HCH Year 5 Curriculum Overview - Spring 2024

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Achievement with heart.

Year 5 Curriculum Overview Spring Term 2024

Year 5 Curriculum Overview Spring Term 2024

Contents Art Drama English FLAM & French Harmony Humanities Latin Mandarin Maths Music PE PSHE Science

Key contacts Susie Byers Head of Prep sby@hchnet.co.uk

Ruth Trueman Year 5 Tutor rtr@hchnet.co.uk

Year 5 Curriculum Overview Spring Term 2024

Art Pupils will be learning about art techniques which have their origins in Japan. Beginning with the traditional Japanese technique of origami paper folding, pupils will go on to study the art of printmaker Katsushika Hokusai. We will learn about the Japanese festival of Koinobori and pupils will design their own Coi flag, learning how to use a sewing machine to stitch the flags to celebrate Children’s Day on 5th May.

Drama Pupils will start the term exploring the plot, theme and characters of Oliver Twist. They will then work on ensemble moments, working together to create large group scenes. Pupils will also be allocated roles and supported through using their voice and movement to effectively convey them. This unit is in collaboration with Music where they will learn the songs from the Musical. Pupils will perform the Musical in the week of May 6th.

Achievement with heart.

Year 5 Curriculum Overview Spring Term 2024


Spring 1

Spring 2


Focus Texts

Assessment Focus

Written outcome

Fiction Explore the charm and challenge of classic fiction with Rudyard Kipling's Jungle Book and Just So Stories. Study dialogue punctuation, relative clauses and commas.

The Jungle Book by Rudyard Kipling A Collection of Rudyard Kipling's Just So Stories by Rudyard Kipling

Consistent use of a range of punctuation Use of relative clauses Punctuation of dialogue Use of expanded noun phrases

Children write their own Just So Story in the style of Kipling.

Non-Fiction Reports and Journalism Use Tuesday by David Wiesner to study reports. Write speech, playscripts, speech bubbles, direct and reported speech. Use modal verbs; learn about cohesion. Write newspaper reports.

Tuesday by David Wiesner Hurricane by David Wiesner

Use of modal verbs Direct and reported Write newspaper report speech about the day the pigs flew Use of the conventions of a newspaper report

Poetry Using the classic Old Possum’s Book of Practical Cats, develop children’s mastery of descriptive language, teach relative clauses and parenthesis and write own poems.

The Naming of Cats The Old Gumbie Cat Old Possum’s Book of Practical Cats by T.S. Eliot and Axel Scheffler, Faber and Faber

Use of pronouns, relative pronouns and relative clauses. Use of commas, dashes and brackets

Write poems based on those read in ‘Practical Cats’

Fiction Study genre of short stories using Short! by Crossley-Holland. Investigate adverbials and develop use of perfect form to indicate time/cause. Write predictions and short stories.

Short! by Kevin Crossley Holland

Use of adverbials Analyse several stories from one book and discuss opinions Use of paragraphs

Plan and write own story with a spooky theme

Non-Fiction This block lays the groundwork for effective argument and persuasion, written and spoken

The Steves by Morag Hood It’s a Book by Lane Smith

Use of rebuttals Use of commas to avoid ambiguity

Children write a discussion in this unit. Although the focus is on whether books should replace tablets

Poetry Read/memorise poems from I Like This Poem (Kaye Webb) chosen by children

I Like This Poem edited by Kaye Webb

Reading and discussion of more complex poetry Parentheses

Write own poem

Achievement with heart.

Year 5 Curriculum Overview Spring Term 2024

FLAM (Français langue maternelle) This term, pupils will work on a new topic, focusing on reading and writing a letter. They will learn how to write a formal letter to request information and how to write a personal letter to a friend, for example. Additionally, pupils will practise writing a summary of a text. To write a letter and a summary, pupils will continue to broaden their vocabulary (words of same family), spelling (homophones), grammar (subject/verb agreement) and conjugation (present and imparfait). Finally, they will have the opportunity to engage in a new type of exercise to express their point of view: a philosophical discussion! In their end-of-unit assignment, they will be asked for example to write a letter by respecting the instructions, to show their understanding of the different components in a simple sentence (verb, adjective, subject), and to spell correctly invariable words.

French Throughout the course of the term, the children will be learning about how to make purchases and how to ask the shop keeper about the price of an item and how to buy presents for their classmates. They will also be learning about COD, adjectives and using ‘how much’ within a sentence. In the second half of the term, pupils will be learning to talk about quantities, to speak about healthy eating and how to make a shopping list in French. They will learn the verbs to drink and must do, they will learn about adverbs that talk about a quantity.

Achievement with heart.

Year 5 Curriculum Overview Spring Term 2024

Harmony (Sustainable Thinking) These lessons are designed to teach children about the Principles of Harmony in Nature and the importance of keeping this harmony in balance. The Principles of Harmony are Interdependence, Natural cycles, Diversity, Adaptation, Health, Geometry, and Oneness. The subject is explored by pupils through inquiries of learning, reading, and discussing stories, explorative walks in nature, and creative activities. These questions are linked with their syllabus content each half-term and learning is interdisciplinary with Art, Maths, English, and Science subject knowledge development. This term’s theme will be Evolution. Spring 1: Cycles Inquiry Question: How do living things change as they grow? Pupils will learn about life cycles and develop knowledge about the changes living things (animals including humans and plants) go through as they develop with age. They will learn about how living things evolved and identify changes in matter and materials. Spring 2: Interdependence Inquiry Question: What makes ‘me’ become ‘we’? Pupils will learn about the importance of mental well-being and how humans are naturally social creatures. They will learn about the importance of communities and that these are not exclusive to humans. Communities are a population of species that interact with each other, and they are natural, biologically diverse ecosystems. Keeping these healthy and in balance are important factors to our mental well-being.

Humanities Through studying History, pupils can begin to make sense of humankind's past, present and future. This term the children will learn about invaders and settlers, focussing on the Anglo Saxons. Pupils will learn about religion, gods, artefacts, jewellery and the discovery of the Sutton Hoo burial ground. Using this information, other resources and what they have learnt, they will then imagine that they are travelling back to the time that Sutton Hoo was discovered and take on the role of journalist and write a newspaper article explaining what has been found, the significance of the findings and who we think was buried there.

Achievement with heart.

Year 5 Curriculum Overview Spring Term 2024

Latin Year 5 will begin by looking at Roman towns and travel as well as the life and rights of enslaved people in the family and broader society. in chapters 5 and 6 in Miniums, we will be building on their grammar knowledge from the last term by creating adverbs from adjectives, and beginning to construct sentences in Latin, we will also be performing and translating some plays and dialogues from Latin to English. We will then be finishing off chapter 6 looking at Roman numerals and numbers. There will be two vocabulary quizzes each half term and a progress check at the end of each chapter.

Mandarin In Spring term, Year 5 pupils will learn to talk about pets and animals, learn to say dates and months. Pupils will be able to talk about birthdays based on the grammar rules. We will explore the legendary stories and customs of the Chinese New Year. Pupils will learn New Year’s songs, do crafts and dragon dance to celebrate the Chinese New Year. Pupils will have the opportunity to perform in the Chinese New Year assembly and enjoy watching other Year groups of pupils’ Chinese New Year’s performances.

Achievement with heart.

Year 5 Curriculum Overview Spring Term 2024

Maths This term in maths we will focus on a variety of different mathematical concepts.

Spring 1 Subject Area

Individual Concepts

2D Shapes

Use notation to show Classify triangles and Calculate interior equal and parallel quadrilaterals angles of a triangle sides

Calculate interior angles of a quadrilateral

Describe the features of regular and irregular polygons

Negative Number/cordinates

Order numbers, including negative numbers

Use a first quadrant coordinate grid

Use negative numbers to read and plot coordinates in all four quadrants

Translation & Reflection

Reflect shapes and Reflect shapes and Follow instructions to Use positive and Reflect shapes in a points on a points on a translate shapes on a negative numbers for horizontal, vertical or coordinate grid in the coordinate grid in all coordinate grid translation diagonal mirror line first quadrant. quadrants.

Solve problems using Data handling using negative numbers negative numbers

Spring 2 Subject Area

Individual Concepts Identify and place decimals on a number line

Add and subtract using decimals

Multiply and divide using decimals

Multiply by 10, 100 and 1000 using decimals

Order and round decimals.

Decimals, Fractions, Write fractions as and Percentages decimals

Write decimals as fractions

Write decimals and fractions as percentages

Compare and order FDPs

Find simple percentages of amount e,g, 50% of 800

Money & Measures

Convert between smaller and larger units of currency e.g pounds to pence

Solve real life money Convert metric units problems of length

Convert metric units of mass

Convert metric units of volume

Long multiplication & division

Revision of using written methods to carry out a long multiplication

Solve real life long multiplication problems

solve real life long division problems

Mixed real life problems


Written methods to carry out a long division

Achievement with heart.

Year 5 Curriculum Overview Spring Term 2024

Music Rhythmics & Percussion Pupils will develop their rhythmic notation and sense of pulse through group ensemble performances and compositions using body percussion, kaboom chair percussion and Bamboo Tamboo. This unit will culminate in their own group percussion composition and performance.

PE In the Spring term, the Year 5 children will learn about gymnastics, hockey, dodgeball and benchball. Gymnastics In gymnastics, they will create partner and group sequences that include changes of level and speed and focus on body tension and extension. They will learn the skills to perform in front of their peers. Hockey In hockey, the children will explore the fundamental skills of dribbling, passing and shooting. They will develop these skills through fun-based games and goal orientated drills. There will be a focus on small sided conditioned games and the positions that pupils will need to take up to compete in this format. Dodgeball and Benchball In dodgeball and benchball, the children will learn about the rules of the game, tactics they can employ and play competitive games to develop their throwing and catching skills.

Achievement with heart.

Year 5 Curriculum Overview Spring Term 2024

PSHE This term in PSHE we will be exploring the compulsory RSHE topics (relationships, sex and health education). Called Relationships and Changing Me in Jigsaw (the programme we use to support our PSHE curriculum and delivery). We will begin in the first half term with Relationships, which looks at the themes of recognising me, safety with online communities, online gaming, my relationships with technology and staying safe and happy online. In the Changing Me topic, we will look at self-image and body image, puberty for girls and boys and conception. The topics are explored in an age-appropriate way, and all lesson plans and resources will be made available to parents at the start of each half term. Each of the lessons is delivered with a mifndful approach, meaning there is time for thinking, discussing and reflecting. Due to the sensitive nature of the topics this term, teachers are encouraged to have an anonymous question box available for the children. There will also be time for boys and girls to split into separate groups for discussions.

Science Science at HCH is about investigation and teaching children to think like scientists. This term we are learning about space and the solar system. Pupils will learn the order of the planets and through research will present a PPT planet of their choice. They will learn about the different seasons, why and how they occur, and how day and night are formed. They will then write a poem to record this information. They will understand why shadows are formed and how their size and direction change during the day. They will also build a Shadow Puppet Theatre to reinforce their learning. Lastly, they will be introduced to forces and explore gravity, friction, air and water resistance and carry out engaging investigations to see how these forces work in the real world.

Achievement with heart.

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