Dukes Education - Founder's Annual Review 2022

Page 1

Founder’s Annual Review Teaching & Learning, Well-being, Sustainable Growth


Welcome to 2022 – pg. 4


School news

Dukes awards

Our family

Insight journal

New additions

Dukes Hub

– pg. 8

– pg. 24

– pg. 20

– pg. 28

– pg. 30

– pg. 31


A quick family history – pg. 34

By the numbers – pg. 36

Subject champions – pg. 40

Learning & Development – pg. 41

Our people – pg. 38

2022 & BEYOND

Dukes Strategy 2025

Sustainable Growth

Our focus

New developments

Teaching & Learning

Dates for your diary

– pg. 44

– pg. 46

– pg. 48

Well-being – pg. 50

– pg. 52

– pg. 56

– pg. 62


Welcome to 2022 “In 2015, Dukes Education was founded with a simple mission – to provide young people with education that would allow them to achieve their full potential.” – AATIF HASSAN, CHAIRMAN & FOUNDER OF DUKES

When I founded Dukes Education in March 2015, I was clear I didn’t want it to be just a schools group. I had a simple mission – to provide young people with the education that allows them to achieve their true potential. I wanted to build a premium and high quality all-through educational brand, which would support pupils and parents through their whole journey to university. A genuine family. Almost seven years

we equally have a clear operating model (the

into this long-term plan, we are very much on track and I am

‘HOW’) focussing on/determining how we will get

incredibly proud of what we have achieved together so far.

there. Our values drive our operating model.

Crises are decisive moments where values and strategies are

a) We lead with heart: We want children

put to the ultimate test. The Covid crisis was no exception.

at the centre of our decision making.

Some organisations sadly failed. Some barely survived. We decided to thrive. As this annual review beautifully demonstrates, what we all achieved in 2021 is beyond measure. Was it challenging? Absolutely, but has it proved

individual brands. Our central operations team display servant leadership in supporting each setting.

successful for us? Undoubtedly. We are serving almost

c) We love learning: We provide the very best training,

double the number of young people we were pre-pandemic.

collaboration opportunities and continuous innovation.

Our purpose of inspiring young people to lead an

d) We do it well: We want the very best for pupils and staff.

extraordinary life shines through. I am convinced that being values-led whilst working with exceptional people and creating a distinctive culture is our secret sauce.


b) We’re a team: Trust and local autonomy with

We set about working on our six strategic pillars (world class admissions, excellent teaching & learning, the best learning & development provision, unified at the back with relevant

Alongside our purpose (the ‘WHY’) and a relentless

technology systems, creation of a community with the Dukes

and disciplined focus on our operations (the ‘WHAT’),

Club and growing our existing brand and new brands).

We made excellent progress during 2021. I am particularly

means removing barriers. Sometimes, slowing down helps

excited about the launch of the Dukes Club this year.

to speed up and at Dukes we understand this and value it.

Over the last two years, we had objectives of: •

Invest in Us

Connect the dots

Celebrate diversity.

I am grateful for the excellent progress against these

It is right and proper that we focus on well-being in Dukes and continue to destigmatise issues around mental health. Well-being will be promoted and celebrated.

Sustainable Growth

objectives. The investment in the infrastructure of the

We want to grow as humans and as an organisation but

organisation, buildings, systems and people was at record

this must be done in a responsible and sustainable way.

levels. Under our new Group Director of Marketing, Scott

The launch of the Dukes Foundation will give greater

Giles, we have reinvigorated our brand, admissions and

focus to our charitable work. The focus on sustainability

digital capabilities and I can see further growth in this area

is equally as important. We focus on this not because

during the coming years. The launch of the Dukes Hub,

we are environmentalists but because we are educators.

with the growth of our learning & development programme

Sustainable growth and excellence is important to the youth

under the guidance of Director of Performance, Richard

of today and Dukes wants to lean in and encourage this.

Fletcher and Director of People, Claire Little, is selfevident. Our leadership programmes are simply world class, unrivalled and getting even better! The Diversity & Inclusion forums, focus and training was timely and meant we could ensure we retained our unity, concept of oneness and made ourselves as broad as possible.

Thanks largely to everyone’s hard work in 2021, I feel excited and buoyant about the forthcoming year. In March, we will celebrate our 7th birthday and Dukes Education is in good shape. But I really think we have only just got started; there is so much more we can do together and I have great faith in our team. With 30+

Looking out to 2022, the Board and I have set three

brands, 50+ sites and unrivalled scale, we have the ability

objectives: Focus on teaching & learning, Well-being

and capability to do something truly ground-breaking

and Sustainable growth.

and create something new and different in education. I have never felt as proud as I did when reading all

Focus on Teaching & Learning By putting teaching and learning as our core objective, I want to align our purpose and performance. Alongside our safeguarding responsibilities, it is the single most important thing we do. I am convinced that quality of product will drive phenomenal outcomes for the pupils,

the nominations for our annual awards at the end of last year. Quite frankly I was blown away. To play a part in the future of so many young people is a tremendous privilege. It is an honour to work alongside so many purposeful and exceptional people, I am particularly grateful to my Waterloo Place team that support me, and for their wisdom, tolerance and leadership. Thank you for everything you have done in 2021. Welcome to 2022.

staff and Dukes. It is about putting customer centricity at the heart of Dukes and doing the best thing for our pupils. I founded the organisation for children. I am convinced we all came into the education sector to help pupils. If we can share best practice and use the collective wisdom of our 2100 staff, that would be powerful. Aatif Hassan

Well-being It is no surprise to any of you that I like speed. I know where we are going and I want to get there fast. Whilst having a purpose, clear vision and a plan is an energiser in itself, we need more. Ensuring we are structured for speed

Chairman & Founder of Dukes

2021 in Review


School news – pg. 8

Our family – pg. 24

New additions – pg. 20

Dukes awards – pg. 28

Insight journal – pg. 30

Dukes Hub – pg. 31


School News Celebrating Milestones Eaton House The end of 2021 marks the beginning of Eaton House’s 125th year of continuous education. Throughout this time the schools have maintained their family feel which over the last two years has been particularly important. We see more Alumni sending their children to us and now have the third generation of The Manor’s founding family working at the schools. In 2021 our parents approached

The Kindergartens

us wanting to establish the Eaton House

The Kindergartens joined the Dukes family

Foundation to provide more children

in 2021. The nurseries in south-west

with the opportunity to join our family.

London were founded in 1991 by Carol

The Foundation now offers a means

Evelegh and her husband David and have

tested, full bursary, 7+ place at each of

become hugely respected early-years

our schools to local children all funded

settings. OFSTED visited Bumble Bee

by the generosity of our parents.

Nursery in the autumn term and rated it ‘Outstanding’ across the board which means all 10 of The Kindergarten nurseries are currently rated ‘Outstanding’. Joanne Allen, Principal of The Kindergartens said: “We are absolutely delighted with the OFSTED ‘Outstanding’ outcome following our inspection at our Bumble Bee Nursery School. This is a reflection of the hard work that everyone - staff, parents and, of course, the children - all put in to make Bumble Bee such a lovely school. We are immensely proud.”


New Beginnings LDTA

Riverside Nurseries

The Little Dukes Training Academy (LDTA) launched in

The Holly Road Nursery – part of Riverside Nurseries

2021. It’s a new initiative from Dukes that demonstrates

Grosvenor House setting – has been completely

a commitment to providing an extraordinary early years’

refurbished by family-led designer House of Kin

education for every child in our care. The LDTA will be

to create a state-of-the-art learning and play

offering a range of programmes for Montessori and early

environment for children. The child-centred designs

years’ training in conjunction with Montessori Centre

marry educational stimulation with fun play

International and Reach4Skills and aims to attract and

opportunities and cosy nooks for quiet times.

train the very best people, based at Riverside nurseries in south-west London.

In a further development, children at all the Riverside Nurseries are set to enjoy weekly yoga classes and mindfulness workshops following the appointment of a new specialist teacher. The yoga workshops are complementary to Riverside’s overall ethos, which blends the best principles of Montessori, Reggio Emilia and Forest School to encourage the children’s holistic growth.

Eaton Square Senior Joining the renowned Eaton Square Schools family is a brand new sixth form. Launching in September 2022 and set in the cultural and commercial hub of Belgravia, the Eaton Square Sixth Form will be future-focused, without losing sight of traditional values. Impressively blending the best aspects of an independent sixth form college with the strong pastoral framework of a school sixth form, its bespoke educational framework centres around an engaging, student-tailored Preparation for Life programme. With modules spanning financial literacy, the basics of business, mental health, entrepreneurship, nutrition and more, students will be fully prepared for life beyond school.


Sancton Wood Sancton Wood School created some meaningful partnerships beyond the school gates in 2021. It launched the Sancton Wood Supporters’ Club - a pastoral support initiative for boys and their fathers – with Cambridge United Football Club. Under the banner ‘It Takes A Team To Raise A Boy’ – the Supporters’ Club is a full programme aimed at helping parents support their teenage children, with a particular focus on fathers and their sons in Years 7, 8 and 9 and includes a series of talks open to all parents

Giving Back The Lyceum School

in Cambridge. Earlier in the year the school also announced a partnership with the Ramatu Foundation for Women and Girls’ Empowerment in Sierra Leone which supports giving girls access to education.

In early December, our Year 5 and 6 children set off to Westport Care Home in East London - Christmas cards, Santa hats and Christmas spirit in tow. They were met with faces of pure joy as they sang Christmas Carols and handed out personalised Christmas cards to the residents from the front entrance. As the sound of Christmas carols grew through the corridors as more and more residents and staff began to sing together, they caught the attention of a local supermarket who brought out cakes to keep their energy levels up. The intergenerational exchange and shared Christmas spirit really left such an impression on everyone involved, and they can’t wait to go back in the future.

Knightsbridge School Knightsbridge School helped raise a total of £106K for a homeless charity with a sleepout on the streets led by KS Principal Magoo Giles and a brilliant team of KS parents. The sleep out was organised with the Restart Lives charity which is based at St Columbus Church next door to the school. Magoo and KS parents alone raised nearly £50K for the charity.


A Sustainable Future

Northcote Lodge Environmental activism is alive and kicking across all four Northwood Schools. COP26 was a perfect opportunity to reflect on all that we do to promote awareness of environmental issues throughout our community. Whether

Heathside School Heathside School became the first school to be awarded Heath-Friendly School status. Heathside pupils visit Hampstead Heath regularly from pre-reception for outdoor play, Forest School and sport and fitness lessons. They learn the value of the natural world from a really young age. As a Heath Friendly School, Heathside works with the Heath Hands charity and is committed to protecting and conserving Hampstead Heath. Pupils take part in worthwhile nature-related projects such as creating animal boxes for hedgehogs and bats, helping even the youngest pupils build lasting positive connections to our green spaces.

Eaton Square Prep Eaton Square Prep and Nursery Schools are going for gold in their eco quest. Having hurtled through both Bronze and Silver official Eco Schools status, Eaton Square is on track for 2022 Gold accreditation. Led by a passionate pupil-led Eco Committee, recent activities have included Green Up Your Act workshops, whole school Food Waste Challenge, a new bug hotel, pledges to WWF Forest of Promises and participation in the nationwide ‘Save our Wildlife’ Schools Arts Competition. Additionally, the new Eaton Square Nursery Schools are nature-inspired, created from sustainable materials and were launched by Greenpeace ambassador, Anya Hindmarch CBE.

it’s via the curriculum – highlighting the various issues facing the planet through pupil-led initiatives encouraging us all to go green by turning off lights, or introducing meat-free Mondays, everyone does their bit. Northcote staff have gone the extra mile by creating a green team of litter-pickers and set up gardening and science clubs to encourage a better understanding of food production and climate change. The school is also providing sustainable travel incentives and rewards for those who scoot, cycle and walk to school.


Orchard House Orchard House is celebrating after being awarded NAACE accreditation last term for demonstrating a commitment to continual improvement using education technology. The NaaceMark is awarded by The Education Technology Association and recognises Orchard House’s forward-thinking approach to education and adapting so efficiently to online learning during the pandemic. Orchard House takes pride in providing an innovative, well-rounded and child-focused approach to education, believing that, in this way, children develop a thirst for learning while growing into their characters.

Chiswick & Bedford Park Preparatory School

Academic depth and breadth

Last autumn, CBPPS celebrated individuality, community, and unity with our whole school Diversity Week. Throughout the week pupils discovered, danced, and dined, learning about diverse cultures and communities through a variety of talks, workshops, and assemblies. We welcomed many guest speakers to school, learnt more about neurodiversity, raised over £400 for the PTA by wearing orange diversity ribbons, joined in with enthusiasm during flamenco, tribal, salsa and Bollywood dance masterclasses and dived into a Djembe drum workshop. We rounded off the week with a food fair, where pupils and parents had the chance to share and try delicious homemade dishes from around the world.

Hampstead Fine Arts College In June, Fine Arts hosted the third Dukes Renaissance Scholars Symposium. Entitled ‘Is Creativity the Key to Personal Fulfilment?’, the talks and workshops focused on the role of creativity in daily life. Over the last two years we have all appreciated the importance of personal creativity for developing self-belief and maintaining peace of mind. Eight highachieving FAC students were joined by students from Cardiff Sixth Form College, Earlscliffe, Rochester Independent College and St Andrew’s to hear from an illustrious roll call of speakers that included: Alfonso Cuarón, Anton La Guardia, Peter Doig, Madeleine Bunting, Suzanne Holtam, and Andrew O’Hagan. It was a fantastic twoday event which both students and tutors felt greatly privileged to be part of.


Earlscliffe Yunwei (Alice) Yan’s artwork is currently being featured in a young artists Summer Show at the Royal Academy. Over 33,000 young artists entered the prestigious competition, of which around 300 were selected. We are incredibly proud of Alice for this amazing achievement, and we’re confident that this will be the first of many accolades in her future. Alice has gone on to study Painting at the University of Edinburgh, widely considered to be one of the

Rochester Independent College Rochester Independent College was awarded the ISA Award for Excellence and Innovation in Fine Arts last year, coming out top from a selection of 569 independent schools in the UK. The judges said: “We were impressed with the huge range of ways in which Rochester Independent College values, promotes and gives profile to the arts and considered the college an inspiration to the whole sector. The link between an aesthetic appreciation of the visual arts and personal development runs through all aspects of school life and is highly valued by the whole school community.” RIC is a school where the centrality of the arts is evidenced by a curriculum which treats art as a core subject from Year 7 to 9 and offers a wide range of GCSE and A level endorsements ranging from Textiles and Photography to Graphic Design and Ceramics.

Broomfield House Modernising our curriculum has led to a global approach to History, exploring Britain’s colonial past. Reducing lesson times keeps minds better focused on learning and has allowed the introduction of Philosophy and Ethics. Children are inspired to debate questions such as ‘Will technology save our fragile earth?’ or ‘What is a good life?’ They learn debating skills, understand how to express ideas and argue points effectively but not aggressively, discover what they need to know in order to form an opinion and how to research this. These are important life skills, and we want our children to be ready for what the future holds.

most challenging Art programmes in the world.


Cardiff Sixth Form College Cardiff Sixth Form College students have done it again. The College has maintained its spot at the top of the UK A-level league tables, with students achieving stunning results of 97.8% A*-A and 99.7% A*-B grades in 2021. More than 90% of students have gained places at QS top 100 universities worldwide, with 36 students going on to study medicine. As well as securing places at the best UK universities, including Oxford and Cambridge, students have also accepted places at leading US institutions such as Columbia, University of California, Berkeley and New York University. “We are absolutely thrilled that so many of our students are going on to top universities and have gained places to study at some of the world’s most competitive courses” said Cardiff Sixth Form College Principal, Gareth Collier. “The College is gaining a tremendous reputation, not just in the UK, but all around the world.”

St Andrew’s College Cambridge Martina from China joined St Andrew’s in September 2021 to study A-Levels in Maths, Further Maths, Geography and Economics. She was elected as Head Girl at the start of term and runs the Student Council, supporting students and ensuring that their ideas and opinions are heard. She arranges social events and activities such as parties as part of her duties which have been a great success so far. Martina is a hardworking and dedicated student and has been committing a lot of her time to improving her English. She recently scored 7.0 in her IELTS exam which is a great achievement and everyone at the college is very proud of her efforts.

Reflections Forest & Nursery School This year at Reflections’ our annual focus is on process, which the Pre-School 1 children have been exploring through the medium of paint. They have experimented with the use of emulsions and application methods, observing how each medium responds to different surfaces. Diverse paint textures, colours and sounds have created an immersive experience and allowed the children to develop complete autonomy over the materials. They have also explored the movement of paint, and we have observed the children repeatedly pouring paint over and into objects, watching it flow as they too enter a ‘flow’ state. 14

Northwood Senior In maths, Year 8 loved learning about the brilliant Benjamin Banneker: self-educated

Broomwood Hall Upper School

mathematician, author, astronomer, and inventor

Girls from Class 5E did extremely well in the recent SumDog

of the first American chiming clock. To celebrate

Maths Competition, coming 70th out of 3,635 classes entered,

his work, pupils created their own clock faces and

which puts them in the top 2%. Well done to all the girls who

wrote equations and calculations as substitutes

took part in this competition! Bea F, answered all the possible

for the hour markings. They had great fun utilising

questions, scoring 922/1000 and came 319th out of 25,536

their understanding of the order of operations,

children, which put her in the top 1.25% of children taking

indices, algebraic equality and factorials.

part. She received a Head’s award this week. Bea P, Laurie R and Ellie S came in the top 10%.

Broomwood Hall Lower School Our thematic approach means that we always use an exciting ‘hook’ to ensure that children are enthusiastic about the topic ahead. Our Reception classes had a pre-historic visitor at the start of their fossils project; whilst Year 2 children saw the Great Fire of London in action as part of their Elizabethan topic.


Thriving in adversity Hampton Court House

Bassett House

While 2021 was challenging for us all, pupils at Hampton

Bassett House School has had a year of very exciting

Court House took everything in their stride and didn’t

developments. The school was shortlisted for the Independent

let anything get in the way of their determination to

School Parent Best Small School of the year award, and the

succeed. From Science Week, to the Survival Skills

energetic specialist PE Teacher, Miss Carota, was a finalist

outdoors weekend in preparation for the Arctic Expedition,

in the Tatler’s Unsung Hero award. A new school website and

to the Ciné Lumière film trips at the Institut Français, HCH

newsletter were launched, new digital structures put in place,

pupils seized every opportunity to develop, hone and

and all our pupils achieved beyond expectations with their

demonstrate their skills with characteristic energy. The

remote learning. Over 70 offers were made to our Form 6

jam-packed year came to a close with fun and festivities,

cohort, with eight of these being scholarships to top London

as pupils performed in the bilingual Christmas concert

schools. Small, mighty and bespoke: Bassett House is the

and enjoyed the Hampton Court Palace ice-skating rink.

best small school in Notting Hill.

Radnor House We are proud that Radnor House was shortlisted as a Finalist for the 2021 ISA Award for Excellence and Innovation in Mental Health and Well-being. The school takes a holistic approach to mental health, supporting and promoting the well-being of everyone in our community - pupils, staff and parents. We aim to create a culture of awareness of mental health needs, with no stigma or discrimination, providing high-quality mental health training for all. Well-being is not a given in life, it is something that needs to be worked on in much the same way as physical health and we have a range of approaches to support pupils in navigating the pressures

Hopes and Dreams Nursery 2021 has been another year of challenge for us all, and the staff at Hopes and Dreams have once again proven themselves to be a resilient bunch. Not only have we been running a busy 100+ place nursery against the backdrop of the pandemic, but we have also had a full refurbishment of our two, four-storey buildings all while staying open and are planning to launch a new site early in 2022. Staff spent weekends moving furniture, changing rooms around and helping babies and children settle into new spaces – no easy feat – sometimes leaving on a Friday and coming back on a Monday to an entirely redeveloped space. So, this year we want to celebrate our staff for their adaptability, and ability to always show up with a smile on their face. 16

of growing up in the ever-evolving modern world.

Beyond the Classroom Ultimate Activity Camps


Luke and the team at UAC had a record year and

During a challenging year when Covid again forced the

delivered exciting and meaningful activity days for

summer activities to be cancelled, the SBC team:

over 15,000 children in 2021.





different children

camp locations across the UK

Provided courses and supported over 150 international students unable to return home during school holidays due to the pandemic (including at Cardiff

child days

Sixth Form College and Earlscliffe) •

Welcomed 20 children to Day Camps with Ultimate Activity Camps for the first time

camp staff recruited •

Development of new summer programme in Cambridge with Sancton Wood, St Andrew’s, and Cardiff Sixth Form College

Key promotions: •

Will Finlayson to Director – Will worked on his first summer school with SBC in 2008, and has been part of the Head Office team since 2013

Hannah Capstick to Operations Director – Joining from a prestigious Independent School, Hannah first ran a SBC summer school in 2013 and joined the HQ team in 2018


Oxbridge Applications house support for some of the top schools in the


students privately supported


country. We currently work with: Marlborough,

to go to Oxbridge

Oxbridge applications



on the Premier Service

21 years in 120+ countries

In 2020 we had 54 school events in total, in 2021 this increased to over 85. We are the in-

students advised on their

Wellington, Benenden, Downe House, Roedean, Emanuel, JAGS, Bradfield and more. Many of those who suspended their support with us in 2020 due to a tightening of budgets, like Marlborough, re-introduced us again in 2021 and have increased their support in 2022. We have been hosting free talks for parents and students across Knightsbridge, FAC, Earlscliffe, Cardiff and Broomfield House. Several schools, including Cardiff and Hampton Court House, have also had comprehensive programmes with us this year. We introduced a highly successful new product: a four-week-long admissions test course to help students prepare for their PAT, MAT, NSAA etc, complete with our mock tests and online resources. We also introduced a full suite of teacher training, private consultations for schools and personal statement clinics. 18

successful students

students supported over



students secured Ivy League places Brown University

Princeton University

Columbia University

The University of

Cornell University Dartmouth College

Pennsylvania Yale University

Harvard University


top 50 acceptances

Acceptances to non-US universities Bocconi

Sciences Po


St Andrews

Franklin University

Trinity College Dublin


The Career Portal

London School

After joining Dukes in late January, we have significantly

McGill University

increased sales year on year.

Queen Mary

From an online marketing perspective, we continued to dominate our space and cemented our position as the leader in content marketing. Our Schools business grew strongly and now encompasses close to 500 paying school clients globally. We currently provide the in-house support to over 70% of the top 100 UK Independent Schools (according to The Times Parent Power Rankings). We secured lucrative sponsorship deals in 2021 with dozens of higher education institutions.



continent reach, covering UK,

website users and voted

Europe, Asia, the Middle East,

EducationInvestor’s Digital

Australasia and America

Publisher of the Year



students taught

schools around the world

of Economics

University London

University College London University College Utrecht University of Amsterdam University of Bristol University of Toronto


Going from strength to strength Now in it’s third year, Poetry Together 2021 was a great success with more than 400 schools from across the UK and around the world getting involved this year. A special Poetry Together Tea Party was also held at the Royal Geographical Society in London. School children from Dukes schools and state schools, care home residents and Chelsea Pensioners were joined by Poetry Together founder, the writer and broadcaster Gyles Brandreth, and supporter HRH The Duchess of Cornwall. Five poetry performances took place in the RGS’s Ondaatje Theatre; some moving, some funny and all were brilliant. Pupils from St. Vincent’s School in Liverpool stole the show – and many hearts – when visually-impaired pupils took to the stage to recite Colour of the Wind, some of them reading by braille. This was followed by tea and Victoria sponge cake made to HRH The Duchess of Cornwall’s very own recipe. 20

Ngoc Minh Thu Tran, St Andrew’s College

The gallery This is a showcase of some of the artwork from our senior pupils. The standard of artwork across the Dukes family is outstanding, and in 2021 a number of our pupils went on to study at top art schools such as UAL. Sophia Beresford, Radnor House

Ashley-Rae Hatty, Rochester Independent College


Matilda Slader, Radnor House

Yunwei (Alice) Yan, Earlscliffe

Xinao Lee, Rochester Independent College 22

Westabul Pannovich, Rochester Independent College

Avalon Devoy, Hampton Court House

Mi Ke, St Andrew’s College

Valentine Kopf, Earlscliffe


Our family We are proud of our ever-growing community of nurseries, schools, colleges, summer schools and educational consultancy services.

Key Nursery School Preparatory School Senior School Sixth Form College


Broomfield House School


AGES 3-11

Riverside Nursery Schools KEW MONTESSORI • AGES 0-5

Riverside Nursery Schools

Riverside Nursery Schools ST MARGARETS MONTESSORI • AGES 0-5


Kneller Hall AGES 11-18

Riverside Nursery Schools

Riverside Nursery Schools




Radnor House Independent School AGES 9 - 18

Sancton Wood School, Cambridge • AGES 1-16

England Wales

St. Andrew’s College, Cambridge • AGES 15-18 Rochester Independent College • AGES 11-18

AGES 2-18


Cardiff Sixth Form College

AGES 15-18

AGES 15-18

Reflections Day Nursery & Forest School AGES 0-8


Hampton Court House

Heathside School Hampstead AGES 2-13

Hampstead Fine Arts College

Hopes and Dreams Montessori Nursery School

AGES 13-18


Hopes and Dreams Montessori Nursery School CITY ROAD • AGES 0-5

The Lyceum School Bassett House School

AGES 3-11

AGES 2-11

Miss Daisy’s Nursery

Eaton Square Senior School


AGES 11-18

Orchard House School

Knightsbridge School


AGES 3-11


AGES 3-16



Chiswick & Bedford Park Preparatory School

Miss Daisy’s Nursery

Eaton Square Preparatory School AGES 2-11


Miss Daisy’s Nursery

Miss Daisy’s Nursery



AGES 3-11

Miss Daisy’s Nursery KNIGHTSBRIDGE • AGES 2-5




Kindergartens BUMBLE BEE • AGES 2-5

Kindergartens MOUSE HOLE • AGES 2-5

Kindergartens MOUSE HOUSE • AGES 2-5



Broomwood Hall Lower School • AGES 8-13

Prospect House School AGES 3-11

Northcote Lodge School • AGES 8-13

Broomwood Hall Upper School • AGES 8-13


Kindergartens THE PARK • AGES 2-5


Northwood Senior AGES 11-16

Dukes Education

Beyond the Classroom

Founded in 2015, Dukes brings together

Summer Schools & Day Camps

University Application Expertise

a carefully curated group of schools

Dukes brings together the UK’s

Our collection of university

that represent excellence in British

leading providers of day camps

application consultancies

education. Our central team is based

and residential summer courses.

represent the best worldwide.

near Piccadilly. From here, we serve our schools, providing administrative support and training, whilst promoting high performance, leadership, and well-being.


New additions to the family The Dukes family continued to grow in 2021. New members joined the ranks across all parts of the group including Little Dukes, prep schools, senior schools, colleges and Beyond the Classroom. We now have 35 brands spread across 54 settings.


new family members in 2021

St Andrew’s College has

Northwood Senior is located in

been offering both UK and

a large airy house in Tooting

international students the

with beautiful gardens.

opportunity to study in

As a smaller school with a

Cambridge for over 40

strong community ethos,

years. The college prides

Northwood Senior gives pupils

itself on its small size, high

a more bespoke education.

quality accommodation

We get to know each girl or

and dedicated teachers.

boy really well, and guide,

The college offers Pre-A-

encourage and support them

level, GCSEs, and A-levels,

to not only navigate their

as well as 11 university

way to GCSE success, but

foundation courses including

give them a fully rounded

Architecture, Engineering, and

education that will equip

Business. Foundation students

them for a confident future.

have an excellent track record, with 100% of students going on to university study.



Broomwood Hall Lower

A school for girls in Clapham

The Kindergartens is a group

Chiswick and Bedford Park

School is a pre-prep school

aged 8-13, Broomwood Hall

of nursery schools in central

Prep School is a friendly,

in Clapham for girls and

Upper School provides a

London which have been

nurturing and creative prep

boys aged 4-7. The school

forward-thinking, holistic

educating children aged 2

school nestled in the heart

was founded in 1984 with just

education in an attractive

to 5 years for over 28 years.

of Chiswick, West London.

twelve pupils, and has now

environment, tailored to

There are ten locations

Established in 1915, as the local

grown to a thriving community

the needs of the modern

across central and south

co-ed independent school in

of over 300 boys and girls.

world. Big enough to stretch

west London, including

Bedford Park, it is well known

and stimulate, yet small

all OFSTED ‘outstanding’

for its imaginative flair as well

enough to know each

nursery settings.

as its outstanding exam results

girl as an individual.

for boys at 7+ and girls at 11+.

The Medic Portal was founded

Northcote Lodge is a single-sex

Hampton Court House is an

Founded in 1897, Eaton House

in 2015 by a team of doctors

prep school for boys aged 8 to

‘all through’ school teaching

Schools share a common

and online content experts. It

13. A small school, with around

pupils aged 3–18. Some

promise – the promise of an

offers accessible application

260 boys, means they are big

students choose to move

outstanding education based on

support for prospective

enough to field winning teams,

on after 11+ in Year 6 or

a 125 year heritage of academic

medical school students and

but small enough to know all

through Common Entrance

excellence and founded on a

those that advise them. Now

of the boys by name. A day

or Scholarship papers in Year

caring culture of well-being that

established as the leading

school in the heart of London,

8. But most pupils elect to

allows children to blossom both

‘Get into Medicine’ resource, it

they adhere to traditional

stay on to GCSE in Year 11

academically and emotionally.

has worked with 500+ partner

values that are as important

and A-levels in the sixth form.

Pupils in Belgravia and Clapham

schools across the UK,

today as they’ve ever been,

Children hear spoken French

receive a range of scholarships

Europe, Asia and the Middle

whilst using the latest

around them each day, which

and attend many prestigious

East. They have expanded

technological innovations to

prepares them for the Lower

schools, including Westminster,

to launch The Lawyer Portal,

equip boys with the skills they

Years (Years 1–4) which is a

St Paul’s School, Dulwich

offering similar services to

need for a changing world.

fully bilingual environment.

College, James Allen’s Girls’

help students begin their

School (JAGS), Charterhouse,

careers in law.

Winchester, Wycombe Abbey and Eton.


Once again we were disappointed not to be able to come together in person to celebrate the year as a family.

However, the team at Dukes, alongside our




Joanne Allen

Knightsbridge School

create a virtual celebration of all our award winners and nominees. We received an unprecedented number of nominations this year and continue to be blown away by the incredible efforts and work of staff from every corner of the organisation.

The Kindergartens





Charles Kitchen

Vickie Li

Eaton Square Prep


special guest Russell Kane, worked hard to

St. Andrew’s College



Ellie Gibbons Miss Daisy’s


Adrian Rainbow Hampton Court House


Sarah Vince Earlscliffe


Simon Pedley

Christiana Woodbridge Chiswick & Bedford Park Prep School

The Career Portal


Caitlin Taylor Dukes Education


Perrin Sole Miss Daisy’s




Stephanie Furneaux Orchard House School



Tom Arrand

Prospect House

Cardiff Sixth Form College



Conrad Stead

Darryl Wideman

Summer Boarding Courses

Radnor House School


Insight Based upon serious journals such as the Harvard Business Review, the Dukes Education Insight journal is our opportunity to be thought-leaders in the education sector. Articles are written by members of staff from across the group and printed copies are sent to schools and education agents around the world. Tim Fish, Editor-in-Chief sets the themes for each issue and this high quality publication helps to position Dukes as a premium, intelligent and progressive organisation. During 2021 the Insight journals covered topics such as dealing with change, data in education, marginal gains, the power of poetry, inclusivity in sport and the art of storytelling. You can view past copies by visiting the Dukes Hub and the Dukes website.

Writers wanted! If you would like to contribute to the Insights Journal in 2022, please get in touch. 30

Dukes Hub

What is it? The Dukes Hub houses our shared content and resource across the group and also the ‘Dukes Learning’ platform. The Hub is now the main

The Dukes Hub celebrated its


birthday in November.

content and resource sharing site for the Dukes community. A total of

Learning Hub There are 30 events and courses


Dukes family members have registered onto the Dukes Hub.

scheduled for the rest of the academic year. 209 Dukes family members have signed up to these events, with the Dukes Senior Leadership Programme and Dukes Leadership and Management Skills Programme being the most popular courses.

Want to book yourself onto a course? Visit:


‘Teaching & Learning’ is still the most popular channel –

15% of all hits.

A Look at Dukes Today 32

A quick family history – pg. 34

By the numbers – pg. 36

Our people – pg. 38

Subject champions – pg. 40

Learning & Development – pg. 41


A quick family history 2013




Summer Boarding


Building the

MARCH 2015


Crown, our

College joins

Culture Book,


Courses and Fine

is the first

Arts College join, US

Dukes Education

organisation to

university application

formally launched

become a ‘Dukes’

support is added to our


consultancy offering



Radnor House School

Hopes & Dreams

Twickenham joins

is published


Sancton Wood moves

Montessori Nursery

The inaugural

into new Bateman Street

School joins

Dukes Schools

building. Eaton Square Prep


moves into new building

2020 CHRISTMAS 2019 The family, 1000 people strong, sits down to Christmas Dinner together

Dukes turns



Bassett House,

The full A-List IP

Orchard House,

offering becomes

and Prospect

part of Dukes


House join

JUNE 2021

MARCH 2021


Eaton House

Hampton Court

Chiswick &

Schools join

House joins

Bedford Park and St Andrew’s College join Dukes

SEPTEMBER 2021 Broomwood Hall Lower, Broomwood Hall Upper, Northcote Lodge, Northwood Senior and The Kindergartens group join 34

In March 2022 we will celebrate our 7th birthday! So much has been accomplished in the first few years of Dukes and 2022 shows no signs of slowing down. Here is a brief look at some of the many highlights.



Cardiff Sixth

Knightsbridge School, Miss

Form College and

Daisy’s Nursery, Eaton Square,

Earlscliffe join

The Lyceum, Sancton Wood, The Dukes Publications series is

and Twickenham Park Day

launched: three market-leading

Nursery join

titles on university admissions

2019 AUGUST 2019

JULY 2019

JUNE 2019

MAY 2019

APRIL 2019

Broomfield House

Heathside School,

A-List UK



School, Kew Montessori




moves into

School and St Margaret’s

Nursery, and Bright

Group joins

new building

Montessori School join

Beginnings join

MARCH 2020 Dukes celebrates its 5th birthday, publishing the 2nd edition of Building the Crown, and bringing

Key Appointments in 2021

together leadership across Dukes at our first Senior Leaders’ Conference



Scott Giles | Group Sales & Marketing Director Eliza Cummings-Cove | Marketing & Admissions Director Amanda Constance | Communications Director


Enrico Golia | IT Director

The Career Portal

Geoff Marston | Compliance Director

joins Dukes SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES Joss Williams | Head, Earlscliffe Kit Thompson | Head, Orchard House School Kelly Grey | Head, Bassett House School Adrian Rainbow | Head, Hampton Court House SEPTEMBER 2021

Liz Brown | Head, Reflections Nursery

Dukes completes purchase of Kneller Hall

Zanna Clarke | Principal, Miss Daisy’s Nursery

and announces that it will be the new home of an expanded Radnor House School


Dukes by numbers 6,817




Little Dukes




represented across our schools


Schools 4835

schools globally who use resources from The Medic Portal

2,096 staff

BTC 78

Head Office Colleges



Schools 1253



hot meals per day

served to boarding pupils at Cardiff Sixth Form College


Personal development:


schools & care homes That’s an increase of 79% from last year



Qualified Mental Health First Aiders now at Dukes


Dukes family members have registered onto the Dukes Hub









successful students on the Premier Service

privately supported to go to Oxbridge

students advised on their Oxbridge applications

GCSE Results

students secured Ivy League places

global placements outside of the US

placements to US universities

A-level Results



69% 98%

73% 97%



balls inflated and sent to camps

number of archery arrows used 15,652

Rated 5 stars


on Feefo


8 Ofsted

camp staff recruited


Revenue £133m




£12m FY









Little Dukes

90% 9-7 83% 9-7

87% A*A 67% A*AA 98% A*




Colleges £32.5m

Schools £79.6m



Our people Aimee Kimbell Principal, Riverside Nursery Schools

Sebastian Hepher Principal, Eaton Square Schools

Luchie Cawood Principal, Eaton House Schools

Huw May Head, Eaton House Belgravia

Sarah Segrave Head, Eaton House The Manor - Prep

Caroline Townshend Head, Eaton Square Senior

Richard Settle Principal, Sancton Wood School

Hilary Wyatt Head, The Lyceum School

Zanna Clarke Principal, Miss Daisy’s Nursery

Annika Yerushalmy Marketing & Admissions Director


Emilie McCarthy Marketing Manager

Dr Adrian Rainbow Head, Hampton Court House School

Patricia Watt Head, Eaton Square Prep

Henrietta Adams Head, Chiswick & Bedford Park Prep School

Clive Smith-Langridge Head, Northcote Lodge

Katherine Vintiner Head, Heathside School

Susan Brookes Head, Northcote Senior

Kelly Gray Head, Bassett House School

Kevin Doble Principal, Northwood Schools

Kit Thompson Head, Orchard House School

Louisa McCafferty Head, Broomwood Hall Upper

Liz Brown Head, Reflections Nursery & Forest School

Mikki Parkes Head, Hopes & Dreams Montessori Nursery Schools

Michael Hodge Head, Prospect House School

Jo Allen Principal, The Kindergartens

Susie Byers Head, Broomfield House School

Magoo Giles Principal, Knightsbridge School

Shona Colaco Head, Knightsbridge School

Darryl Wideman Principal, Radnor House Twickenham

Chris Hennessy Head of Digital

Amanda Eliza Constance Cummings-Cove Director of Marketing & Admissions Director Communications

Henrietta Lightwood Global Director of Marketing & Student Recruitment

Matthew McLarty International Recruitment Manager

Natalia Volchugova Associate Director, International Student Recruitment

Isaac Dossa Finance Director Outer London Schools

Catherine Robertson Finance Director Central London & Cambridge Schools

Rob Humphreys Finance Director Colleges & BTC

Tim Moss General Counsel

Enrico Golia IT Director

Richard Fletcher Director of Performance

Caitlin Taylor HR Manager

Kevin Chung IT Manager

Ronak Mehta IT Manager

Jon Pickles Chief Financial Officer Lisa Maynard Director of Estates (Dukes Schools)

Lauren Huntley HR & L&D Executive

Geoff Marston Director of Compliance

Vivienne Melville Executive Assistant

Claire Little Director of People

Paul Ludlow Compliance Director Colleges

Alison Bissell Director, A-List Education

Libby Nicholas Managing Director Outer London Schools

Dr Glenn Hawkins Managing Director BTC & International Aatif Hassan Founder & Chairman

Prof. Mark Bailey Managing Director Central London & Cambridge Schools

Luke Haywood Managing Director, Ultimate Activity Camps

Duncan Radnor Operations Director, Ultimate Activity Camps

Tim Fish Managing Director Colleges

Sam Holderness Director, Beyond The Classroom

Will Finlayson Director, Summer Boarding Courses

Scott Giles Group Sales & Marketing Director

Alicia Luba Director, Oxbridge Applications

Alistair Brownlow Principal, Rochester Independent College

Candida Cave Principal, Fine Arts College Hampstead

Emmy Schwieters Head, Fine Arts College Hampstead

Gareth Collier Principal, Cardiff Sixth Form College

Dr Ricardo Tavares Co-founder & Director, The Career Portal

George Rendell Co-founder & Director, The Career Portal

Kathleen Kay Platform Manager Dukes Club Tom Arrand Head, Cardiff Sixth Form College

Joss Williams Head, Earlscliffe

Wayne Marshall Principal, St Andrew’s College

Gianluca Polidori Sales Director, Beyond The Classroom


Subject champions The power of being an education group is perhaps best demonstrated by our impressive subject champions. They oversee the creation of subject areas on the Teaching and Learning Channel. They collate, create and curate the content and expertise that exists across the Dukes family. Thank you to all the wonderful subject leads who have helped to build a world-class teaching and learning hub.




Business & Economics

Michael Rowlands


Computing - Primary

Thomas Earl


Computing - Secondary

Andy Smith


Drama - Primary

Ellen Tritton


Drama - Secondary

Alex Cooper


English - Primary

Florence Stratton


English - Secondary

Bethanie Lord


Robert Armiger


French - Secondary

Nadège Gandemer


Geography - Secondary

Angeles Perez


History - Primary

Barnaby Halliday


History - Secondary

Kyle Smith


Maths - Primary

Donal O'Sullivan


Maths - Secondary

Michael Marnell


Jonathan Escalante-Phillips

jonathan.escalante-phillips@ sanctonwood.co.uk

Music - Primary

Michael Searle


PE - Primary

Russell Friese



Michael Daks



Rachel Tait


RE - Primary

Emmy Quartly


Science - Primary

Rose Gowing


Careers / UCAS

Hayley Bendle



Iva Miteva


Key Stage 1

Sam Megahey



Hannah Sargood



Esther Haworth


Pastoral - Primary

Hannah Mordi


Pastoral - Secondary

Lisa Morton


Learning & Development We want to be the number one for leadership and learning anywhere in the sector. 2022 sees the continued evolution of the L&D offerings from online workshops to residential weekends across 5 areas: Leadership & Management, Teaching & Learning, Pastoral & Safeguarding, Mental Health & Well-being, and Operations.

Leadership Programmes SLP and LAMS fully booked for 2022. Kicking off in February. Apply in Autumn 2022 for 2023 programmes.

Mental Health & Well-being Courses


Qualified Mental Health


staff through the certified


First Aiders now at Dukes.

8-week foundations

Funded Mindfulness

Mindfulness Course.

Teacher Training.

81 Youth + 15 Adult

staff completed Dukes

2022 & beyond


Dukes Strategy 2025 – pg. 44

Our focus – pg. 46

Teaching & Learning – pg. 48

Well-being – pg. 50

Sustainable Growth – pg. 52

New developments – pg. 56

Dates for your diary – pg. 62

2022 & BEYOND

Our Strategy 2025 We have completed the first two years of our five year strategic plan. Excellent progress has been made on all six focus areas, and the following pages will provide further detail on how we are tracking towards our shared goals.

Doing it well So how will we measure whether it’s working?

Pupil numbers

How many are coming to us? How many are staying? For how long?

Are our parents and


pupils reporting that they are happy?

Educational outcomes

Staff retention & satisfaction


Are our academic programmes delivering?

Do people love working with us?

Are we upholding rigorous standards of care?

Are we looking healthy enough

Financial stability

to ensure we can provide quality education for our children in the coming years?


Our Culture

Grow and build our existing brands and new ones.


Leverage the benefit of the family - unify at the back.

w Ho we

r se

th e

4 wo rld


Exceptional leadership training, development, and peer-topeer learning.


Improving our teaching and learning. Enhance pupil and parent offering.

Our People

Inspire and empower our children to live an extraordinary life.




The best admissions experience.

2022 & BEYOND

Our focus for 2022

As we evaluate the postpandemic environment, the Dukes board have determined the following three priorities for 2022.



3 Exceptional leadership training, development, and peer-to-peer learning.

As we move past the disruption and uncertainty of 2020 and 2021, we are renewing our focus on high quality teaching.

W E L L- B E I N G


2 Improving our teaching and learning.


We will deepen our focus on mental health and well-being for both staff and pupils, ensuring that additional training and support is provided.

Our Culture

Grow and build our existing brands and new ones.


w Ho

we r se

4 wo rld

Exceptional leadership training, development, and peer-topeer learning.

Our People

Leverage the benefit of the family - unify at the back.

th e


Inspire and empower our children to live an extraordinary life.




The best admissions experience.


Improving our teaching and learning. Enhance pupil and parent offering.



6 Grow and build our existing brands and new ones.

COP26 highlighted that climate change is the biggest challenge facing our generation, so it’s right that we make sustainability a strategic pillar.

2022 & BEYOND


Dukes Hub Dukes Hub is an online platform of shared resources and expertise hosted centrally, but populated by staff from every Dukes setting. It facilitates the quick and effective sharing of good practice and sound advice among experienced professionals. Subject champions at every key stage and for every taught subject build and share content with other Dukes teachers on their own pages. There are resources and advice on everything from mental health to leadership and school improvement. Quality training courses, many of them run by Dukes, are available to browse and to register.

Dukes Excellent Teaching Standards Every school, college and nursery has clear descriptors elucidating the standards expected of an experienced classroom practitioner. This provides a reference point for assessing the performance of teaching staff; for celebrating good practice where the standards are met; and to help identify training and areas for improvement. Dukes goes beyond national frameworks by creating descriptors for excellence in teaching and learning. This provides a focus for leading practitioners within Dukes schools to practice, champion, develop, mentor and reward excellence. Training is offered throughout the Dukes family, and in time will include external accreditation. 48

Teaching & Learning High quality teaching and learning is at the heart of an excellent education. Individual schools, colleges and nurseries have the autonomy to develop their own curriculum, systems and practices, but they also draw upon the expertise and high standards within the Dukes family.

Dukes Plus

School Quality Evaluation Framework

National and local standards for

Regular governor meetings and visits provide opportunities to assess

teaching and learning in British

through evidence the quality of learning within each Dukes setting. In

schools are weakest on the tasks and

addition, every two years each setting is visited by a small panel of Heads

behaviours of a teacher ‘beyond

and other senior staff within Dukes to undertake a peer review of the

the classroom’, i.e. in interactions in

education on offer within an agreed School Quality Evaluation Framework.

pastoral support and co-curricular activities. These are part of the culture

The purpose is to draw upon the experience of senior leaders to provide

and fabric of a Dukes Education

a high-level, developmental, review of the education on offer, including a

school, and of the way teachers go

health check on key aspects of compliance. It celebrates what the school,

about their daily business, so the

college or nursery does well, shares good practice, identifies key areas for

Dukes Plus framework provides a set of

development and identifies areas of central support/professional development

descriptors to articulate the expected

from Dukes. Teaching and learning can always be improved through a

standards, qualities and behaviour in

regular external health check from a supportive and critical friend.

this important but neglected area. The Dukes Plus framework describes the behaviours we expect from teachers in these interactions, grouped under Dukes’ four values of: We lead with heart; We love learning; We do it well; and We’re a team. They provide a basis for evaluating, celebrating and improving individual performance.

2022 & BEYOND

Well-being Looking after our mental health and well-being is vitally important. The purpose of Dukes is to enable young people to lead an extraordinary life and we recognise that the well-being of our staff and pupils is vital in fulfilling this purpose. The Dukes Mental Health and Well-being Strategy seeks to support the mental health and well-being of everyone in the Dukes community and beyond by: •

Raising awareness of issues surrounding mental health.

Reducing the stigma that surrounds the issue of mental health.

Helping our people to support themselves and build their levels of resilience.

Helping our people to support each other.

2 50

Raise awareness

Reduce stigma

Support ourselves

Support each other

Employee Assistance Programme

Mindfulness Courses

Well-being Courses and Events

Well-being Champions

Access to 1-to-1 counselling

.b Foundations

MHFA England Licensed

Well-being champions


and Accredited Courses

for staff

Suicide First Aid Course

Well-being champions

Fitness & Lifestyle Advice

8-week course

Financial Well-

for pupils

being Advice

Bespoke Workshops tailored to your needs

...& much more Mental Health and Train to Teach

Well-being week

Mindfulness Dots (for 3- to 6-year-olds) Paws .b (7- to 11-year-olds) .b (11- to 18-year-olds) School Mindfulness Lead

“More compassionate mind, more sense of concern for other’s well-being, is source of happiness.” – DALAI LAMA

2022 & BEYOND

Sustainable Growth In this crucial Decade of Action, Dukes wants to ensure that we are a force for good; growing sustainably, positively transforming society and the planet by measuring our own impact on the environment. Over the next year, as a group we will be working towards measuring and reducing our carbon emissions and sharing our journey with our communities to inspire others. By being more strategic about our environmental responsibility, we will be able to significantly increase our positive impact and hope to encourage continual improvements within our community. The Group will also be measuring our social value contributions. This refers to the net social and environmental benefits generated by our team. Measuring its social value gives a holistic insight into its positive contributions to not only the environment but also to society, demonstrating its commitment to meaningfully contribute to a better planet for all.

Accreditation with PlanetMark Through PlanetMark, Dukes is protecting an area of endangered rainforest thanks to Cool Earth; a charity working alongside rainforest communities to halt deforestation. Our pledge through Cool Earth goes directly towards supporting the Asháninka community in Central Peru. We are also helping the Eden Project – an educational charity building connections with each other and the living world, exploring how we can work together towards a better future.


Reduce carbon footprint by 5% annually As part of the PlanetMark certification, Dukes Education has committed to making a year-on-year reduction. 52

6 Little actions, big impact EATON SQUARE PREP SCHOOL During 2021, the Eco Committee at Eaton Square worked tirelessly to make the school more ecofriendly and sustainable. They have formally been accredited as an eco school, having achieved Bronze and Silver status, with their eyes set on achieving Gold next term. They have turned the outside space into an outdoor learning area and set up a gardening club. Using COP26 as a focal point they engaged not only pupils but parents as well to help transform the school into a more environmentally friendly organisation, and got more pupils cycling and walking to school. They worked closely with the gardening club to slowly transform the school into an oasis, with plants and flowers growing everywhere. The children now have a much greater understanding of how they can all do their part to help the world.

2022 & BEYOND

RIVERSIDE NURSERY At Riverside’s nursery setting in Twickenham Park, young children learn about important concepts such as recycling and awareness of preserving their surroundings. Sustainability is now a core part of the learning curriculum.

EARLSCLIFFE Earlscliffe has launched an amazing new summer programme called Sustainable Futures. This is an innovative initiative that combines sustainable education, sustainable leisure and lifestyle opportunities including learning about careers in the green economy. International pupils will come to the UK to follow a two week summer course and learn about topics such as sustainable farming, green cities, life on the coast, eco tourism and sustainable energy. The fun activities they undertake outside of the classroom such as kayaking and stand-up paddle boarding are also carbon neutral. The demand for this programme has been incredibly strong, indicating that the market is looking for this kind of sustainable leadership. We are delighted to be a corporate partner of Tree Aid, a leading environmental non-profit engaged in reforestation in sub-Saharan Africa, ensuring that participation through travel is carbon neutral.

HEATHSIDE SCHOOL An ongoing issue for many London schools is having access to sports facilities, often requiring transport to and from sports fields - incurring huge costs and generating carbon emissions. Heathside has solved two problems. By rearranging the logistics and walking when possible and using electric mini-buses when absolutely necessary, they have not only cut costs but the ‘walking warm up’ idea has been a fantastic initiative to reduce pupils’ carbon footprint and increase physical exercise. On top of this, the school campaigns for healthy plantbased diets and nutritional meals. It’s all small steps, but they help move Heathside School towards a more sustainable future. 54

EATON HOUSE This year Eaton House Schools have continued their commitment to our principle of sustainability by investing in infrastructure changes. They produce approximately 70% of their energy through solar panels installed on the school roof. Combined with movement-sensing, energy-saving lights and thermal insulating render throughout the schools they have taken important steps to reduce their carbon footprint. They have also tackled water usage by installing grey water recycling, and also use water bottle filling stations to cut down on plastic waste. Sustainability wins also come through architectural design with oxygen producing living walls being installed, and with catering they track all of their produce from farm to table to limit the miles on their meals. Finally, they have made a commitment to reduce the amount of paper they use as a school and where the use of that paper is seen as necessary they offset it by recycling the paper to be used in their printed magazine.

KNIGHTSBRIDGE SCHOOL Parents, staff and students on the Eco Team at Knightsbridge School work tirelessly to make KS a sustainable and environmentally friendly school. They have worked hard to reduce printing and paper use, provided reusable cups for all staff and have created innovative initiatives such as a sensory herb garden on the terrace for children and insects, as well as providing acorns for all classes to support us in growing a KS forest. The KS forest was sent to Scotland to support sustainability.


Rochester Independent

Kneller Hall

New developments Dukes has a multi-million pound capital investment plan that delivers enhancements across our settings. Here are some of the exciting developments that have been undertaken recently and a taste of things to come in 2022.

Completed in 2021 Eaton Square Nursery

Heathside School Hampstead

Partnering with House of Kin, the new

New toilets

bespoke nursery building is stunning Hampton Court House Radnor House Sixth Form

Completion of Glasshouse conversion

Clever design changes at the Cross Deep site

and redecoration of EYFS space

provides more space for sixth form teaching Lyceum School Broomfield House

New early years

New IT suite and science lab, renovated reception Area and Early Years’ space

Sancton Wood New school hall

Eaton Square 56

Chiswick & Bedford Park Prep School Redecoration of the buildings as initial phase of the planned merger

Hampton Court House

d oo W on ct San



field House

Underway and due for completion in 2022 Hopes and Dreams

Cardiff Sixth Form College

City Road location

Opening CSFC in Cambridge

Eaton Square

Bassett House

New sixth form

Early years’ classroom, work starts at Easter

Earlscliffe Mandalay boarding house

Sancton Wood / St Andrew’s New outdoor play surface

New CSFC campus


2022 & BEYOND


How we serve the world. One of the core Dukes values is ‘We lead with heart’. The launch of the Dukes Foundation and the Dukes Club is our opportunity to unite the staff, parents and alumni community to help benefit children and families across all walks of society. The Club will help us engage the parent community through fun and enriching ways. We will participate with the parents in charitable fundraising activities that will then enable us to offer enriching experiences through the Dukes Foundation.

Our mission is to:


Promote enrichment opportunities for

Support children to access education

Promote and support education

all children, regardless of background,

they could not otherwise receive, both

charities reaching beyond the

learning style or other characteristics.

in the UK and overseas.

Foundation’s sphere of influence.


The best admissions experience ever. Admissions is a crucial part of any student experience. To excel in this area, we have established a framework for best practice underpinned by a Customer Service Code, which addresses all the points of contact with our students, parents, partners and stakeholders from nursery to sixth form. In 2021 we made strong strides in this area, with six pilot schools having created a best in class admissions code. The Salesforce tool was also deployed across five colleges in 2021 and this CRM tool will enable us to continue to improve the admissions experience.




Discovery of school /

Explore the nursery,

Compare alternatives,

college or services

school, college or

which may involve

offered by our institutions

institution in more detail

consulting reviews or

Finalise decision

other parents

to enrol




Students and families

Complete paperwork

The first day

receive reassurance

and make payment


and feel excited

exceeds their

about starting






Students are happy,

Stay loyal to the

Bring awareness to

settled and thriving

institution, and transition

peers by spreading

within the Dukes Family

positive feedback

where feasible

about the institution

2022 & BEYOND


Enhance pupil and parent offering. The Dukes Club is an exciting,


A series of face-to-face activities and events, hosted by the Dukes schools and colleges and open to all our parents.


A year-round and vacation schedule of day and residential pupil activities that will enhance their in-school curriculum.

ambitious and innovative project that aims to extend the Dukes’ sense of family to all our pupils and their families. There are four key strands to the Club. 1.

An online platform that meaningfully connects, informs and entertains our parent community.


Priority access and discounts for Dukes schools and families to Beyond The Classroom.


Private forums to share knowledge and advice


Expert resources articles

This year we will launch a members club to give parents and our school communities a platform to connect, learn and have fun. They will be able to attend events, make new friends and access exclusive content.



Networking 60




Leverage the benefit of the family - unify at the back. Our challenge is to maintain visibility and efficiency over the rapidly growing group, whilst maintaining the culture of decentralisation, local autonomy and decision-making. We will achieve this by continuing to organise our key processes and data around a standard set of cloud-based software systems, shared by all but managed locally. Finance, banking, and school management systems are already largely there; Safeguarding, CRM and sales, payroll and HR systems are following in 2022. This essential ‘plumbing’ will allow Dukes to function seamlessly behind










Dukes Hub



l e d ge b a s


l a t fo r m s

n ow


e ar



k al



the scenes so our staff can focus on doing what they do best.

em ern

i s s i o n s p ro c e s






ance & co



C s ys t e m



em sy





a re












m e n t i n fo r

t ma

S a fe g u a r

m ding



dm /A

mp li

Financial acco



2022 & BEYOND

Dates for your diary 2022 Spring

3rd February Leadership courses begin

10th - 22nd February February Half Term Holidays 28th February - 18th March Teach Meets

15th May Well-being Week

28th March - 1st April Sustainable Careers Week


20th May Little Dukes EYFS conference

30th May - 3rd June Summer Half Term Holidays June Renaissance Scholars Event

3rd June Queen’s Platinum Jubilee 6th - 13th June Governors meetings

6th - 7th October Heads and Principals Away Days

1st - 25th April Easter Holidays

12th June Dukes Garden Party - staff and families


29th June - 5th September Summer Holidays

17th - 31st October Autumn Half Term Holidays 9th December First schools break up for Christmas

2023 Winter 3rd January Dukes conference 62

In the coming year...

Mr Horacio Maintenance Manager, Lyceum School

Ms Khanh Chef, Knightsbridge School

Changemakers book We will also be producing a book to celebrate the profiles and achievements of the change makers. This will focus on the members of our team particularly caretakers, chefs, maintenance workers, administrators, teaching assistants and new members of the staff who make things happen. This book will underline what we believe deeply about Dukes. We are a family and everyone matters at Dukes. We are all in this together.

Dukes Garden Party For staff and families in June.

Dukes Club launch We are excited to announce the launch of the Dukes Club in the second week of the summer term. There will be an array of events for parents and children of all ages, along with rewards and helpful content.

A little extra Insight Look out for a new copy of Insight each term.

Dukes Education 14–16 Waterloo Place London SW1Y 4AR 020 3696 5300 info@dukeseducation.com dukeseducation.com

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Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.