Learning & Professional Development 2021-2022
Contents Introduction p.6
Our Framework p.8
The Dukes Learning Hub p.10
Courses Overview p.14
Our Courses Leadership & Management p.25
Teaching & Learning p.33
Pastoral & Safeguarding p.55
Mental Health & Well-Being p.63
Operations p.71
Book Your Course p.82
Learning & Development at Dukes
Love of learning is at the heart of everything we do at Dukes. It’s also one of the four Dukes Values that remind us why we do what we do every day. In our work, we aim to instil that love of learning in our students, but sometimes it’s easy to forget that we need to cultivate it too. In today’s world, continued learning is no longer an optional extra. People who embrace lifelong learning make more of new opportunities – and their organisations are always a step ahead. That’s why we think Continuing Professional Development (CPD) has something to offer everyone at Dukes. Learning helps us respond to new ideas and scenarios, but it also empowers everyone we work with – including the young people in our care. In most cases, our individual Dukes nurseries, schools, and colleges also offer their own learning and development plans. The Dukes Learning & Development Programme doesn’t replace these. Instead, our family-wide offerings cover a wider range of supplementary training and allow us to learn from others across the business, as well as external experts. Michelangelo lived well into his eighties. Late in his life he said, “Ancora imparo,” – “I’m still learning”. That spirit of curiosity and humility is what drives the greatest innovators – and it’s one we can all aim to share.
Our Learning & Development Framework Whatever your role in the Dukes family, our programmes are designed to help you deepen your skills, gain confidence, and become a more effective professional. Our Learning & Development Framework encourages this kind of growth in a variety of ways. Our programmes may help you find greater clarity of purpose, or gain insight on how to help your colleagues thrive; alternatively, you might acquire the technical skills to manage finances or lead on Data Protection. All our programmes are based on four key principles for building success – Aspiration & Engagement, Self-Awareness & Clarity of Purpose, Managing Self & Others and Professional Knowledge & Skills. When these principles are developed in an individual – or an organisation – then Extraordinary Performance naturally occurs.
Self & Others
Professional Knowledge & Skills
inary Perform a nc e
Self-Awareness & Clarity of Purpose
ord tra Ex
Aspiration & Engagement
The Dukes Learning Hub As a member of the Dukes family, you can access a wide range of learning and development opportunities through the Dukes Hub.
Want to book yourself onto a course? Visit:
To find an overview of all courses and events open to you, visit dukeshub.com and simply click on the “Dukes Learning” tab, which will take you to the Dukes Learning Hub. Using the Dukes Learning Hub alongside this brochure If you find a course or event that interests you in this brochure, you can log into the Dukes Learning Hub to see
Booking Most courses and events can be booked directly by members of staff in the Dukes Learning Hub. However, some are invitation-only or require an application. Details of how to access each training opportunity are given at the bottom of each course listing in this brochure.
specific details such as: — Course dates and times — Names of instructors and facilitators — Details of course structures The Dukes Learning Hub also keeps a record of the learning and development opportunities you access through the Hub, which can be useful to you in your appraisal process and when planning future career development.
Registration The registration process is simple: — Open a web browser and type in www.dukeshub.com — Once you’re there, you will see our homepage and the types of courses available. — Click on Login/Register. — Then click on Register and complete the information required. Alternatively, you can click on this link to see a full demonstration of how to register and log in: https://vimeo.com/ dukeseducation/registeringonthehub 11
Courses Overview
Courses Overview
Courses Overview Dukes offers learning and development opportunities in five key areas:
Leadership & Management
Teaching & Learning
Pastoral & Safeguarding
Mental Health & Well-Being
An extensive range of workshops, training days and long-term courses are available in each area. Together, our programmes offer something for everyone at Dukes – no matter what their role or level of seniority.
Leadership & Management COURSE TITLE
The Dukes Senior
10-month programme
SLT & Senior Managers
Application via the
Leadership Programme Leadership &
Dukes Learning Hub 6-month programme
Managers and those
Application via the
Management Skills
aspiring to management
Dukes Learning Hub
Heads & Principals Dukes Heads & Principals
1 day per term +
annual 2-day residential
Principals & Heads only
Mandatory for Principals & Heads. Book via Dukes Learning Hub
“New to Dukes” Heads
1 day
Invitation only
Book via
Induction Day
One-Day Leadership Skills Courses Managing Difficult
1 day
Conversations Managing Performance & Appraisal
Dukes Learning Hub 1 day
Book via Dukes Learning Hub 15
Courses Overview
Teaching & Learning COURSE TITLE
NQT, RQT & UQT Training
9-month programme
Book via
Dukes Learning Hub
Subject-Specific Courses Primary English Summit
1 day
KS2 English Teachers
Book via Dukes Learning Hub
Stretch & Challenge in the
Half day
English Curriculum Spatial Reasoning &
Half day
Secondary English
Book via
Dukes Learning Hub
Maths Teachers
Book via
Visualisation Ahead of the BEST: Best
Dukes Learning Hub Half day
Primary Science Teachers
Evidence Science Teaching
Book via Dukes Learning Hub
in Primary Classrooms Academic Focus Groups
90-minute meeting
Key Stage-dependent
Book via Dukes Learning Hub
Variable per session, approx. 1-2 hours
Book via Dukes Learning Hub
2 hours
SLT, Admissions, and
Book via
other interested staff
Dukes Learning Hub
SLT, Bursars, Admissions,
Book via
Governors, and other
Dukes Learning Hub
SEND Creating an Inclusive School: Effective Leadership of SEND Creating an Inclusive School:
2 hours
Legal Requirements of SEND
interested staff Neurodiversity in the
2 hours
Classroom: ADHD Neurodiversity in the
2 hours
Classroom: EYFS Neurodiversity in the
2 hours
Classroom: ASD Neurodiversity in the
2 hours
Classroom practitioners
Book via
and interested staff
Dukes Learning Hub
Early Years Practitioners
Book via
and interested staff
Dukes Learning Hub
Classroom practitioners
Book via
and school staff
Dukes Learning Hub
Classroom practitioners
Book via
Classroom: Planning
Dukes Learning Hub
for Differentiation SEND Focus Group
Twice a term
SEND Co-ordinators
Contact Jessica Narowlansky at jessica.n@ dukeseducation.com
EYFS The Riverside Nursery
6 half-day sessions
EYFS staff
Expert Programme Neurodiversity in the
Dukes Learning Hub 2 hours
Classroom: EYFS Fostering Language
90-minute workshop
Early Years Practitioners
Book via
and interested staff
Dukes Learning Hub
EYFS staff
Book via
Development in EYFS Finding Our Way in the
Application via the
Dukes Learning Hub 2 hours
EYFS staff
Woods: Approaches to
Book via Dukes Learning Hub
Forest School Certificate in Integrating
More info via the
Montessori Practice (IMP)
Dukes Learning Hub
EYFS staff
Application via the Dukes Learning Hub
– Foundations, Specialism, Philosophy & Principles Cache Diploma in Montessori
More info via the
Pedagogy – Birth to Seven
Dukes Learning Hub
EYFS staff
Application via the Dukes Learning Hub
(Early Years Educator) – Level 3 or 4 Certificate in Integrating
More info via the
Montessori Practice (Infant
Dukes Learning Hub
EYFS staff
Application via the Dukes Learning Hub
Specialism) Birth to 3 Years 17
Courses Overview
Pastoral & Safeguarding COURSE TITLE
TES Develop – Online
Varies per course
All staff
Use your Educare Login
Safeguarding & Duty of
to access all TES Develop
Care Courses
Solutions to Bullying
2 hours
All staff
(Train the Trainer) 5 Steps – Solutions to
Book via Dukes Learning Hub
2 hours
All staff
Personal Well-Being
Book via Dukes Learning Hub
(Train the Trainer)
Safeguarding & Compliance DSL Development Day
1 day
Book via Dukes Learning Hub
SCR & Compliance
Half day
Update Workshop
DSLs & DDSLs, Heads
Book via
& Principals, SLT
Dukes Learning Hub
Primary Pastoral Leads
Book via
Pastoral & Boarding Focus Groups Primary Pastoral Focus
90 minutes
Group Meeting Secondary Pastoral
Dukes Learning Hub 90 minutes
Focus Group Meeting Boarding Focus Group
90 minutes
Secondary Pastoral
Book via
Dukes Learning Hub
Boarding Leads
Book via
Meeting Pastoral & Boarding Focus Groups Development Day 18
Dukes Learning Hub 1 day
All Pastoral & Boarding
Book via
Dukes Learning Hub
Courses Overview
Mental Health & Well-Being COURSE TITLE
2 days
All staff
Book via
Mental Health First Aid Mental Health First Aid Courses – Youth & Adult Suicide First Aid Lite
Dukes Learning Hub 3 hours
All staff
Book via Dukes Learning Hub
Mindfulness .b Foundations
8 x 90-minute sessions
Mindfulness 8-week
over 8 weeks
All staff
Book via Dukes Learning Hub
Programme Mindfulness Teacher
Varies per course
Staff who have
completed the 8-week .b
Foundations Programme
All staff
Book via
Other Courses & Workshops Address Your Stress
2-hour workshop
Dukes Learning Hub Introduction to
90-minute workshop
All staff
Mindfulness Bespoke Mental Health &
Book via Dukes Learning Hub
All staff
Contact richard.fletcher@
Well-Being Workshops
dukeseducation.com TES Develop – Online Well-Being Courses
Varies per course
All staff
Use your Educare Login to access all TES Develop training 21
Courses Overview
Half day
Staff in leadership or
Book via
management positions
Dukes Learning Hub
Staff in leadership or
Book via
management positions
Dukes Learning Hub
Heads of Department,
Book via
SLT, Heads & Principals
Dukes Learning Hub
HR & People Managing Difficult Conversations Managing Performance &
1 day
Appraisal Recruitment & Selection
Half day
Marketing & Sales Marketing, Admissions &
2-day residential
Sales, Marketing &
By invitation.
Sales Conference
Admissions staff from all
Register via Dukes
locations & businesses
Learning Hub
Sales, Marketing &
By invitation.
Admissions staff from all
Register via Dukes
locations & businesses
Learning Hub
International Sales & Marketing Conference
1-day conference
Marketing, Admissions &
1 day (summer & autumn)
Sales, Marketing &
By invitation.
Admissions staff from all
Register via Dukes
locations & businesses
Learning Hub
Sales, Marketing &
By invitation.
& Sales Monthly
Admissions staff from all
Register via Dukes
locations & businesses
Learning Hub
Bursars and Finance
By invitation.
Register via Dukes
Sales Development Days
Marketing, Admissions
1-hour workshops (online)
Financial Operations Bursars and Finance
1 day
Managers’ Development Day Bespoke Financial
Learning Hub 2 hours
Early Years Practitioners
and interested staff
richard.fletcher@ dukeseducation.com
Estates and Health & Safety Educational Visits
1 day
Co-ordinator Training Site Staff
1 day
Educational Visits
Book via
Co-ordinators (EVCs)
Dukes Learning Hub
All site staff
Book via
Development Day TES Develop – Online
Dukes Learning Hub Varies per course
Health & Safety Courses
All staff working in
Use your Educare
schools, nurseries and
Login to access all TES
Develop training
Teachers & Administrators
Book via
Data Management ISAMS 101
1 hour
Dukes Learning Hub Data Protection & GDPR
Half day
Data Protection leads,
Book via
SLT, Heads & Principals
Dukes Learning Hub
Leadership & Management
Leadership & Management
The Dukes Senior Leadership Programme Overview Our flagship programme, The Dukes Senior Leadership Programme, brings together highly motivated individuals who have the potential to contribute significantly to the future of their organisation. Designed in consultation with experts, and accredited by the University of Buckingham, the Senior Leadership Programme will give you the tools and confidence to manage your own self-development as a leader in education. The programme begins with you, working closely to understand your personality styles, leadership preferences and business context. We then use innovative insights, research, and inspiring instruction to help unlock your leadership potential. Whatever your goals are, we aim to ensure that you are equipped to push the boundaries of education business excellence. Candidates are advised that in order to gain the maximum benefit from this immersive and intense programme, they will be required to devote time and energy to their development before, during, and after the course.
Accredited by:
Fast Facts Programme lead: Richard Fletcher (Director of Performance) Suitable for: Senior leaders across the whole Dukes family of nurseries, schools, colleges and Beyond the Classroom settings. Time commitment: 10 modules over the course of 10 months Fees: Costs are covered by Dukes Education. Course dates & booking: Apply through the Dukes Learning Hub. You will need a recommendation from your Head, Principal or Managing Director.
Course Modules — Module 1: Foundations of Personal & People Leadership — Module 2: Well-Being & Stress Management — Module 3: Taking People with You — Module 4: Inspirational Communication — Module 5: Business Acumen — Module 6: Coaching for Performance — Module 7: Culture & Change — Module 8: Communicating with Impact — Module 9: Strategic Planning — Module 10: Reviewing, Planning, and Presenting
Leadership & Management
Leadership & Management Skills Programme Overview Complementing the Senior Leadership Programme, this course is designed to train those in leadership and management positions across Dukes Education. As well as honing your leadership and management skills, the programme will also help you to gain confidence and manage your own self-development. Additionally, it will give you some fundamental tools to manage the professional relationships you have on a daily basis. Opportunities to network across the business will be available, and you will have chances to reflect on and improve your performance – as well as that of your team.
Accredited by:
Fast Facts Programme lead: Richard Fletcher (Director of Performance) Suitable for: Managers and those aspiring to management roles Time commitment: 6 modules over the course of 6 months Fees: Costs are covered by Dukes Education. Course dates & booking: Apply through the Dukes Learning Hub. You will need a recommendation from your Head, Principal or Managing Director.
Course Modules — Module 1: Foundations of Personal & People Leadership — Module 2: Building Trust & Managing Teams — Module 3: Communicating with Impact 1 — Module 4: Communicating with Impact 2 — Module 5: Managing Performance — Module 6: Managing Conflict & Difficult Conversations — Module 7: Personal Leadership Revisited
Leadership & Management
Dukes Heads & Principals Programme Overview The Heads & Principals Programme brings together all Heads and Principals from across the Dukes family of nurseries, schools, colleges and Beyond the
Fast Facts Programme leads: Libby Nicholas (Managing Director) and Richard Fletcher (Director of Performance)
Classroom settings – as well as members
Suitable for:
of the Dukes Board of Directors.
All Heads and Principals across the entire
The programme’s purpose is to provide our senior leaders with an enriching
Dukes family of nurseries, schools, colleges and Beyond the Classroom settings.
experience that allows space for reflection,
Time commitment:
collaboration, and celebration. At the
1 day per term + an annual 2-day residential
same time, Heads and Principals are equipped with new and relevant skills that can increase effectiveness in their role.
Course dates & booking: Only available to Principals & Heads. Book via the Dukes Learning Hub.
“New to Dukes” Heads Induction Day Overview The New Heads Induction Day brings together all new Heads and Principals from across the entire Dukes family, providing them with an
Fast Facts Programme leads: Libby Nicholas (Managing Director) and Richard Fletcher (Director of Performance)
opportunity to meet each other as
Suitable for:
well as key members of the central
Heads and Principals who are new to Dukes
team. Throughout the day they will
or have been newly appointed to a Head or
hear more about the Dukes family,
Principal role.
our values, and our strategic vision.
Time commitment: 1 day Event dates & booking: Invitation only
Managing Difficult Conversations Overview This workshop covers the basics of managing difficult conversations in the workplace, as well as our policies and processes around performance and conduct.
Fast Facts Facilitators: Claire Little (Director of People) and Richard Fletcher (Director of Performance) Suitable for: Staff in leadership or management positions Time commitment: Half-day workshop Event dates & booking: Book via the Dukes Learning Hub.
Managing Performance & Appraisal Overview This workshop looks at how to manage people so that they can perform at their best. Topics addressed include appraisals,
Fast Facts Facilitators: Claire Little (Director of People) and Richard Fletcher (Director of Performance)
performance management, and
Suitable for:
embedding a high-performance
Staff in leadership or management positions
culture in line with Dukes Teacher Standards and the Dukes Values.
Time commitment: 1 day Event dates & booking: Book via the Dukes Learning Hub.
Teaching & Learning
Teaching & Learning
NQT, RQT & UQT Training Programme Overview This course challenges all participants to reflect on, craft and improve their teaching practice. It is designed to develop knowledge and skills in all areas of teaching, as well as specific aspects of subject knowledge. In particular, it will help teachers build a strong classroom culture and raise levels of engagement. This programme will support all NQTs to achieve full Qualified Teacher Status, but it is also appropriate for Recently Qualified Teachers and those who want to reinvest in their practice.
In association with:
TLAC Licensed Programme
Fast Facts Programme leads: Libby Nicholas (Managing Director) and Richard Fletcher (Director of Performance) Suitable for: NQTs, RQTs and teachers who would like to further explore the art of teaching. Time commitment: 9 months: 3 half-day sessions (9am to 12:30pm) + 7 additional online sessions (1 per month) Fees: Costs are covered by Dukes Education. Course dates & booking: Book via the Dukes Learning Hub.
Course Modules — Module 1: Introduction to the Programme — Module 2: Planning and Delivering Directions in the Classroom — Module 3: Developing a “Teacher’s Radar” — Module 4: Interventions, Speech and Body Language — Module 5: Positive Framing — Module 6: Inclusion: SEND Code of Practice and Supporting Neurodiversity in the Classroom — Module 7: Systems and Routines — Module 8: Cold Calling and Show Calling — Module 9: Double Planning and Planning for Error — Module 10: Stretch and Challenge
S U B J E C T- S P E C I F I C C O U R S E S : E N G L I S H
Teaching & Learning
Primary English Summit Overview This one-day event consists of two sessions,
each looking at different aspects of
Dukes KS2 English Subject Champion
Primary English teaching. The first session, Making Grammar Meaningful, focuses
Suitable for:
on strategies for teaching grammar by
KS2 English Teachers
relating it to the practice of creative writing. The second session focuses on assessment. After a short discussion on
Time commitment: 1 day
assessment practices, teachers will discuss
Event dates & booking:
and compare different children’s work as
Book via the Dukes Learning Hub.
well as their own assessment conclusions. This process is designed to help achieve consistency in assessments, as well as building confidence in the practice of reading and writing them.
Stretch and Challenge in the English Curriculum Overview This workshop offers a chance to reflect on how we stretch and challenge pupils in the Secondary English classroom. Together we will look at how to apply complex literary theory in a class setting, exploring new and exciting lesson ideas that can be differentiated up and down to suit a range of learning styles and abilities. Teachers will have the chance to discuss and compare strategies with like-minded colleagues. We’ll also consider how the English curriculum can be “spiralised” to engage learners from Year 7 up to undergraduate level, and forge links between some of the simplest and most complex areas of English.
Fast Facts
Fast Facts Programme leads: Dukes KS3 & 4 English Subject Champion Suitable for: Secondary English Teachers Time commitment: Half-day workshop Event dates & booking: Book via the Dukes Learning Hub.
Also look out for our English TeachMeets. (See p.40 for more information about TeachMeets)
S U B J E C T- S P E C I F I C C O U R S E S : M AT H S & S C I E N C E
Spatial Reasoning & Visualisation Overview
Fast Facts
This course aims to investigate the
relationship between spatial reasoning
Dukes KS2 Maths Subject Champion
and the learning of mathematics. The growing consensus that spatial reasoning
Suitable for:
skills contribute to the learning of school
Maths Teachers
maths will be examined critically. We will also consider whether spatial ability can be analysed into a set of teachable skills,
Time commitment: Half a day
and look at a variety of activities proven
Event dates & booking:
to develop spatial reasoning.
Book via the Dukes Learning Hub.
Also look out for our Maths TeachMeets. (See p.40 for more information about TeachMeets)
Ahead of the BEST: Best Evidence Science Teaching in Primary Classrooms
Overview Best Evidence Science Teaching (BEST) is a collection of evidence-based research and resources that can be used to inform
Fast Facts Facilitator: Dukes KS2 Science Subject Champion
best practice in teaching Science. This
Suitable for:
workshop covers two distinct topics:
Primary Science Teachers
(1) Progression across KS2: constructive
Time commitment:
approaches to building understanding and effective sequencing of key concepts, driven by research.
Half-day workshop Event dates & booking: Book via the Dukes Learning Hub.
(2) Best Evidence Science Teaching in practice. Also look out for our Science TeachMeets. (See p.40 for more information about TeachMeets) 37
S U B J E C T- S P E C I F I C C O U R S E S 38
Teaching & Learning
Academic Focus Groups Overview Our termly Academic Focus Groups are informal conference-style meetings that give academic and assessment leads a chance to share ideas, network and get inspiration. In addition, they provide a way for us to work together for better continuing professional development and mutual support.
Primary Academic Focus Group Meetings Facilitator: Libby Nicholas (Managing Director) Suitable for: Primary Academic & Assessment Leads Time commitment: 90-minute meeting Event dates & booking: Book via the Dukes Learning Hub.
KS3 & KS4 Academic Focus Group Meetings Programme leads: Richard Settle (Principal, Sancton Wood School) Suitable for: Secondary Academic & Assessment Leads Time commitment: 90-minute meeting Event dates & booking: Book via the Dukes Learning Hub.
KS5 Academic Focus Group Meetings Programme leads: Tim Fish (Managing Director) Suitable for: KS5 Academic & Assessment Leads Time commitment: 90-minute meeting Event dates & booking: Book via the Dukes Learning Hub.
S U B J E C T- S P E C I F I C C O U R S E S 40
Teaching & Learning
Overview Facilitated by our Subject Champions, TeachMeets are informal conference-style meetings that give professionals in each subject a chance to share ideas, network and get inspiration. In addition, they provide teachers with a way to work together for better continuing professional development and mutual support.
Fast Facts Facilitators: Dukes Subject Champions Suitable for: Relevant staff per subject Time commitment: Variable per session, approximately 1-2 hours Event dates & booking: Book via the Dukes Learning Hub.
TeachMeet Subjects — Key Stage 1
— Maths
— Computing
— Music
— Drama
— Politics
— Economics & Business
— Religious Education
— English
— Science
— French
— Sport
— Geography
New subjects and dates for TeachMeets are regularly updated. Check the Dukes Learning Hub for details.
Teaching & Learning
Creating an Inclusive School:
Effective Leadership of SEND Overview
Fast Facts
This event focuses on strategies for the
effective management of SEND across
SEND Focus Group
the whole school. Suitable for: SLT, Admissions, and other interested staff Time commitment: 2 hours Event dates & booking: Book via the Dukes Learning Hub.
Creating an Inclusive School:
Legal Requirements of SEND Overview This workshop aims to bring schools up to speed with current legislation on SEND, including a discussion of education, health and care plans. The HCB Education Team are specialists in Education Law with years of experience representing parents who have children with Special Educational Needs. They have helped to secure over 1,000 places for children at independent specialist schools through special educational needs tribunals.
Fast Facts Facilitators: HCB Solicitors Suitable for: SLT, Bursars, Admissions, Governors, and other interested staff Time commitment: 2 hours Event dates & booking: Book via the Dukes Learning Hub.
Neurodiversity in the Classroom:
ADHD Overview
Fast Facts
This workshop supports schools to
develop a better understanding of ADHD
Fintan O’Regan
and associated behaviours. The aim is to help schools address this neurological
Suitable for:
difference in constructive and supportive
Classroom practitioners and interested staff
ways, including better communication across school staff and with parents.
Time commitment: 2 hours Event dates & booking: Book via the Dukes Learning Hub.
Neurodiversity in the Classroom:
EYFS Overview
This event aims to develop the ability of Early Years Practitioners to understand, identify and support neurodiverse children in the Early Years setting.
Fast Facts Facilitators: SEND Focus Group Suitable for: Early Years Practitioners and other interested staff Time commitment: 2 hours Event dates & booking: Book via the Dukes Learning Hub.
Teaching & Learning
Neurodiversity in the Classroom:
Fast Facts
This event aims to develop our collective
understanding of the challenges faced
Dukes SEND Champion
by children with Autism Spectrum Disorder in their daily and school lives.
Suitable for: Classroom practitioners and school staff Time commitment: 2 hours Event dates & booking: Book via the Dukes Learning Hub.
Neurodiversity in the Classroom:
Planning for Differentiation Overview This event looks at both theory and practical considerations to understand the importance of differentiation in the neurodiverse classroom of today.
Fast Facts Facilitators: SEND Focus Group Suitable for: Classroom practitioners Time commitment: 2 hours Event dates & booking: Book via the Dukes Learning Hub.
SEND Focus Group Overview The Dukes SENDCo Focus Group aims to provide SEND and Inclusion leaders across Dukes with opportunities for discussion and support. We facilitate this with two termly meetings. — Our main meeting brings SEND leaders together to discuss SEND matters within individual schools and across the Dukes family as a whole. These meetings offer a collaborative forum where SEND issues can be discussed openly, with a shared aim of developing high-quality SEND provision across the Group. Meetings are approximately two hours in length. — Our second (1-hour) meeting is an optional Continuing Professional Development workshop. Speakers from a range of disciplines come to speak to the group on identified areas of interest. SENDCos can also offer peer-to-peer CPD. Any member of the group is welcome to arrange to lead a session in their area of interest, and we are very keen to utilise expertise within the group. The SEND Focus Group Chair is Jessica Narowlansky.
Fast Facts Chair: Jessica Narowlansky Suitable for: SEND Co-ordinators Time commitment: 2 meetings per term Event dates & booking: If you are interested in joining the SEND Focus Group, please contact Jessica Narowlansky directly at jessica.n@dukeseducation.com
Teaching & Learning
The Riverside Nursery Expert Programme Overview The Riverside Nursery Expert (RNE) Programme is an opportunity for highly motivated Dukes nursery staff to step forward and acquire the skills to lead inspirationally. The six-session course develops your nursery practice by focusing on your self-understanding as an individual. By reflecting on how you impact the wider world around you – referred to as “Cosmic Education” in the Montessori method – you will gain the tools and confidence to manage your own self-development. You will also expand your knowledge of the child, their environment, and your importance as the link between the two. Alongside these skills, the programme also explores recent research and innovative approaches to nursery practice, providing a range of tools to help you continue growing, developing and promoting exceptional education for younger children. Candidates are advised that in order to gain the maximum benefit from this immersive and intense programme, they will be required to devote time and energy to their development before, during, and after the course.
Fast Facts Facilitators: EYFS Subject Champions and EYFS Leaders Suitable for: EYFS staff Time commitment: 6 half-day sessions Course dates & booking: Apply via the Dukes Learning Hub.
Teaching & Learning
Certificate in Integrating Montessori Practice (IMP) –
Foundations, Specialism, Philosophy & Principles School Overview If you are a qualified early years practitioner or qualified teacher wishing to add Montessori professional specialism to your practice this could be the right course for you. Your online study will guide you through the Montessori philosophy and Montessori curriculum areas of learning to achieve a professional specialism in Montessori. You’ll also complete an 88 hour apparatus workshop where you gain hands on experience with the Montessori materials.
Fast Facts Facilitators: EYFS Subject Champions and EYFS Leaders Suitable for: EYFS staff Time commitment: 6 half-day sessions Course dates & booking: Apply via the Dukes Learning Hub.
7 units of study — Montessori Philosophy — Activities of Everyday Living — Education of the Senses — Numeracy and Arithmetic — Literacy — Knowledge and Understanding of the World — Creativity
Assessment There are 5 diverse assignments including a quiz, an essay, a lesson plan, observation, and final reflection on your practice. On successful completion of the final practical assessment at the apparatus workshop and all five assignments, students will be awarded a Montessori Centre International Certificate. All students will access course materials online through our Virtual Learning Environment. You will be supported by a dedicated tutor via email and video calling. All students will be able to interact via online forum. At the workshop you will be guided by Montessori specialist trainers.
Fast Facts Facilitators: Montessori specialist trainers Suitable for: EYFS staff Time commitment: More info via the Dukes Learning Hub Event dates & booking: Apply via the Dukes Learning Hub.
Teaching & Learning
Cache Diploma in Montessori Pedagogy –
Birth to Seven (Early Years Educator) – Level 3 or 4 Overview
Fast Facts
Level 3 Diploma in Montessori
Pedagogy (Early Years Educator) –
Montessori specialist trainers
an ideal course for those looking for an entry level achievement, widely
Suitable for:
recognised, for working in industry
EYFS staff
(CACHE/ Crossfields Institute)
Time commitment: More info via the Dukes Learning Hub
Level 4 Diploma in Montessori Pedagogy (Early Years Educator) –
Event dates & booking:
an ideal course if you’re starting a career
Apply via the Dukes Learning Hub.
in Montessori education; it’s a nationally recognised qualification with the added benefit of flexible study options (CACHE/ Crossfields Institute)
Certificate in Integrating Montessori Practice (Infant Specialism) –
Birth to 3 Years Overview The Certificate in Integrating Montessori Practice (Infant Specialism) Birth to 3 Years has been developed specifically for practitioners who have already gained their qualifications (L3 and above/ licence to practise) and experience in working with children, preferably with infants in a home-based setting or in a nursery. This course helps professionals to deepen their knowledge and understanding of the development and caring for infants and encourages practitioners to focus their study on this highly important period of the child’s life. 50
Fast Facts Facilitators: Montessori specialist trainers Suitable for: EYFS staff Time commitment: More info via the Dukes Learning Hub Event dates & booking: Apply via the Dukes Learning Hub.
Teaching & Learning
Neurodiversity in the Classroom: EYFS Overview
Fast Facts
This event aims to develop the ability of
Early Years Practitioners to understand,
SEND Focus Group
identify and support neurodiverse children in the Early Years setting.
Suitable for: Early Years Practitioners and other interested staff Time commitment: 2 hours Event dates & booking: Book via the Dukes Learning Hub.
Fostering Language Development in EYFS Overview This workshop looks at recent research into language development and what it tells us about Early Years learning. It will also offer opportunities to reflect on your own practice.
Fast Facts Facilitators: EYFS Subject Champions and EYFS Leaders Suitable for: EYFS staff Time commitment: 90-minute workshop Event dates & booking: Book via the Dukes Learning Hub.
Finding Our Way in the Woods:
Approaches to Forest School Overview
Fast Facts
What possibilities does a woodland
environment offer children? How can a
Martin Pace (Director, Reflections Nursery
forest setting support learning? What is
& Forest School)
the role of the adult at Forest School? Suitable for: This session will consider different ways
EYFS staff
of working with children in woodland, as well as the value of risk in children’s
Time commitment:
play (and how to manage it). We will also
2 hours
look at how work in the forest and in the nursery/school are connected.
Event dates & booking: Book via the Dukes Learning Hub.
Pastoral & Safeguarding
Pastoral & Safeguarding
TES Develop
Online Safeguarding & Duty of Care Courses Overview As the UK’s leading provider of Safeguarding and Duty of Care training, TES Develop also delivers a range of e-learning courses designed specifically to address safeguarding in the education sector. As members of the Dukes family, all staff now have access to TES Develop’s complete online range of Safeguarding and Duty of Care courses. Each course is designed to impart essential information, as well as guidance on how to take action if someone suspects something is wrong – whatever their role or responsibility. The service also includes a robust reporting suite that can provide evidence of learning to inspectors. 56
Fast Facts Facilitator: Online learning Suitable for: All staff Time commitment: Varies per course Event dates & booking: Available anytime. Use your Educare Login to access all TES Develop training.
In association with:
Solutions to Bullying (Train the Trainer)
Overview This workshop equips staff with clear information and guidance on tackling the increasingly challenging problem of bullying. With practical support and easy-to-use resources, the workshop provides various solutions to bullying as well as ways to increase emotional resilience.
Fast Facts Facilitator: Julie Wilkinson Suitable for: All staff Time commitment: 2 hours Event dates & booking:
In association with:
Book via the Dukes Learning Hub.
5 Steps – Solutions to Personal Well-Being (Train the Trainer) Overview
Fast Facts
In this workshop Julie shares her solution-
focused approach to personal well-being.
Julie Wilkinson
Improving self-esteem and positive self-identity will enhance assertiveness,
Suitable for:
improve leadership skills, and create
All staff
useful life tools for the future.
Time commitment: 2 hours
In association with:
Event dates & booking: Book via the Dukes Learning Hub.
Pastoral & Safeguarding
DSL Development Day Overview
Fast Facts
This one-day event is a chance to hear
external safeguarding professionals talk
Lisa Maynard (Director of Operations) &
in depth about current safeguarding
Paul Ludlow (Director of Compliance)
topics. In the first part of the day, attention will also be given to any
Suitable for:
legislative changes that require school
Designated Safeguarding Leads &
updates. The rest of the day is devoted
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads
to staff-led sessions on recent issues or trends faced by our schools – as well as opportunities to talk with your fellow
Time commitment: 1 day
safeguarding colleagues from the wider
Event dates & booking:
Dukes family.
Book via the Dukes Learning Hub.
SCR & Compliance Update Workshop Overview The purpose of this event is to discuss changes to the regulations for boarding, ISI and Ofsted inspections, as well as recent updates on the SCR and guidance from recent inspections. There will also be an opportunity at the end of the session to discuss school-specific queries with either Lisa Maynard or Paul Ludlow.
Fast Facts Facilitators: Lisa Maynard (Director of Operations) & Paul Ludlow (Director of Compliance) Suitable for: Designated Safeguarding Leads, Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads, Members of SLT, Heads and Principals Time commitment: Half-day workshop Event dates & booking: Book via the Dukes Learning Hub.
Pastoral & Safeguarding
Pastoral & Boarding Focus Groups Overview Our termly Focus Groups are informal conference-style meetings that give Pastoral and Boarding leads a chance to share ideas, network and get inspiration. In addition, they provide a way for us to work together for better continuing professional development and mutual support. The Primary and Secondary Pastoral Focus Groups will also join the Boarding Focus Group for a development day in the summer term. The day will cover key themes from the past year and the year to come; it will also feature a mix of external speakers and discussion groups where participants can share ideas.
Primary Pastoral Focus Group Meetings
Secondary Pastoral Focus Group Meetings
Richard Fletcher (Director of Performance)
Richard Fletcher (Director of Performance)
Suitable for:
Suitable for:
Primary Pastoral Leads
Secondary Pastoral Leads
Time commitment:
Time commitment:
90-minute meeting
90-minute meeting
Event dates & booking:
Event dates & booking:
Book via the Dukes Learning Hub.
Book via the Dukes Learning Hub.
Boarding Focus Group Meetings
Pastoral & Boarding Development Day
Paul Ludlow (Director of Compliance)
Richard Fletcher (Director of Performance)
Suitable for: Boarding Leads Time commitment: 90-minute meeting Event dates & booking: Book via the Dukes Learning Hub.
& Paul Ludlow (Director of Compliance) Suitable for: All Pastoral & Boarding leads Time commitment: 1 day Event dates & booking: Book via the Dukes Learning Hub.
Mental Health & Well-Being
Mental Health & Well-Being
Mental Health First Aid Courses – Youth & Adult Overview
Fast Facts
This two-day course aims to qualify you
as a Mental Health First Aider, giving you:
Licensed & Certified MHFA Instructors
— An in-depth understanding of mental
Suitable for:
health and the factors that can affect
All staff
well-being. Time commitment: — Practical skills to spot the triggers and
2 days maximum. We can normally fit
signs of mental health issues.
sessions around a standard school day.
— Confidence to step in, reassure and
support a person in distress.
Costs are covered by Dukes Education.
— Enhanced interpersonal skills such as
Course dates & booking:
non-judgemental listening.
Book via the Dukes Learning Hub.
— Knowledge to help someone recover their health by guiding them to further support – whether from their employer, self-help resources, the NHS, or a mix.
Certified by:
Suicide First Aid Lite Overview The Suicide First Aid Lite course is designed for anyone who seeks greater understanding and confidence to intervene with people at risk of suicide. During this three-hour session, experienced suicide prevention trainers teach intervention skills that can be applied in any professional or personal setting. This unique learning experience imparts the knowledge and tools to help someone with thoughts of suicide stay safe and stay alive. In association with:
Fast Facts Instructor: Certified SFA Trainer Suitable for: All staff Time commitment: 3 hours Fees: Costs are covered by Dukes Education. Event dates & booking: Book via the Dukes Learning Hub.
Mental Health & Well-Being
.b Foundations Mindfulness 8-week Programme Overview Mindfulness has become increasingly popular as a skill to understand how and why we think the way we do. It helps us to step back, observe the workings of our mind, and become more adept at choosing which thoughts we follow and which we leave to one side. This can be extremely helpful in learning how to work with the worries, anxieties, and stresses of life at school or at home. It can also help with difficulties around sleep, open a door to greater appreciation of life, and encourage a deeper awareness of how we communicate with others. This evidence-based course is designed by the Mindfulness in Schools Project and has been taught to many thousands of school staff across the UK and beyond.
Fast Facts Instructor: Certified .b Mindfulness Trainer Suitable for: All staff Time commitment: 8 sessions over the course of 8 weeks Fees: Costs are covered by Dukes Education. Course dates & booking: Book via the Dukes Learning Hub.
In association with:
Mindfulness Teacher Training Overview
Fast Facts
Once you have completed both the
eight-week .b Foundations Programme
Certified .b Mindfulness Trainers
and developed a regular mindfulness meditation practice, you can train to
Suitable for:
become an instructor for Teach Dots
Staff who have completed the 8-week
(for 3- to 6-year-olds), Paws .b (7- to
.b Foundations Programme
11-year-olds), or .b (11- to 18-year-olds).
Time commitment: Varies per course Fees: Dukes Education can provide funding for these courses following a successful application. Course dates & booking:
In association with:
Direct to Richard Fletcher: richard.fletcher@dukeseducation.com
Mental Health & Well-Being
Address Your Stress Overview This two-hour workshop encourages
you to take a moment, broaden
Licensed & Certified Youth MHFA Instructor
your perspective, and deepen your understanding of what stresses you.
Suitable for:
It then gives you the tools, skills and
All staff
knowledge to manage those stressors.
Time commitment:
We will cover:
2-hour workshop
— The Stress Container Model
— Your Stress Signature
Costs are covered by Dukes Education.
— Stress Awareness – Sources of
Event dates & booking: Book via the Dukes Learning Hub.
Stress & Managing Stress — Coping Strategies
In association with:
Introduction to Mindfulness Overview Mindfulness has become increasingly popular as a skill to understand how and why we think the way we do. It helps us to step back, observe the workings of our mind, and become more adept at choosing which thoughts we follow and which we leave to one side. This can be extremely helpful in learning how to work with the worries, anxieties, and stresses of life at school or at home. It can also help with difficulties around sleep, open a door to greater appreciation of life, and encourage a deeper awareness of how we communicate with others.
Fast Facts
Fast Facts Instructor: Richard Fletcher (Director of Performance) Suitable for: All staff Time commitment: 90-minute workshop Event dates & booking: Book via the Dukes Learning Hub.
Bespoke Mental Health & Well-Being Workshops Workshops can be specially created for
Workshops are best designed with your
those in your school, college or organisation
needs in mind, but they can be based
who want to develop their knowledge, skills
on any of the following topics/areas:
and confidence in the following areas: — The context of — Raising awareness of mental health issues and reducing stigma — Reassuring and supporting someone in distress — Spotting the triggers and signs of mental health issues — Giving people the tools to look
— Positive coping strategies
mental health
— Anxiety & depression — Resilience — Suicide
— Recovery
— Psychosis
— Supportive
— Self-harm
— Eating disorders
after their own well-being If you have a training need in any of the above areas – or in any other area of mental health and well-being – please contact Richard Fletcher at richard.fletcher@dukeseducation.com.
TES Develop
Online Well-Being Courses
Overview As the UK’s leading provider of Safeguarding and Duty of Care training, TES Develop also delivers a range of
Fast Facts Facilitator: Online learning
e-learning courses designed specifically
Suitable for:
to address well-being in the education
All staff
sector. As members of the Dukes family, all staff now have access to TES Develop’s
Time commitment:
complete online range of well-being
Course-dependent; undertaken in your own time
courses. Each course is designed to impart essential information, as well as guidance on how to take action if someone suspects something is wrong. The service also
Course dates & booking: Available anytime. Use your Educare Login to access TES Develop Training online.
includes a robust reporting suite that can provide evidence of learning to inspectors. In association with: 69
Managing Difficult Conversations Overview
Fast Facts
This workshop covers the basics of
managing difficult conversations
Claire Little (Director of People) &
in the workplace, as well as our
Richard Fletcher (Director of Performance)
policies and processes around performance and conduct.
Suitable for: Staff in leadership or management positions Time commitment: Half-day workshop Event dates & booking: Book via the Dukes Learning Hub.
Managing Performance & Appraisal Overview This workshop looks at how to manage people so that they can perform at their best. Topics addressed include appraisals, performance management, and embedding a high-performance culture in line with Dukes Teacher Standards and the Dukes Values.
Fast Facts Facilitator: Claire Little (Director of People) Suitable for: Staff in leadership or management positions Time commitment: 1 day Event dates & booking: Book via the Dukes Learning Hub.
Recruitment & Selection Overview
Fast Facts
Recruitment today is about much more
than complying with safer recruitment
Claire Little (Director of People)
practices. This workshop will help you to identify and recruit extraordinary
Suitable for:
people, whether in teaching, leadership
Heads of Department, SLT,
or support functions. Time and effort
Heads & Principals
invested in great recruitment practice results in fewer performance issues, better management, and a superior experience for pupils.
Time commitment: Half-day workshop Event dates & booking: Book via the Dukes Learning Hub.
Marketing, Admissions & Sales Conference Overview
Fast Facts
This two-day event aims to help Marketing
Conference lead:
and Admissions Managers gain the skills
Scott Giles (Group Sales
to become more effective in their role.
& Marketing Director)
Topics focus on personal development, best-in-class marketing, and how we will
Suitable for:
continue to elevate marketing efforts at
Sales, Marketing & Admissions staff
Dukes. The conference will also feature
from all locations across the business
expert presenters, workshops, and a chance to network.
Time commitment: 2-day residential conference Event dates & booking: By invitation. Attendees can register through the Dukes Learning Hub.
International Sales & Marketing Conference Overview This event brings our international sales team together with marketing and admissions staff from across Dukes to hear from our global agent partners. Attendees will discover the data-led trends in our most important international markets, as well as expert insights on aspects of the marketing and admissions discipline.
Fast Facts Conference lead: Henrietta Lightwood (Group Marketing & Admissions Director, Colleges) Suitable for: Sales, Marketing and Admissions staff from all locations across the business Time commitment: 1-day conference Event dates & booking: By invitation. Attendees can register through the Dukes Learning Hub.
Marketing, Admissions & Sales Development Days Overview
Fast Facts
Our development days aim to help
Marketing and Admissions Managers gain
Scott Giles (Group Sales
further skills to improve their performance
& Marketing Director)
in their role. With a blend of presentations and interactive workshops, attendees will
Suitable for:
build rapport and discover a supportive
Sales, Marketing & Admissions staff
network of sales and marketing people
from all locations across the business
from across the Dukes family.
Time commitment: 1-day course in summer and autumn Event dates & booking: By invitation. Attendees can register through the Dukes Learning Hub.
Marketing, Admissions & Sales Monthly Masterclasses Overview
Fast Facts
Our monthly one-hour Zoom
masterclasses provide an opportunity
Scott Giles (Group Sales
to discuss case studies, learn about
& Marketing Director)
specific marketing topics and share marketing skills with peers. Presenters
Suitable for:
will be featured from across the business
Sales, Marketing & Admissions staff
to talk about areas in which they have a
from all locations across the business
particular skill.
Time commitment: 1-hour workshops (online) Event dates & booking: By invitation. Attendees can register through the Dukes Learning Hub.
Bursars and Finance Managers’ Development Day Overview
Fast Facts
This development day aims to help our
Course lead:
Bursars and Finance Managers gain
Jon Pickles (Chief Financial Officer)
new skills to boost their performance. The programme will consist of a blend of
Suitable for:
presentations and interactive workshops,
Bursars and Finance Managers
but will also include time for participants to discuss ideas and network with finance professionals across the Dukes family.
Time commitment: 1 day Event dates & booking: By invitation. Attendees can register through the Dukes Learning Hub.
Bespoke Financial Training Overview Dukes Education’s Finance teams are now available to provide bespoke financial training to your group or organisation. The wide range of financial expertise across the Dukes family means that workshops or training events can be designed and delivered to meet your specific needs. If you have a training need in any area of finance, please contact Richard Fletcher at richard.fletcher@ dukeseducation.com to discuss your requirements.
Educational Visits Co-ordinator Training Overview
Fast Facts
This one-day training course follows
the nationally recognised Educational
Lisa Maynard (Director of Operations)
Visits Co-ordinator (EVC) Training
& Paul Ludlow (Director of Compliance)
framework set out by the Outdoor Education Advisers’ Panel. The morning
Suitable for:
sessions focus on the role of the
Educational Visits Co-ordinators (EVCs)
Educational Visits Co-ordinator in offsite visit management, oversight and planning - while the afternoon focuses
Time commitment: 1 day
on the specific details of our School
Event dates & booking:
Educational Visits policy, guidance,
Book via the Dukes Learning Hub.
systems and processes. The final session of the day is set aside to address participants’ individual issues in detail.
Site Staff Development Day Overview
Fast Facts
A chance to meet with site staff working
across the Group and form a network of
Lisa Maynard (Director of Operations)
colleagues. Training sessions can include topics such as asbestos awareness, fire
Suitable for:
safety equipment, legionella, and risk
All site staff (those working in schools,
assessment – as well as open discussions
nurseries, and colleges)
about any issues affecting our schools.
Time commitment: 1 day Event dates & booking: Book via the Dukes Learning Hub.
TES Develop
Online Health & Safety Courses Overview As the UK’s leading provider of Safeguarding and Duty of Care training, TES Develop also delivers a range of e-learning courses designed specifically to address health and safety issues in the education sector. As members of the Dukes family, all staff now have access to TES Develop’s complete online range of Health & Safety courses. Each course is designed to impart essential information, as well as guidance on how to take action if someone suspects something is wrong – whatever their role or responsibility. The service also includes a robust reporting suite that can provide evidence of learning to inspectors.
In association with:
Fast Facts Facilitator: Online learning Suitable for: All site staff (those working in schools, nurseries, and colleges) Time commitment: Course-dependent; undertaken in your own time Fees: Costs are covered by Dukes Education. Course dates & booking: Available anytime. Use your TES Educare Login to access all TES Develop training.
Courses Available — Fire Safety — First Aid Essentials — Food Hygiene and Safety — Health and Safety in Education – Senior Leaders & Management — Health and Safety in Education – Staff Awareness — How to be an effective Fire Warden or Marshal — Moving and Handling — Raising Awareness of Asbestos — Raising Awareness of Legionella — Working with Display Screen Equipment
ISAMS 101 Overview
Fast Facts
The first hour of this twilight workshop
aims to guide administrators through
Charlotte McQuaid (Data Manager
a number of different functions
at Cardiff Sixth Form College)
in ISAMS Student Manager. These include Custom Group Manager,
Suitable for:
Query Builder, Current Students, Bulk
Teachers & Administrators
Changes, Exporting Student Data, Email Wizard, and Contact Students’ Teachers. We also cover access rights and finding student/teacher timetables. The second hour gives teachers an
Time commitment: 1 hour Fees: Costs are covered by Dukes Education.
overview of Student Manager, including
Event dates & booking:
how to access student/staff timetables
Book via the Dukes Learning Hub.
and use Email Wizard.
Data Protection & GDPR Overview
Fast Facts
This half-day programme covers the requirements of the Data Protection Act 2018 and the GDPR, focusing on the basics of this legislation and its application in our businesses.
Suitable for:
— Introduction to Data Protection &
Event dates & booking:
privacy legislation
Data Protection leads, SLT, Heads & Principals Time commitment: Half-day programme
Book via the Dukes Learning Hub.
— GDPR fundamentals
— Rights of the data subject
— Breach reporting and handling
— Controllers and processors
— Privacy by design and DPIAs
— Subject Access Request handling
— Risk Management and Information Security
Book Your Course
Book Your Course As a member of the Dukes family, you can access a wide range of learning and development opportunities through the Dukes Hub. Want to book yourself onto a course? Visit:
Dukes Education Group Ltd. is registered in England and Wales. Registered office: 14-16 Waterloo Place, London, SW1Y 4AR. Company Registration Number: 09345899. © Dukes Education Group 2021.
Dukes Education 14–16 Waterloo Place London SW1Y 4AR 020 3696 5300 info@dukeseducation.com dukeseducation.com