Dudley Learning Quarter.

The college’s performance management system which is used effectively to set challenging targets for staff.

Leadership & Management which, in the vast majority of A and AS subjects, is highly effective.


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3.3 ENGAGEMENT AND PARTICIPATION RATES Learner engagement trend analysis 600 500


400 300 200 100 0 2011/12







Dudley Sixth has been successful in its drive to increase learner engagement with A level learning. The participation of A level learners has increased dramatically over recent years, expanding from 278 learners in 2012/13 to 500 in 2017/18. This growth shows the increased confidence locally in Dudley Sixth as a provider of good quality A level provision and supports the continued financial health of the college. The slight dip shown from 16/17 to 17/18 was due to under performance of GCSE pupils in the local schools, resulting in some learners not meeting entry requirements for Dudley Sixth. These learners were supported to gain a place studying within the wider college on a vocational programme of study.

This growth is set against a backdrop of a shrinking 16-18 population, both in the Dudley borough and the surrounding areas. There are a number of elements influencing this growth, but the largest factor is the creation of a dedicated centre for A level provision (Dudley Sixth) and the breadth of curriculum which it offers.


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Wednesbury Gospel End


Wombourne Oldbury


West Bromwich Dudley

Rowley Regis Brierley Hill


The map shows the travel to learn pattern of our A level learners in 2017/18. The majority of learners are from Dudley borough, as you would expect, with increasing numbers of learners looking to remain in Dudley to study rather than travel elsewhere. We are pleased to be the first choice for many local A level learners and recognise the wider regional contribution we make to the lives of learners aged 16-18 years. This year does show a slight increase in the distance that some learners are travelling in order to attend Dudley Sixth, rather than staying local to their own providers.


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Learning difficulty or disability Yes 13.5%

Asian 16.8%

Male 40%

Black 6.1%

Mixed 8.8%

Other 1.3%

Female 60%

White 67%

No 86.5%

In 2017/18 there were more female A level learners than male at Dudley Sixth, with this gap slightly widening further from the previous year. We continue to support a diverse mix of learners. Their ethnicity profile shows that our learners as a group are more diverse than the local community and in line with the previous year. 33% of our learners are from minority groups who make up 11.9% of the local population. Learners of different ethnicity achieve at a similar rate, with the exception of ‘Asian’ learners on A levels, who achieve below the college average. Feedback from our learners and other stakeholders indicates that the college provides an inclusive and harmonious environment in which to study. Dudley Sixth supports a number of learners with learning difficulties or disabilities through a wide range of support mechanisms, with this number increasing yearly. These learners historically achieve at a rate comparable with their peers, but in this year we have seen a drop in their performance at AS level. Dudley Sixth is pleased to see the continued participation of learners from a wide range of backgrounds and we will review our support arrangements for specific groups of learners to ensure success for all.



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3.5 OUTCOMES FOR LEARNERS Overall achievement rate - A level 100%



94.1% 90%



As highlighted in the 2015/16 ASIA, the college will no longer report on the outcomes for first year A level learners following the recent qualification reforms. AS qualifications have been removed as new linear two year A level programmes are introduced. The grade outcome for learners is determined by a final exam at the end of the full two year programme, rather than an exam at the end of each year. This year saw the first year, where learners on these new programmes were completing. It can be seen that outcomes have improved from last year, further increasing the gap above national rates. However, we have not yet achieved the rates seen in 2015/16, before the national A level curriculum reform introduced the new two year linear A levels.We are pleased to report a significant increase in high grades from our learners in 2017/18. Analysis shows 67.8% of learners achieved an A* - C grade which is an increase of 5.8% on 2016/17 and is also above 2015/16 rates (67.1%).



50% 2015/16


College achievement rate Latest published national achievement rate


The college recognises that the new linear A levels are challenging for learners, but we are pleased to see that our increased support has yielded higher grades for completing learners. This will remain our focus into 2018/19 with plans to introduce a revised delivery model and the introduction of a new ‘learner mind-set’ programme to be run alongside A level tuition.


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3.6 STAKEHOLDER SATISFACTION Year-end learner satisfaction (QDP survey) 100

80 68

67 66 59






71 64








46 39


20 N/A

0 Teaching and learning

The support I receive

College rating

N/A My progress

Test and assessment


Work related visits

N/A Equipment

Learner voice

Next steps

Overall satisfaction


We conduct two surveys each year to understand learners’ satisfaction with their programme of study and the wider college. Their feedback informs subject performance reviews and quality improvement plans. The survey is conducted externally by QDP and benchmarked against responses from other general Further Education colleges (where available). The results from the 2017/18 end of year survey shows that A level learners report satisfaction that is below benchmark in some categories, although results remain above benchmark in teaching and learning, wellbeing, and overall satisfaction. It is worth noting that at the time of the survey, the new proposed delivery model was under consultation with the learners, and this is likely to have impacted on the response. However we will focus our learner voice activity in 2018/19 on areas where satisfaction appears to have declined.


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A level QI Grade and Score

Alps Value Added Indicator *Alps - Advanced level performance system

1.09 1.01 0.98 0.96



1 2 3 4 5 6

0.90 0.85 0.62

7 8 9

100% 90% 75%






Alps A level value added Quality Indicator score






Alps A level value added Quality Indicator grade






60% 40% 25%

Quality Indicator (QI) Score


The QI score provides a feel of how the college is performing relative to the Alps national benchmark.This is represented in the form of a thermometer. A value added grade of 5 shows the college performance is satisfactory to good.


The value added score for our learners is a measure of their final grade compared to the grades and qualifications they achieved prior to their enrolment with us. It determines whether our learners are making enough progress with their studies. The ‘Quality Indicator’ provides an overall measure of performance, as shown in the table above. The chart shows that our overall ‘QI’ for A level programmes in 2017/18 has returned to 5, which indicates their performance is satisfactory to good, despite now all sitting linear examinations. This is a very promising result that shows teaching staff and learners are beginning to adapt to the new linear model. Further planned changes will only serve to strengthen this in the coming academic year.


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All A levels Unemployed/voluntary/ NEET/other 6.1% Employment 9.9%

Education 7.2%

Higher Education 76.8%

We gather information on the destination of our completing learners each year via their tutor or a phone survey conducted a few months after completion of their programme of study. The chart shows the headline destination data for all A level learners completing their studies in 2017/18, followed by an analysis by level. Overall the survey reported that 215 (94%) of completing A level learners progressed to a positive destination of Higher Education (University), education, training or employment. For A level learners the majority (76.8%) chose to continue on to university as we would expect. However, we have seen an increase in learners choosing to go directly into employment, but continuing to higher study through an Apprenticeship (7.7% moving onto a Higher Apprenticeship). We are now partnered with University of Wolverhampton on the National Collaborative Outreach Programme (NCOP) aimed at supporting more young people to undertake Higher Education, as well as further developing our own local (and most cost effective) routes through Higher Education, including Higher Apprenticeships. Of the 14 learners with a ‘negative’ destination, 5 of them chose to undertake a gap year and are likely to have a positive destination following this. This continues a three year trend of positive destinations for our learners, albeit with some switching from the traditional HE mode of study to the Higher Apprenticeship route.


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3.8 LEARNER DESTINATIONS CONTINUED All A level destinations by diversity type 0%






Male Female Asian Black Mixed White LDD* - Yes LDD* - No

Education/training (not HE)

Higher Education



*Learning Difficulty or Disability (LDD)

The above chart shows a further analysis of destination by diversity types. Whilst positive outcomes remain broadly similar, it is worth noting that 100% of those learners with an identified learning difficulty or disability progress on to a positive destination. It is also interesting to see that male learners appear to be less likely than female learners to choose the traditional university route as their next step, with more of them choosing employment (including Apprenticeships). We will ensure this is a focus of our advice and guidance approach going forward.



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3.9 IMPACT ON REGIONAL SKILLS AND THE REGIONAL ECONOMY STEM in the curriculum - trend analysis 100% 90% 80% 69%

70% 60%

64% 59%



68% 59%

50% 64%

40% 30% 20% 10% 0%









The local economy relies on a workforce with high level skills and skills in STEM subjects (science, technology, engineering and mathematics). The chart above shows the percentage of qualifications completed by A level learners that were in STEM related subjects. In 2017/18, 59% of our young people followed STEM programmes of study, showing a decrease from previous years and suggesting a switch to more Humanities based programmes of study. There continues to be a very strong STEM provision across Dudley College of Technology as a whole with the further development of high-class facilities such as Advance I and II.


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3.10 REVIEW OF STRATEGIC INPUTS (SIPs) OUTSTANDING TEACHING AND LEARNING The quality of teaching, learning and assessment was judged to be outstanding by Ofsted (May 2017), and this is something that we closely monitor to ensure we maintain. Teachers effectively plan innovative, engaging, and well-paced sessions which challenge, enthuse, and motivate learners. Highly qualified staff use their excellent subject knowledge along with the outstanding resources to “motivate and inspire learners exceptionally well”, as reported by Ofsted, who also commented on how “teachers assess learners’ progress very effectively and frequently”. Questioning is used well, both to assess progress and to further develop learner understanding, with incisive feedback helping learners to understand what they have done well and how they can improve through comprehensive target setting. The development of English and mathematics skills is very strong and the majority of staff effectively embed English and mathematics skills into their sessions. Spelling, punctuation, and grammar are focuses in lessons and marked work, with many exams also now having marks awarded for this. Ofsted were impressed by how “learners develop their skills of discussion and argumentation well and are able to challenge each other’s viewpoints robustly and respectively in lessons.” The Performance Improvement Programme is highly effective in preparing our learners for progression to higher education, further training via Apprenticeships, or employment. It incorporates a programme of guest speakers, master classes, and external visits to higher education institutions. The development of the independent study skills of learners is good and learners are able to develop effective research methods to support them in Higher Education. A focused programme is also being developed to further support those learners aiming to apply to Oxbridge or Russell Group universities.

The use of information learning technology and SMART technologies is routinely strong within the classroom and learners benefit from a range of learning materials. Specialist software has been purchased for specific subjects, such as ArcGIS for use within A level Geography, along with a range of extra revision packages for various subjects. Blackboard, the college’s virtual learning environment, is routinely used as part of assessment of learning and study skills. In addition, further investment into iPads for use in science laboratories has proved beneficial in data analysis tasks, for example. Teachers have very high expectations of their learners and insist that they dedicate a great deal of time and effort to their studies. Ofsted commented on how teachers are “highly motivational, raising the aspirations and selfbelief of learners” and that this is “coupled with very high-quality careers advice”. Internal quality assurance of teaching, learning and assessment is effective and covers all teachers, assessors, instructors, and coaches. The development of teaching and learning is driven forward through collaborative communities of practice (teaching triangles), where academic staff are observed by two of their colleagues and a member of the outstanding practitioner team. This results in the engagement in professional dialogue regarding ways to develop and disseminate the sharing of good practice, and areas of development. These lessons are measured against the college’s professional standards to ensure that the current levels of classroom performance are being developed and improved to provide the best possible environment for all learners. In addition, we have continued support for all A level tutors by a dedicated Performance Coach.

A RELEVANT AND RESPONSIVE CURRICULUM There is an extensive curriculum offer which focusses on STEM subjects. A level staff fully embrace the STEM agenda and have a collaborative approach to course structure and design. As part of the Black Country Colleges group, we have engaged with other local providers to disseminate best practice and ensure the provision for local and national needs is being met. Key stakeholders including universities are engaged in the continual development of curriculum to ensure courses meet the needs of Higher Education Institutes, employers, and local skills gaps. For example, Product Design was launched to enable crossover between theoretical knowledge of building technologies delivered in Dudley Sixth, and practical skills delivered in Dudley Advance. We have had some success at combining BTEC level 3 programmes of study with an additional A level, whereby for example a BTEC level 3 in Applied Science learner studied A level Chemistry, as this was a requirement of their future career aspirations. Dudley Sixth have fully engaged with the transition to the new linear A levels, with this being the first year that all subjects were completely linear. New subjects have been introduced at each phase in order to fill gaps left by the changes in curriculum offered by Examining Boards. For example, in 2017/18, Dudley Sixth introduced a discrete BTEC National Certificate in IT group since A level ICT has been withdrawn and A level Philosophy was added to replace A level Communications and Culture.


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OUTSTANDING FACILITIES AND RESOURCES Dudley Sixth, along with the entire Learning Quarter, offers “learning facilities of an exceptional standard” to A level learners, including excellent science laboratories that Ofsted noted “contain a wide array of very good specialist equipment”. The ‘Enhance’ Building has positively impacted on A level learners who were the driving force behind its conception, enabling learners to experience some lecturestyle sessions in order to support them in their transition to university. Dudley Sixth continues to invest in the facilities and new learning technologies to ensure the highest standards are maintained. For example, ArcGIS was purchased to support the A level Geography curriculum and iPads were purchased for use in the science laboratories. Specialist facilities are available cross-college for arts and sports learners within the Evolve building, ensuring all learners are trained within industry standard facilities. The Priory Road 3G Football Complex is now open and is a fantastic addition to the learning quarter. This facility, which includes changing rooms for players and officials, as well as a stand area for spectators, will further enhance the sports provision at Dudley Sixth. Learners benefit from two well-resourced iPoints which support their independent learning. A language laboratory is available to support the development of modern languages. A level learners also have open access to silent study rooms during exam periods. Dudley Sixth has invested significantly in resourcing the new linear qualifications, both in terms of technical requirements with the addition of new software, academic resources, and the training of staff. Ofsted commented on how “Teachers make excellent use of all resources and in addition, develop varied, creative and stimulating learning materials that inspire learners to succeed”.

EFFECTIVE ARRANGEMENTS FOR MEETING EMPLOYERS’ NEEDS Best practice sees many A level learners completing work experience placements alongside their academic studies, such as placements at Russell Hall Hospital. Guest speakers from industry and academia ensure learners have access to ‘real’ insights into their chosen career pathway, and progression opportunities. Dedicated careers staff work closely with learners and universities to ensure our learners have the guidance required to make informed choices and gain a place at their chosen university. Where work experience would enhance their application, Dudley Sixth supports the learners in finding appropriate placements. We have further developed pathways to Higher Apprenticeships for our A level graduates. One of our Information Advice and Guidance (IAG) Officers based at Sixth focuses on this specifically, and is working on developing further links with local employers. EFFECTIVE SAFEGUARDING AND PROMOTION OF BRITISH VALUES Safeguarding arrangements are comprehensive and enable staff to quickly identify learners, or groups, who are at risk. Support for learners identified at risk is effective. Learner satisfaction around feeling safe in college is exceptional. The Prevent agenda is well embedded across college and into our safeguarding practices. Effective communication with external partners, including the police and local authority enables us to assess local risk and respond appropriately to safeguard our learners. Training for all staff, including governors and volunteers, is robust and effectively monitored through the single-central record in personnel. Biennial college conferences offer opportunities for safeguarding and Prevent refresher training to ensure staff are up to date with current safeguarding and Prevent legislation and concerns. Ofsted were impressed with

how “teachers regularly debate how they can best promote equality, diversity and British Values within their lessons”. EFFECTIVE LEADERSHIP & MANAGEMENT Leadership & Management is highly effective in the vast majority of areas. College staff and management are committed to continually improving provision for all learners. A new management structure with three Curriculum Leaders has ensured stronger support and direction for academic staff within Dudley Sixth for day to day issues. Managers facilitate a culture of high expectations and accountability amongst staff. This is facilitated through effective use of the Performance Management System in setting challenging targets for all staff relating directly to their subject. College management arrangements have evolved in the creation of Key Client Leadership Groups. The groups are tasked with driving the college’s work to meet the targets set in our ambitious three year strategic plan. The groups meet regularly to facilitate detailed analysis of each in-year and all-year action plan and enable a focus on performance of key client groups and developments. Subject area impact assessment is comprehensive and accurate. Managers use data effectively to drive performance and monitor any areas of under performance through regular subject review meetings. Managers communicate effectively to ensure the vision is achieved. Arrangements to engage all learners in learner voice activities are good, with regular meetings held between elected course representatives and the Curriculum Manager.


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EFFECTIVE SUPPORT FOR LEARNERS Learning support for learners is highly effective and enables those with additional needs to succeed at a rate comparable to their peers. Excellent in-class support enables learners to access their curriculum and make good progress towards their learning goals. Support for High Needs learners is effective and enables them to access curriculums. Confidential counselling is effective in supporting learners with complex personal issues to remain on programme and succeed. Finance and welfare support for learners is effective and enables them to manage the financial aspects of college. This includes free bus passes for all learners and free meals for those eligible. Money is also available to help with compulsory field trips within Earth Sciences. High-quality careers advice and guidance from staff helps learners to make informed choices about their progression, whether it be employment, self-employment, education, or training. This includes a dedicated UCAS and guidance officer for those progressing to Higher Education. Improvements in the promotion of vocational options for marginal AS learners prior to enrolment is evident, whereby a clearing system was introduced, also serving those not meeting entry requirements.

PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT, BEHAVIOUR & WELFARE Through effective monitoring, Dudley Sixth ensures that all learners are encouraged and have an opportunity to make a genuine, valued, and recognised contribution to college life. Through a dedicated Performance Improvement Programme (PIP), learners develop as individuals and have a raised awareness of key issues affecting young people within society, including cyber-bullying, employability skills, personal finance budgeting, and progression to Higher Education. At Dudley Sixth, there is a dedicated Performance Coach who monitors pastoral issues and holds intervention meetings with the learner and parents (where appropriate) if any concerns are raised, signposting agencies for further support where necessary. Each learner has one to one sessions with their personal tutor to set and monitor aspirational, differentiated targets with each producing an action plan post-mock exams in order to effectively plan for their achievement. Any learners deemed to be under performing have additional action planning meetings with the Performance Coach in order to offer a higher level of support towards achieving their targets.

Dudley Sixth learners, through a robust induction process, are aware of expected standards of behaviours and the college’s commitment to a safe and professional working environment with Ofsted remarking on how “learners’ behaviour is exemplary”. Attendance is regularly monitored by lecturers, tutors and the dedicated Performance Coach. Intervention strategies for learners falling below the 95% minimum are implemented effectively, with Ofsted commenting that “where concerns arise about the progress of a young person, staff quickly make contact with parents and carers and resolve problems swiftly and effectively” by drawing on their “highly effective relationships with the parents and carers of learners”. Dudley Sixth attendance is extremely high.


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Meets expectations

Above expectations

Participation Diversity Achievement Satisfaction Destinations Regional Skills impact Financial contribution OVERALL

The overall performance of this key client group is ‘above expectations'. The increased participation of adult learners, the diversity of this learner group and the levels of satisfaction they report are all exceeding expectations. For all other measures (achievement, destinations, regional impact and financial impact) the performance has improved in many areas but could improve further. The focus is on continuing to develop adult provision that is aligned to employment in local priority sectors.


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Adult learners


Meets expectations


Exceeds expectations

Adult Functional Skills

Exceeds expectations

Animal Science

Below expectations

Building Technologies

Meets expectations


Exceeds expectations


Meets expectations

Construction Trades

Exceeds expectations

Early Years

Meets expectations


Exceeds expectations

English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL)

Exceeds expectations

Essential Skills for Employers

Meets expectations

Hair & Beauty

Exceeds expectations

Health & Social Care

Meets expectations


Meets expectations

IT (Work Based)

Meets expectations

Mathematics & English

Meets expectations


Exceeds expectations

Motor Vehicle

Exceeds expectations

Performance Studies

Exceeds expectations

Public Services

Below expectations


Meets expectations


Meets expectations

Special Education Needs & Disability (SEND)

Meets expectations


Meets expectations

Teacher Training

Exceeds expectations

Travel & Tourism

Meets expectations

Visual Arts

Exceeds expectations

As well as this Strategic Impact Assessment, each curriculum area also conducts its own annual assessment of performance against the same criteria. The table gives a summary of the overall scorecard grades for each curriculum area within this key client group. It is important to note that ‘meets expectations’ is already a high standard that we set for our curriculum teams. There is no relation to our scorecard methodology and Ofsted grades. An area may be performing well in terms of learner achievement for example, but not meeting our expectations in terms of recruitment and financial impact. This subject impact assessment allows us to focus on the areas we wish to develop further over the coming academic year.

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OUTPUTS What key outputs did we achieve? We engaged local adults in skills based learning: −

We engaged 3,040 adults in skills programmes in 2017/18.

We successfully engaged learners from diverse communities: −

1,180 learners (38.8%) were from ethnic minority groups. Our learners are more diverse than the local community where 11.9% of the population are from minority groups.

696 learners (22.9%) reported a learning difficulty or disability.

We made a significant impact on the local skills gap by upskilling adults: −

819 (27%) adults were following STEM programmes of study.

102 (24.4%) learners completing their level 2 programme progressed immediately to an advanced level skills programme.

133 learners (53%) completing their level 3 programme progressed immediately to Higher Education and 76 (30.3%) progressed directly into employment.

607 learners improved their functional skills in English and mathematics.

23 learners (41.8%) achieved a grade A-C in mathematics and 56 (73.6%) achieved a grade A-C/9-4 in English in their retake programme.

We maintained high achievement rates on adult skills programmes: −

Achievement rates for learners at level 1 and 2 have remained consistently high and above national rates in each of the last three years.

There are no significant differences in the success rates of learners from diverse groups, or those with a learning difficulty or disability.

We achieved high levels of learner satisfaction well above national comparators.

What better outputs could we achieve? We supported the progression of our learners to positive destinations: −

2,789 learners (93.7%) completing their programme of study progressed immediately to a positive destination, either higher or further training, or directly into employment.

Progression was positive for learners completing level 2 programmes (94%) and level 3 programmes (95.6%).

Retention of learners on Access to Higher Education programmes.

Achievements of adults on level 2 Functional Skills.

Achievement of high grades for adults on GCSE mathematics resits.

The number of unemployed adults progressing directly into employment upon completion of their programme.


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INPUTS What were the key strengths of our inputs?

What inputs could we deliver better?

A responsive curriculum designed to support the progression of adults to advanced and higher level skills programmes. “Adult learning programmes are particularly well managed, meeting very well the skill development needs of both learners and local employers” – Ofsted, May 2017.


Developing opportunities for adults to engage in technical training linked to entry into priority sectors through engagement with West Midlands Combined Authority.


Delivering flexible approaches to adult training that would enable those who cannot access college premises to develop their skills.

The quality of teaching, learning and assessment remains excellent with high levels of learner satisfaction.

Flexible modes of delivery for adults supports engagement of an increasing number of adults.

A responsive Employability curriculum which enables adults seeking employment to be successful in gaining this through sector-based academies and employability programmes.

An inclusive and harmonious environment which supports participation in learning by diverse adult learners. “Managers and staff design highly individualised programmes and learning activities.Through these, adults who often lack confidence or have other barriers to participating in learning that prevent them from attending college achieve well and make significant progress compared to their starting points.” – Ofsted, May 2017.

Extensive support services designed to ensure adult learners achieve their programme.

Adults demonstrate high levels of satisfaction regarding the colleges promotion of equality and diversity.

Safeguarding arrangements are highly effective.

Outstanding facilities and resources provided across the Dudley Learning Quarter.

The college’s performance management system which is used effectively to set challenging targets for staff.

Leadership & Management which in the vast majority of curriculum areas are highly effective.


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4.3 ENGAGEMENT AND PARTICIPATION RATES Learner engagement trend analysis 4,500 4,000 3,500 3,000 2,500 2,000 1,500 1,000 500 0 2011/12







We are pleased that in 2017/18 we experienced a significant growth in adult learners, recruiting almost 900 more adult learners. This was a result of growing our essential skills in the workplace and employability provision. Whilst some of the adult provision is dedicated to adult learners (often part-time), particularly around English and mathematics skills development, we have seen a growth in the percentage of adult learners who are infilling into EFA full time programmes. Due to poor GCSE results when leaving school, some learners start college life on a level 1 or 2 programme in order to build their skills and progress on to level 3. By the time they come to the level 3 programme they have reached 19 years of age and fall into the adult learner category.


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West Bromwich



Stourbridge Halesowen

The map shows the travel to learn pattern of our adult learners in 2017/18. The majority of learners are from Dudley borough, as you would expect, with increasing numbers of learners looking to remain in Dudley to study rather than travel elsewhere. The catchment area is wider than seen with 16-18 learners, suggesting adult learners are willing to travel further for their studies.


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Learning difficulty or disability Other 4.6%

Male 49.4%

Yes 22.9%

Mixed 4.6%

Black 12.2%

Asian 17.5% White 61.2%

No 77.1%

Female 50.6%

In 2017/18 there was an equal gender split. The ethnicity profile shows that our adult learners as a group are increasingly more diverse than the local community. 38.8% of our learners are from minority groups who make up 11.5% of the local population. There are no substantial trends in achievement gaps based on ethnicity or gender, although males achieved at a more comparable level with females than in 16/17. The college was pleased to support some 696 adult learners with learning difficulties or disabilities in 2017/18, through a wide range of support services. This is an increase on the previous year. These learners continue to achieve at a rate comparable with their peers.


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4.5 OUTCOMES FOR LEARNERS Achievement rate - all levels

Level 1 100%









89.7% 89%

80% 70%








Achievement rates for our adult learners remain strong and are at or above national rate at all levels. Overall achievement has increased slightly compared with last year +2%, although slight difference can be seen in the levels. Level 3 achievement dropped slightly. On investigation this is as a result of retention on some of our Access pathways and the continued impact of examinations on some level 3 programmes of study for 19+ learners. Level 2 achievement is consistent with last year and level 1 has seen a slight increase compared with last year.

College achievement rate


Level 2 60%

100% 90%




College achievement rate




85.8% 85.3%

80% 70% 60% 50%

Latest published national achievement rate




College achievement rate

Level 3

Latest published national achievement rate 100% 90%




80.4% 78.8%

70% 60% 50%


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College achievement rate Latest published national achievement rate

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Functional skills achievement rate - all levels 100%

90% 86.2% 82.6% 80%





50% 2015/16



College success achievement rate Latest published national achievement rate

Achievement rates for English and mathematics functional skills qualifications for adults have dropped slightly due to a drop at level 2 but remain strong when compared with national rates.


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4.5 OUTCOMES FOR LEARNERS CONTINUED 19+ GCSE results three year trend

A*-C or 9-4

D-G or 3-1

24.1% 26%











74.7% 72% 50%


2016/17 GCSE English


GCSE mathematics

Adults completing GCSE resits include both discrete adult provision and 19+ full-time infilling learners. We are extremely pleased to report that GCSE English has maintained a strong 9-4 high grades outcome of 72.7%. This year learners resitting mathematics moved to the new syllabus, which includes much wider and challenging content, and an additional examination, taking it from 2 examinations to three. This has seen high grades for mathematics for adults decrease to 41.8%. The mathematics team continue to work hard to develop the mathematics skills of adults and improve the number of adults achieving a grade 9-4.


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4.6 STAKEHOLDER SATISFACTION Year-end learner satisfaction (QDP survey) 100 80



87 74

86 74





90 80






60 40 20 0

Teaching and learning

My progress

College rating

Tests and assessments


Accommodation Learner voice and equipment

Next step

Overall satisfaction


We conduct surveys each year to understand learners’ satisfaction with their programme of study and the wider college. Their feedback informs subject performance reviews and quality improvement plans. The college employs an external agency, QDP, to conduct mid-year and end-year surveys and to benchmark the results against 80 other general Further Education colleges. The results show a further improvement on the previous year, with learner satisfaction on all measures markedly above the control group.


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4.6 STAKEHOLDER SATISFACTION CONTINUED Learner satisfaction (FE choices survey)

Learners were asked to rate various aspects of their course, learning programme or training programme on a scale of 0 to 10 where 0 is ‘very dissatisfied’ and 10 is ‘very satisfied’ . The questions were as follows:


1. How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the teaching on your course/programme/activity?

Learner satisfaction


2. How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the way staff treat you?


3. How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the advice you have been given about what you can do after this course/training programme/activity?


4. How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the support you get on this course/training programme?



Qu. 1

















2016/17 2015/16

















5. How satisfied or dissatisfied are you that the course/ training programme/activity is meeting your expectations? 6. How satisfied or dissatisfied are you that your college/ learning provider responds to the views of learners? 7. Overall, how satisfied or dissatisfied are you with your college/learning provider? 8. How likely is it that you would recommend the college/ learning provider to friends or family?

The chart above shows the results of the independent Skills Funding Agency FE Choices Learner Satisfaction Survey. The overall results show very slight dip in satisfaction when compared to an extremely strong 2016/17. Overall satisfaction remains extremely high at 9.1.


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4.7 LEARNER DESTINATIONS All levels Unemployed/voluntary /NEET/other 6.3%

Level 1 Unemployed/ voluntary/ NEET/other 7.1%

Level 2 Higher Education 1.2%

Unemployed/ voluntary/ NEET/other 6%

Higher Education 1.8%

Higher Education 10.6%

Education/training (not HE) 67.3% Employment 24.4%

Employment 67.8%

Education (not HE) 24.4%

Level 3 Education/training (not HE) 41.7%

Education (not HE)12.4%

Unemployed/voluntary/ NEET/other 4.4%

Employment 41.5%

We gather information on the destination of our completing learners each year via their tutor, or a phone survey conducted a few months after completion of their programme of study. The above charts show the headline destination data for all adult learners completing their studies in 2017/18, followed by an analysis by level. Overall the survey reported that 93.7% of completing learners went on to a positive destination (education, training

or employment), which builds upon the improvement seen in 2016/17.

Employment 30.3%

Higher Education 53%

Analysis by academic level shows that level 1 learners’ progression to a positive outcome has increased again to 93% (from 79% three years ago). There is good progression to Higher Education for level 3 learners, which is important for the local skills economy.


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4.7 LEARNER DESTINATIONS CONTINUED Destinations by diversity type 0%






Male Female Asian Black Mixed White LDD* - Yes LDD* - No

Education/training (not HE)

Higher Education



*Learning difficulty or disability (LDD)

An analysis of destinations by diversity types shows that the overall positive destination measure of our learners is broadly the same for all types. The performance of groups remain consistent with previous years.


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Destination of unemployed adults 70%






0% Employment


Education/training (not HE) 2016/17

Higher Education

Unemployed/voluntary/ NEET/other


The destination data above is purely for adults who reported their status as ‘unemployed’ on their first day of learning at the college. The table demonstrates a continued increase in the number of learners progressing in education and training, including Higher Education. The number of adults who are unemployed continues to reduce. The college will continue to work with adults to increase the numbers gaining employment.


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Adult learners by strand

Our adult education provision can be broadly categorised into three strands: • STRAND 1: PROFESSIONAL AND TECHNICAL UPDATING PROGRAMMES FOR ADULTS. These programmes will help adults develop skills for progression in their careers or for entry into higher education. • STRAND 2: ESSENTIAL SKILLS PROGRAMMES FOR ADULTS. These are programmes aimed at developing essential skills for adults to support them progressing in work and life.

Strand 3: Full-time programmes 214 7% Strand 1: Professional and techincal programmes 742 24%

• STRAND 3:YOUNG ADULTS COMPLETING FULL TIME PROGRAMMES. This provision is for a small group of learners usually aged between 19 and 21 years old who complete their full time technical education programme alongside full time learners aged 16-18 years. The chart shows how our adult learners are split between these three strands. Around 7% of adult learners belong to Strand 3, which is slightly less than the previous year. We have continued to see an increase in Essential Skills learners in comparison with Technical Professional. This increase builds up on the expansion of Employability programmes seen in 16/17 with the introduction of Essential Skills in the workplace provision, which supports adults with low levels of literacy and numeracy to develop those skills so they have the opportunity to progress with their employer. This provision has enabled us to develop excellent links with some local employers KABTech and Tulip and large national employer Amazon. It is a continued priority for the college to ensure that our provision serves these two audiences and supports adults developing skills to gain employment or progress in their careers.

Strand 2: Essential skills programmes 2,084 69%

Strand 1: Professional and techincal programmes Strand 2: Essential skills programmes Strand 3: Full-time programmes


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STEM in the curriculum - trend analysis

HAVING AN IMPACT LOCALLY The chart below shows the proportion of our adult learners that reside in the Dudley Local Authority, in the neighbouring authorities (Wolverhampton, Birmingham, Sandwell & Walsall) and outside of the region. 95% of our adult learners live within the region, which is consistent with last year. This is further evidence that the college’s work is focussed on ensuring local people have an impact on the local economy through skills development and training.

50% 45% 40%



33% 29%





Adult learners based within region

Neighbouring authorities 1,453 48%






Outside of region 147 5%

15% 10% 5% 0% 2011/12





The local economy relies on a workforce with high level skills and skills in STEM subjects (science, technology, engineering and mathematics).

Dudley local authority 1,440 47%

The chart above shows the percentage of qualifications completed by adult learners that were in STEM related subjects. In 2017/18 27% of our adults followed STEM programmes of study. This is a 4% increase compared with last year. We recognise the need to continue to review our remaining adult offer to ensure it meets local needs and that we are making best use of the remaining budget for adult provision.


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4.9 REVIEW OF STRATEGIC INPUTS (SIPs) OUTSTANDING TEACHING AND LEARNING The quality of teaching learning and assessment routinely meets and often exceeds expected standards, matching the college’s Ofsted judgement of ‘Outstanding’; "Teachers plan learning very effectively to build on learners’ prior attainment and life experiences. Learners work towards highly detailed, personalised and ambitious targets."- Ofsted Further Education & Skills Inspection Report May 2017. Feedback is regular and detailed and mistakes with spelling, grammar and punctuation are routinely identified. In the best lessons, checking of learning is systematic and effective. "The vast majority of learners make substantial and sustained progress in developing their English and mathematics skills." - Ofsted Further Education & Skills Inspection Report May 2017. Staff use ILT effectively in classes to enhance the learning experience of adults and for basic skills learners allows them to develop their ICT skills. Internal quality assurance of teaching, learning and assessment is robust and covers all teachers, assessors and learning support staff. Biennial health checks which include formal ungraded observations against our professional teaching standards are carried out by a dedicated team from our Standards and Performance department. The development of teaching and learning is driven through collaborative communities of practice (teaching triangles), which is now well embedded across all curriculum areas.This results in the engagement in professional dialogue regarding ways to develop and disseminate the sharing of best practice and areas for improvement. Learners benefit from teachers who are specialists in their subjects, with Continuous Professional Development actively promoted and encouraged to all staff. A


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number of the teaching staff are currently undertaking Masters qualifications – delivered by Newman University – in order to further their skills and professional development. A RELEVANT AND RESPONSIVE CURRICULUM The varying elements of our curriculum offer allows us to support those who require remedial intervention as well as those looking for technical and professional updating and Higher Education. "Managers and staff design highly individualised programmes and learning activities.Through these, adults who often lack confidence or have other barriers to participating in learning that prevent them from attending college achieve well and make significant progress compared to their starting points." - Ofsted Further Education & Skills Inspection Report May 2017. Learners benefit from flexible modes of study which supports their engagement in learning. This includes roll-on-roll-off provision and multiple entry points for many programmes. We have continue to grow our adult employability programmes to meet the needs of local adults through working effectively with Job Centre Plus, alongside a range of vocational short courses. In addition, we have expanded the reach of our Functional English and maths offer, with courses now being offered in companies across the region, enabling more learners to access quality, accredited provision with a view to moving on in both skills and promotional prospects. We will continue to explore further ways in which we can enable adult learners to access our provision, by expanding our reach deeper into the community and outreach centres. Adults studying Access to HE programmes can now study an Access to Medicine course which has proven very popular. For those adults not yet ready to study at level 3, level 1 and level 2 Pre-Access to Health Care and Nursing is offered to enable them to develop underpinning skills and prepare them for progression.

OUTSTANDING FACILITIES AND RESOURCES The Learning Quarter offers outstanding facilities for learners. Well managed study areas, including the newly reimagined state of the art resource based learning facility at the Broadway campus, provide learners with appropriate space to undertake research and complete assignments. Curriculum staff work closely with library staff to ensure course books and journals are regularly updated. Classroom environments are welcoming and focussed with learners’ work displayed and updated regularly. Learners studying to develop professional and technical skills have access to cutting edge industry standard equipment which ensures their skills are relevant and up to date. The addition of Advance 2 – Centre for Advanced Building Technologies ensures our learners have access to resources fit for today’s construction industry. All adult learners have access to ICT to enhance their learning and support the development of their personal IT skills, with tutors skilled in ensuring expert advice is on hand, as well as a comprehensive virtual learning package designed to promote blended learning and self study. We plan to develop our resources to further widen participation with a greater mix of resources made available online. EFFECTIVE ARRANGEMENTS FOR MEETING EMPLOYERS' NEEDS "Managers and staff use the excellent partnerships they have established with employers, community groups and professional bodies to design and deliver highly effective programmes that enable adults to gain the skills and qualifications they need to progress into work or further learning."- Ofsted Further Education & Skills Inspection Report May 2017.

Part-time technical courses allow learners to upskill in their relevant trades to meet their professional industry standards. Our links with employers continue to grow with the in-company classes proving to be very popular with both employers and employees. Prior to delivery, staff meet with the training/HR managers to enable them to find out exactly the needs of the business and the learners, enabling us to create bespoke study packages which are tailor made for each industry we work with. Our flexible delivery model means that we are able to work around shift patterns and start and end times, widening participation and meeting employers’ needs. The Employability provision, which includes sector-based work academies, enables us to support learners actively seeking employment. The programme provides them with the skills they need to become a successful employee, including digital literacy and smart technologies – a direct response to the needs of local business. We will continue to grow this provision, developing bespoke programmes of study for the companies we work with, enabling their learners to upskill and reach greater potential. ESOL learners engage effectively in an employability programme which includes work placement visits, which exposes them to job opportunities. Access learners are prepared well for further study at HE by engaging in visits to local universities. EFFECTIVE SAFEGUARDING AND PROMOTION OF BRITISH VALUES Safeguarding arrangements are comprehensive and enable staff to quickly identify learners, or groups who are at risk and ensure appropriate support and intervention is immediately provided.


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Training for all staff including governors and volunteers is robust and effectively monitored through the single central record in personnel. Biennial college conferences offer opportunities for safeguarding and Prevent refresher training to ensure staff are up to date with current safeguarding and Prevent legislation and concerns. "Staff take very effective steps to ensure adult learners are kept safe. Learners confidently articulate how to keep themselves safe and understand any concerns they have." Ofsted Further Education & Skills Inspection Report May 2017. Effective relationships with external partners including the police, local authority and Dudley Safeguarding Children’s Board enables us to assess local risk and respond appropriately to safeguard our learners. Staff and learners routinely exemplify British Values. "Staff foster very effectively an ethos of respect and tolerance which adults respond to particularly well. Learners improve their understanding about life in modern Britain significantly through topics, discussions and activities which teachers very effectively integrate into lessons." Ofsted Further Education & Skills Inspection Report May 2017. Satisfaction amongst adult learners demonstrates they feel the college actively promotes equality and diversity and that they are treated fairly. EFFECTIVE LEADERSHIP & MANAGEMENT "Adult learning programmes are particularly well managed, meeting very well the skill development needs of learners and local employers. Managers and staff are very well qualified, extremely enthusiastic and have high expectations of learners." - Ofsted Further Education & Skills Inspection Report May 2017. Key Client Leadership Groups are now well established and driving the college’s work to meet the targets set in our

ambitious three year strategic plan. The groups meet regularly to discuss both in year performance and progress against strategic targets. "The cross-college strategy to bring about improvement to the quality of English and mathematics lessons and learning activities has been very successful in improving the experience and outcomes for adult learners." - Ofsted Further Education & Skills Inspection Report May 2017. Effective use of performance management system ensures challenging targets are set for all staff. These are clearly linked to the college’s vision and development plan. Managers facilitate a culture of high expectations and accountability. Self-assessment is comprehensive and accurate. Managers use data effectively to drive performance and monitor any areas of under performance. Managers communicate effectively across college to ensure vision is achieved. Managers have been set challenging targets to support the college in achieving its 24+ loans allocation and encourage more adults to develop higher level skills especially in local priority areas. EFFECTIVE SUPPORT FOR LEARNERS "Staff provide highly effective support for learners. Learners who require additional help in their learning, or to manage personal and family issues so that they can participate, receive excellent and highly personalised support so that they can attend, remain on courses and achieve." - Ofsted Further Education & Skills Inspection Report May 2017. Learners achieve at a rate comparable with their peers regardless of their age, ethnicity or gender. Training for support staff enables them to meet the complex needs of learners including mental health, challenging behaviour and Autism. Confidential counselling is highly

effective in supporting learners with personal issues to achieve their learning goals. "Staff make them feel valued and respected – which raises their self-esteem considerably." - Ofsted Further Education & Skills Inspection Report May 2017. Effective support, advice and guidance from Student Finance enables adult learners to cope with the financial strain of attending college. "Learners receive high-quality advice and guidance that build effectively on prior attainment and prepare them well for their next steps in learning and work." - Ofsted Further Education & Skills Inspection Report May 2017. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT, BEHAVIOUR AND WELFARE Learner behaviour is exemplary and facilitates an inclusive and harmonious environment. The importance of the four A's (attitude, attendance, aspiration and achievement) is reinforced to learners and linked to the world of work. A bespoke approach to attendance has been effectively applied to meet the needs of adult learners and reinforce professional practice. "Adults attend well and are punctual." - Ofsted Further Education & Skills Inspection Report May 2017. Learners participate actively in cross college events to support their personal development.These include Keeping Safe, Health and Well-being and Careers Fairs.This promotes independence and raises confidence particularly with learners returning to learning. "Learners improve their confidence markedly through participating in their learning. They keenly articulate the benefits of their learning." Ofsted Further Education & Skills Inspection Report May 2017. Our Finance and Welfare Officer provides support with benefits, housing and hardship to a numbers of adult learners.


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Below expectations

Meets expectations

Above expectations

Participation Diversity Achievement Satisfaction Regional Skills impact Financial contribution OVERALL

The overall performance of this key client group continues to be 'above expectations'. This group is exceeding expectations in terms of recruitment, achievement, learner/employer satisfaction and the financial impact on the college. Timely achievement has dipped slightly due to recent Apprenticeship reform changes, but still remains considerably above national rates. Increasing the diversity mix of our learners and continuing to raise the volume of work that is directly related to local skills needs continues to be a focus.

Apprenticeships and work-based learners Meets expectations

Administration & Customer Care

Exceeds expectations

Building Technologies

Exceeds expectations


Below expectations

Construction Trades

Meets expectations

Early Years

Meets expectations


Exceeds expectations

Hair & Beauty

Exceeds expectations

Health & Social Care

Exceeds expectations


Meets expectations

IT (Work Based)

Exceeds expectations

Management (Work Based)

Meets expectations

Motor Vehicle

Exceeds expectations


Meets expectations

Warehousing & Facilities Management

Exceeds expectations

As well as this Strategic Impact Assessment, each curriculum area also conducts its own annual assessment of performance against the same criteria. The table above gives a summary of the overall scorecard grades for each curriculum area within this key client group. It is important to note that ‘meets expectations’ is already a high standard that we set for our curriculum teams. There is no relation to our scorecard methodology and Ofsted grades. An area may be performing well in terms of learner achievement for example, but not meeting our expectations in terms of recruitment and financial impact. This subject impact assessment allows us to focus on the areas we wish to develop further over the coming academic year.


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OUTPUTS What key outputs did we achieve?

Our Apprenticeship provision achieved high levels of employer and learner satisfaction, above national comparators.

We significantly increased local participation in skills based learning: −

We engaged 1,379 young people in Apprenticeships.

− Despite a falling local demographic and the falling demand from employers due to the Apprenticeship reform, we have maintained our Apprenticeship enrolment numbers this year.

What better outputs could we achieve?

− We have seen an increased participation of adults, which is a switch from previous years.

− The number of higher apprentices has improved from the previous year but will continue to be an area of focus.

We engaged 2,474 adults in Apprenticeships.

In total we engaged 3,853 individuals in Apprenticeships

− Timely achievements rates, whilst well above national comparator, have fallen slightly this year and need to increase to meet employer expectations.

Supporting more employers to move from Apprenticeship frameworks to standards.

We ensured apprentices successfully achieved their programme of study: − Achievement rates remained very high. This is in spite of the Apprenticeship reform changes from frameworks to standards which have become more challenging for apprentices. All ages and all levels are still significantly above national rates. − There are no significant or sustained differences in the success rates of apprentices from diverse groups or those with a learning difficulty or disability with the exception of those identifying as other ethnicity for both 16-18 and 19+. We made a significant impact on the local skills gap by upskilling young people and adults: − 1,940 (51%) of Apprenticeships were on programmes directly supporting the Black Country Local Enterprise Partnership’s priority sectors. −

1,480 (39%) apprentices were following STEM programmes of study.


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INPUTS What were the key strengths of our inputs?

What inputs could we deliver better?

− Effective links with employers ensuring the Apprenticeship offer is closely aligned to local skills needs. “Management of the Apprenticeship provision is outstanding. The courses available meet the needs of employers and apprentices particularly well.” - Ofsted Further Education & Skills Inspection Report May 2017.

− Increasing access to online Apprenticeship tracking tools (including SmartAssessor) to employers.

− Ambitious strategic plans to develop facilities and resources for new Apprenticeships, particularly in building technologies. − The quality of teaching, learning and assessment, which was judged ‘outstanding’ by Ofsted (May 17). “Apprentices produce work that is of a very high standard. They demonstrate a very high level of skill in their subject areas.” - Ofsted Further Education & Skills Inspection Report May 2017.

− Working with employers to increase diversity of recruitment of Apprenticeships, supported by development of work placements for full-time learners. − Improve processes for identification of apprentices with a learning need who would benefit from learning support together with improved models for delivering this support to learners based outside of college premises.

− Effective support to help apprentices develop their skills in English and mathematics. − The support and challenge provided by teachers and assessors to raise the ambitions of young apprentices. − Good partnerships with the Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) on initiatives to increase Apprenticeships. − Highly effective arrangements to support and safeguard learners and to promote British Values. −

Effective partnership with private training providers.

− Outstanding facilities and resources provided across the Dudley Learning Quarter, particularly Dudley Advance. − The college’s performance management system which is used effectively to set challenging targets for staff. − Leadership & Management which in the vast majority of curriculum areas is highly effective.


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5.3 ENGAGEMENT AND PARTICIPATION RATES Apprentice engagement and trend analysis 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 2011/12 16 to 18








As part of the college’s continued focus on the development of Apprenticeship provision for young people, we are pleased to see the continuation of very high numbers of 16-18 apprentices achieved in 2016/17 has been maintained in 2017/18. This is in spite of the decline in recruitment of this age group national and locally since the reform to Apprenticeships in May 17. This provision is supported by effective engagement with local employers and dedicated Apprenticeship placement services offered by the college’s Employment Hub and Business Development Team. We are also pleased to see the number of adult Apprenticeships continue to increase as more employers use Apprenticeship training to upskill their workforce, again an impact on the reform. The number of adult apprentices grew to 2,474 in 2017/18. In total, some 3,853 individuals undertook Apprenticeship training in 2017/18. We are pleased to be the provider of choice for many employers looking to develop staff through Apprenticeship programmes.


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Newcastle upon Tyne

Isle of man Leeds Manchester Liverpool


Birmingham Cambridge



The heat map shows the locations where our Apprenticeship learners reside. The huge majority of the college’s Apprenticeship provision is based locally, with most 1618 apprentices following a day release programme. Adult Apprenticeships are often based locally, but there are pockets of focussed activity in other regions due to specific initiatives with key partner employers or sub-contractors. This includes delivery of bespoke Apprenticeship programmes on employer premises. The map also shows activity nationally due to the provision delivered through all areas of the college. This includes employers such as Cadcoe, OCS,Veolia, Environcom England Ltd, Knowhow and Ringway Infrastructure Services. All of our national programmes are delivered through our flexible Apprenticeship team at Dudley College of Technology.


Southampton Plymouth


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Ethnicity mix

Learning difficulty or disability

Mixed 2.7% Other 0.3%

Female 31.6%

Black 1.3%

Yes 11.8%

Asian 4.4%

Male 68.4% No 88.2% White 91.2%

AGED 19+ APPRENTICESHIPS Gender mix Female 43.4%

Ethnicity mix Mixed 1.3%

Learning difficulty or disability

Other 0.9% Black 2.7%

Yes 8.5%

Asian 3.6%

Male 56.6%

White 91.5%

In 2017/18 the mix of male and female learners was similar to the previous year. The percentage of female learners is higher in the 19+ cohort than in the 16-18 programmes. Although there are similar numbers of 16-18 female apprentices than in previous years, the college still has more to do in order to attract female learners from schools into STEM employment (particularly engineering and construction). Their ethnicity profile shows our Apprenticeship learners as a group are broadly representative of the communities that we serve. However, our apprentices are less diverse than learners on other college provision (such as full-time learners). There are some small differences in achievement between ethnic groups, this is particularly seen in those groups identified as ‘other’. The college will work hard to ensure intervention is in place to narrow the gap of achievement for this group. We were pleased to support 353 apprentices with learning difficulties or disabilities in 2017/18, which is an increased numbers seen from the previous year. The college delivers support to these learners using a dedicated Apprenticeship support team and this has always led to strong achievement rates. This year, for the first time, we are supporting more learners on national Apprenticeship delivery programmes. Driven by large levy paying companies now contracting with us for this delivery. We have found that delivering effective support to these nationally located learners has been more of a challenge, which has impacted on achievement in a few cases. The college will work hard to ensure that our support network is developed to ensure access support for available for locations and delivery models.

No 91.5%


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5.5 OUTCOMES FOR LEARNERS Overall achievement rate - all Apprenticeships 100%

Intermediate Apprenticeships 100% 90% 82.8%



81.9% 80%


76.1% 67.1%



60% 50%







College achievement rate Latest published national achievement rate


Advanced Apprenticeships






90% 80%

College achievement rate Latest published national achievement rate



80.6% 69.3%


Achievement rates for Apprenticeship learners have remained consistently very high for the last three years – well above national rates at all ages and levels. The methodology for achievement rate calculations has changed over these years, which makes comparison with national rates and college performance difficult, but the overall performance is well above national rates. Overall achievement rate now stands at 77.2 % well above the latest national rate of 67.7%. The college is pleased to report a very high level of success across the bulk of its provision. There is a drop in achievement this year as the college failed to monitor some off-site Apprenticeship provision as robustly as it should have done, leading to some untimely fails/withdrawals impacting on this year. However, overall performance is still very strong.

60% 50%




College achievement rate Latest published national achievement rate


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Timely achievement rate - all Apprenticeships

Intermediate Apprenticeships 100%


90% 80%






70.8% 67.0%

67.8% 59.8%








College success rate Latest published national success rate

Advanced Apprenticeships




50% 2015/16



90% 80%

College achievement rate Latest published national achievement rate


75.8% 68.8%

69.3% 59.9%

60% 50%




Timely achievement rates in 2017/18 at all levels remain well above latest published national rates but have dropped slightly compared to the previous year. As can be seen, whilst timely achievement has improved on intermediate qualifications, it has dropped on advanced level qualification. This issue seems to be linked to a specific national contract where delivery took longer than expected due to constraints with the employer. Timely achievement remains a priority for the college as we continue to develop our monitoring and intervention activity with employers to ensure their apprentices are able to complete in the agreed timeframes. The college is continuing to grow the number of learners completing Higher Apprenticeships. There were 110 learners studying higher programmes in 2016/17 and this year has seen this grow to 263, although only 49 of them came to the end of their studies in that period with most progressing into future years to achieve. Boosting Higher Apprenticeship numbers by supporting progression from advanced Apprenticeships remains a strategic priority for the college.

College achievement rate Latest published national achievement rate


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Aged 16-18 - all levels 100%

100% 90%



83.9% 78.3%

80% 69.9%




90% 80.3%

79.1% 69.6%




College achievement rate





60% 2015/16

Aged 24+ - all levels 100%


60% 50%

Aged 19-23 - all levels

74.7% 65.3%

60% 2015/16







College achievement rate

College achievement rate

Latest published national achievement rate

Latest published national achievement rate

Latest published national achievement rate

AGE GROUP OVERALL ACHIEVEMENT The college is particularly proud of the quality of Apprenticeship provision it provides. Analysis by age groups shows performance that remains high and well above national rates. This is the result of dedicated processes around the delivery and monitoring of our Apprenticeship provision and from the development of strong relationships with the employers we support.


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5.6 STAKEHOLDER SATISFACTION Year-end apprentice satisfaction (QDP services) 100 86 80



76 79





79 71

78 76

77 78

Next steps

Overall satisfaction

64 Rating



20 N/A

0 Teaching and learning

At my workplace

College rating

The support I recieve

N/A My progress

N/A Tests and assessments


Accommodation and equipment

N/A Learner voice


We conduct surveys each year to understand learners’ satisfaction with their programme of study and the wider college. Their feedback informs subject performance reviews and quality improvement plans. The college employs an external agency, QDP to conduct mid and end year surveys and to benchmark the results against other general Further Education colleges.

The results show an increase to our overall satisfaction levels from the previous year to a rating of 77, however some individual question responses have dipped slightly in comparison to the benchmark of other grade 2 or above colleges nationally. The college will work hard to ensure that expectation is met fort these areas and learner satisfaction remains high. The measures where national benchmarking is not available have in the main improved compared to the previous year.


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5.6 STAKEHOLDER SATISFACTION CONTINUED FE choices employer satisfaction 9.6










































a r ll u n e g d ing n’s ing t fo e at r ra io in s yo ss r n en t e nin d i it o ds g t i e a l d v n h a o m n a n v c t e o e i r t a e o i o e l e e r t r o tr m -t ec wi oc nis ne er de ssm pa job gl sm ur n co ce of up y/s d f ly pr e n s i ga ing e f n e i r r y e s r r v s e a p in o in o ue lit ss yo ct str sta s to in cle ut th pr tra e or a ua nfl fle ndu ur tra r a eet i d g h f g q g e o o / t o n i n r l o / n o o y i i l i d f t o d m r e g in o n h at gh in at ra y an to nc ra th you eli m ing a lit ve tra din nic rou i g e T s k y i i f i n g u b n a l O L o in in A m th en ini w na in sta m nv ity ain ices io tra ra ible er l o t i r s o d t s t C C e ab g ac ing ex Un of uit rin pr S fer fl pr e f v e O eli Th D

The chart shows the results of the externally conducted FE choices employer satisfaction survey for the last three years. Responses to the survey remain very positive, with an overall satisfaction rating of 9.05 for employers of apprentices and a rating of 9.6 for whether they would recommend the college. This remains one of the leading results nationally and evidences the work undertaken by the college to build relationships with the employers we serve and ensures that we provide high-quality provision.


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30% 20% 10% 0% 2011/12





The local economy relies on a workforce with high level skills and skills in STEM subjects (science, technology, engineering and mathematics). The chart shows the percentage of frameworks and standards completed by Apprenticeship learners that were in STEM related subjects. 1,480 (39%) of our apprentices followed STEM programmes of study, very similar numbers to the previous year. The college is committed to continuing to growing the STEM Apprenticeship provision, which is reflected in our estate and strategic developments planned for 2018/19 and beyond. Particularly the creation of Dudley Advance II, our new centre for Modern Construction Methodologies. The area we have seen a drop in STEM provision however is in Information Technology programmes which have declined since the Apprenticeship reforms. A future development for us is a planned redevelopment of some of our digital offer to better meet the needs of local employers.


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5.7 IMPACT ON REGIONAL SKILLS AND THE REGIONAL ECONOMY CONTINUED Proportion of Apprenticeships in Black Country LEP transformational sectors Number of Apprenticeships 0
















BC LEP Transformational Sector


RCU Research & Consultancy Service conducted analysis of the college’s Individual Learner Record (ILR) data to review how well the college was meeting local priorities. This shows that a high proportion of our Apprenticeship learners are following programmes that are linked to Black Country Local Enterprise Partnership transformational sectors. It also shows that although some of our growth in Apprenticeships is linked to other provision (such as Sports and Leadership), the number of learners on college LEP priority programmes as as a percentage has remained static – meaning growth in actual learner numbers over last three years.


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Apprentice Progression




Longitudinal analysis of destination of completing apprentice

80% 60%

65% 53%

40% 20%

For the first time in 2017/18, the college conducted a pilot longitudinal survey of the impact on Apprenticeship training on individuals. A pilot group of apprentices who completed their programme in academic year 2014/15 were contacted by phone and interviewed about their career development since completion of their Apprenticeship. A summary of the results is shown. This further shows the positive impact that Apprenticeship training provided by the college has had on the individuals and their employers.We will broaden out the scope of this longitudinal survey in 2018/19 so as to be able to report on a sector basis.



pl e R th ting esp em th on in e A den th pp ts H eir re w sin ave ca ntic ho ce pr re es ag o co gr er hi re m es pr p a ed pl se og ss th et d io in re ist at n to ss ed of io a n. th m eir or Ap e s H av pr en e en ior co tic r nt es ole of inue hi p. Re Ap d po pr on ov rt en to er ed tic h es igh ÂŁ5 th a hi er ,0 t p 00 th tr lev e ain el pe ir r a sa in s g. nn lar y of um h a th si d eir nc in Ap e c cre pr om ase en pl d tic eti by es on hi p.



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5.8 REVIEW OF STRATEGIC INPUTS (SIPs) OUTSTANDING TEACHING AND LEARNING The quality of teaching, learning and assessment is routinely outstanding. Ofsted commented that: “Highly qualified, motivated and enthusiastic staff use their excellent subject knowledge and vocational skills, with extensive links to employers to provide lessons that relate closely to the needs and expectations of industry. This motivates and inspires learners exceptional well. Learners enjoy their studies and develop a very good range of skills that prepare them well for employment.” “Apprentices benefit significantly from carefully planned learning programmes that reflect their individual needs, learning abilities and starting points. On- and off-thejob training are very well coordinated. Highly effective workplace mentors help to ensure that apprentices make good progress by linking the theoretical aspects of the apprentices’ learning to the job roles that they undertake at work and their skills development. As a result, apprentices make significant contributions in their workplaces that employers value highly. Almost all apprentices remain in employment at the end of their course.” - Ofsted Further Education & Skills Inspection Report May 2017. Teachers integrate English and mathematics into practical lessons very effectively and, as a result, apprentices learn to apply these skills confidently at work. Apprentices routinely study English and mathematics to a level higher than that required by their Apprenticeship framework in preparation for progression to higher-level programmes. Internal quality assurance of teaching, learning and assessment is robust and covers all teachers, assessors and learning support staff. Biennial health checks which include formal ungraded observations against our professional teaching

standards are carried out by a dedicated team from our Standards and Performance department.

prosperity.” – Ofsted Further Education & Skills Inspection Report May 2017.

Apprenticeship learners’ progress is effectively tracked through robust target setting and the day release learners benefit from dedicated pastoral support through Personal Development Officers.

Managers and staff use their strong; links with employers to ensure their apprentices learn the skills industry need. Our state-of-the-art facilities, Dudley Advance and Dudley Advance II were developed and built through a collaborative approach with employers to ensure that apprentices are developing the skills, knowledge and trades required for the future industry needs.

The use of ILT within the Apprenticeship provision has significantly increased with all apprentices using an e-portfolio. Update training and best practice is shared throughout the year through staff conferences and team meetings to ensure effective use of Blackboard, ProMonitor and e-portfolios to enhance the learning experience. EFFECTIVE ARRANGEMENTS FOR MEETING EMPLOYERS’ NEEDS The college’s employer engagement has been enhanced by a business to business and ‘routes to market’ approach. This is driven by a dedicated team of business development managers who build sustainable relationships with local and regional employers. These relationships also help to ensure our Apprenticeship offer meets the employer needs. “The college makes an outstanding contribution to the development of digital, scientific, engineering and technological skills in the region by ensuring that the curriculum responds directly to emerging skills gaps. Extremely close collaboration with the college’s key stakeholders, including the Black Country local enterprise partnership (LEP), employers and higher education institutions, has created new opportunities for learners at the college to progress successfully into employment, further training or higher education.” 40% of the apprentices at the college now work in STEM subjects, crucial to regional and national future

Local employers benefit from use of hi-tech engineering equipment through the Innovation Enterprise Zone. This relationship fosters collaboration between college and employers in supporting the growth of Apprenticeships. “Leaders and managers have designed highly innovative, forward-looking Apprenticeship pathways to prepare learners for future careers in newly emerging, highly skilled digital technologies. For example, the college is leading the development of Apprenticeship pathways in digital construction techniques, in anticipation of a progressive shift in design and construction of premanufactured buildings to meet national housing shortages. Leaders and governors have worked assiduously and very successfully in securing the resources needed to realise these transformational ambitions.” – Ofsted Further Education & Skills Inspection Report May 2017. Development of new Apprenticeship programmes are established through collaboration, external networks and forums. For example, - Financial Services Customer Advisers, Network Engineering (Construction), Roofing, Health Care Support Worker, Operations Manager, Hair Professional and Hospitality Team Member have all been introduced recently following work with employers.


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5.8 REVIEW OF STRATEGIC INPUTS (SIPs) CONTINUED EFFECTIVE SAFEGUARDING AND PROMOTION OF BRITISH VALUES Ofsted commented that “Managers and staff have ensured that the college is a highly inclusive environment where differences are tolerated and effectively celebrated. Learners demonstrate very high levels of mutual respect for each other and respect for staff. Apprentices’ behaviour is excellent.” Safeguarding arrangements are comprehensive in this area. Support for learners identified at risk is effective. Learner satisfaction around feeling safe in college is exceptional.The Prevent agenda is well embedded across college and into our safeguarding practices. Effective communication with external partners including the police and local authority enables us to assess local risk and respond appropriately to safeguard our learners. “Leaders and managers continue to give high priority to the safeguarding of apprentices, groups of apprentices and those who follow programmes with subcontractors. Learners feel safe and know how to raise any concerns they may have. " – Ofsted Further Education & Skills Inspection Report May 2017. Training for all staff including governors and volunteers is robust and effectively monitored through the single-central record in personnel. Biennial college conferences offer opportunities for safeguarding and Prevent refresher training to ensure staff are up to date with current safeguarding and Prevent legislation and concerns. EFFECTIVE LEADERSHIP & MANAGEMENT College management arrangements are highly effective and have evolved in the creation of a dedicated Apprenticeship leadership team. The cross college team focuses on ensuring the strategic ambitions for this key client group are met


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5.8 REVIEW OF STRATEGIC INPUTS (SIPs) CONTINUED (as set out in our Strategic Plan), whilst also monitoring the in-year performance of this area and putting in place intervention actions as required. There are dedicated supervisors and managers for our Apprenticeship provision, as well as bespoke arrangements around quality assurance development of teaching, learning and assessment. All of which is supported by our Standards & Performance team. Managers systematically audit Apprenticeships to ensure full compliance with the awarding body and the funding body. A clear management structure exists to ensure policies and procedures are adhered to and actioned when appropriate. College systems, such as ProEngage and ProSolution are used effectively to monitor the standards and performance of the Apprenticeship provision and employer engagement. Ofsted commented that “Senior leaders maintain a relentless focus on sustained, iterative improvements to the college’s provision for the benefit of learners and staff. For example, they have evolved a more holistic approach to staff performance review.This is valued highly by staff for the greater ownership they have in applying the college’s priorities to their personal development objectives.” A dedicated Outstanding Practitioner for assessors ensures high-quality practices and professional standards are met. This role ensures bespoke staff development and mentoring for assessors is readily available. The Outstanding Practitioner ensures best practice is identified and disseminated throughout the Apprenticeship provision. The college works effectively with a range of subcontractors who are selected carefully for the subject-specific expertise they provide. Subcontractors’ performance is monitored closely by leaders and managers. Achievement rates for learners and apprentices who follow programmes with subcontractors are

particularly high. This work provides a broad and appropriate curriculum which maps to local and regional needs. EFFECTIVE SUPPORT FOR LEARNERS Ofsted commented that “Teachers and assessors provide highly effective support for apprentices.They set and agree clear and challenging short-term targets for apprentices during regular reviews of their progress. This enables all apprentices to make very good progress towards achieving their qualification and career goals. Apprentices with additional needs, such as dyslexia, are supported very effectively and as a result make significant progress.” Apprentices support from employers is coordinated well through the personal development officer role. They ensure the demands of the employer and the training are balanced consistently and apprentices develop a wide range of personal and job ready skills leading to high rates of employment and further training. Smart Assessor e-portfolio has been embedded in to the college with all apprentices using this too effectively to monitor and track Apprenticeship performance. “Careers guidance is highly effective. College staff work very well with employers to recruit apprentices. In the early stages of a programme, staff use very well initial information, advice and guidance and diagnostic assessments to ensure that apprentices are on the right course.Teachers, assessors and employers provide apprentices with highly personalised, ongoing careers advice and guidance. As a result, the vast majority of apprentices are very well aware of the options available when they complete their programmes and what they need to achieve to take their planned next steps.”

OUTSTANDING FACILITIES AND RESOURCES Ofsted commented that, “Leaders and managers work closely with a range of employers and partners to develop learning facilities of an exceptional standard, including a range of new buildings that contain a wide array of very good specialist equipment.Teachers make excellent use of these resources and, in addition, develop varied, creative and stimulating learning materials that inspire learners to succeed.” The college continues to build upon the investment made in its estate. Following the successes of our flagship engineering centres, Dudley Advance Dudley Advance II the construction trades have been relocated to a new purpose built facility in Brierley Hill to meet the standards of the learning quarter and to ensure that the apprentices within this provision are using state of the art and hi-tech equipment. Catering apprentices have the opportunity to put classroom theory in to practice across college in our Stir bistro, refectory, café, snack bar and juice bar. Our Hairdressing, Beauty Therapy and Hospitality apprentices have access to the exceptionally resourced commercial provision across the learning quarter, allowing for industry experience within an educational environment. This ‘on the job’ training provides an excellent foundation that enable learners to implement their knowledge and skills practically within the workplace. To enhance initial advice and guidance for apprentices the Employment Hub and Learner Services have been relocated to a ‘one-stop shop’ which is a dedicated support service for recruitment to Apprenticeships. This facility also provides recruitment support for local and regional employers and Job Centre Plus.


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PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT BEHAVIOUR & WELFARE Ofsted commented that “Teachers and assessors are determined that apprentices achieve well, despite poor experiences and underachievement of many while at school.The college has very successfully developed the ‘4 As’ model of expectations focusing on aspiration, attitude, attendance and achievement, and all staff make these explicit for learners from the outset.They use this model to raise learners’ expectations of what they can achieve and continually reinforce high expectations for all learners.This encourages learners to become curious and enthusiastic. As a result, they have excellent attitudes and take pride in their work." Apprentices’ attendance at learning and work is high in almost all subjects. College managers and staff set high expectations from the start of apprentices’ programmes and consistently reinforce these throughout their time at the college. “Apprentices have excellent access to very high-quality careers advice and guidance.This enables them to make well-informed choices about appropriate programmes to follow to achieve their long-term education and career aspirations.” – Ofsted Further Education & Skills Inspection Report May 2017.

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Below expectations

Meets expectations

Above expectations

Participation Diversity Achievement Satisfaction Destinations Regional skills impact Financial contribution

Higher skills learners

Animal Science

Below expectations

Building Technologies

Exceeds expectations


Exceeds expectations


Meets expectations

Early Years

Meets expectations


Exceeds expectations


Meets expectations

Perf Studies

Meets expectations

Public Services

Below expectations


Meets expectations

Teacher Training

Exceeds expectations

Travel & Tourism

Meets expectations

Visual Arts

Exceeds expectations


The overall performance of this key client group is 'meets expectations'. Learner achievements, satisfaction and destinations upon completion are both 'above expectations'.Whilst recruitment, regional impact and financial impact are all good there is still room to raise these further in line with the college's Strategic Plan.

As well as this Strategic Impact Assessment, each curriculum area also conducts its own annual assessment of performance against the same criteria. The table above gives a summary of the overall scorecard grades for each curriculum area within this key client group. It is important to note that ‘meets expectations’ is already a high standard that we set for our curriculum teams. There is no relation to our scorecard methodology and Ofsted grades. An area may be performing well in terms of learner achievement for example, but not meeting our expectations in terms of recruitment and financial impact. This subject impact assessment allows us to focus on the areas we wish to develop further over the coming academic year.


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OUTPUTS What key outputs did we achieve?

What better outputs could we achieve?

We increased local participation in higher skills learning:

The number of learners on higher certificate/national level programmes as we continue to grow this provision.

The number of learners studying through a Higher Apprenticeship as we continue to grow this provision.

The number of women participating in higher level STEM programmes.

The number of learners achieving Business School qualifications at level 4 or above.

We engaged 487 adults in higher skills programmes.

We engaged 153 adults in Higher Apprenticeships.

We successfully engaged learners from diverse communities: −

68 (14%) learners were from ethnic minority groups. Our learners are more diverse than the local community where 11.5% of the population are from minority groups.

We ensured higher skills learners achievement fully achieved their programme of study. −

Achievement rates for HNC/D programmes have remained high for three years and stand at 91%.

Achievement rates for classroom level 4+ programmes has increased significantly from the previous year and now stands at 98%.

We supported the progression of our learners to positive destinations: −

475 (97.7%) learners enjoyed a positive destination this is an increase when compared to 16/17 (+4%), of which 315 (64.8%) progressed into employment another increase compared with 16/17 (+4.8%), 220 of these directly into graduate level positions almost 80 more than in 16/17. The majority of the remainder continued in higher education.

We made an impact on the local skills gap by upskilling adults: −

98 (31%) of higher skills learners were following STEM programmes of study.

Our higher skills learners reported high satisfaction levels above national comparators.


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INPUTS What were the key strengths of our inputs?

What inputs could we deliver better?

Effective links with employers ensuring our higher skills offer is closely aligned to local skills needs.

A clear strategic vision for the higher skill area.

The promotion to women of graduate careers in engineering and advanced manufacturing.

Strong teaching and learning linked to industry and university needs.

Research opportunities for staff and higher skills learners.

The introduction of bespoke Higher Skills teaching triangles to develop the quality of teaching and learning for higher skills learners.

Effective engagement of learners in enhancement activities.

Effective partnership with local universities.

Outstanding facilities and resources provided across the Dudley Learning Quarter, including Dudley Advance II for modern construction methodologies.

Effective Leadership & Management of higher skills programmes.


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6.3 ENGAGEMENT AND PARTICIPATION RATES Learner engagement trend analysis 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 2011/12 HNC/D




Classroom level 4+

As part of the college’s strategic focus on the development of higher skills opportunities, we are pleased to see a gradual increase in the numbers of learners completing HNC/D programmes. We have however seen our numbers on level 4 general provision remain fairly stable over recent years, due mainly to limits on funding available for these programmes. In total in 2017/18 we had 487 learners undertaking higher level learning through classroom based and HNC/D programmes and 153 through Higher Apprenticeships. The number studying through Higher Apprenticeships has more than doubled since 15/16. These learners continue to be a strategic priority for the college and we have plans to further expand our HE offer.





The college considers higher skills learners as: 1. HNC/D learners - those studying dedicated HE programmes on a full or part time basis. 2. Classroom based level 4+ learners - adults studying FE provision that is level 4 or higher - including professional programmes such Teacher Training. 3. Higher Apprenticeships - those studying at level 4 and above through an Apprenticeship programme


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Travel to learn map





Brierley Hill

West Bromwich



The map shows the travel to learn pattern of our Higher Skills learners in 2017/18. The majority of learners are from Dudley borough, as you would expect, with increasing numbers of learners looking to remain in Dudley to study rather than travel elsewhere. However, it also shows that the college is attracting higher level learners from across the wider Black Country and beyond. We are pleased to see that, as we strengthen our higher level offer and build our reputation for quality delivery of learning and skills, we are able to recruit learners from greater distances.


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Learning difficulty or disability Other 2% Black 3%

Female 38%

Yes 9%

Mixed 3% Asian 5% Not provided 2%

White 85%

Male 62%

Whilst males remain the biggest cohort on Higher Skills programmes, the percentage of the population who are female has increased from 31% in 16/17 to 38% in 17/18. Our biggest higher level provision is in engineering which still tends to attract male employees from industry. The college has an aspiration to attract more females to the engineering industry and to our new provision in modern construction methodologies. The opening of our new centre, Dudley Advance II, has supported this and we will continue to work with schools to encourage more female learners to consider STEM programmes and careers

No 91%

Their ethnicity profile shows our higher level learners as a group are more diverse than the local community. 14% of our learners are from minority groups who make up 11.9% of the local population. We were pleased to support 57 higher level learners with learning difficulties or disabilities in 2017/18 a slight increase compared with the previous year. We are happy to report that these learners achieved at a rate comparable to their peers.


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6.5 OUTCOMES FOR LEARNERS Overall achievement rate




95% 91%

92% 75%








60% 40% 20% 0% 2012/13


Classroom level 4+






Pass rates for higher level learners completing HNC/D programmes have increased and remain high at 91%. It is pleasing to see that we are maintaining high standards as we continue to grow this provision. Classroom level 4+ provision has improved significantly and achievement now stands at 98% compared to 87% in 16/17.


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6.6 STAKEHOLDER SATISFACTION Year-end learner satisfaction (QDP survey) 100 87 80






78 76

75 75

81 72


80 73






0 Teaching and Learning

My progress

College rating

Test and assessment


Accommodation and equipment

Learner voice

Next steps

Overall satisfaction


We conduct surveys each year to understand learners’ satisfaction with their programme of study and the wider college. Their feedback informs subject performance reviews and quality improvement plans. The college employs an external agency, QDP, to conduct mid-year and end-year surveys and to benchmark the results against 74 other general further education colleges.

The results show learner satisfaction on all measures remain above the benchmark for this cohort. We note however that there has been a slight dip against the excellent results seen last year. This may be due to the heightened expectation attached to the Ofsted Outstanding grade. Although this is not a concern, we will continue to ensure the high expectations are met and satisfaction remains high.


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Ipsos MORI national learner survey 100 85 84 84

% agree


81 83 83

86 74 73

80 80 80


85 85

73 75 75


83 83 76 77

72 69 69 60




0 Teaching on my course

Learning opportunities

Dudley College of Technology 2017/18

Assessment and feedback

Academic support

England average 2017/18

Organisation and management

Learning resources

Learning community

Learner voice

Overall satisfaction

FEC sector average 2017/18

The above chart shows the results of the externally conducted national student survey for higher education learners. The survey demonstrates a mixed picture. In four of the areas we continue to score above the sector average – 'the teaching on my course', 'assessment and feedback', 'learning community' and 'student voice'. The 'overall satisfaction' is well below the sector average and the college’s score for last year. The survey was completed by 25 learners and does not fully represent the views of our wider Higher Skills learners. We will work with this cohort to improve the satisfaction.


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6.7 LEARNER DESTINATIONS Destination summary 0%




Detailed destination analysis 60%























Working and studying




3% 4%


0% Working full-time

Working part-time



Unemployed and looking for work

Due to start work in the next month

Studying full-time

Studying part-time



The above charts show the results of the externally conducted Destinations of Leavers from Higher Education (DLHE) survey produced in June 2018. We are pleased to report a high percentage of our learners enjoy a positive destination following the completion of their higher level programme with the number of learners unemployed decreasing. In the detailed analysis we can see that there is an increase in learners going into full-time employment after completing a higher level programme at the college.


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45% 45%


40% 35%

45% 38%

35% 31%

30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% 2012/13






The local economy relies on a workforce with high level skills and skills in STEM subjects (science, technology, engineering and mathematics). The chart above shows the percentage of qualifications completed by higher level learners that were in STEM related subjects. We are pleased to see we have maintained a good percentage of learners in this important area, despite a growth in provision overall. We are committed to further expanding our higher level STEM provision through the expansion of our Science and Healthcare provision.


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6.8 IMPACT ON REGIONAL SKILLS AND THE REGIONAL ECONOMY CONTINUED DLHE survey progression to graduate level employment

DLHE survey preparation for employment

100% 0%






90% 80%
















60% 2015/16





50% 40% 30%




4.8% 3.2%

20% 10%

How well did your overall experience in Higher Education prepare you for employment? Very well


Not very well

Not at all


Graduate level position

Lower level positions

These charts are taken from the Destinations of Leavers from Higher Education (DLHE) report produced in June 2018. The first chart shows learners remain highly satisfied with how they are prepared for their next steps. An increasing number of learners feel well or very well prepared for their next steps (87,1% compared to 84.3% in previous year).

such as primary and nursery education, medicine, web design and civil engineering, despite skills shortages existing in these areas, was very much part of a national picture. Further analysis of this trend is needed but there may be some impact on graduate jobs as employers are choosing to use the higher apprenticeship route to meet needs in these areas.

The second chart shows the mix of completing students who go directly into full time graduate positions as a result of completing a HNC/D programme at the college. These reports shows a slight drop in learners going into graduate level positions.

The UK still has a strong and increasing demand for graduates. With the number of 18-yearolds in the UK set to fall year-on year until well into the next decade, and a fall in University applications in 2017, it is unlikely that the national appetite for graduates will wane significantly any time soon.

This contraction in numbers with less graduates going into professional roles in specific areas


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6.9 REVIEW OF STRATEGIC INPUTS (SIPs) OUTSTANDING TEACHING AND LEARNING The quality of teaching and learning across higher level learning matches the college’s recent Ofsted judgement of ‘Outstanding’. Learners are exposed to strong staff with subject specific expertise who link programme content to industrial/university requirements. Learners benefit from timely, detailed and individualised feedback which assists them in making strong progress within their chosen area of study. All learners benefit from staff who are trained to degree level with many achieving or working towards their Masters qualification. There are also a selection of staff who are currently undertaking their PhD, which is partly funded by the college. There is currently a Masters programme, which is fully funded by the college, running to develop the qualifications and skills of 14 college staff, all of whom teach on HE provision. This is a large financial investment by the college developing and supporting staff to achieve Masters qualifications (delivered by Newman University) to facilitate our continued expansion of higher level provision. Internal quality assurance of teaching, learning and assessment is effective and covers all staff within a HE remit. The development of teaching and learning is driven forward through collaborative communities of practice (teaching triangles), where academic staff are observed by two of their colleagues and a member of the outstanding practitioner team. This results in the engagement in professional dialogue regarding ways to develop and disseminate the sharing of good practice, and areas of development. These lessons are measured against the college’s Higher Education professional standards to ensure that the current levels of classroom performance are being developed and improved to ensure the best possible environment for all learners. HE ‘triangles’ are growing with more staff involved in cross-college HE specific working groups.

The college works with a number of universities, including Wolverhampton, Worcester, Gloucester, Aston, BCU and, as previously outlined, Newman. For each HE subject area we have identified link University tutors in local HEIs who work alongside our teaching staff to advise on curriculum design and delivery, ensuring our programmes are delivered to expected standards. The college’s NSS survey results are positive when compared both nationally, and to other local college’s, with regards to teaching and learning. . The same is true of the college’s SPOC results which show that learners agree that they are exposed to high levels of teaching and learning. According to learner surveys and teaching triangle feedback the teaching, learning and assessment have been identified as a real strength in certain curriculum areas, including Travel and Tourism and Engineering. In addition to having cross-college HE triangles there are dedicated training sessions aimed at sharing this best practice at college conferences. Some HE teaching areas enjoyed less positive learner feedback with regards to teaching and learning including Music, Computing and Animal Management. It is recognised that although the overall standard of teaching in these areas is high the content needs to be modified to better meet the needs of learners and the industry they will work in. Our recent Ofsted report said “Teachers are highly motivational, raising the aspirations and self-belief of learners, inspiring them to make the most of their time at college.”

for purpose. Our new Creative Digital Media courses have proved very popular and the changes to some of the existing courses have allowed us to develop routes in Arts Practice to widen the curriculum offering. In addition to completely new curriculum we have also revised the content of certain programmes, both to better meet local needs and to ensure more seamless progression for learners wishing to progress to degree programmes at University. We have continued to develop our strong partnership with Aston University to support our largest higher level provision, engineering. Aston University staff work alongside college staff to support delivery of our HNC/D programmes and to design the content to facilitate better progression to a bespoke degree programme at the University. We have clear progression routes to Wolverhampton University from a number of our HN programmes, including Animal Management and we continue to develop this suite of progression options, as well as developing progression routes and agreed recognition of prior learning arrangements with local providers. New curriculum development remains a priority as we look to continue to grow our higher level provision, with development work happening this year on a Foundation Diploma in Exercise and Wellness Management in partnership with Worcester University and an expansion of science and arts courses.

A RELEVANT AND RESPONSIVE CURRICULUM The number of higher level learners at the college has grown again this year due to the introduction of a number of new curriculum developments. All of this new curriculum has been designed in response to local demand and in many cases developed with employer partners to ensure it is fit


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6.9 REVIEW OF STRATEGIC INPUTS (SIPs) CONTINUED OUTSTANDING FACILITIES AND RESOURCES Higher level learners benefit from access to facilities across the entire Dudley Learning Quarter, into which the college has invested over £45m over the past few years. Particular estates developments that have been introduced to support higher level learners include: • A study room dedicated to higher level learners offers a professional learning environment. • A review that updated subject specific equipment for higher level programmes – including an upgrade of the digital media production suite in advance of the launch of this programme. • Continued investment in the engineering equipment in Dudley Advance – including the opening of Dudley Advance II for advanced building technologies. The college revised its approach to resourcing higher level learning programmes by creating dedicated budget and management systems. This ensured that a holistic approach to resourcing this particular client group was completed and developments prioritised to best meet their needs. Resource management is now coordinated via an HE specific Key Client Group leadership team. Further capital projects for higher level learners include the potential development of a Institute of Transformational Technologies with Digital Engineering, Manufacturing and Health and Life Science buildings at its heart, all of which are key local skills shortage areas. EFFECTIVE ARRANGEMENTS FOR MEETING EMPLOYERS’ NEEDS Dudley Advance was created through working in collaboration with local businesses with the aim of providing industry skills to the meet the changing need of employers.

The majority of learners undertaking an engineering HE programme are employed and studying either through sponsorship by their employer or as part of a Higher Apprenticeship. Teacher training provision follows the Education Training Foundation guidelines for the development of our future teachers. All the learners on the Teacher Training course are ‘in service’ and so currently working for employers. Further developments in this area will include teaching assistant qualifications in the portfolio. Live briefs delivered by industry professionals have proven popular both with learners and lecturers. The professional approach creates a culture of high expectations and this has been evident within external verifier reports from areas such as Fashion and Textiles. Learners within Animal Management HND undertake teaching practice to support the needs of their industry in engaging in education by supporting lower level learners and teaching curriculum specific classes. In Sport, learners support local schools and gain valuable experience in sport training and education by engaging in extensive work experience throughout their qualification. EFFECTIVE SAFEGUARDING AND PROMOTION OF BRITISH VALUES Dudley College offers a safe and inclusive environment with a good ethos of mutual respect. Safeguarding arrangements within the college are robust. All staff including volunteers and apprentices complete appropriate Safeguarding training. Safeguarding is embedded in to all higher level programmes of study and in addition, all learners enrolled on to a Dudley College course have access to the cross college safeguarding and cultural diversity events.

Training for all staff including governors and volunteers is robust and effectively monitored through the single-central record in personnel. Biennial college conferences offer opportunities for safeguarding and Prevent refresher training to ensure staff are up to date with current safeguarding and Prevent legislation and concerns. Ofsted rated safeguarding as outstanding. Effective communication with external partners including the police and local authority enables us to assess local risk and respond appropriately to safeguard our learners. An example was we were informed that the extremist group English Defence League were staging a demonstration against a mosque in Dudley. Learners were informed of the risk posed and advised to stay away. EFFECTIVE LEADERSHIP & MANAGEMENT Leadership & Management is effective across this provision through a dedicated higher level learning management structure. Identified college managers, subject leads and support staff are dedicated to higher level learning and they ensure standards are maintained across the provision. Alongside the college’s own Subject Impact Assessment processes this team also ensure all subject areas delivering higher education also complete a robust Self Evaluation Document (SED) in line with Quality Assurance Agency requirements. This ensures good practice and areas for development are identified and translated into appropriate actions in subject quality improvement plans. College management arrangements have evolved in the creation of Key Client Leadership Groups, including one specifically for our HE provision. The groups are tasked with driving the college’s work to meet the targets set in our ambitious three year strategic plan. The groups meet regularly to facilitate detailed analysis of each in year and all year each action plan and enable a focus on performance of key client groups and developments. There is a Head of Learning


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for Higher Skills with a college wide role of strategically developing HE curriculum. Ofsted said “Governors, the principal and college leaders have established an ambitious vision for the college and its role in the region; the curriculum anticipates regional and national need, leading to highly appropriate training pathways.� EFFECTIVE SUPPORT FOR LEARNERS Higher skills learners continue to develop their professional attitudes and behaviours throughout their chosen programmes through embedded professional practice of the relevant industry. Learners are encouraged to take ownership of their own studies, whilst being supported by their course tutor. Independent learning, and in particular, research skills are developed by the embedding of these skills in to their course as well as bridging modules designed to prepare learners for the standards required in Higher Education. Guest lecturers delivered by both internal and external professionals prepares learners fully for continued higher education and expectations of industry. Learning is delivered in a professional environment with these characteristics and expectations delivered to learners during a robust and comprehensive induction process. All Higher Skills learners have access to the full range of college support mechanisms, including finance, counselling, additional learning support and career guidance. Attendance is monitored by course tutors and support and intervention is offered through one to one tutorials. Additional financial support is available to Higher Education learners through learner finance and all learners are encouraged to seek support through a rigorous and robust induction process. Learner Services team offers learner support for maintenance and course cost loans, as well as being able to advice on any other monetary funds available to access. Learner engagement in the delivery methods and

effectiveness of their chosen subject is received and actioned within learner voice and Board of Studies meetings. This ensures learner engagement within the continual enhancement of course delivery. In some areas where we work alongside universities, these are coordinated and delivered by University Link Tutors. Through the Student Union, an impartial and independent body, learner representatives receive bespoke training to support them in understanding higher level provision and how to make a meaningful contribution to college developments. A lead HE learner representative is employed by the student union to support HE learner voice and attend board of studies and developmental meetings. High-quality careers advice and guidance from staff helps learners to make informed choices about their progression, whether it be employment, self-employment, education or training. This includes dedicated UCAS and guidance officers for those progressing to level 6 qualifications.

fully for continued Higher Education and expectations of industry. Learning is delivered in a professional environment with these characteristics and expectations delivered to learners during a robust and comprehensive induction process. The induction process now includes a cross college HE induction conference to develop a cohesive HE learner body as well as ensuring that the range of learner support is offered to all. All higher skills learners have access to the full range of college support mechanisms, including finance, counselling, additional learning support and career guidance. Attendance is monitored by course tutors and support and intervention is offered through one to one tutorials. Additional financial support is available to Higher Education learners through learner finance and all learners are encouraged to seek support through a rigorous and robust induction process.

PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT, BEHAVIOUR & WELFARE Through effective monitoring, higher skills learners are encouraged and have an opportunity to make a genuine, valued and recognised contribution to college life. Higher skills learners continue to develop their professional attitudes and behaviours throughout their chosen programmes through embedded professional practice of the relevant industry. Learners are encouraged to take ownership of their own studies, whilst being supported by their course tutor. Independent learning, and in particular, research skills are developed by the embedding of these skills in to their course as well as bridging modules and a cross college bridging course designed to prepare learners for the standards required in Higher Education. Guest lecturers delivered by both internal and external professionals prepares learners


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Below expectations Delegates in learning In-country projects Delegate Achievement Delegate Satisfaction

Meets expectations

Above expectations

The overall performance of this key client group is 'meeting expectations'. Dudley College Worldwide is 'exceeding expectations' in terms of delegate achievement and their satisfaction. However, the priority going forward is to maintain consistency in this delivery and financial out-turn.

Financial contribution OVERALL


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OUTPUTS What key outputs did we achieve?

What better outputs could we achieve?

£2,074,450 income from worldwide operations in 2017/18.

Develop greater levels of contingency in order to address project delays.

18 in-country projects delivered outside of the UK.

Reduced reliance on smaller scale projects.

434 delegates participated in training programmes outside of the UK.

Consistently high levels of delegate satisfaction with Leadership & Management programmes delivered in-country.

The number of international learners participating in longer term learning at Dudley College of Technology.

Levels of income secured from commercial activity with overseas employers.

123 international learners participated in programmes at Dudley College of Technology.

109 international visitors participated in exploratory visits to Dudley College of Technology.


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INPUTS What were the key strengths of our inputs?

What inputs could we deliver better?

Continuation of our Capability Building Contract at Hafr Al Batin Girls College in Saudi Arabia, resulting in the successful completion of all first year deliverables.

The development of alumni arrangements for international learners.

Provide more flexible delivery models that allow us to reduce overall expenditure.

Highly effective arrangements for the delivery of skills partnerships outside of the UK, particularly in India and Saudi Arabia.

Integrate Dudley Worldwide more closely in the wider work of the college.

Highly effective delivery of Leadership & Management training in India.

Building and reinforcing our partnerships in Pakistan, India, South Africa and Europe.

Development of new partnerships in Nigeria and China.

Expanding relationships with key organisations such as the British Council and the Department of International Trade.

Becoming Joint Chair of the AOC International Group and Vice President of the InnMain European Network.

Effective ongoing partnerships with key European agencies and colleges particularly in Slovakia, Greece, Slovakia, Turkey, Sweden and Portugal.

Ongoing monitoring of profit and loss on a project by project basis.

The impact assessment of in-country projects on their completion.


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£500,000 £0 2014/15




Dudley College Worldwide achieved an income of £2,074,450 in 2017/18, which is considerably above previous years. This was due to both an increased level of project work and learner recruitment, and the successful resumption of our Saudi Capability Building Contract in Hafr al Batin Girls College. We anticipate maintaining this into 2018/19 with continued delivery in Hafr and additional numbers for the UKIERI Phase 3 contract.


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7.4 OPERATING SURPLUS 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% -5% -10% -15% 2014/15




Dudley Worldwide returned to profitability in 2017/18 following the operating deficit of 2016/17. This was largely due to the successful delivery of the Saudi Capability Building Contract. More work needs to be done to safeguard Worldwide’s operating surplus into 2018/19, although we anticipate similar level of surplus subject to all the Capability Building Contract deliverables being met.


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20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 2014/15




Due largely to successful applications to the British Council, as well as increased work with commercial organisations such as SEMTA and Autograde International, Dudley College Worldwide maintained the number of in-country projects at 18, which at this stage is appropriate to our ongoing capacity levels. Whilst British Council projects are delivered in a break even basis, they can be used as a platform for the development of further in-country activity. It therefore remains our strategy to participate in a portfolio of in-country projects.


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7.6 DELEGATES IN LEARNING 2,000 1,800 1,600 1,400 1,200 1,000 800 600 400 200 0 2015/16





Outside UK

The number of learners studying in the UK remains broadly consistent with previous years, with 123 learners attending various programmes at the college; this includes an increased number of long-term courses, which has increased our general learner income level. Statistically, the number of baseline delegates receiving training outside the UK remains at expected levels, as numbers in 2015/16 and 2016/17 were staggered by our involvement in college-wide conference days in Indonesia and India.


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0 2014/15




The number of international visitors on scoping missions to Dudley showed a slight increase in 2017/18, with 109 delegates visiting the college on a variety of scoping missions and capacity building programmes. Dudley College Worldwide continues to receive and support missions into the UK as a key strategy in securing future international provision, particularly the development of incountry projects. This ongoing support for delegates on scoping missions into Dudley is therefore a positive indicator of potential future in-country activity.


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70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 19%

20% 10%






Strongly disagree

0% Strongly agree


By far the largest in-country programme operated by Dudley College Worldwide was the UKIERI phase 3 Leadership & Management programme. 98% of delegates agreed or strongly agreed to the statement “I would recommend this training to others�; this remains consistent with previous years. It is therefore clear that Dudley College Worldwide continues to achieve very high satisfaction rates, and we expect exceptionally high achievement rates on our in-country Leadership & Management programmes as it continues to 2021.


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Students from Turkey visit Stratford-upon-Avon as part of a cultural day out away from their intensive skills training programme. 115

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Further information on the college’s performance can be found on the Dudley dashboard on the college’s website:

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