HCH Year 6 Curriculum Overview - Spring 2024

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Achievement with heart.

Year 6 Curriculum Overview Spring Term 2024

Year 6 Curriculum Overview Spring Term 2024

Contents Art Drama English French Harmony Humanities Latin Mandarin Maths Music PE PSHE Science

Key contacts Susie Byers Head of Prep & Year 6 Tutor sby@hchnet.co.uk

Chris Whitfield Year 6 Tutor cwh@hchnet.co.uk

Year 6 Curriculum Overview Spring Term 2024

Art Pupils will be making art in response to their learning about the Second World War this term. Studying the work of war artists Eric Ravilious, Stanley Spencer and Paul Nash, pupils will consider the role of a war artist and make comparisons between their styles of work. Looking at the development of dazzle painting used to protect naval vessels from German attack, we will think about how the designs have influenced artists since the war and create dazzle paintings.

Drama Pupils will start the term exploring the plot, theme and characters of Oliver Twist. They will then work on ensemble moments, working together to create large group scenes. Pupils will also be allocated roles and supported through using their voice and movement to effectively convey them. This unit is in collaboration with Music where they will learn the songs from the Musical. Pupils will perform the Musical in the week of May 6th.

Achievement with heart.

Year 6 Curriculum Overview Spring Term 2024

English In English, this term the children will be studying Michael Morpurgo’s War Horse. They will begin by looking at and discussing the features of historical fiction, writing chapter summaries. They will continue to use their comprehension skills to retrieve information from the text. Grammar focus activities linked to the text will include revising single and muti-clause sentences, clauses, and conjunctions, using multi-clause sentences for description and finally they will exploring the subjunctive form. They will explore the impact of single-clause sentences for action scenes and the use of formal and informal language. They will look at the format of scripts and write a script based on a novel extract, dissecting a chapter to perform a drama play. They will also research, draft and write a story with an historical setting.

French In the first part of the term, the pupils will be learning how to express their emotions, how to make recommendations and they will learn how to give their opinions. They will learn how to use the future tense of irregular verbs and they will learn how to say ‘i need ...’ They will learn to identify and hear the difference between ces, ses and c’est. In the second half of the term, the pupils will learn how to situate themselves in a city and they will learn how to ask for directions. They will learn how to use the pronoun ‘y’ and the conditional and the past tense in french. At the end of the unit, the pupils will have learnt how to describe their favourite place.

Achievement with heart.

Year 6 Curriculum Overview Spring Term 2024

Harmony (Sustainable Thinking) These lessons are designed to teach children about the Principles of Harmony in Nature and the importance of keeping this harmony in balance. The Principles of Harmony are Interdependence, Natural cycles, Diversity, Adaptation, Health, Geometry, and Oneness. The subject is explored by pupils through inquiries of learning, reading, and discussing stories, explorative walks in nature, and creative activities. These questions are linked with their syllabus content each half-term and learning is interdisciplinary with Art, Maths, English, and Science subject knowledge development. This term’s theme will be My Health and The Environment. Spring 1: Health Inquiry Question: How do our choices affect our health? Pupils will learn about the circulatory system and how our bodies transport nutrients and water. They will investigate the effects of diet and exercise and identify strategies to look after their health. They will explore the healing power of words to support their mental well-being. Spring 2: Interdependence Inquiry Question: How can we use energy in a sustainable way? Pupils will explore how can they use their body’s energy in a sustainable way and learn about the importance of allowing their body to regenerate. They will learn about the energy of language, how do words/ tone make us feel and how does nature recharge our energy levels.

Humanities Through studying History, pupils can begin to make sense of humankind's past, present and future. In the Spring Term pupils will be Introduced to the historic events that led to the outbreak of the Second World War. They will look at and experience through role play the early events of the war from a child’s perspective, including how WWII began, Battles of Britain and Dunkirk, what it was like to be an Evacuee; Rationing and Victory.

Achievement with heart.

Year 6 Curriculum Overview Spring Term 2024

Latin After an introduction to Latin, year 6 will be moving on to So you really want to Learn Latin? Book 1. They will be consolidating their knowledge of the present tense and working on prepositional phrases using the accusative and ablative cases finishing off with the infinitive and imperfect tenses of the four conjugations. We will explore the story of Troy and the origin stories of ancient Rome via translation and comprehension tasks. We will also look at the Roman pantheon and the worship of different Gods. There will be weekly vocabulary followed by translation and comprehension assessment at the end of each half term.

Mandarin In the Spring term, Year 6 pupils will learn to speak and write about pets and animals, learn to say dates and months and talk about birthdays based on the grammar rules. Pupils will be able to write a full introduction about themselves and their families, including pets, birthdays. We will learn and perform the 12 Chinese zodiac stories, explore more relevant legendary stories and customs of the Chinese New Year. Pupils will learn Year’s songs, do crafts and practise 12 animal race plays to celebrate the Chinese New Year. Pupils will have the opportunity to perform in the Chinese New Year assembly and enjoy watching other groups of pupils’ Chinese New Year’s performances.

Achievement with heart.

Year 6 Curriculum Overview Spring Term 2024

Maths This term in maths we will focus on a variety of different mathematical concepts.

Spring 1 Subject Area How can you compare fractions, decimals, and percentages?

Individual Concepts Converting fractions, decimals, and percentages

How do you find Written methods percentages of an for calculating

Using a calculator Calculating and decimals to fractions of an find percentages amount of an amount Questions on

Multiplying and

perecentages of amount without a percentages of an an amount calculator? amount What do we mean when we talk about Reflecting shapes

Reflecting shapes in a graph using the equation of a

transforming a shape?

vertical or horizontal line

dividing negative numbers

Rotating shapes

Learn how to convert recurring decimals to

Questions on converting recurring decimals


to fractions

Methods for adding and

Questions on adding and

subtracting subtracting negative numbers negative numbers Rotating shapes Translating on a graph using a shapes centre of rotation

Spring 2 Subject Area How do you work out how fast something is moving?

Individual Concepts

Enlarging shapes

Enlarging shapes from a given centre of enlargement

Learn about how Questions on to calculate speed, Speed, Distance, distance, and time and Time (the SDT triangle)

Distance/Time graphs

How do you Look at real world represent data as examples of line it changes on a graphs graph?

Questions on reading line graphs

Drawing line graphs

Look at real world examples of how Questions on conversion graphs conversion graphs are used

Angles in How can you rectangles (revise accurately draw a angles on parallel pentagon? lines)

Angles in other quadrilaterals e.g rhombus, parallelogram, trapezium

Interior and exterior angles of polygons

Use scratch to draw polygons using knowledge of interior and exterior angles

When is best to use a pie chart to represent data?

Measuring angles Learn how Learn how to read Questions on with an angle construct a pie a pie chart reading pie charts measurer revision chart

Questions on angles in regular and irregular polygons Questions on constructing pie charts

Achievement with heart.

Year 6 Curriculum Overview Spring Term 2024

Music Programme Music Pupils will explore music that tells a story, developing their imagination and connection to feeling in music. They will learn compositional skills to develop a group soundscape to a story board, picture or poem.

PE In the Spring term, the Year 6 pupils will learn about gymnastics, hockey, dodgeball and benchball. Gymnastics In gymnastics, they will use their knowledge of compositional principles e.g. how to use variations in speed, level and direction, how to combine and link actions, how to relate to partners and apparatus, to develop sequences that show an awareness of their audiences. Hockey In hockey, the pupils will develop the fundamental skills of dribbling passing and shooting in hockey. They will develop these skills through goal orientated drills in pairs and small groups. There will be a focus on positions and the pupils will learn this through small sided conditioned games. Dodgeball and Benchball In dodgeball and benchball, the pupils will learn about the rules of the game, tactical changes they can make during game play and take part in in conditioned versions of the game to develop their throwing, catching and decision-making skills.

Achievement with heart.

Year 6 Curriculum Overview Spring Term 2024

PSHE This term in PSHE we will be exploring the compulsory RSHE topics (relationships, sex and health education). Called Relationships and Changing Me in Jigsaw (the programme we use to support our PSHE curriculum and delivery). We will begin in the first half term with Relationships, which looks at the themes of mental health, love and loss, power and control, being online and assessing if something is real or fake, and using technology responsibly. In the Changing Me topic, we will look at self-image, puberty, babies – conception to birth, boyfriends and girlfriends, and your real self or ideal self. The topics are explored in an ageappropriate way, and all lesson plans and resources will be made available to parents at the start of each half term. Each of the lessons is delivered with a mindful approach, meaning there is time for thinking, discussing and reflecting. Due to the sensitive nature of the topics this term, teachers are encouraged to have an anonymous question box available for the children. There will also be time for boys and girls to split into separate groups for discussions.

Science Science at HCH is about investigation and teaching children to think like scientists. We attend the Science Laboratory, to carry out experiments, whenever possible. As technology has developed, it has allowed huge leaps in scientific understanding. Science has a large social impact, as it is enabling people to live longer and travel further, as well as to become socially aware of the impact that people have on our planet and therefore do something about it. At HCH not only do we teach the technical knowledge of science, but we also encourage the moral and social thinking behind the benefits it can bring to our global society and our planet. This 1st half term we will be learning about Living Things and their Habitats. The pupils will learn to recognise that classification across all living things is based upon observable characteristics, with organisms in the same group sharing a common set of characteristics that are unique to that group. In the 2nd half term, we will study Evolution and Inheritance focusing on how animals have adapted to live in different regions. Coupled with which they will look at fossils as evidence for how animals have evolved as well as researching the pioneers of evolution, namely Charles Darwin.

Achievement with heart.

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