Art & Performing Arts
Découverte du monde
FLAM & French
Susie Byers Head of Prep
sby@hchnet co uk
Key contacts
Cecilia Marston
Year 4 Tutor
cma@hchnet co uk

In preparation for the end of term Festival of the Arts production, pupils will be working on a project to represent the painting A Sunday on La Grande Jatte, 1884, by Georges Seurat. Encouraged to make observations about the painting and learn about the development of pointillism and Neo-impressionism, pupils will collaborate to create their version of the original Art
Pupils will be working on a cross curricular project with their studies in English this term Looking at the book Zoo, by Anthony Browne for inspiration, pupils will be building on their drawing and construction skills to create a Victorian peepshow book of their own Learning about the skills of a book illustrator, pupils will plan to create four images which they will layer to create depth and perspective and tell their own story of animals in captivity
Performing Arts
In Performing Arts in the summer term students will be working on pieces for the summer show ‘The Exhibition.’ in each discipline they will be creating a piece based on a famous painting, so each class will have a poem, dance and song to perform at Hampton theatre on 3rd July Students will learn how to learn lines, choreography and music. They will learn rehearsal techniques and gain confidence while also experiencing what it is like to perform on a professional stage.
Achievement with heart.

Découverte du monde
This term Year 4 will discover the Roman Empire and the mysteries behind it as well as how children are living around the world and capitals
The pupils will learn about the Roman Empire: when and how the Romans conquered Britain, key facts about the invasion of Britain, why Romans built new roads in Britain and how/where They will also learn who Emperor Hadrian was and how he built a wall. Finally, they will discover Romans’ religious beliefs and the gods/goddesses they worshipped.
In Geography, they will read and discover how children are living around the world through the book “children just like me ” , “des enfants comme moi” Then the children will talk about them and make a ten-minute individual presentation. Presentation should include, geography features, language, food, traditions
Finally, the children will also have to learn and remember capitals for the Geography Contest competition
Achievement with heart.

Summer 1
Genre Focus Texts Assessment Focus Written outcome
Stories from Africa. Read Mufaro’s Beautiful Daughters, The Pot of Wisdom and African Tales. Write Ananse stories using extended sentences
Explore issues around animals in captivity, reading texts including Zoo by Anthony Browne and Rainbow Bear by Michael Morpurgo. Study adverbials and expanded noun phrases.
Reading and choosing poems, comparing and analysing, then writing. Study fronted adverbials and possessive apostrophes, all in the context of a poem for every day of the year.
Read The Butterfly Lion over the course of several days, using the opportunity to discuss, compare and analyse it. Perform role-play, write dialogue, use adverbials, and finally produce a new chapter for the book.
Summer 2
Explore recounts using biographies from the civil rights movement: Henry’s Freedom Box and the story of Rosa Parks' life. Use dialogue punctuation, apostrophes and paragraphs
Read, discuss, learn and perform some fantastic poems from Off By Heart –Poems for YOU to Remember (Roger Stevens).
African Tales by R. Griffin and G. Mhlophe
The Pot of Wisdom by A. Badoe
Mufaro's Beautiful Daughters by J. Steptoe
Use of a range of basic punctuation including full stops, capital letters, question marks and exclamation marks. Use of a range of conjunctions. Confident and accurate use of adverbials, including fronted adverbials.
Zoo by Anthony Browne
The Rainbow Bear by Michael Morpurgo
Correct use of noun phrases and expanded noun phrases to provoke emotions. Understand features of a persuasive text.
I am the seed that grew the tree: A Nature Poem for Every Day of the Year Fiona Waters and Fran Preston-Gannon
Understanding and use of apostrophes – for contraction and possession. Fronted adverbials.
Write own version of an African Tale.
Write own persuasive article for a website.
The Butterfly Lion Michael Morpurgo
Identifying and using adverbs and adverbials. Using and punctuating direct speech.
Poetry with a summer theme.
Henry’s Freedom Box by Ellen Levine
Who was Rosa Parks? by Yona Zeldis McDonough Little People, Big dreams: Rosa Parks by Lisbeth Kaiser
Off By Heart – Poems for YOU to Remember chosen by Roger Stevens
Little Red Riding Hood and the Wolf by Roald Dahl
Use of well punctuated dialogue and a range of reporting clauses. Consistent use of paragraphs to structure writing.
Apostrophes in own work
Explore pronouns and fronted adverbials. Identify range of features of poetry.
Write a new chapter for The Butterfly Lion.
Write a recount in the form of a biographical blog.
Performance of poetry to an audience.

FLAM (Français langue maternelle)
This term, our focus in reading comprehension will be on analysing the initial situations in tales, exploring the lives of children in various parts of the world through articles, examining the life conditions of slaves during the 17th and 18th centuries, and delving into the dynamics of a play Additionally, we will learn how to formulate hypotheses based on the front cover of a book
In grammar, we will delve into using the past and future tenses of the first group of verbs ending in -er We will also develop the skill to identify the nature of words such as nouns, personal pronouns, adjectives, determiners, etc Our vocabulary will be further enriched with new invariable words and expressions to articulate emotions In spelling, we will learn to write new invariable words Moreover, we will explore synonyms of verbs in dialogue Additionally, we will review the plural forms of nouns ending in -ou, -ail, andal
In writing, we will focus on mastering the art of composing formal and informal letters
As part of their assignments, students will be expected to memorise poems and submit two book reports
Summer 1
Week 1, 2 and 3: The children will be practising for their DELF
Week 3, 5, 6: The children will learn about Belgium, talk about characters and stories they like, compare something/someone, and order things at a restaurant, through Unit 5 of Passe Passe 3 “Louis en weekend en Belgique”
Summer 2
The pupils will learn about Dordogne, use the past tense to talk about things they did or a place they visited
They will also learn several verbs using the ‘passé composé’
They will create their own story in French
Learn to use frequency words
This will be through the use of Passe Passe

Harmony (Sustainable Thinking)
These lessons are designed to teach children about the Principles of Harmony in Nature and the importance of keeping this harmony in balance The Principles of Harmony are Interdependence, Natural cycles, Diversity, Adaptation, Health, Geometry, and Oneness. The subject is explored by students through inquiries of learning, reading, and discussing stories, explorative walks in nature, and creative activities These questions are linked with their syllabus content each half-term and learning is interdisciplinary with Art, Maths, English, and Science subject knowledge development
This term’s theme will be Narratives in Nature
Summer 1: Interdependence
Inquiry Question: How do animal diets depend on each other?
Students will explore how animal diets depend on each other through various feeding relationships, including carnivores, herbivores, and omnivores, as well as in the broader context of the food chain involving producers, predators, and prey They will develop an understanding of how this interdependence is essential for maintaining ecosystem balance and biodiversity
Summer 2: Adaptation
Question: How do animals and plants adapt to their habitats?
Students will explore how each environment presents unique challenges and opportunities for adaptation, leading to diverse ecosystems and biodiversity worldwide Animals and plants adapt to their habitats through a combination of evolutionary changes, behavioural adjustments, and physiological mechanisms
Students will study microhabitats within a larger landscape and learn about how animals and plants adapt to the geometry of the landscape to suit their needs
Achievement with heart.

Place Value:Place and round 4 digit numbers on lines
Place Value:Count in 25s/1000sRoman numeralsNegative numbers in temperature
Summer 1
Subtraction: -
Column addition including moneyColumn 3 and 4 digit number subtraction
Measures and Data:measure in cm, m, mmconverting units - use SI units and bar charts
-Decimals and Fractions: Co mpare and order 2 place decimals number -1 and 2 place decimals
Decimals and Fractions:Decimal fractions equivalentsRevision end of half term assessment
Multiplication and Division:Factors, multiples, mental multiplicationScaling and correspondenc e problemsEfficient chunking with remainders
Multiplication and Division:Multiplication problems, formal methodsRevise problems: all four operation
Summer 2
Measures and
Data - Find the area of rectilinear shapesPerimeters of rectilinear shapes; area -
Addition and Subtraction:Appropriate strategies to add/ subtract -
Column add/subt with 3- & 4-digit numbersChoose methods for add/subt problems
Decimals and FractionsAdd/subt 0 1s & 0 01s; measures probsEquivalent fractions; fraction problems
Revision of all topics

In the summer term, the children will be taught outside in warm weather, and they will focus on cricket and athletics In cricket, they will learn how to stop a ball, throw and catch a ball, bowl with an under-arm, control a bat and play a modified game to strike a ball and field The students will learn through practice from partners and group work In athletics, the children will compete in their houses for sports day at the end of June. In the lessons, we will practice sprints, relays, shot put throw, broad jump and long jump so that the students can perform at their best level. There will be an emphasis on self-improvement and team support to build a culture of resilience and sportsmanship in line with our ethos at the Hampton Court House
In the first half of the summer term, we will be focusing on the Healthy Me topic, in which we will discuss healthy eating and healthy choices, having a balanced diet and being physically active We will also look at how to be a good friend and finish with how to deal with difficult situations
In the second half term we will explore the Dreams and Goals topic Within this we will look at how to stay motivated when facing challenges and persevering through difficulties We will also look at working positively with other people and the importance of having a positive attitude We will finish with how to work hard to achieve our own dreams and goals, and help others achieve theirs
As always, our PSHE is delivered with a mindful approach, giving plenty of time for thinking, discussing and reflecting. The lessons are delivered in an age-appropriate way and all resources are available to parents in advance upon request. If you would like any further detail or information, please email Amy Burgess – acb@hchnet.co.uk.

Science at HCH is about investigation and teaching children to think like scientists
Summer 1: Sound Week
Identify how sounds are made, associating some of them with something vibrating
Explore sound further and investigate vibrations and how sound travels
Investigate pitch and volume by exploring instruments and the different sounds they make
Understand how we hear sounds and begin to consider ways to reduce what we can hear
Plan and investigate which material best reduces the sounds we hear
Summer 2: Living things and their habitats
Present your ear defenders design and explain your findings
To understand the characteristics of a living thing and to begin to consider that living things can be grouped in a variety of ways
To ask questions about the local habitats and to carefully observe and record the living things in the local area
To observe features of living things and sort them into different groups
To know that scientists are able to classify living things by closely observing them
To notice the tiny details that will help scientists to further classify living things and to record these details in a careful drawing of insects
To create and use a classification key to name a variety of living things in the wider environment