Art & Performing Arts
Découverte du monde
FLAM & French
Susie Byers Head of Prep
sby@hchnet co uk
Key contacts
Sian Cervoni
Year 3 Tutor
sce@hchnet co uk
The aim of the art department is to engage, inspire and challenge pupils, equipping them with the knowledge and skills to experiment, invent and create their own works of art, craft and design Children learn about the importance of using sketchbooks to record their observations and revisit ideas, to develop and improve their mastery of art and design techniques in drawing, painting and sculpture.
In a cross-curricular project, pupils will be making art in response to their learning in history lessons about the life of the Ancient Egyptians We will begin by looking at the development of paper making and referencing the use of Hieroglyphics to create cartouches Moving onto learning about the dress of the Ancient Egyptian pharaohs and queens, pupils will design their own richly decorated headdress or crown Finally, thinking about the customs and rituals of the Ancient Egyptians, children will create a canopic jar out of clay, complete with a lid representing one of the four protective gods
In preparation for the end of term Festival of the Arts production, pupils will be working on a project to represent the painting Tableau II, 1921-25, by Piet Mondrian Encouraged to make observations about the painting and learn about the development of Mondrian’s style, pupils will work to create their own versions of the original
Performing Arts
In Performing Arts in the summer term students will be working on pieces for the summer show ‘The Exhibition ’ in each discipline they will be creating a piece based on a famous painting, so each class will have a poem, dance and song to perform at Hampton theatre on 3rd July Students will learn how to learn lines, choreography and music They will learn rehearsal techniques and gain confidence while also experiencing what it is like to perform on a professional stage
Achievement with heart.
Découverte du monde
This term Year 3 will discover Ancient Egypt and the mysteries behind it as well as how children are living around the world and capitals
Children will start making a timeline of Ancient Egypt and find out the main periods They will describe when and where (on a map) the ancient Egyptians lived Learn about the way they dressed and lived They will also discover their culture, hieroglyphics, looking at artefacts and discovering how it may have been used Year 3 will learn about mummies, especially Tutankhamun. Finally, they will think about the link of the river Nile to the Mesopotamian culture with the rivers (papyrus).
In Geography, they will read and discover how children are living around the world through the book “children just like me ” , “des enfants comme moi”. Then the children will talk about them and make a ten-minute individual presentation
Finally, the children will also have to learn and remember capitals for the Geography Contest competition
Achievement with heart.
In English this term we will continue to explore a range of exciting and thought-provoking texts
Read Michael Morpurgo’s sea stories Dolphin Boy and The Sandman and the Turtles to explore his use of characterisation, dilemmas, dialogue, word classes and the perfect tense.
Dolphin Boy by Michael Morpurgo
The Sandman and the Turtles by Michael Morpurgo
Summer 1
Summer 2
Explore the power of persuasion in advertising. Children play with language, create adverts and promote healthy habits. Grammar includes conjunctions and expanded noun phrases.
Explore calligrams, poetic portraits and shape poems. Analyse features of poetry. Explore tenses, conjunctions and prepositions. Write, improve and present your own shape poems.
Enjoy Dick King-Smith’s The Hodgeheg. Explore plot, character and dialogue. Study speech punctuation and adverbs for time, place and manner. Write a new animal adventure.
Read, research and write information texts about amazing world records, both real (Guinness) and funny (Quentin Blake). Grammar includes conjunctions and present perfect form. Be inspired to create your own records and blog about them.
Use animal poems to stimulate discussion and analysis. Study description, expanded noun phrases and adverbs. Use them in writing poems about endangered animals
Variety of adverts of different genres.
Use of basic punctuation –full stops, capital letters, question marks. Use of well punctuated dialogue
Use of adjectives and adverbials to add interest.
Story writing about a sea rescue
Apes to Zebras: an A-Z of Shape Poems by Liz Brownlee, Sue HardyDawson and Roger Stevens
Use of conjunctions and expanded noun phrases. Confident use of persuasive writing. Own adverts and leaflets
The Hodgeheg by Dick King-Smith
Write own shape poem based on ones we have read. Use of prepositions Editing and improving skills
Use of all grammar tools taught in Year 3. Inclusive of basic punctuation, dialogue, spelling, adjectives and a range of adverbials.
Shape poems based on the sea and summer.
The World’s Laziest Duck and other Amazing Records by John Yeoman & Quentin Blake
Consistent and powerful use of conjunctions to extend meaning.
Animal adventure story
Information texts linked to sport
Animal Poems compiled by Jennifer Curry
Use of rhyming patterns and lively vocabulary. Research skills.
Writing own poems about the endangered animals researched.
FLAM (Français langue maternelle)
This term, we will continue our journey through tales and stories to further develop our reading comprehension skills, express opinions, and broaden our vocabulary on various topics such as diversity We will also focus on practicing deduction techniques to extract information from texts
Our writing skills will be refined through cursive writing practice, with continued emphasis on spelling common words correctly In grammar, we will delve into synonyms, conjugation of verbs including 'aller,' 'faire,' 'voir,' 'avoir,' and 'être' in the present tense, identifying words within the same word family, as well as the ability to identify nouns, determiners, and adjectives within a sentence
Additionally, we will work on subject-verb agreement
In our writing sessions, we will engage in activities such as composing character portraits, crafting twisted tales, and creating rhyming poems
Students will be required to memorise poems and submit two book reports as part of their assignments
Throughout this term, in Year 3 we will be continuing to work using the Loustics We will be learning about borrowing books from a library, learning about famous book characters and talking about their story We will also be learning new vocabulary to talk about our preferences
In the first half term we will also be looking at the verbs in the past tense and looking at how we can make our sentences shorter and using books to help us with this
Looking at co-curricular aspect of French, we will learn to talk about dates and count to numbers past 1000
In the second part of the summer term, in Year 3, we will be moving onto an other topic We will be looking at the veterinary profession and learning how to describe an animal including its characteristics
Grammar wise, Year 3 will learn how to use the future tense to talk about events that are coming up, to talk about future holidays and words used to say ‘when’
Looking at co-curricular aspect of French, we will look at the different groups of animals, how to respect the environment we live in and lastly, learn to describe a landscape
These lessons are designed to teach children about the Principles of Harmony in Nature and the importance of keeping this harmony in balance The Principles of Harmony are Interdependence, Natural cycles, Diversity, Adaptation, Health, Geometry, and Oneness. The subject is explored by students through inquiries of learning, reading, and discussing stories, explorative walks in nature, and creative activities These questions are linked with their syllabus content each half-term and learning is interdisciplinary with Art, Maths, English, and Science subject knowledge development
This term’s theme will be Interactions
Summer 1: Cycles
Inquiry Question: What is the life cycle of flowering plants?
The life cycle of flowering plants involves several stages, each with its own specific requirements for life. Students will explore while the general life cycle of flowering plants follows a similar pattern, differences in environmental requirements, reproductive strategies, and adaptations contribute to the diversity of plant species observed in nature
Summer 2: Health
Inquiry Question: What is the function of the skeleton and the muscles?
Students will explore how the skeletal system and muscles work together to provide support, protection, and movement for the human body Symmetry in skeletal structure contributes to stability, while proper nutrition is essential for maintaining skeletal and muscular health We will journey into the animal and plant kingdoms to study some of the skeletal and muscular features, functions and nutritional requirements
Throughout the course of the summer term, Y3 will be continuing to work on the five overarching topics of the year, which are: place value (PV) , addition and subtraction, multiplication and division, fractions and shapes.
Within PV, we will be looking at 4-digit numbers and how to break them down and placing them on a number line
Within addition and subtraction, we will be looking at mentally adding/subtracting 1digit numbers, 3-digit expanded and compact addition, revising our column addition, adding and subtracting multiples of 10 using multiples, subtracting large numbers using our knowledge of counting up and we will explore efficient strategies for mental addition and subtraction
For multiplication and division, we will be looking at sequences-counting in equal steps, we will revise our multiplication and division facts and partitioning using doubles and halves We will also look at scaling problems, dividing numbers beyond the times tables and we will work on gaining our fluency in Maths
Within the topic of fractions, we will be working on fractions of amounts, fractions as operators and as numbers and add/subtract same denominator fractions.
Lastly, as the last topic of the term, we will be looking at shapes Within this unit, we will explore line symmetry – naming and sorting 2D shapes, identifying, describing and sorting 3D shapes and lastly, we will look at right angles as turns/angles in 2D shapes Maths
Achievement with heart.
In PE lessons in Summer Term 2024, Year 3 children will largely be outdoors, focusing on being introduced to, and developing their Athletics skills. They will be working towards the enjoyment of, and participation and achievement in athletics and applying their skills to a Sports Day in the final half Term.
Pupils will be learning the techniques of running, jumping and throwing skills as well as the basic rules for each competitive event. They will learn basic differentiations in the skills required for running short distances and longer distances (sprinting versus sustained running). Pupils will be introduced to learning these sports skills at individual level as well as being a member of a team (for example relay races).
They will also be introduced to several age-appropriate throwing resources (for example foam javelins) and learn different techniques of using these and maximising the distances they can throw.
The children will be encouraged, as always, to enjoy participating in sports and being active. We will also be reinforcing the importance of setting and raising their own individual targets in terms of their timings and distances thrown. A competitive team spirit will be encouraged as well as a sense of fair play.
In PSHE this term, we will be exploring two topics.
In the first half of the summer term, we will be looking at Dreams and Goals. This includes talking about recognising when someone has overcome a difficult situation, we will talk about a dream/ambition that is important to us and we will look at how to best overcome a challenge.
We will look at how we might feel when we face difficulties or a hurdle, and that we must overcome them to achieve our goals. We will also look at how to assess the ways in which we overcome difficulties and whether it has been effective.
In the second half of the term, Y3 will be looking at being Healthy. This includes learning the role sport plays on our bodies and the vital role our different organs play in our body. We will look at the role calories, fats and sugars play in keeping healthy. We will also explore the concept of drugs and talk about what we know and our attitudes towards them.
Y3 will also be looking at keeping ourselves safe in a situation and we will talk about how to keep ourselves safe and how to identify someone/something that is not safe and lastly, how to call the emergency services. As always, our PSHE is delivered with a mindful approach, giving plenty of time for thinking, discussing and reflecting. The lessons are delivered in an age-appropriate way and all resources are available to parents in advance upon request. If you would like any further detail or information, please email Amy Burgess – acb@hchnet.co.uk
Throughout the course of the Summer Term, Y3 will be learning two new topics- Forces and Magnets and Light.
Within the topic of Forces and Magnets, we will learn that forces are pushes and pulls which can make things move, stop or change shape. We will also look at the need for contact between two objects but magnetic forces can act from a distance. Y3 will learn which items are attracted to magnets and we will ask ourselves if it is just metal things that are attracted to magnets Within the topic, we will also learn about the ‘poles’ and look at what they attract and what they repel and that opposite poles attract
During the second half of the summer term, we will look at the topic of Light This will include : asking ourselves what is light, what is the difference between a reflection and light, the role of a mirror, shadows and we will be carrying out an investigation on how moving the light source changes the shadow We will look at the relationship between the distance of a torch and the size of the shadow.
Achievement with heart.