HCH Year 3 Curriculum Overview - Spring 2024

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Achievement with heart.

Year 3 Curriculum Overview Spring Term 2024

Year 3 Curriculum Overview Spring Term 2024

Contents Art Ballet Découverte du monde Drama English FLAM & French Harmony Maths Music Science PE PSHE

Key contacts Susie Byers Head of Prep sby@hchnet.co.uk

Sian Cervoni Year 3 Tutor sce@hchnet.co.uk

Year 3 Curriculum Overview Spring Term 2024

Art Students will be learning about the underwater world and its rich diversity this term. The children will be encouraged to think about ocean conservation by studying the pioneering work of Jacques Cousteau, who documented the importance of preserving life in the oceans. Students will revisit drawing techniques and make studies of diving equipment and underwater sea life. They will be taught to develop their control and use of sculpture materials, creating their chosen sea creature








Ballet This term students will continue to work on their Royal Academy of Dance Grade 1 syllabus. We will build on the foundations learnt in the autumn term and continue to develop our musicality, technique and performance in readiness for our assessment at the end of term.

Achievement with heart.

Year 3 Curriculum Overview Spring Term 2024

Découverte du monde History In Year 3 this term, we will learn about Mesopotamia. They will find out about the discoveries that this civilization made, the irrigation systems, the way they built their houses, where they settled and why (Tigris and Euphrates); the invention of money, which enabled trade to develop with increasingly distant regions. They will discover how the writing was invented, how it was engraved and what kind of tools were used. They will also learn that the Fertile Crescent is a region of the Middle East that was home to some of the world's earliest civilisations. Geography We will discover ways of travel and what different types of transport there are. We will learn how to use maps and understand how to use them to find our way. We will find out about routes and journeys, do routes matter! We will learn vocabulary related to locational and directional language. Through our travels, we will learn what a community is and talk about villages as well as discovering how villages change through time.

Drama Students will explore the book Storybook Wolves by Lauren Child. They will learn Drama skills such as physical theatre – to become objects onstage. They will explore characterisation, and how to change their bodies and voice to play different characters. They will also explore narration and storytelling.

Achievement with heart.

Year 3 Curriculum Overview Spring Term 2024


Genre Fiction Children explore plot, character and tension. They will learn about direct speech and tense and write their own exciting stories in the style of Roald Dahl.

Spring 1

Spring 2

Focus Texts

Assessment Focus

Written Outcome

Fantastic Mr Fox

Use of a range of simple punctuation which includes accurate punctuation of speech. Use of a range of vocabulary. Spelling of known and learned words.

An adventure story based on the plot of Fantastic Mr Fox.

Diary of a Killer Cat by Anne Fine

Features of a dairy. Use of a range of adverbs. Punctuation of speech. Spelling of known and learned words.

A diary entry with a problem and resolution.

Performance Poetry Children will listen to a range of performance poetry and explore their features. Use conjunctions, negative prefixes, informal language and rhymes.

Poems Out Loud Brain Moses You Tell Me Michael Rosen

Write their own performance poem which includes rhythm, rhyme and repetition. Learn poem off by heart.

Write own ‘rap’.

Fiction Explore and read and write myths. Include dialogue, a range of punctuation and conjunctions to extend sentences.

Orchard Book of Greek Myths- Geraldine McCaughrean. Greek Myths – Marcia Williams.

Use of conjunctions and first person.

Re write a well-known myth from a different perspective.

Non-Fiction Understand features of reports, study conjunctions, prepositions and adverbs.

Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone.

Use of the features of a non-chronological report. Use of conjunctions, prepositions and adverbs.

Write a report about Hogwarts School.

Classic Poetry

A Child’s Garden of Verses Robert Louis Stevenson

Identify main clause and subordinate clauses. Use of exciting and evocative vocabulary.

Create a text about a night time adventure inspired by the poems.

Non-Fiction Diaries and recounts Adverbs for time and place.

Achievement with heart.

Year 3 Curriculum Overview Spring Term 2024

FLAM (Français langue maternelle) In the first part of the Spring term in Y3 FLAM, we will study various folktales. We will learn how to write different complex sounds with the letter "a" and distinguish between common and proper nouns. In the second part, we will concentrate on descriptive texts and learn on understanding and writing portraits of characters. We will explore adjectives and the conjugation of -ER verbs in the present tense.

French This term, the pupils will learn all about morning routine, first aid and health. They will also learn to use the perfect tense to talk about their past holidays and their hobbies. After the holiday, the pupils will discover the artist Magritte and his paintings. They will also learn how to do some shopping and to buy an item in French.

Achievement with heart.

Year 3 Curriculum Overview Spring Term 2024

Harmony (Sustainable Thinking) These lessons are designed to teach children about the Principles of Harmony in Nature and the importance of keeping this harmony in balance. The Principles of Harmony are Interdependence, Natural cycles, Diversity, Adaptation, Health, Geometry, and Oneness. The subject is explored by students through inquiries of learning, reading, and discussing stories, explorative walks in nature, and creative activities. These questions are linked with their syllabus content each half-term and learning is interdisciplinary with Art, Maths, English, and Science subject knowledge development. This term’s theme will be Relationships. Spring 1: Oneness Inquiry Question: How do some forces of nature act? Students will learn about gravity and how we need forces to make things move. A force can be push or pull and we can make things move faster, slower, or even stop if the size of the force or the surface they are moving on changes. They will explore magnets and learn how one object can have two poles. Spring 2: Diversity Inquiry Question: How does location change the characteristics of a place? Students will explore geographical similarities and differences, and how they changed over time. They will explore how local conditions influenced and determined









characteristics provide a unique identity to a place.

Achievement with heart.

Year 3 Curriculum Overview Spring Term 2024

Maths Throughout the course of the spring term, in Year 3, we will be looking at multiplication and division, measuring lengths, and fractions. Multiplication Within the unit of multiplication, we will be looking at the multiples of 10, learning how to multiply a 2-digit number by a 1-digit number with no exchange/ with exchange, looking at the relationship between multiplication and division, and looking at dividing a two digit number with no exchange/exchange. Measurement Within the unit of measurement, we will be learning how to measure in meters and centimetres and millimetres and the relationship between each unit of measurement. We will also be learning how to compare and add/subtract different lengths within the different units of measurement and learn about perimeters and how to calculate them within different shapes. Fractions In the third unit of the spring term, Y3 will be looking at fractions. This includes looking at the role of the denominator within a fraction, ordering and comparing fractions, understanding the whole, representing a fraction on a number line but also using a number line to learn about equivalent fractions and the representation of fractions in the context of a bar model.

Music Djembe Children will be working with Djembes to practise their stroke technique, respond to different cues and develop their aural skills. They will be deepening their understanding of rhythm with polyrhythmic music and syncopated grooves.

Achievement with heart.

Year 3 Curriculum Overview Spring Term 2024

PE In PE lessons in Spring Term 2024, Year 3 children will be focusing on Games, Dodgeball, Gymnastics and Hockey. The children will continue building on their successful first term of Netball and Football by improving their communication and teamwork skills and applying this to competitive mini-games, with increasing levels of rules of play. In Gymnastics, the children will be using mats and basic apparatus to practice and extend their range of body movements in terms of jumps and leaps, rolls, balances and traveling in and across spaces. They will start to learn a wider range of movements including: Straddle, Pike, Arch, Dish jumps and Scissor and Cat leaps. The children will develop flexibility, strength, technique, balance and control as they work with a partner to start to compose and perform a smooth sequence of linking movements to share with each other. The children will also learn the basic rules of the game of hockey and start practising the skills of dribbling, passing and shooting. They will apply these to fun-based mini-games and share teamwork skills learnt in the previous term. The children will also be introduced to the basic rules of Dodgeball and learn the skills of targeted throwing, dodging and blocking before playing indoor mini-games.

PSHE This term in PSHE we will be exploring the compulsory RSHE topics (relationships, sex and health education). Called Relationships and Changing Me in Jigsaw (the programme we use to support our PSHE curriculum and delivery). We will begin in the first half term with Relationships, which looks at the themes of family roles and responsibilities, friendships, keeping myself safe online, being a global citizen and celebrating my web of relationships.

Achievement with heart.

Year 3 Curriculum Overview Spring Term 2024

Science In the first part of the term, the students will be learning about the digestive system and looking at the role of our teeth and in the second part of the term, the children will be learning about plants and how they grow. For the digestive system, we will be looking at the role of the different digestive organs and the roles they play. We will also be looking at the different animals and their different needs. With regards to plants, the children will be learning about the different parts of a plant and the role they each play to make sure that a plant has everything it needs to survive. We will also be learning about the external factors that enable a plant to grow (air, water, nutrients).

Achievement with heart.

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