OHS: Form 5 Curriculum Overview

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Form 5: Curriculum Overview


Place Value

• Read and write numbers to 1,000,000.

• Powers of 10

• 10/100/1,000/10,000/100,000 more or less than any given number

• Partition numbers to 1,000,000

• Number line to 1,000,000

• Compare and order numbers to 1,000,000.

• Round within 100,000 / 1,000,000

Number: Addition and Subtraction

• Mental strategies

• Add and subtract whole numbers with more than four digits.

• Rounding and use of inverse to check answers.

• Multi-step addition and subtraction problems

• Compare calculations.

• Find missing numbers.

Number: Multiplication and Division (A)

• Multiples and common multiples.

• Factors and common factor.

• Prime numbers, square numbers, and cube numbers.

• Multiply and divide by 10, 100 and 1,000.

• Multiples of 10, 100 and 1,000.

Number: Fractions (A)

• Find fractions equivalent to a unit and non-unit fraction.

• Recognise equivalent fractions.

• Convert improper fractions to mixed numbers and reverse this process.

• Compare and order fractions less than and greater than 1.

• Add and subtract fractions and mixed numbers.

Number: Multiplication and Division (B)

• Multiply 4-digits by 1-digit.

• Multiply numbers up to 4-digits by 2-digits.

• Divide 4-digits by 1-digit.

• Divide with remainders.

Ideas for Home

• Use positive language around your children when discussing maths.

• Play maths games together.

• Support with the written methods taught in school.

• Use fractions in everyday life.

• Practice times tables regularly

• Play to their love of technology by playing online maths games.



Earth and Space

• Describe Nicolaus Copernicus’ ideas about planetary motion

• Describe the movement of the Earth in space

• Describe the characteristics of the planets in our solar system

• Describe the Big Bang theory

• Learn about gravitational force

• Explore what causes the different phases of the Moon


• Describe the life and work of Sir Isaac Newton

• Explore gravity and air resistance

• Understand water resistance and friction

• Investigate mechanisms (levers and pulleys)

• Investigate mechanisms (gears)

• Predict if an object will float or sink

Ideas for Home

• Keep a diary of the moon, drawing the moon each night.

• Build a plasticine model of the Solar System



Instructional Texts

• Explore how cohesion can be achieved in writing an explanation.

• Use parentheses and other cohesive devices.

• Plan and present a pitch to show how some wild and wacky inventions work.

• Write up a formal explanation using cohesive features.

• Plan and write a guide to a futuristic form of transport, providing a coherent and effective explanation.

Classic Children’s Fiction

• Explore how atmosphere, settings & characters are created.

• Study adverbs of possibility

• Use commas for effect

• Use relative clauses to add detail/humour.

• Writing dialogue with correct punctuation

Blogs and reports

• Revise the use of pronouns and synonyms to avoid repetition.

• Extended use of relative clauses

• Extended use of punctuation, including uses of commas for 3 different purposes

• Write own travel recount

Classic fiction - Creative Writing

• Compare and contrast different forms of description.

• Making predictions by using inference skills

• Combine creative skills to create an original imaginative piece of writing.

Poetry: Poetic Language

• Understand and use various types of imagery and personification.

• Introduce RAPSAMO53 as a useful acronym to describe the main figures of speech used in descriptive writing and poetry.

• Description using expanded noun phrases coupled with prepositional phrases.

• Personification & description using relative clauses.

• Describe something from an unusual perspective.

• Write a seasonal poem.

Punctuation and Grammar: These skills are directly embedded throughout English lessons by using highquality texts to give children an understanding of new grammatical concepts in context.

Ideas for Home

• Discuss spelling words in context, asking your children to use them in sentences and explain their meanings.

• Read together and take turns reading aloud to each other. Focus on varying delivery based on context: dialogue, description, action, taking cues from the punctuation and presentation of the text, visually.

• Discuss opinions on what you have read, justify your opinions using evidence where you can and encourage your children to emulate you.

• When proofreading written work, emphasise the importance of reading work out loud to pick up errors and look for ways to improve their draft.

• Play spelling games, word association games, Scrabble, and other language-based games together.



The British Empire

• Formation of the empire

• What can you tell about the British Empire from a Christmas pudding?

• How did Britain obtain its empire?

• What did people think of the British Empire?

• Why did the British Empire decline?


River systems and processes

• Describe the processes and stores in the water cycle and how they interact with one another.

• Understand how the river channel changes from source to mouth in the three main stages of the river.

• Describe which river features you would find in each of the stages of a river.

• Understand and identify the main features of a drainage basin.

• Understand how the different processes of erosion, deposition, and transportation form different river features.

• How the load of a river is transported, using 4 main processes

• Describe how different river features are formed e.g., meander, waterfall.

Ideas for Home

• Talk about the commonwealth and colonies of the British Empire.

• Research facts about the British Empire.

• Create a timeline of events from the start to the end of the British Empire.

Ideas for Home

• Take a boat ride on a river, or a walk alongside a river and take photos or complete a field sketch of any features you can identify on your journey.

• Build a clay/plasticine model of different river features e.g., an Ox-bow lake, and create an animation of how the feature is formed over time. Add a recorded voice-over describing the different stages of formation.

• Research how 2 rivers in the UK are different from one another using the internet. Find photos to support your research.

• Create a cardboard model of a drainage basin, showing all the main features.

Religious Studies


• The 5K’s in a Sikh’s life

• The importance of a Guru (and the Guru Granth Sahib)

• The Gurdwara

• The Langar

• The 5 key Sikh beliefs


• The origins of Hinduism

• The key beliefs

• Gods and goddesses

• Puja

• The mandir

• Karma and Moksha


Art/ Design Technology Computing

• To learn about portraiture and create an animal portrait inspired by Tamara Philips.

• Christmas card project - Children will create a piece of artwork which will be used for the annual Christmas card fundraiser.

• To collaborate with International Day creating an art project.

• To learn about surrealism, Salvador Dali - Children will make clay clocks inspired by Dali.

• To use line, repetition and bright colours and design a piece of work inspired by Joseph Amedokpo as part of Black History Month

• To learn about folk art and use lines, shapes & patterns to create a folk cityscape.

• To learn about J. M. W. Turner- and create a seascape using observational drawing, sponge and splatting paint techniques.


Being in my World

• My year ahead

• Being a citizen of my country

• Responsibilities

• Rewards and consequences

• Our learning charter

• Owning our learning charter.

Celebrating Difference

• Different cultures

• Racism

• Rumours and name calling

• Types of bullying

• Does money matter?

• Celebrating differences across the world.

Digital images

Creating digital products for a fictitious technology shop.

• Understanding the purpose of a digital product and how to make the document suitable for purpose.

• Using a variety of software to create the products, understanding why we use different software.

• Creating an electronic portfolio, applying good design.

Coding using Scratch

• Pupils will design a game for a specific purpose linked to their technology shop.

• Pupils will code their game in Scratch, considering iteration, variable and selection.

• Be able to evaluate their game and make improvements.

MFL French/ Spanish


• To speak, read and understand a complex sentence (e.g., noun, adjective, verb and adverbial phrase)

• To ask and answer a variety of questions.

• To write a more complex sentence using a language scaffold.

Linguistic Content

• Using a bilingual dictionary.

• Opinions.

• Sports.

• Food.

• The food pyramid and healthy eating.



Netball (girls)

• Ball skills- including chest, overhead, and shoulder passes.

• Footwork

• Attacking principles, including centre pass set play and movement in the circle.

• Defending principles in transition and in the circle.

• Positions and rules for 5 and 7 a-side.

• Shooting technique

• Competitive matches and tournaments,

Football (boys)

• To practise ball mastery skills, including dribbling, kicking, stopping, and shooting.

• To demonstrate attacking and defending in football.

• Practise shooting and goalkeeping.

• Understand more complex rules of football.

• Competitive matches and tournaments

*Children will have the chance to play the opposing sports later in the term and in squads along with the opportunity to participate in some matches.


Children will use the texts taught in English as a basis to explore and develop various dramatic skills, including but not limited to:

• Improvisation.

• Role play and short scenes.

• Exploring characterisation.

• Hot seating and conscience alley.

• Thought tracking.

• Freeze frames.

PE Alternative Sports

• Introduction to a new sport each week .

• Gaining an understanding of rules and skills needed in different sports.

• Attacking principles and defending principles.

• Tactical awareness, game play and umpiring.

Health Related Fitness

• What happens to the body during exercise (physiological changes).

• Why is exercise important?

• Range of activities to focus on: cardiovascular endurance, speed, agility, balance, coordination, competition.

• Opportunity to lead a fitness session for their peers.


Samba Music

To learn about the origins of samba music

• To learn how to use different traditional samba instruments and their role in a samba band.

• To develop the ability to read notation and play short rhythms in small groups.

• To compose short samba pieces in small groups.

• To perform a samba piece with an awareness of others.

Singing for Performance

• To learn songs for Christmas performances.

• To sing as an ensemble with an awareness of tone, dynamics, articulation, and diction.

Orchard House School 16 Newton Grove, Chiswick London , W4 1LB

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