Universidad Mariano Gálvez
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Dulce María A. Vargas Daetz Carné No. 5076-03-1679 Psychology
Dulce María A. Vargas Daetz
Carné No. 5076-03-1679
Learning Teaching and Educational Psychology Feb 14th. 2015.
In my experience , Students learn more when they do activities that they can apply in real life. As a teacher , I have to plan carefully for doing those activities . I have to provide real life experiences so they show interest in my class. Students act as facilitators of their inner motivation and facilitators who structure the learning environment in ways to involve and expand opportunities to students to feel secure and be able to share their knowledge and feelings with their classmates.
Dulce MarĂa A. Vargas Daetz
CarnĂŠ No. 5076-03-1679
Cognitive Development & Language Feb 21 st. 2015 Cognitive means what a person understands and acts . It is related to thinking . Neurons connect each other when we are learning something.
Neurons have specialized projections called dendrites and axons. Dendrites bring information to the cell body and axons take information away from the cell body.
Information from one neuron flows to another neuron across a synapse. Synapses can occur on axons and cell bodies.
Vygotsky´s major contributions Zone of Proximal Development
Difference between what child can do with & without help from an adult.
Teachers keep students in zone to achieve maximally.
Giving just enough help to achieve understanding
Students learn worse when told everything to do or when left alone to discover on their own.
Dulce María A. Vargas Daetz
Carné No. 5076-03-1679
In my experience , The concept is based on motivate students and make them independent . Students are able to build their own knowledge and make them meaningful. How do i apply it ? I provide my students an experience that let them predict , manipulate objects , reseach, imagine and invent. The concept of Vygotsky’s about the zone of proximal development is based on the idea
what a child can do
independently and what the child can do when is helped by a teacher. How do i apply it ? Cooperative learning activities in different levels who can help each other learn. Plan specific instructions to do activities for cooperative and personal work . Teacher gives hints to help students during their work.
“ My role as a teacher is to facilitate the process “
Dulce María A. Vargas Daetz
Carné No. 5076-03-1679
The Self Social and Moral Development Feb 28 th. 2015 Self development starts with observation of others and then develops into a general sense of self along with personal beliefs and attitudes. The environment where we grow up is influenced by behaviors, thoughts and feelings.
Social development is best explained using Urie Bronfenbrenner´s biological model of human development. His model contains 4 layers of interrelated contexts.
Moral Development It begins after a child develops a theory of ind at the age of two. Theory of mind is when a child realizes that other people are people too. After, the persepective taking ability develops and children will begin to understand how others think and feel. In my opinion, as a teacher , I encourage my students to place themselves in an another´s shoes. If there´s a problem in the classroom, I let students discuss about certain topic and I let them give solutions . I also increase confidence by taking notice of the small improvements of each student that makes in class. It is important to be a good listener to encourage my students to be a good listeners too. I respect their own opinion and feelings . The most important thing, I am opened to listen to my students´ suggestions because it makes me grow as a teacher and person. Video about Prep Students talk about Different Feelings https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=04Q_88zfY34
Dulce María A. Vargas Daetz
Carné No. 5076-03-1679
Learner Differences and Learning Needs March 7th. 2015 Learning comes in many different forms. Every student has a unique way of learning and different learning needs . Learning styles …
Can be controversial in regards to how it applies to learning.
Look how one prefers to learn.
Are influenced by the environment in which a students learn.
Relate to intellectual styles
Can increase student motivation and confidence during the learning process.
Classroom Application Creating a welcoming environment for learners to come into learning. Students need to feel safe , accepted and free to approach learning in a way that is relevant for them. Video of Teaching Strategies- Learning Styles https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oNxCporOofo
Dulce María A. Vargas Daetz
Carné No. 5076-03-1679
Learning disabilities Affects the way a person learns new things in any area of life, not just at school.
learning disability affects the way a person understands information and how they communicate. This means they can have difficulty :
Understanding new or complex information. Learning new skills. Coping idenpendently
What causes learning disabilities ? A learning disability happens when a person´s brain development is affected, either before they are born, during their birth or in early childhood. Sometimes there is no known cause for a learning disability. Video about What are Learning Disabilities https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_3ONz6TaKIk
Dulce María A. Vargas Daetz
Carné No. 5076-03-1679
In my own experience as Dyslexic person, It was pretty bad one. All through my School time, my parents thought I had problems with my learning and brought it up with a friend of them ( in that time I was in 8 th grade) My parents took me with the best Psychology in that time and she found out I had Severe Dyslexia . My teachers always dismissed their concerns saying I was lazy and not applying myself. It has been only at college while doing better. I´m so grateful with you, Licda . Any Luna because you were concerned about my learning disability and you gave me the opportunity to take other type of assessment where I could apply my knowledge in a different way. It is important as a teacher to be concern about your students learning styles and learning disabilities. Video about Notice some signs of Learning Disability https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dtmrXsWRKZE
“Everybody is a genious, but if you judge a fish by it´s ability to climb a tree, It will live its whole life believing that it is stupid” - Albert Einstein.
Dulce María A. Vargas Daetz
Carné No. 5076-03-1679
Culture and Diversity March 21st. 2015 What is Culture ? Beliefs you share with others, the food you eat, the clothes you wear, the tradition you share with others, language, music, dancing, art we create, things we learn, religion. Eventhough our cultures are different we are all still people with families that share the same earth. How does this relate to education ? Teachers and diverstity 76% of teachers said that diversity was covered in their coursework 39% said the training heped a lot with 52% sayin it only helped “ a litte”. No other factor in this study showed suach a large disparity between training and its effectiveness. ( source: Teaching in Changing times )
Classroom Management and Diverse Classrooms Both are repeatedly named as high areas of concern for all teachers. “Culturally responsive classroom managers possess a mind-set to conceive and implement a set of responsive practices...” There is no magical set of practices or strategies that can be directly asserted. (source: Urban Education)
In my opinion, teachers have to know their students where they are, posturing ourselves as a teachers for action and we have to keep in mind that cultural change doesn´t forget where it has come from, but embraces knowledge and action of where it is going. Video about Culture Diversity https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZDvLk7e2Irc
Dulce María A. Vargas Daetz
Carné No. 5076-03-1679
Behavioral Views of Learning March 28th. 2015 Learning It´s the act of acquiring new, or modifying and reinforcing existing knowledge, behaviors, skills, values, or preferences and may involve synthesizing different types of information. Behavioral Learning Theories Explanation of learning that focus on external events as the cause of changes is observable Behaviors. PAVLOV´S EXPERIMENT
Dulce María A. Vargas Daetz
Carné No. 5076-03-1679
Video about Big Bang Theory-Operant Conditioning https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mt4N9GSBoMI
In my opinion, as a teacher , I have to give my students immediate feedback, break down the taks into small steps, repeat the directions as many times as possible , start working from the most simple to the most complicate tasks, vice positive reinforcement because it makes more effective in changing behavior then punishment. We have to adjust them depending of the age of the students.
Dulce MarĂa A. Vargas Daetz
CarnĂŠ No. 5076-03-1679
Cognitive Views of Learning April 11th. 2015 Learning is natural . Learning takes place in the mind . It involves the formation of mental representations of the elements of a task and the discovery of how these elements are related.
Learning = growth of dendrites
Students comes with knowledge , skills and related experiences to the learning situation. Piaget, Bloom , Bruner and Ausubel focused on different cognitive conditions that impact on learning.
In my opinion, students should :
be assigned tasks that are age and stage appropriate.
Be encouraged to discover solutions.
Be actively engaged in making sense of the language input through meaningful tasks & learning.
Learn from errors.
As a teacher , I have to enhance the meaningfulness of new material to increase the chances of its being anchored to what is already known, new material must be organized to be easily relatable to what is already known and be appropriately sequenced to facilitate integration. It facilitates the learning process by providing ideas to which the new knowledge can be attached.
Dulce María A. Vargas Daetz
Carné No. 5076-03-1679
Complex Cognitive Processes April 18th. 2015 Cognition Mental process and abilities in which people engage on daily basis such as memory learning , problem solving, evaluation , reasoning and decision making. Metacognition How we monitor and control our own mental process.
In my opinion, as a teacher , my job is forste an environment for creative work and I believe the following five strategies are useful for teachers : 1. Problem based learning 2. Play music while they are working 3. Feedback 4. Let students experiment . 5. Let students use their creativity and imagination.
Video of Complex Cognitive Processes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FcuG_YEap7M
Dulce MarĂa A. Vargas Daetz
CarnĂŠ No. 5076-03-1679
The Learning Sciences and Constructivism April 25th. 2015 Constructivism Learners are actively involved in a process of meaning and knowledge construction while they are receiving information. Learners are the makers of meaning and knowledge.
COLLABORATIVE LEARNING Collaborative learning is a method of teaching and learning in which students team together to explore a significant question or create a meaningful project.
In my experience , It is important to teach students how to work in a collaborative way. It helps them to actively participate, each student will learn to repect others opinion and they will be interest on the topic. It helps them to challenge themselves, share their knowledge and learn skills for solving problems when they arise . Their goals woud be clearly identified and they will research for more information to be clear about the topic.
Video about Comparing Traditional Teaching & Constructivism https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OuOXkM28llc
Dulce MarĂa A. Vargas Daetz
CarnĂŠ No. 5076-03-1679
Social Cognitive Views of Learning and Motivation May 9th. 2015 Bringing all together :
Constructivism : First understand and make sense of the material.
Cognitive Information Processing : Remember what they understood
Behavioral : Practice and apply what was understood
Social Cognitive : Take charge of their own learning.
Video about Social Cognitive Views of Learning and Motivation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q4-fdPdCdrE
In my own experience,
I prepare my
students to be lifelong. Students have to combine knowledge & motivation to learn and be able to learn independently and effectively.
Dulce María A. Vargas Daetz
Carné No. 5076-03-1679
Motivation in Learning and Teaching May 16th. 2015
Before the course begins, teacher has to give a questionnaire asking the following questions : 1. What kind of class work do you prefer ? ( group, pair or individual ) 2. What kind of class activities do you prefer ? ( discussions, projects or lectures) 3. What sort of materials do prefer to learn with ? ( books, handouts, videos, games, etc ). In my own experience,There are so
4. What kind of feedback do you prefer?
many strategies that can help
( individual or group feedback), correction of
teachers to promote, enhance and
every mistake or general summary of
maintain learner autonomy and they can apply them in order to maximise
students potential on their classroom and develop their skills for lifelong learning.
Dulce MarĂa A. Vargas Daetz
CarnĂŠ No. 5076-03-1679
Creating Learning Environments May 23rd. 2015 What is Classroom Management? •
It’s effective discipline
It’s being prepared for class
It’s motivating your students
It’s providing a safe, comfortable learning environment
It’s building your students’ self esteem
It’s being creative and imaginative in daily lessons
Students misbehave for several reasons: • •
They are bored. They don’t know the purpose of your presentation.
• •
They don’t understand how the information that you are delivering applies to them.
Instruction is uninteresting
• •
The pace of the instruction is incorrect (too fast, or too slow). Not enough interaction between and among peers.
Classroom management 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
Proximity /Seating arrangement Choosing Rules and Procedures Pairing students/student group work Instruction delivery The Whiteboard The lesson plan (starting your class) Teacher talk vrs. Student talk
In my own experience as a teacher, Students and teacher can work together to help each other on their own learning. We can share goals, support efforts , and believe that everyone makes an important contribution to classroom learning. Teachers have to set reasonable limits on students´ classroom behavior like establish and enforce rules . We have to teach strategies for organizing students time and work to students that have behavioral problems. It´s important to keep in touch regularly with students´ parents , sharing information about the progress that students are making and coordinating efforts at school.
Dulce María A. Vargas Daetz
Carné No. 5076-03-1679
Classroom Assessment, Grading and Standardized Testing June 6th. 2015 Video of Classroom Assessment, Grading and Standarized Testing https://prezi.com/76wiexhzzwvp/chapter-15-classroom-assessment-grading-and-standardized-testing/
Classroom Assessment All the processes involved in making decisions about students´ learning progress. It´s more than just grades and tests.
Types of Assessments Diagnostic assessment : Graded before learning but not taken in consideration in final grade and it is useful to understand what´s going on to take an action. Formative assessment : Graded during the lesson but not taken in consideration in final grade and It can make changes before the actual exam. Summative assessment: graded during the lesson or at the end and It is taken in consideration in final grade. Key : Prepare students to be apply during the process.
In my experience, I use different types of assessments to help my students to develop learning management skills, to reduce feelings of impotence, to increase understanding and ability to think . It also increase long term memory & students can feel motivate to continue learning. It is important for me as a teacher to motivate my students to research for more information and to apply their meaningful learning on their assessments and make them feel secure and excited about English language.
Dulce María A. Vargas Daetz
Carné No. 5076-03-1679