OHS: All about me.

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ALL ABOUT ME James Booth

Welcome from the Headmaster p.3

Hello James, from your friends at Orchard House School p.5

All About Me p.7

Welcome from Miss Yacoub p.10

Images of Lower School p.11

Contents ______________


HelloJames,mynameisMrThompson.Iam theHeadmasterat OrchardHouseSchool.


IvisitedOrchardHouseSchoolin2020and joinedtheschoolastheHeadmasterin2021,so likeyouIknowwhatitisliketoexperience change.ButwhatIammostthankfulfor,isthe warmthandkindnessthatIwasshownwhenI joinedtheschool,andIhavenodoubtthatyou willexperienceEVENMOREwarmthand kindnessfromtheschoolcommunitythanIdid.

Iwillcometosayhellotoyouduringyourtaster day.

Hello James,

We are thrilled that you will spend the day in Form 1Y with Miss Yacoub on Thursday, 9th February!

Mummy and Daddy have told us so many wonderful things about you, and we thought, why not learn alllll your wonderful likes and dislikes directly from you! Please can you complete the All About Me form for Miss Yacoub?

We remember what it is like to spend the day in a new environment. We have added some photos taken around the school towards the end of this booklet; we hope you like them.

Before we go, if you have any questions before spending the day at Orchard House School, speak with mummy or daddy and ask them to contact Ms Powell in the school office; she is happy to answer any questions you might have.

We hope you have a lovely day!


All About Me

To help Miss Yacoub learn more about you please complete the form this form:


My birthday is:

My current teacher is: I would like to be a: when I grow up.

My favourite colour is:

My favourite food is:

My favourite subject is: My least favourite subject is: My favourite animal is: My favourite book is: I am good at:

My perfect day at school looks like:

Please add your photo here p 6
Welcome to 2 Rupert Road, James. Follow me! P.8

Hello James, my name is Miss Yacoub. I will be your teacher for the day during your visit.

Thank you for returning your completed All About Me form. We are going to have a lot of fun during your taster day!

On the opposite page, you will see images of our school, including my classroom!

Images of Lower school

Orchard House School - Lower school School entrance
Form 1Y
P 10


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