HCH Handbook 2024/2025

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Welcome from the Principal

Dear Parents

As this school year draws to a close, we are already looking forward to the next and, to make sure we are ready for September as usual, we have prepared the information pack for all HCH families. For current families, lots of this information will be familiar, but please take time to read it carefully as there are important changes in some areas. For our new families, welcome! We are so pleased that you will be joining us soon.

Just as last year, some information, such as the full range of clubs, will continue to be updated over the summer, so please check the parent portal or school website. You will also find all the school policies on the website.

I am delighted that we have achieved so much during the year. From Alice in Wonderland to Arctic expeditions, pottery classes to Santa’s Grotto – there is something for everyone to enjoy at HCH and we pride ourselves on creating a warm, welcoming family environment that allows our children and young people to thrive.

I believe a strong partnership with families allows us to flourish, so please continue to give me your feedback so that we can work together to strengthen and further improve our school.

Wishing you a happy and relaxing summer, and I look forward to the new school year.

With warmest wishes

Your key contacts

Communication is key for the strong relationships we continually endeavour to build and maintain with families.

In addition to the weekly newsletter, the Parent Portal is a key source of information in addition to our website.

Our social media accounts on Instagram, Facebook and LinkedIn also share highlights throughout the year.

Principal Katherine Vintiner kvi@hchnet.co.uk

Deputy Head Operations/Academic

Paul Pearce pgp@hchnet.co.uk

Deputy Head Pastoral and DSL

Amy Burgess acb@hchnet.co.uk

Deputy Head Compliance

Nick Shaw nsh@hchnet.co.uk

Head of Early Years

(The Little Courtiers)

Genevieve Mackenzie gtm@hchnet.co.uk

Head of Prep

Susie Byers sby@hchnet.co.uk

Head of Senior Katy Deacon kde@hchnet.co.uk

Head of Sixth Form

Rob Armiger rwa@hchnet.co.uk

Assistant Principal | Data and Assessment

Nick Edwards ned@hchnet.co.uk

Assistant Principal | Teaching and Learning Eldon Fayers efa@hchnet.co.uk

Assistant Principal | Community and Student Voice

Matthew Sison mcs@hchnet.co.uk

School Reception 020 8614 0865 reception@hchnet.co.uk

Parent Portal

The ISAMS parent portal is an online portal for parents to easily view information such as your child’s timetable, school reports and assessments, communications, the calendar, and public examination entries and timetables. Currently, various forms of communication and reports are shared through the portal.

At the start of the term you will be sent a letter via email that will have a registration code and registration password.

On receipt of this information these, follow these steps.

Step 1

Open Chrome/Microsoft Internet Explorer/Firefox (your browser) on a computer that is connected to the internet.

Step 2

Navigate to the website https://hamptoncourthouse.parents.isams.cloud/api/homepage/.

Step 3

Select create an account (top right)

Step 4

Use the authentication codes

Step 5

Your account will be created

Once you have a parent portal login, you can access the ISAMS iparent app from the app store. Search ‘isams parent’.

You will be asked for the school id which is HCHS. Please use the same email and password as your parent portal account.

Safeguarding at HCH

Hampton Court House is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people, and requires all staff and volunteers actively to share this commitment.

The safeguarding of children is the responsibility of everyone within the Hampton Court House community. We ask if anyone sees or witnesses anything which compromises our commitment to safeguarding that this be brought swiftly to the attention of a member of The Safeguarding Team.

The Safeguarding Team

Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL)

Amy Burgess acb@hchnet.co.uk

Deputy DSLs

Early Years DSL

Genevieve Mackenzie gtm@hchnet.co .uk

Trips & Compliance DSL

Nick Shaw nsh@hchnet.co.uk

Looked After Children DSL (Senior)

Katy Deacon kde@hchnet.co.uk

Looked After Children DSL (Prep)

Susie Byers sby@hchnet.co.uk

Safeguarding Governor

Libby Nicholas libby.nicholas@dukeseducation.com


Talat Khan thk@hchnet.co.uk

Trips DSL

Samuel Dykes sjd@hchnet.co.uk

Prevent Duty DSL

Janak Odedra jvo@hchnet.co.uk

E-Safety DSL

Paul Pearce pgp@hchnet.co.uk

We recognise that the impact of abuse (whether emotional, neglect, physical or sexual) can have lifelong consequences in terms of an individual’s self-esteem and/or the ability to form trust-filled relationships in later life. We actively promote an ethos which places a safeguarding culture at the very heart of Hampton Court House.

Safeguarding at HCH

The School will therefore:

- Establish and maintain an ethos where all children feel secure and are encouraged to talk and are always listened to

- Ensure that all children know there is an adult in the school whom they can approach if they are worried or in difficulty

- Provide anonymous means of reporting concerns for children and parents if preferable, through the use of anonymous boxes throughout the school and the online platform TootToot, a link to which can be found on our website

- Include across the curriculum (and through PSHE / Form Time / and Assemblies) opportunities which equip our children with the skills they need to stay safe from harm and to know whom they should turn to for help.

- Ensure all teachers receive safeguarding training on a regular basis (at least once a year). In addition, awareness training takes place throughout each term on a rolling programme. The Safeguarding Team receive higher levels of training to support their role in decisionmaking and liaising with outside agencies, including children’s services and the police. Senior staff are also trained in safeguarding relating to safer recruitment procedures.

If you are concerned about a child’s welfare, please consult the school’s Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy and Procedures, and record your concern, and any observations or conversation heard, and report to a member of the Safeguarding Team as soon as possible (ideally the same day). Do NOT conduct your own investigation.

If your concerns relate to the actions or behaviour of a member of staff (which could suggest that he/she is unsuitable to work with children) then you should report this in confidence to the Principal (or to the nominated safeguarding governor if the concern relates to the Principal) who will consider what action to take.

Integrated Safeguarding Portfolio

We firmly seek to establish a culture of safeguarding at Hampton Court House, which is underpinned by the following portfolio of integrated policies:

- Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy

- Anti-Bullying Policy

- Behaviour Policy

- Complaints Procedure

- Data Protection Policy

- First Aid Policy and Accident Procedure

- ICT Acceptable Use Policy

- Missing Child Policy

- SEND Policy

- Sex and Relationship Education Policy

Term dates

Academic Year September 2024 – July 2025

Autumn Term 2024


Spring Term 2025

See calendar of events on page 33 of the Handbook.

The school day

Arrival and Drop Off

Early Years

Early Years is located in The Little Courtyard. Children will be dropped at the gates with their teachers at 08:30, to give parents enough time to drop off their older siblings.


The school days starts promptly at 08:40. Please bring your child to the front lawn in good time, where they will be met by their form tutor for an 08:40 start (For Years 1 & 2, please bring your child to the Little Courtyard).


The school day starts promptly at 08:40. Please ensure your child arrives in time to be in their form room for 08:40 when the register will be taken. Classes start at 9:05.

Sixth Form

The school day starts promptly at 10:00; Sixth Formers should arrive on time for their first lesson at 10:00 and must sign in at Reception or on Inventry.. In the Autumn term, all Year 12 students are expected to arrive at school at 10:00. The option to begin studying at home in free periods is reviewed towards the end of the first term, and may be offered to students from January, based on their progress and attitude to learning.

Late Arrival

All students are expected to arrive at school on time. Any student who arrives late by ten minutes or more should go to Reception first, to sign in before going to form time or their lesson. Punctuality to school will be closely monitored by the Senior Leadership Team, and frequent lateness may attract a consequence.


If your child is going to be absent, please email Reception using the following email address: pupilabsence@hchnet.co.uk. Please include the reason why your child will be absent and when you expect them to return to school.


If your child becomes unwell during the school day and you are called to collect them, please come to the front gate and let a member of staff know of your arrival. Pupils in Years 7 and above will be sent out to meet you. Pupils from Early Years to Year 6 will be escorted out to meet you.

At the end of the school day if you are collecting your child please meet them in the following areas:

For Years 3 - 6, please meet on the front lawn.

day For Early Years, please collect from the gates to The Little Courtyard. Collection is at 15:15. Children who have an older sibling in the school may stay for sibling supervision until 15:50.

The school

Please note that we cannot allow parents into the school buildings unless accompanied by a member of staff. If you have a pre-booked appointment, please sign in at the front gate where you will be met by a member of staff. Thank you.

Walking to and from school

As children grow and become more independent, parents may feel they are ready to make their own way to and from school.

It is parents’ responsibility to ensure their child arrives safely and promptly to school each morning. Whilst walking to school it is understood that parents ensure that their child takes the safest route possible and is accompanied at all times by a responsible adult. In Years 5 and above, parents may decide that their child is capable of independently walking to school. If this is the case, parents make the informed decision that they are responsible for their child’s safety on their journey to school, even if they are not physically present.

Should parents make this decision, they must advise the school by completing the permission slip included in our Children walking to a from school policy and send to Amy Burgess at acb@hchnet.co.uk.


All pupils should arrive at lessons with a fully-equipped pencil case which includes the following items:

Years 1-4

- Handwriting pen

- 2x Green pen (for corrections)

- Pencil

- Ruler

- Eraser

- Colouring pencils (not felt tips)

Years 5-6

- 2x Blue or black pen

- 2x Green pen (for corrections)

- 2x pencil

- Ruler

- Eraser

- Highlighters in 4 colours

- Colouring pencils (not felt tips)

- Glue stick

- Mathematics set

- Calculator

Years 7-13

- 2x Blue or black pen

- 2x Green pen (for corrections)

- 2x pencil

- Ruler

- Eraser

- Highlighters in 4 colours

- Colouring pencils (not felt tips)

- Glue stick

- Mathematics set

- Scientific calculator

The school day

Form Time

Form Time takes place from 08:40 - 09:00am for Prep and Senior children, and between 08:30 and 8:40 for Early Years children. This time allows tutors to take the register, give out important information and notices, and take part in short, pastorally-focused activities. All students are expected to attend and arrive on time. Punctuality to school will be closely monitored by the Senior Leadership Team, and frequent lateness may attract a consequence.

As part of the school’s PSHE curriculum, we follow a carefully planned pastoral programme throughout the year. This means that, each week, we have a new theme to explore in our assemblies, form time and PSHE lessons. On Fridays we take part in House activities and meetings.


We have a weekly assembly schedule; all students are expected to attend on their designated day, which is as follows:

Wednesday Senior Thursday Prep Friday House assembly (on a rotation) Celebrations At the end of each half-term for all children in Years 1 – 13.

Early Years will have daily circle time assemblies with their form tutors.


Early Years children are not set homework until Reception, when they receive reading books from the Read Write Inc programme.

All students from Year 1 upwards are provided with a homework timetable and homework tasks must be recorded in their student planner. Teachers will set homework in accordance with the timetable to ensure work is evenly balanced each week. Homework should last no longer than 30 minutes per subject up to Year 9, but will increase in Years 10-11. Sixth Formers should expect to work independently for at least five hours per subject per week, including homework tasks.

In Year 5 and above, teachers will set homework using Microsoft Teams. This is not a substitute for the planner, and students are still expected to note their homework in planners themselves. Parents will have access to Microsoft Teams - where they can view the homework set.

The Little Courtiers School Day (Early Years)

Early Years: We have registration and circle time, followed by Maths and Read Write Inc lessons every morning, then the children have specialist lessons until lunch. After lunch we have 3 hours of uninterrupted continuous provision, which provides holistic learning across the EYFS and a mixture of adult and child led activities.


8:30 - 8:40

8:40 - 11:30

11:30 - 12:15

12:00 - 15:15

15:15 - 15:50

Morning registration and circle time

Core curriculum lessons and specialist lessons


EYFS Curriculum Continuous Provision

Sibling Supervision

The school day

The School Day


8:40 - 09:00

9:05 - 09:55

10:00 - 10:50

10:50 - 11:10

11:10 - 12:05




13:55 - 14:15

14:15 - 15:05

15:10 - 16:00

16:10 - 17:00


Senior & Sixth Form

Morning Registration

Period 1

Period 2

Morning Break

Period 3

Prep Lunch / Clubs / Lunchbreaks

Period 4

Period 4

Senior Lunch 1

Senior Lunch 2

Afternoon Registration and PSHE

Period 5

Period 6

After School Clubs and Enrichment


Period 7

(Sith Form Only)

Our catering team provides a high-quality and varied menu of lunches each week, which includes a vegetarian option, and a full soup and salad bar to which students can help themselves. Each day there is also an option of either a dessert or fresh fruit and healthy snacks are available throughout the day.

Early Years

Lunch for the Early Years begins at 11:30 when the children are brought to the conservatory.


Lunch for the Prep School begins at 12.05..

Senior and Sixth Form

Lunch for the upper school has two sittings, which begin at 12:55 and end at 13:55. Students may eat in the conservatory, the theatre or outside, but are expected to clean up after themselves: plates or rubbish must not be left outside or at tables under any circumstances.

Our House System

At Hampton Court House, students are organised into four distinct houses: Halifax, Wright, Twining, Garrick. The House system forms the backbone of the school community, fostering a sense of belonging, healthy competition, and camaraderie among the students.

At Hampton Court House, students are organised into four distinct houses: Halifax, Wright, Twining, Garrick. The House system forms the backbone of the school community, fostering a sense of belonging, healthy competition, and camaraderie among the students.

Each house at Hampton Court House is named after a significant figure that is closely connected to the house’s history and the local area. Halifax House honours the memory of George Montague Dunk, the 2nd Earl of Halifax, an influential statesman who built the house in 1757. Wright House is named after the esteemed architect Thomas Wright, who designed the house. Twining House honours Thomas Twining III, a prominent scientific educationist and polymath, who bought the house in 1883. Garrick House pays homage to the renowned actor and playwright David Garrick who owned famous landmarks in the Hampton area.

Throughout the academic year, Hampton Court House hosts a range of engaging events that bring the house communities together. These include celebration assemblies, where students are recognised for their achievements, and house events that promote healthy competition and team spirit. These events encourage students to develop their leadership skills, boost their self-confidence, and build lasting friendships within their respective houses. By fostering a strong sense of community and holistic development, the house system enriches the educational experience, instilling in students valuable skills and qualities that will serve them well beyond their time at the school.

Key contact - Assistant Principal (Community and Student Voice) Matthew Sison mcs@hchnet.co.uk

Dress code

At HCH we think it is important that young people feel comfortable in their clothing, that they are recognised as individuals, and have the opportunity to make decisions about their attire whilst learning how to dress for a professional environment.

With this is mind, we ask that students adhere to the following guidelines:

Smart casual dress is encouraged throughout the school.

This may include:

• Jeans (no rips), or other casual trousers (chinos, corduroys, culottes etc)

• Skirts or dresses

• Polo shirts, collared shirts, plain t-shirts, blouses

• Knitted jumpers/pullovers or cardigans

• Blazers

• Hoodies are permitted, but they must be plain with no large logos or images, hoods are not to be worn inside.

We ask that the following are NOT worn to school:

• Any form of lounge wear such as pyjama bottoms

• Crop tops/Hotpants

Some detail

• With regard to skirts, dresses and shorts, we ask that they are of a comfortable length, shorts should not be ‘hotpants’, and skirts should be of a length and fit that is appropriate for day to day school life

• Sleeveless tops are permitted, but any short sleeves or straps should cover underwear fully

• Trainers are permitted, but should be plain and smart, not scruffy (ie. not covered in mud and falling apart!)

• For health and safety reasons - all flip flops are not permitted

• For health and safety reasons - jewellery: only studded earrings or nose studs are acceptable. No hooped or dangling earrings and no facial piercing rings please.

• Hair - our only rule is that long hair is tied back for sports and science please.

Dress code


On days when the students have sport, school sports kit should be worn. Long hair must be tied back on sports days and jewellery removed.

School sports kit is available from our dedicated AlleyCatz store: https://www.alleycatz.co.uk/schools/hampton-court-house.html

Ballet Costume

Purchase Information: Please find information below detailing the required costume for all Students in Pre-Nursery to Year 4.

The school has updated and refreshed the ballet costume to school brand and now present all students with two options.

As well as the required costume all students should have their hair tied neatly and off the face for ballet.

Option 1

• Marine Blue Cap Sleeve Leotard

• Marine Blue Wrap Skirt

• True to skin socks or tights

• True to skin full sole leather or satin ballet shoes.

• HCH branded School sport jumper (optional for colder weather)

Option 1

• White Cap Sleeve Leotard

• Navy Blue Shorts

• White Socks

• White Leather Full Sole Ballet

• Shoes

• HCH branded School sports jumper (optional for colder weather)

Dress code

Please visit our online dance store to order your child’s costume:

1. Open the link and type in access code or scan the QR code below https://lh1.mydancestore.co.uk/lauren-haith-school-of-dance.html

Access code: lhsdunif

2. Select the Hampton Court House tab

3. Select Option 1 or Option 2

4. Select required items (sizing guide available on website, ballet shoes come up on the smaller size so add ½ to a full size bigger than outdoor shoe)

5. Check out (items will be delivered to your home address)

Alternatively, you purchase from Ballet Boutique. https://ballet-boutique.co.uk/

Dance Kit

Please find information below detailing the required Dance Kit for all Students in Year 5 & 6. As well as the required costume all students should have their hair tied neatly and off the face for dance.

• HCH Branded sports kit

• Black Jazz Shoes

Please visit our online dance store to order your child’s costume:

1. Open the link and type in access code or scan the QR code below https://lh1.mydancestore.co.uk/lauren-haith-school-of-dance.html

Access code: lhsdunif

2. Select the Hampton Court House tab

3. Select Year 5&6 Dance

4. Select required items (sizing guide available on website, dance shoes come up on the smaller size so add ½ to a full size bigger than outdoor shoe, Please check if you are purchasing child or adult size)

5. Check out (items will be delivered to your home address)

If you have any queries about the Balelet or dance costume, please contact:

Teacher of Dance

Scan here for the ballet costume store

Beyond the Classroom: Clubs & enrichment at HCH

Hampton Court House offers students a wealth of co- curricular opportunities. We hope that the extensive range - including sport, the arts,coding or academics - inspires every student to try something different, develop new skills, make new friends and prepare for life beyond HCH.

The enrichment programme is central to life at HCH, balancing the academic focus of the classroom with a broad range of experiences and activities, together with excellent pastoral care to fulfil our whole-pupil approach to learning. In ourexperience, students learn as much outside the classroom as they do within it.

Sixth Form students are able to hone their leadership, cultural awareness anddebating skills through the popular Extended Project Qualification (EPQ). Trips andexpeditions take our students all over the UK and around the world, and the Duke of Edinburgh Award enables senior school students to take part in community serviceand expeditions alongside sport and skills.

This year, we are introducing the new Dukes Young Leaders Award, which will allowstudents of all ages to develop their skills in the four areas of leadership: courage,compassion, honour and humility.

Given that some clubs are seasonal, our 70+ clubs programme varies throughoutthe year on a rotational basis, and we frequently review our offering andintroduce new clubs to enable our pupils to try new experiences.

Art and creative clubs

Animation This club is appropriate for beginners who want to learn how to animate or experienced animators who would like to work on their own projects.

Art & design The children will be using their imaginations to design and construct through art. There will be different themes each week to inspire creations using different media and resources.

Arts & crafts Having fun making arts and crafts using various equipment and multimedia, utilising and enhancing skills acquired in art lessons.

Beyond the classroom

Art in nature Seeing the beauty of art all around us in the natural world. Using natural resources such as leaves, stones, branches and sticks found within the charming grounds of the school. Pupils will have the opportunity to let their imagination run free to create works of art in various forms including prints, paintings and sculptures.

Claycatz pottery Come along and enjoy creating a keepsake out of clay. Your child will find the squishing and rolling, therapeutic and messy. The benefits of this mindful practice will help develop their sensory and fine motor skills. We provide the children with clay, glazes and tools needed to create a sculpture or ceramic piece. We fire the pieces ourselves and return them once they have finished glazing.

Da Vinci Art For students who wish to develop their observational drawing skills. As well as using dry drawing materials, students will have the opportunity to learn techniques in watercolour and acrylic. This club is invitation only, interested students should ask their art teacher if they wish to be considered.

Jewellery making Creating jewellery is a fantastic craft that is exceptionally rewarding. Almost everyone loves wearing jewellery, from friendship bracelets, to pet tags, to charm bracelets and more. You can design and create pieces for yourself, or as a gift to someone you love.

Photography An opportunity to learn traditional photography techniques including sun prints, darkroom techniques and the use of film cameras.

Portfolio & studio GCSE and A Level Art students have access to the art studios to work on their portfolios at lunchtimes with members of the art department on hand to help.

Sustainable design & technology Working on craft-focused projects, students will develop technical, practical, design and creation skills, using their creativity in solving real-life and relevant problems. Through evaluation of past and present examples, and principles of design and technology, they develop a knowledge and critical understanding in order to make prototypes and products for different applications using CAD/CAM, laser cutting, and 3D printing technologies.

Textiles/art Drawing, using textiles, painting and making stories with Claire Drury.

Watercolour This club develops students’ foundational skills of traditional watercolour technique. Using quality paint, paper and brushes, each step will take the student through exercise studies to help build mastery and confidence as they learn to paint in watercolour.

Computer science clubs

Advanced coding Pupils focus on practice programming using the object-oriented programming language C Sharp. C# is used to make mobile and web applications, client applications using Windows Forms, cloud and blockchain applications.

Beyond the classroom

Artificial intelligence Dive into the world of artificial intelligence through workshops, projects, and discussions led by passionate tech enthusiasts.

Coding This club introduces computing challenges to young digital learners. The students will learn broad problem-solving techniques which include four elements: decomposition, pattern recognition, abstraction and algorithms. There are a variety of ways that students can practise and hone their computational thinking. This club also prepares them for computational challenge competitions, such as Bebras UK organised by HCH in November.

Developing mobile apps Making mobile applications using App Lab, which is a programming environment where you can design an app, code in JavaScript with either blocks or text, then share your app rapidly.

Lego robotics Learn the fundamentals of robotics by building innovative LEGO models. Every session children work in pairs to build unique models that come alive. Each poses unique challenges and applies their knowledge to make their models solve complex problems, using computer programming, team working and engineering skills along the way.

Programming with C# Explore the fundamentals of coding, develop real-world applications, and connect with fellow enthusiasts in an engaging and supportive environment.

Touch-typing More and more of our children’s work and prep is now completed on a computer, using a keyboard. Students learn to type while supporting their reading and spelling development and have fun learning together.

English and Drama Clubs

Creative Writing The children will develop their creative writing skills. This involves planning a story, brainstorming characters and setting and then writing the story. Creative writing builds confidence and gives children the opportunity to explore different worlds and ideas. The creative process teaches children how they can express themselves creatively through words.

Drama Games explore a variety of theatrical activities and techniques through games.

French Drama Explore the richness of French language and culture through role-playing, improvisation, and theatrical performances.

LAMDA Develop your performance skills, refine your speech, and immerse yourself in the world of drama and public speaking through the renowned LAMDA syllabus. Join us to unlock your full potential and shine on stage and beyond.

Beyond the classroom

Poetry Students will have fun with poetry, whilst at the same time extending their English lessons. They will have the opportunity to look at various poets and different styles, carry out activities and use their creative skills to produce their very own poetry.

Reading Delve into captivating stories, thought-provoking discussions, and literary exploration with fellow book enthusiasts.

Script writing Unleash your creativity and craft compelling narratives with our Script Writing Club! Dive into the art of storytelling, learn essential techniques, and collaborate with fellow writers to bring your ideas to life on the page and stage.

Storytelling Through the use of literacy, art and imagination, the children will be transported to visualise, dream and pretend, while making up stories and learning about literacy in a fun and informative way.

Theatre design Step into the world of theatrical creation with our Theatre Design Club! From set and costume design to lighting and sound, unleash your artistic vision and bring productions to life on stage. Join us to explore the magic of behind-the-scenes creativity in the captivating world of theatre.

Games Club

Board games In this club the children will play board games in French and in English. It will give the children a chance to discover various games and play together. When the weather permits, we will play some famous outdoor games like pétanque, molkky, palet and many more!

Chess Children will not be playing complete games, but shorter and simpler games using subsets of chess to analyse strategy and techniques. Beginners and also proficient players are all catered for.

Detective Designed to stretch and inspire pupils to look below the surface... predicting, sequencing, cracking codes and problem solving.

Gamesmaster Join our Gamesmaster Club for a voyage into the realms of imagination and strategy! Explore the art of game design, master the intricacies of rule-setting, and lead thrilling adventures as a dungeon master or game master. Dive into a world where creativity meets strategy and embark on epic quests with fellow enthusiasts.

Indoor games From classic board games to modern favorites, challenge your skills, strategize with friends, and enjoy a welcoming atmosphere filled with laughter and camaraderie.

Beyond the classroom

Lego Children will explore, construct, problem solve and create through Lego building.

Magic the Gathering Magic the Gathering is a trading card game (similar to Pokémon or Yu-Gi-Oh) in which players use creatures and spells to face off against one another. Easy to learn but with lots of depth and tactical thinking required. Students may bring their own cards or borrow some to learn with.

Models & Mayhem This is an introduction to tabletop gaming using the Warhammer Alliance resources and rules. Members will get a chance to assemble their model, create a backstory and participate in short missions working as a squad against a nefarious and ruthless enemy! This will test your story telling, team building and artistic skills. All levels of experience are welcome.

Outdoor games Join our Outdoor Games Club for active fun in the sun! From classic sports to exciting activities, embrace competition, teamwork, and adventure outdoors.

Playdough When children play with playdough, they use their own imaginations and connect to their experiences, share and communicate with others as well as strengthening their fine motor skills!

Beyond the classroom

Humanities Club

Debating Students will learn to critically analyse and discuss challenging topics with a view to representing a specific point of view, in a challenging lively debate.

Model UN Model United Nations is an academic or recreational activity in which participants assume the role of national ambassadors or representatives to debate and seek to solve global issues. There are few better ways of understanding international affairs and global politics than putting yourself ‘in the shoes of world leaders!

Newspaper Newspaper club will give students the opportunity to investigate and report on current events in the school and wider world.

Political thinking Dive into current events, discuss diverse viewpoints, and cultivate your understanding of the complex world of politics in a welcoming and intellectually stimulating environment. Join us to challenge assumptions, explore ideas, and empower yourself as an informed citizen.

Urban Fun This is an educational workshop series. The sessions are designed for primary school pupils to inspire creativity and teach the basics of architecture and sustainability in a fun and interactive way. The programme is divided into the following themes: Urban awareness and our neighbourhood, architecture and built-up environment, transportation / navigating on streets, natural environment, sustainability and urban recycling, our city –London, world cities, building your own neighbourhood / city. Each week culminates in a project or activity that allows children to put their newly acquired knowledge into practice.

Maths Clubs

Magical maths Discover the magic of maths with our Magical Maths Club! Dive into captivating puzzles and challenges to uncover the enchantment hidden within numbers. Join us for a journey of mathematical wonder and exploration.

Maths Join our Maths Club for an adventure in numbers! Explore fascinating concepts, solve intriguing problems, and unlock the beauty of mathematics with fellow enthusiasts. Whether you’re a novice or a math whiz, there’s something for everyone in our engaging and supportive club.

Maths Challenge We will use our skills to tackle UKMT Primary Maths Challenge tasks and will choose our team of four Year 6 students to represent HCH in the Primary Challenge in October. After that we will prepare for the Maths Primary Challenge in November, where all students from the club can participate. If you love solving logic puzzles, maths problems and like a challenge, then this club is for you!

Beyond the classroom

Spaghetti Maths Each session, this innovative maths-focused club explores a different area of mathematics through various challenges and investigations. Every week children construct something different to take home which can be enjoyed as a visual reminder of the session. Consequently, this invites a purposeful discussion with families to deepen their understanding of the concept.

Music Clubs

Chamber Choir An opportunity to work with and learn from Kieran, an experienced musician, choir master and music producer. The chamber choir often performs at key school events. In the past, these have included a choral service, an evening of music at Hampton Court Palace Chapel and numerous school concerts.

Ensemble In this club, students learn to play pieces of classical and film music and also learn to improvise together. Students will be given their own part and they will learn to listen and respond to the rest of the ensemble. There will be opportunities for the ensemble(s) to perform at different events throughout the year. Ensemble playing is a wonderful way to extend skills of musicianship, experience music-making as part of a community, and to have fun! This club is open to players of woodwind, brass and string instruments. Students of different instruments who are interested in playing in an ensemble should get in touch with Rosalind (RRI). Students are expected to bring their own instruments each week. Music will be provided.

Junior Choir Junior choir is an opportunity for our younger singers to join together as an ensemble and develop their vocal and performance skills. The choir will explore a range of repertoire and perform at a variety of events across the year.

Music tech Music technology is exactly what it says: making music using technology! As well as digital music creation in Logic Pro, we will explore the geeky fun of analogue synthesisers, drum machines and samplers, with maybe a bit of guitar and bass thrown into the mix too. Some previous musical education is helpful, but not compulsory!

M:Tech An externally managed music technology and creative composition course for children aged 7-13. Teaches the fundamentals of music composition theory, with young learners composing soundtracks to fun and engaging multimedia projects like movie trailers and TV adverts. After completing a term of lessons, learners will have created and completed their own unique piece of music to add to their growing M: Tech portfolio. This is sent home and certificates are awarded to mark their improvement and progress on the M: Tech course.

Music theory Discover the language of music with our Music Theory Club! Explore rhythm, harmony, and notation in a fun and supportive environment.

Beyond the classroom

Individual Music Tuition See page 37 for further information on the individual music tuition available at Hampton Court House.

Language Clubs

Ancient Greek The influence of the Greek language in science in particular can be seen just by the number of words derived from Greek which are used within subjects such as Maths, Science and Philosophy even to this day.

Chinese The Chinese club will cover different aspects of China and Chinese culture with fun activities such as learning about the main Chinese festivals and making origami, ordering food and using chopsticks, exploring the major dynasties in Chinese history, using a traditional brush to write Chinese zodiac characters, introducing China’s ancient poetry and enjoying Chinese paper fans craft activity. It’s a great opportunity to learn and ‘experience’ Chinese culture. Teacher Jenny is a native Chinese speaker, fluent in English. She is passionate about teaching students about Chinese culture.

French roleplay The children will play various role-playing card games in French. They will be able to speak French and play different characters in different bluffing games, such as ‘Les Loups-Garous’. Strategy and concentration will be needed in those fun and entertaining cooperative games.

Latin Latin offers learners the chance to interrogate the meaning of words, the construction of sentences and the use of language for different purposes. With around 60% of English words being derived from Latin, this club will support literacy development and provide a strong linguistic foundation on which to build. It offers rich learning opportunities which go beyond language to embrace history, philosophy, civilisation, art, drama and mythology.

Spanish Join our Spanish Club and embark on a journey into the vibrant world of the language! Immerse yourself in rich cultural experiences, refine your linguistic abilities through engaging activities, and foster meaningful connections through lively conversations. Whether you’re a beginner or fluent speaker, our welcoming community offers a supportive environment where you can explore, learn, and embrace the charm of Spanish together.

Science and STEM Clubs

Astrophysics Embark on an awe-inspiring journey through the cosmos with our Astrophysics Club! Explore the mysteries of the universe, delve into cutting-edge research, and engage in stimulating discussions about the wonders of space and time. Join us to unravel the secrets of the cosmos and ignite your passion for astrophysics in a dynamic and intellectually stimulating environment. management within the sessions.

Beyond the classroom

Cardboard engineering Join our Cardboard Engineering Club for a creative adventure in structural design! Dive into the world of cardboard construction, unleash your imagination, and transform simple materials into intricate works of art. Whether you’re a novice or a seasoned builder, our club offers a supportive space to innovate, collaborate, and bring your cardboard creations to life.

Construction Dive into the world of structural engineering, learn essential construction techniques, and tackle exciting hands-on projects. From designing and building structures to exploring the principles of architecture, our club provides a dynamic platform to cultivate your skills and passion for construction.

Mother nature science Immerse yourself in the wonders of the natural world with our Mother Nature Science Club! Explore ecosystems, conduct fascinating experiments, and deepen your understanding of environmental phenomena. Join us to discover the beauty and complexity of nature through hands-on exploration and scientific enquiry.

Science Join our Science Club and dive into the fascinating world of discovery! Explore the wonders of the natural and physical sciences through hands-on experiments, engaging discussions, and exciting projects. Whether you’re passionate about biology, chemistry, physics, or beyond, our club offers a supportive community where you can unleash your curiosity, expand your knowledge, and ignite your passion for science.

STEM Step into the world of STEM with our STEM Club! Explore the realms of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics through hands-on experiments, interactive projects, and collaborative activities.

Zoo Club (Years 4 - 6) We will be looking after a new menagerie of creatures this year including Dandan, our school snake, and Chips, our giant vinegaroon, plus tree frogs, fish, stick insects, giant millipedes, and mantids. Students will have the opportunity to maintain enclosures, feed, handle, and care for a variety of unusual creatures whilst learning about their biology and ecology in general.

Zoo Club (Years 7 - 11) To further our understanding of the natural world, we are now the proud keepers of a growing range of small creatures. Zoo club members will have the opportunity to look after these creatures and learn more about them in the process.

Sports, PE and Outdoor Clubs

American football This is a non-contact Touch American Football club which teaches the basics of American football - throwing, catching and strategy. All welcome and no prior knowledge of the game is necessary, just a positive attitude and willingness to learn! Normal football boots required.

Beyond the classroom

Ball games Improving hand-eye coordination through a variety of different ball games. We will learn how to catch, throw and pass correctly and play team games that reinforce these skills. We will also learn juggling as this develops fine motor skills, allows one to become ambidextrous, improves balance, relieves stress and gives you a sense of accomplishment, just to name a few benefits.

Ballet After-school ballet club is for all students (male and female) showing particular interest and promise in Dance. This club is designed for both enjoyment and to aid the progression of their ballet studies. This club will help students to strengthen and build upon their core strength, posture, flexibility and ballet vocabulary. As well as technique building, the students will have the chance to perform in school productions and projects in addition to their curriculum classes. For older students, we will learn work from the RAD Syllabus as well as free work. We will also focus on choreographic projects and students will have the opportunity to perform in school productions. This club will be beneficial for keen athletes (both boys and girls) as the sessions will help to improve strength, agility and flexibility.

Basketball Develops understanding of the game through conditioned matches. Furthermore, there will be a focus on personal responsibility, decision making and game management within the sessions.

Capoeira Capoeira is a Brazilian martial art, incorporating elements of dance, acrobatics and music. Capoeira Club London has been established for many years and runs weekly sessions in several schools and is popular for all age groups. No special clothing is required to get started. The Capoeira instructors will provide further information about capoeira clothing if they require it later. Your child will periodically be graded to progress further in Capoeira and may even get the chance to attend competitions.

Duke of Edinburgh Award Embark on a transformative journey of personal growth and adventure with our Duke of Edinburgh Award programme! Challenge yourself through a series of exciting activities including volunteering, physical fitness, skills development, and adventurous expeditions. Join us to cultivate resilience, leadership, and a sense of accomplishment as you work towards earning this prestigious award.

Fencing We are offering a unique and fun introduction to fencing. To start, we use mini-fence, a set of safe plastic swords, masks and protective bibs to demonstrate the foundation techniques within fencing. In the lessons, the students will first take par t in warm-up games, which is a clever way to encourage and develop some much-needed strength conditioning within this sport. Then, a short but focused footwork session will follow. Lastly, the students will learn how to hold a foil, attack their opponent, defend themselves and most of all enjoy the art and sport of fencing. Fencing is an excellent allaround workout that enhances one’s reflexes and coordination skills.

Football Football club aims to develop understanding of the game through conditioned matches. Furthermore, there will be a focus on personal responsibility, decision making and game management within the sessions.

the classroom


Gardening Run by parents, Gardening Club open to Years 1 to 6 in the Autumn Term in the Community Garden. The club will mainly be responsible for the upkeep of the Community Garden; planting, weeding, creating wildlife habitats, recording wildlife activities, learning about environmental initiatives and tending to the fruit and vegetables planted as seeds. This club is managed by dedicated parent volunteers, Hannah Bahar and Vicki Felgate.

Gymnastics Join our Gymnastics Club and leap into a world of strength, agility, and grace! Explore the fundamentals of gymnastics, refine your skills on the floor, beam, bars, and vault, and unleash your potential in a supportive and empowering environment. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced gymnast, our club offers expert coaching and a welcoming community where you can soar to new heights.

Judo Proud Tiger Judo is delighted to be able to continue teaching judo lessons at Hampton Court House on Monday afternoons. Students require a BJA membership: which can be obtained by visiting: https://www.britishjudo.org.uk/renewing- your-membership/ This will need to be renewed annually.

Mini-athletics At Mini Athletics we take what children love to do the most (running super-fast, jumping high and throwing far) and mix it with imaginative themes, learning to follow instructions and developing gross motor skills. It is the magical combination of imaginative play, sport and burning energy! Children are introduced to the basics of athletic skills (fundamental to their early physical development) in a play based yet structured format. In addition, cognitive and social skills are taught in an immersive and imaginative way.

Netball Students learn the basic skills and principles of netball, enabling them to incorporate these skills into fun games against opponents.

Point & repertoire This club is for students showing a real promise in dance. Students will be building strength and technique either on pointe or demi pointe if they have not yet been invited to purchase pointe shoes. Students will build on their classical vocabulary and will learn classical repertoire and pas de deux.

Rounders Students learn to accurately replicate fielding skills and use them effectively in a game. They develop communication skills, teamwork through rounders game play, develop creative thinking and learn to outwit opponents with the placement of the ball. Students also learn to play games and apply batting and fielding tactics.

Taekwondo Join our Taekwondo Club and kick-start your journey to mastery! Explore the ancient Korean martial art of Taekwondo, where discipline, focus, and physical fitness converge. Under expert guidance, hone your techniques, build strength, and cultivate selfconfidence in a supportive and empowering environment. Whether you’re a beginner or a black belt, our club offers a dynamic space to grow and excel on the path to martial arts excellence.

Beyond the classroom

Tennis England Sports Group classes are a fantastic way for your child to engage in sport and fitness in a safe and familiar environment. *Tennis clubs will run from w/c 12th Sept and finish w/c 10th Oct. Tennis clubs usually resume in the Summer Term.

Yoga Guided Yoga sessions to stretch the muscles, relax the mind and heighten awareness.

These classes will be delivered by Kaley Lammert, a qualified Yoga Teacher.

Support, Clinics

Academic support clinics Academic support clinics run for senior students from year 7-11 run during the lunch club slots during the week.. Departments are open for students to meet with teachers, sometimes in small groups or one to one, to discuss and work through specific academic topics or challenges. These support sessions are tailored to individual needs and therefore invaluable to pupils of all abilities. The timetable for Academic Clinics is shared at the start of each term.

Lego (Years 2 - 6) This club provides children who struggle to interact and communicate with others access to play and social opportunities with other children. Lego clubs help children to develop and reinforce play and social skills as well as developing their fine motor skills. By invitation only, for specific SEND pupils.

Nurture group Nurture group is an open drop-in session for anybody who wants to come to the counselling room and play or talk.

Talking space A drop-in service led by our Sixth Form students. The aim is to provide support in day-to-day challenges faced by young people.

Wraparound Care

Morning club Children will be looked after during the morning club whilst playing and having access to games, colouring and books, to prepare for the day ahead.

Prep & play Children will be supervised after school, either in-class, or playing and making use of the outdoor space until 5.30pm.

Prep/homework The children from Y3 to Y6 will be supervised during this after school club, where they can read, do their homework, play board games or do some art from 4.15 until 5.15pm.

Beyond the classroom

Club bookings are made using a booking system called MyEvolve.

Existing users simply login at: https://evolve.edufocus.co.uk/myevolve/login.asp

If you are new to the school you can set-up your MyEvolve account at: https://evolve.edufocus.co.uk/myevolve/setup.asp?id=hamptoncourthouse

Please use the same email address you normally use for all school correspondence to activate the account. You will then receive an email to set your password and a link to login.

Your MyEvolve account can also be used for booking lunches, trips and other activities at Hampton Court House School.

If you require any technical assistance please contact us: evolve@hchnet.co.uk

Clubs Coordinator Ali Murani clubs@hchnet.co.uk

Beyond the classroom

Individual Music Tuition

Our aim is to provide high quality musical opportunities for all students in any musical Our aim at Hampton Court House is to provide high quality musical opportunities for all students in any musical genre in which they show interest, regardless of musical standard. We work hard to instil and foster a love of music in those who are at an earlier stage in their musical journey, providing a wide range of solo and ensemble performance opportunities at all levels.

At HCH students benefit from an enriched musical programme that includes chamber music, music tech, choirs, jazz, piano and drum recitals. Performance opportunities are frequent and varied and can range from daily lunchtime concerts in school to formal recitals and productions.

The quality of academic and instrumental teaching and the huge variety of performance opportunities on our exquisite school site mean that music at HCH forms a central part of school life for Courtiers, and it is our hope and aim that their enjoyment of music will remain lifelong. We encourage all children to try learning an instrument. The following instrument lessons are taught by our superb peripatetic music teachers:

To book lessons, please download and complete the application form available on our website (School Life > Music) and email to our School Office at reception@hchnet.co.uk

If you would like more information about our Music programmes, productions and instrument lessons, please contact Rosalind, Director of Music

Director of Music

Piano Flute Drums
Violin Trumpet Voice
Viola Clarinet Recorder (N,R,Y1) Guitar Saxophone Music Theory

Sport At HCH

At Hampton Court House, we believe that children and young people’s physical and mental health are paramount to their overall development, happiness and future. At HCH our Sports provision is focused on enabling all children and young people to participate, have fun and find a sport that they will love.

We know that there is a strong correlation between physical activity and improvements in educational achievement. At HCH our sports curriculum is designed to help children develop character, social skills, problem-solving, resilience, perseverance, confidence and teamwork.

Our programme of sport, offers an exciting choice of more than 25 different sporting activities over the course of the year, so there are opportunities for our students to both try something new and hone existing skills.

All students both in Prep and Senior School have sport for a minimum of one afternoon per week during curriculum time. However, students are often involved at other times for additional fitness training, matches and competitions.

Our younger students from Early Years to Year 4 also swim once a week and have one lesson of Ballet within the sports curriculum.

Our Sports Clubs run every day during lunch and after school and form an extensive part of our Enrichment offer.

Facilities and coaches

Our beautiful listed school grounds unfortunately do not lend themselves to extensive sports facilities – so we utilise a number of the region’s best facilities for students to develop and enjoy their sport, making extensive use of our partnership with St Mary’s University to use their facilities for football, hockey, netball and athletics.

On-site we also have our own multi-use hall for indoor activities such as fencing, dance, capoeira and badminton, as well as our own netball and basketball court and our top field for athletics and football.

Rowing is an integral part of the school’s sports provision for senior students with students being able to opt into the programme from Year 8 and with coaching provided by our own highly qualified and experienced coaches. We have a close partnership with Molesey Boat Club, a short walk from the school, for all our water based sessions, as well as several indoor rowing machines for use at school.

The Sports staff and coaches at HCH offer a wealth of experience and qualifications across a wide range of sporting activities. Every staff member has performed sport at a high level and has an area of specialism, while also having extensive knowledge of the sports they teach. The department works collaboratively to ensure all lessons and coaching sessions are of the highest possible standard.

Sports at HCH

School bus

Hampton Court House School minibus routes are proudly managed and provided by Kura.

School minibus pick-ups start from 7.00am to arrive at school for 8:30am

Afternoon drop-offs depart at 4.15pm and run up to 5.30pm

Routes cover the following areas

- Shepherds Bush / Hammersmith / Kew / Richmond / Ham / Sheen

- Putney / Kingston / Surbiton

- Twickenham / Teddington / Hampton

Our fully managed service benefits from Kura technology, their safeguarding and tracking software which includes the Parent App to track the vehicle and receive messaging regarding delays.

In order to register your interest in joining the service, please contact Kura via telephone on +44 (0)20 3314 0311, or alternatively via email at hamptonhouse@ridekura.com Bookings are on a first come, first served basis. Kura will always do their utmost to accommodate new requests into our routes, although for logistical reasons this may not always be possible.


5 journeys AM per week

£7.50 per journey

5 journeys PM per week £7.50 per journey

3-4 journeys AM per week £10 per journey

3-4 journeys PM per week £10 per journey

Ad hoc £12.50 per journey

Please visit our dedicated RideKura page for further information such as Terms and Conditions, Parent App FAQs and their safeguarding statement. https://ridekura.com/hch-minibus/


The wholesome and balanced lunches at Hampton Court House are freshly prepared on-site in partnership with Connect Catering, who champion fresh produce and bespoke menus.

Connect Catering provide our lunches at HCH. Our exciting, nutritious and colourful meals are very popular amongst the school community for both younger and older children.

Always striving to improve our offering, we invite and encourage pupils to share their feedback on a regular basis through our feedback box. To get a taste of what’s on offer, check out our Instagram lunch highlights!

Any queries related to our lunch menus or for any other catering related enquiries please contact Tim Horton, Head of Operations at Connect Catering who can be reached via telephone on: +44 (0) 1491 826000. Alternatively, you can email our Finance team at finance@hchnet.co.uk

- Lunch for Pre-Nursery, Nursery, Reception and Year 1 is £330 per term

- Lunch for Years 2–6 is £385 per term

- Lunch for Year 7 upwards is £440 per term

Lunches are not included in the termly fees and bookings can be made via the Evolve platform. Please note, if termly lunches are not booked, children will need to bring in a packed lunch from home.

Friends of HCH

A warm welcome from the Friends of HCH. The Friends of HCH is a parent network who organise a range of special events and activities throughout the year at HCH.

Getting to know the Hampton Court Friends

The Friends of Hampton Court House is an organised charity (Registered charity no. 1202096) created by dedicated parents within the school community. We organise various social events for the school and its community, such as the Summer Fete and Winter Fayre, holiday student events, bake and cake sales, carnivals, Halloween parties, Easter egg hunts, graduation events, fundraising events, and Easyfundraising. The group has now extended its services to include social functions for parents and educational workshops. We also have plans to support foreign school trips, creating more educational opportunities for all students.

How to get involved

If you are an existing or new parent of HCH and would like more information about the Friends and the work that we do, please contact us about how to get involved.

Email: friends@hchnet.co.uk

Website: https://www.hamptoncourthouse-friends.co.uk

Our Role

The Friends play an essential role in enhancing the school’s community spirit. They achieve this by funding special events in the lives of the children, financing school-wide experiences beyond the classroom such as trips and enrichment programmes, and organising and managing social activities during important school and family events.

Examples of events and programmes we have organised in the past include:

- Carnival

- Easter Egg Hunt

- Teachers Breakfast

- Spooky Festival

- Fireworks

- SKKF French Workshop

- Community Soirées

- Sponsoring 50% of programmes during Francophone Week

- Fundraisers for new books for the school library including the Easter Reading Challenge

Financial situation:

All money raised from our events goes directly and 100% towards future events that we organise for all HCH pupils

Fundraising is done via Summer Fete and Winter Fayre, Cheese and Wine evening, partnerships such as Stikins labels etc

Upcoming Events

19 September 2024 Meet the Friends Soirée

27 September 2024 Teachers’ Appreciation BreakfastTBC

2 October 2024 Class Reps Evening

10 October 2024 French Culture and Community Soirée

3 November 2024 Fireworks Display

24 November 2024 Winter Fayre

29 June 2025 Summer Fête

Calendar of events

* Please note that dates may be subject to change.

August 2024

Thursday 29 Staff Compliance Training (for those staff that need this)

Friday 30 Staff Compliance Training

New Staff Induction Day

SLT Strategy and Planning Day

September 2024

Monday 2 Inset

New joiners’ BBQ 1:00pm

Tuesday 3 Inset

Wednesday 4 Start of Term for Reception

All staff on-site for PPA and meetings (department and pastoral)

Thursday 5 Start of Term (all years)

Welcome back assembly (Y3 - Y11)

Team Building & Induction Day (all students in forms)

Y11 Student and Parent Information Evening, Main Hall 4 - 5pm

Friday 6 House Activity Day

Sixth Form Dorset trip departs

GL Testing Day (new Senior students)

Sunday 8 Sixth Form Dorset Trip returns

Monday 9 Baseline tests week for new Prep Students

Y8 Parents Information Evening, 6 - 7pm

Y11 Geography field trip to Dorset departs

Tuesday 10 EY & Prep Photo Day

Y11 Geography field trip to Dorset

Y13 & Y1 Parents Information Evening, 6 - 7pm

Wednesday 11

Y11 Geography field trip to Dorset returns

Y5 & Y2 Parents Information Evening, 6 - 7pm

Thursday 12 Senior & Sixth Form Photo Day

Y7 & Y3 Parents Information Evening, 6 – 7pm

Calendar of events

September 2024 cont

Friday 13

Friends Steering Group, 8.45am

Monday 16 Y10 & Y4 Parents Information Evening, 6 – 7pm

Y11 Art trip to National Portrait Gallery

Tuesday 17 Y6 & Y12 Parents Information Evening 6 – 7pm

Number Fun Workshop with Maths CPD [provisional]

Wednesday 18 Y5 residential trip to PGL Marchants Hill departs “To build relationships and encourage teamwork”

Y9 & EY Parents Information Evening, 6 - 7pm

Thursday 19 Y5 residential trip to PGL Marchants Hill “To build relationships and encourage teamwork”

Meet the Friends Evening, 7 - 9pm

Y10 Art and Photography GCSE trip to Kew Gardens [provisional]

Friday 20 Y5 residential trip to PGL Marchants Hill returns

Monday 23 EY Cultural Celebration Week

Y6 Junior Citizen – Heatham House Youth Centre

Y1 & Y2 trip to Buckingham Palace and St Paul’s Cathedral

Tuesday 24 EY Cultural Celebration Week

Wednesday 25 EY Cultural Celebration Week

Y9 – Y11 Bold Voices Talk and Workshops

Thursday 26 EY Cultural Celebration Week

Read Write Inc Parent Workshop – Reception

Friday 27 Teacher Appreciation Breakfast Camp HCH (Senior)

EY Cultural Celebration Week

Monday 30 Reception Baseline Assessments

October 2024

Tuesday 1

Black History Month

Reception Baseline Assessments

Wednesday 2 Parent Reps Evening

Sixth Form history, politics and economics trip to the Houses of Parliament and the British Museum

Calendar of events

October 2024 cont

Wednesday 2

Reception Baseline Assessments

Thursday 3 Y5 Globe Theatre trip [provisional]

Reception Baseline Assessments

Sixth Form Open Evening

Friday 4

U11 (Y5 & Y6) ISA London South 5-a-side Football Tournament

Sunday 6 Y7 Isle of Wight trip departs

Monday 7 Y7 Isle of Wight trip

Tuesday 8 Y7 Isle of Wight trip

Wednesday 9 Y7 Isle of Wight trip returns

Y13 Exam Information Evening

Thursday 10

Friday 11

Tuesday 15

Wednesday 16

Thursday 17

Friday 18

Saturday 19

Monday 21

World Mental Health Day

French Culture & Community Soirée, 7pm

Friends of HCH Book and Clothes Sale

Hello Yellow Day

Oxbridge Medicine and Veterinary Application Deadline

Rome Classics trip departs

Rome Classics trip

EY Bushy Park Trip [provisional]

Rome Classics trip

Celebration Assembly

Spooky Festival

Reports go out

Rome Classics trip returns

Half-term break begins

Oxbridge University Entrance Exams (21st – 31st October)

November 2024

Sunday 3

Monday 4


Whole School Firework Display and BBQ!

Term restarts

Calendar of events

November 2024 cont

Thursday 7 Y11 Parents’ Evening

EY Rehearsal in Main Hall for concert

Friday 8

Friends Steering Group, 8.45am

Y9 Residential trip to Avon Tyrell Dorset departs

Sixth Form Application Deadline

Sunday 10 Y9 Residential trip to Avon Tyrrell Dorset returns

Monday 11 Y11 English trip to the Old Vic Theatre: “A Christmas Carol”

Remembrance Ceremony

Anti-Bullying Week

Global Entrepreneurship Week

Poetry Together, Central Hall, Westminster

Tuesday 12 Anti-Bullying Week

Global Entrepreneurship Week

Wednesday 13 Anti-Bullying Week

Global Entrepreneurship Week

Thursday 14 Y7 Parents’ Evening

EY Rehearsal in Main Hall for concert

DELF Certificate Ceremony

Anti-Bullying Week

Global Entrepreneurship Week

Read Write Inc Parent Workshop (Reception)

Deadline for 2025 Applications

Friday 15 Anti-Bullying Week

Global Entrepreneurship Week

Monday 18 Y10 English trip to the Old Vic Theatre: “A Christmas Carol”

Thursday 21

Sunday 24

Monday 25

Tuesday 26

Wednesday 27

EY Dress Rehearsal in Main Hall for concert

Friends of HCH Winter Fayre, 12 - 4pm

Senior Assessment Week including Y11 and Y13 Mocks

Senior Assessment Week including Y11 and Y13 Mocks

EY Dress Rehearsal in Main Hall for concert

Senior Assessment Week including Y11 and Y13 Mocks

EY Rehearsal in Main Hall for concert

Calendar of events

November 2024 cont

Thursday 28

Senior Assessment Week including Y11 and Y13 Mocks

Y12 history and art trip to the National Portrait Gallery

EY Christmas Show

December 2024

Monday 2 Y9 Options Evening

EY Parents Teacher Meetings

Nasal flu vaccinations

Sixth Form Offers

Tuesday 3 EY Parents Teacher Meetings

Wednesday 4 EY Santa’s Grotto

Prep show rehearsals all day (Y1 – 6 on rotation, dress rehearsal in afternoon)

EY Parent Teacher Meetings

Thursday 5 Yule Ball Y10 – 13

Prep Christmas Concerts, 11am, 2.45pm

EY Parent Teacher Meetings

Friday 6

Monday 9

EY Parent Teacher Meetings

Senior Ice Skating [provisional]

Prep Impromptu Afternoon Concert (morning rehearsal)

Sixth Form Social including Y11 joiners

Tuesday 10 EY and Prep Pantomime [provisional]

Senior Impromptu Afternoon Concert

Wednesday 11 Carols at Church

Christmas Lunch

Data and Subject Reports Deadline

Thursday 12 Celebration Assembly

End of Term, 12.05 finish

HCH Staff Christmas Party

Saturday 14 Ski Trip departs [provisional]

Friday 20 Ski Trip returns [provisional]

Calendar of events

January 2025

Friday 3 Inset

Monday 6 Inset (Dukes Conference)

Tuesday 7 Start of Spring Term

Wednesday 8 11+ & 13+ Entrance Assessments

Tutor Reports Due

Thursday 9 11+ & 13+ Entrance Assessments

RWI Reception Parent Workshop

Friday 10 Autumn Reports go out to parents

Monday 13 Y6 Young Minds programme begins

Wednesday 15 Entrance Assessments

Thursday 16 Y6 Transition Day - A Taste of Year 7

Friday 17 Wassail Celebration (Prep)

Wednesday 22 Y3 & Y4 trip to Science Museum [provisional]

Thursday 23 Y10 Parents’ Evening

National Handwriting Day

Friday 24 RSPB Big Garden Bird Watch

Monday 27

Holocaust Memorial Day

Storytelling Week

Prep Chinese Dragon Workshop

Tuesday 28 EY & Prep Storytelling Workshops with author Andy Copps

Storytelling Week

Wednesday 29 Storytelling Week

Lunar New Year

GCSE and A level Music Performances (Main Hall. Rehearsals during the afternoon; performances at 4.30pm)

Thursday 30 Y12 and Y8 Parents’ Evening

February 2025

Monday 3

Children’s Mental Health Week

Y6 Putting Young Minds to Work programme begins [provisional]

Tuesday 4 Y8 & Y13 Parents’ Evening, 6 - 7pm

Calendar of events

February 2025 cont

Thursday 6 Y13 and Y9 Parents’ Evening

Friday 7

Tuesday 11

Friends of HCH Après Ski and Booksale, 3.30 - 4.30pm

Internet Safety Day

Parent Internet Safety Workshop, 5.30pm

Thursday 13 Y10 – Y13 History trip to Berlin departs [provisional]

Friday 14

Friends Steering Group

Y10 – Y13 history trip to Berlin returns [provisional]

Options deadline for Y9

Celebration Assembly

Sunday 16 Y10 – Y13 History trip to Berlin returns [provisional]

Monday 17 Half-term break begins

Monday 24 Inset

Tuesday 25 Term restarts

Thursday 27 Class Reps Evening

March 2025

Tuesday 4 Y10 - Y13 French trip to Lyon [provisional]

Wednesday 5 Y10 - Y13 French trip to Lyon [provisional]

Thursday 6 Y7 Parents’ Evening

World Book Day - EY & Prep Storytelling Workshops with author

Andy Copps and Dress Up Day

Y10-13 French trip to Lyon [provisional]

Friday 7 Y10-13 French trip to Lyon [provisional]

Saturday 8 International Women’s Day

Monday 10 Y11 and Y13 Mocks

Science Week

EY Parent teacher meetings

Tuesday 11 Y11 and Y13 Mocks

WonderDome Planetarium

EY Parent teacher meetings

Science Week

Y2 parents evening

March 2025 cont Calendar of events

Wednesday 12 Y5 residential trip to Paris departs [provisional]

Y10 & Y11 Mandarin trip to Buddhist Temple and Uni Fair [provisional]

Y11 and Y13 Mocks

Y1 Parents’ Evening

EY Parent teacher meetings

Science Week

Thursday 13 Y5 residential trip to Paris [provisional]

Y11 and Y13 Mocks

EY Parent teacher meetings

Science Week

Friday 14 Y11 and Y13 Mocks

Y5 residential trip to Paris returns [provisional]

EY Parent teacher meetings

Science Week

Sunday 16 Y10 – Y13 Art & Photography trip departs [provisional]

Monday 17

Senior Assessment Week

Richmond Festival (Duke Street Church)

Y10 – Y13 Art & Photography trip [provisional]

Neurodiversity Week

Tuesday 18

Wednesday 19

Thursday 20

Friday 21

Monday 24

Senior Assessment Week

Y10 – Y13 Art & Photography trip [provisional]

Senior Assessment Week

Y10 – Y13 Art & Photography trip [provisional]

Francophone Day

Senior Assessment Week

Y10 – Y13 Art & Photography trip [provisional]

Senior Assessment Week

Y10 – Y13 Art & Photography trip returns [provisional]

World Maths Day

Y6 Young Minds Enterprise Fair

Tuesday 25 Y11 & Y13 Parents’ Evening

Calendar of events

March 2025 cont

Wednesday 26 Spring Recitals (rehearsals all day; Junior Recital 4.30 – 5.30pm; Senior Recital 6.00 – 7.00pm)

Thursday 27 EY Bushy Park Trip

Y11 Drama exam rehearsals, exam in evening

Y7 History trip to the Mary Rose, Portsmouth

Friday 28 EY Mothers’ Day Celebration

Arctic Expedition Trip departs [provisional]

Monday 31 Data Deadline

April 2025

Tuesday 1 Friends of HCH Easter Egg Hunt, 10 - 11am

Wednesday 2 Celebration Assembly

End of Term, 12.00 finish

HCH Staff Spring Social

Thursday 10 Easter Break

Arctic trip returns [provisional]

Y9 & Y10 Holland football trip departs [provisional]

Sunday 13 Easter Break

Y9 & Y10 Holland Football Trip returns [provisional]

Monday 21 Bank Holiday

Tuesday 22 Staff Inset

Earth Day

Wednesday 23 Start of Summer Term

St George’s Day

Tutor Report Deadline

Friday 25 Spring Reports go out to parents (Y12 go out in May)

Y10 Drama exam Rehearsals

Monday 28 Y12 end of year exams

Y6 PGL Residential Parents talk, 4.15pm

Tuesday 29 Y12 end of year exams

Y10 Drama exam

Wednesday 30 Y12 end of year exams

Calendar of events

May 2025

Thursday 1 Y12 end of year exams

May Day Celebrations (Prep)

Friday 2 Y12 end of year exams

Friends Steering Group

Y7 - Y10 Netball Tour (Shrewsbury) [provisional]

Saturday 3 Y7 - Y10 Netball Tour (Shrewsbury) [provisional]

Sunday 4 Y7 - Y10 Netball Tour (Shrewsbury) [provisional]

Tuesday 6 Y3 & Y4 Parents’ Evening

Y6 Bikeability

Y10 Art trip to the National Portrait Gallery

Wednesday 7 Y6 Bikeability

Thursday 8 Y5/6 Parents’ Evening

Y6 Bikeability

Y5 & Y6 Performing Arts Week starts Evening Club

Friday 9 Y12 Data and Report Deadline

Y6 Bikeability

Y5 & Y6 Performing Arts Week

Monday 12 Public Examinations Begin

Y5 & Y6 Performing Arts Week

Tuesday 13 Y5 & Y6 Performing Arts Week Performance in afternoon to Lower Prep

Y12 Reports go out

Wednesday 14 Y5 & Y6 Production, 4.30 & 7.00pm

Thursday 15 Evening Club

Friday 16 Prep Heads Afternoon Tea

Monday 19 Francophone Week

Tuesday 20 Francophone Week

EY World Bee Day

Wednesday 21 Francophone Week

Calendar of events

May 2025 cont

Thursday 22

Francophone Week

Friends Francophone Soirée and Quiz, 7pm

Evening Club

Friday 23 Francophone Week

Celebration Assembly

Monday 26 Half-term break begins

June 2025

Monday 2 Term restarts

Study leave begins (Y11 & Y13)

Wednesday 4 EY & Prep Induction Day

Thursday 5 Evening Club

Monday 9 Whole school exam week

Tuesday 10 Whole school exam week

Wednesday 11 Whole school exam week

Thursday 12

Friday 13

Monday 16

Whole school exam week

Evening Club

EY Father’s Day Celebration

HCH Careers Fair, 10am - 2pm

Prep Trip to Chessington Zoo

EY trip to Bushy Park

Senior Performing Arts Week

Tuesday 17 Senior Performing Arts Week (Y7 & Y8, some Y9 & Y10)

Wednesday 18 11+ Y7 Induction Day (Current Y6)

Senior Performing Arts Week and then Production

(evening, time tbc)

Thursday 19 Evening Club

Monday 23

Summer Recitals - Rehearsals all day; Junior Recital 4:30 - 5:30pm;

Senior Recital 6.00 - 7.00pm)

Tuesday 24 Y12 Reports go out

Calendar of events

May 2025 cont

Wednesday 25 Y11 Prom

13+ Y9 Induction Day (Current Y8) 10am – 3.30pm

Y6 PGL residential at Marchants Hill departs “Forging new friendships and teamwork”

Thursday 26 Y6 PGL residential at Marchants Hill “Forging new friendships and teamwork”

Senior Sports Day

Friday 27 Y6 PGL Residential returns

Sunday 29 Summer Fête

Monday 30 Data and Subject Reports Deadline

July 2025

Wednesday 2 Tutor Reports Due Y13 Prom [provisional]

Thursday 3 Prizegiving Ceremony, 6.00 – 8.00pm

Friday 4

End of Year Celebration Assembly End of Term, 12.00 finish Reports go out

HCH Staff Summer Social


LC1: Staff Room

LC2: Nursery

LC2a: Toilet

LC3: Pre-Nursery

LC3: Pre-Nursery

LC4a: Year 2

LC4: Year 1

LC4b:Year 2

LC5: Year 2

LC5: Year 1

LC6: Reception

LC6: Reception

LC6a: Office

LC7: SEND Room



TF1: Maths

TF2: Year 7




Year 8

Year 8


F5: Year 10 (C) English


F6: Admissions

Head Office

F7: Head’s Office

F8: Meeting Room

F8: Meeting Room

F9: Deputy Headm Academic

BH2: Year 5

F9: Deputy Head, Academic

COTTAGE 2: Year 12

BH2: Languages

COTTAGE 2: Year 11 (H)


G1: Year 10


G2: Year 10

G1: Year 3

G3: Year 3

G2: Year 4

G4: Drama

G3: Year 5

G5: Year 6

G4: Drama

G6: School Office

G5: Y6

BH1: Year 5

G6: School Office

COTTAGE 1: Year 6

BH1: Library


COTTAGE 1: Year 11 (C) Languages

OMR: Place2Be




LG1: Music

LG2: Music Tech


LG3: Sixth Form Common Room

LG1: Music

LG5: Year 12

LG2: Music Tech

LG7: Sixth Form

LG3: Sixth Form Common Room

LG8: IT Suite

LG5: Sixth Form

LG9: Year 13

LG10: Exams

LG7: Sixth Form

LG11: Sixth Form

LG8: IT Suite

LG12: Languages

LG9: Year 12

LG14: Year 4

LG10: Exams



LG12: Languages FLAM



SCIENCE LAB 2: Year 10






EC1: Art

EC2: Year 9

EC3: Art & DT

EC4: Selwyn’s Studio


EC1: Art

EC2: Photography

EC3: Art and DT

EC4: Selwyn’s Studio


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