This project imagines that by the year 2050, thousands of passengers will walk through the terminal gates of Spaceport America in order to board a hyper or supersonic flight. But currently there are no existing commercial flights and accommodations within a 25 mile radius to Spaceport America. Alternatively, this project attempts to provide future developers with the tools needed for “space age” developments Thus, this project seeks to serve as a driver for a new type of architecture called “space-age” urbanism, where the architecture aims to re-establish the American “excitement” found in the 1960’s. Thus the rules for this master plan do not follow the same rules of a traditional city master plan. At its essence, this master plan acts as a medium connecting the 18,000 sq. mi. of land available for development in the Jornada Del Muerto desert basin with other destinations worldwide. In conclusion this master plan should be seen as a handbook, a handbook that anticipates future developments...