Carpenter Bees - In Doha? (Brieuc 6C) When we started our research, Brieuc announced to the class that he had “black bees� in his garden. I was convinced that these must be wasps and decided to check in with our beekeeper (Papy Michel) who assured me that Brieuc was correct and probably had carpenter bees. So, does Brieuc have these wonderful creatures living in his garden? Keep reading to nd out! Have you ever wondered how carpenter bees build those special nests into the wood and where do they like to build their homes or how they protect their nest? Well we are here to nd out.
I chose this topic because I really like bees because they are like the pollinators of the world, but I chose a special type of bee that somehow lives in my back garden. They are called carpenter bees and you can also call them black bees. I really wanted to nd out how they build those nests that are most of the time built into tree branches