Teaching Techniques II E-PORTFOLIO
Dulce María A. Vargas Daetz Carné : 5076-03-1679
This portfolio contained all the information ,works, mind maps, essays & reflections about Teaching Techniques class. Throughout the course we have learned & explored the research methods, techniques & strategies about teaching different areas of English language.
1. Approach , method & Techniques.
* Bloom´s taxanomy ppt * Lesson Planning, * Competences * Summary of Chapter 1,2,3 & 4 . * Videos * Reflection about the topics
2. .Twelve Principles * Cooperative Learning * Twelve Principles mind map * Summary of Chapter 5 & 6 * Videos * Reflection about the topics
3. Syllabus
4. Teaching Speaking & Pronuntiation
* PowerPoint Presentation * How to teach a young introvert ? * Summary of chapter 9 & 10. * Documents * Reflection about the topic * PowerPoint Presentation * Document * Mind map * Reflection about the topics.
5. Teaching Listening & Vocabulary.
E x
* PowerPoint Presentation * Document * Mind map * Reflection about the topics.
6. Teaching Reading & Writing * PowerPoint Presentation * Document * Mind map * Video * Reflection about the topics.
7. General Comments about the Course. 8. Conclusion 9. Annexes
Approach , method & techniques Videos of Classroom Management
Teacher s make dif f er ence Pr oven Classr oom management t ips & st r at egies St udent s engagement & mot ivat ion st r at egies & t ips David Spade uses classr oom management ! Hear t of Teacher
Approach-method-technique Revised-blooms-taxonomy Lesson-planning Competencies-activity
blooms-taxonomy-action-verbs New-lesson-plan-umg-2014 Official-student-lesson-plan-2014-done Planning-questions-to-consider Competences
Essay Lesson-plan Lesson Plan2 Summary-of-chapter-1-2-3-4 from-methodology-in-language-teaching
pics these to t u o b a ed improve ave learn o h t i s t d a e h e W rn day by s a teache e t u a h iq t n h e ar te c ers work ethods & h c m a r e e t h t / ha his will let portant t it im o s s ´ s It n pla day. eir daily tudents s h t ir h e it h t w e r to hard ach bett o r erstand p d p n a u m o e t h t em l h e l p th il ow w It d n a ces & kn o n ie r e p x o he lp s t e s l ´ a s t t n I e . d u em st about th way with g n i h t y r e eve a affectiv in t c e n con . students
Twelve Principles Videos Presentation
Cooperative Learning Active engagement strategies for success ACTIVE ENGAGEMENT STRATEGIES FOR SUCCE
principles of education
Teaching-techniques-12-twelve-principles Cooperative-learning-techniques-1-video (Summary) Summary-of-chapter-5-and-6
REFLECTI ON What i have lear ned about t his t opic is t hat st udent s act as f acilit at or s of t heir inner mot ivat ion and f acilit at or s who st r uct ur e t he lear ning envir onment in ways t o involve and expand oppor t unit ies t o st udent s t o f eel secur e and be able t o shar e t heir knowledge and f eelings wit h t heir classmat es.
Syllabus REF LEC TI O N
Syllabus-designing how-to-teach-a-young-introvert ?
The-elt-curriculum Syllabus-template summary-of-chapter-9-10 Introvert-mind map
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Teaching Speaking & Pronuntiation
Teaching-speaking-and pronunciation
how-to-teach-speaking how-to-teach-pronunciation
is that if ic p o t is th , ed about nguage n a r l a le a e v a he What i h to learn ents to t s t d n u a t s w e h to someone ve to exposure t otivate m a l h e s e f to teacher e chance so they h t e e v g a a h u and lang with it e t a ic n u comm use it. practice ic t n e h t e au fe o provid real li t e r v o a f h s Teacher students practice s e ( r a p e s r , that p situation class ) n n i io t a n ic o i n iat . commu pronunt ful tasks g & in n a g e m speakin ities and iv t c a c i t authen
Teaching Listening & Vocabulary
REFLECTI ON What i have learned about this topic is that Teachers have to provide authentic practice that prepares students for real life communication situations ( practice speaking in class ), authentic activities and meaningful tasks. Teachers also have to help their students to develop the ability to produce appropriate grammar, specific context and comprehensible pronuntiation .
Teaching Reading & Writing TI ON REFLEC
Activate-teaching forschools reading & writing
Homework Teaching-reading-writing
Video Teaching writing & reading
t these u o b a d e n to pay ave lear e h v i a t h a s h r W t teache a h t les, the e y r t a s s g c i n i p to out learn evel of the b a n o i t re , l atten u t c e e l e h of t propriat p a e h t content o choose est of t r , e g t n n i i n e r h t lea o at keep h t s l a i r ethods t m e mate s u rent and e s f r f i e d n r d a a e e the l ners to r r a e l e g encoura genre. types of e av nces) h e t n e f s ( cture pends o e u r d t t s i , e gs Th meanin t ents are n e m r e e l f e e dif s when a xt. Tho d e t n i n o m c in the to have . t n a t r o nguage a l imp a s e teach teacher
General Comments about the course I really enjoy this class and the opportunity of improving as a teacher during this semester. Â I think the program , the presentations , the activities & teaching techniques that the professor use in the classroom are very interesting because It gave me a chance to implement my knowledge & my ideas to solve my real life situation as a teacher. It makes me improve my creativity & thoughtful ideas. Â I also think the final project was really unique because it was a helpful tool to reflect about what I have learned in this course
As a teacher and leader , I have to improve my methods & combine them to guide in a better way my students . It´s important to focus & apply the right methods depending which learners do I have and I have to plan different activities so each student can apply his/her knowledge depends of his/her learning style. I also have to apply what I just learned during this semester to keep seeking for more information to enriched & update my knowledge every day .
Annexes 1. Methodology in Language Teaching book – 2002. 2. PowerPoint Presentations Made by Students & Professor .2014 3. Inspirational Videos Resources :
What makes a great teacher ! I am a teacher video Thank you teacher : A tales from a teacher´s heart video
Extra material Helpf ul Tools
25-alternatives-of-saying-greatCreative-commons Deductive-and-inductive-method-of-teaching
I nspirational Videos What makes a great teacher ! I am a teacher video Message from students Thank you teacher : A tales from a teacher´s heart video