Medical Procedures and First Aid Policy
POLICY NAME Medical Procedures and First Aid Policy
Nurse Room Operation
• The Nurses’ Room will be open between 7.45am to 4.45pm every Monday to Friday.
• The Nurse will have her lunch between 12.00pm and 1.00pm. Any pressing cases during this break should be referred to the Receptionist who will contact the nurse immediately.
• If the Nurse has to leave the room during the school day, the Nurse’s telephone number is on her door or ask Reception to contact the Nurse for you
Care of medicines
• All medicines must be kept in a lockable cabinet or fridge away from the children.
• Do not leave any medicine on your desk or in the classrooms.
• The medicine should be clearly labelled with the child’s name and class, along with the amount and frequency of the dosage.
• It is the responsibility of the parent/guardian* to collect this medicine from you at the end of the day.
Administering medicine
• You may administer any medicine sent in by the parents if the Medication Permission Slip has been completed or you have phoned the parent to check. Doctor’s prescription must be attached t the Medication Permission Slip.
• No other medicine should be administered at school, unless first obtaining the parent’s consent.
• The medicine will be kept in the Nurse’s room (see above)
• Make a note of the time and dosage for the medicines to be taken during the course of the school day.
• If a child has not come to the Nurses’ room to take the medicine, please inform the class teacher or ask reception to call them.
• Please attend to children who require first aid before administering the routine medication.
Recording Treatment
• Any treatment or medicine you give to the child should be recorded in the Nurses’ Daily Log in iSams: the time the child arrived in the Nurses’ room, details of sign and symptoms, the treatment or medicine (with parent’s permission) given to the child and whether they went home or returned to the class.
• A note should also be sent to the child’s teacher explaining the above treatment, so that this can be passed onto the parent.
• The teacher will place this note in the child’s Home-School Diary.
• If a nurse suspects that a child may need to seek further medical attention after school, please call the parents directly – or ask Reception to do so – so that we know for sure that the notification has been received.
• Please hand the note directly to the parent if they collect a child from the Nurses’ room.
Head injuries
• If a child receives head injury with a lump, bruise, or suspected concussion, you or/and on-duty school staff should inform the parents. The Nurse or Reception will also notify the Head of School and the class teacher. A note should also be sent home with the child. In case of mild head bump, a teacher notification note will be sent to the class teacher to observe the child in the classroom if he/she shows any kind of head injury signs in the classroom.
Student in the Nurses’ Room
• Student must present a teacher’s permission slip to visit the Nurse’s office. An adult should accompany Nursery to Year 2 student to visit the Nurse’s office.
• If you keep a child in the Nurses’ Room, ask Reception to inform the class teacher giving brief details of the injury/sickness.
• Any child diagnosed with a contagious condition (e.g. conjunctivitis, measles, chicken pox, head lice etc.), or has a fever of more than 38 degrees C., must stay in the Nurses’ room to be sent home until the parent collect their child.
• If you wish to isolate any children with contagious conditions, you can ask other sick children to wait in another area until they are discharged from your custody i.e. Isolation area, School Office, Library, classroom as appropriate.
• In case of fire alarms or emergency evacuation procedures, take your patients to the evacuation areas (see fire drill/emergency evacuation procedures).
Contacting Parents
• If a child has any contagious conditions, a persistent fever or is not well enough to re-join their class after a period of time in the Nurses’ room (approx. 30 minutes), the parents should be contacted and asked to take the child home.
• Offer an opportunity for the older students to lead and mentor the younger ones.
1. Call the parents and give the following message:
“I am the nurse calling from Dulwich College Seoul. __________ (name of child) is in the Nurses’ room with ______________ (give details of the medical problem). Please can you collect your child as soon as possible from ____________ (location). If you need to contact me again please call _________________ (your number) or call Reception on ext. 500.
2. Inform the relevant teacher, PLT, and Reception that you have called the parents, giving the name and medical condition of the child.
3. Once the parent arrives to collect their child, give them signed ‘Early Leave Form’ to present to the security office.
Injuries on the playground or field
• If the nature of the injury is severe and the child cannot be moved, the teacher must call for the Nurse.
• The teacher or assistant must stay with the child if they cannot be moved. They should ask a nearby adult to get the nurse. Failing that, they should get a responsible child to tell the Nurse or contact the nearest adult.
• If the child can be moved, then an adult must escort them to the Nurses’ room.
• As the teacher or assistant is likely to be in sole charge of a group, they will need to take all other activity children with them if escorting a child to the Nurse. If on duty, they should inform other teachers to cover your absence.
• In case of major injuries, the teacher or assistant should fill out Accident Report and notify the parent to explain what and how the accident happened. Nurse also will notify the parent about the treatment given to the child.
• Minor injuries may be sent to the Nurse with a friend from Y3 upwards. However, this must be limited to scratches and other very minor injuries.
Medical incidents requiring a visit to the hospital
• If a child needs to be taken to the hospital you must call Reception to order an ambulance or transport. If you cannot leave the child, ask another adult to call for transport.
• Stay with the child unless you are certain that no further medical treatment is required.
• Call and report the ambulance medical professional giving details of the injury/illness. This must be done immediately.
• Call the child’s parents as soon as you can and give the name of the child, nature of injury/illness and the hospital they were taken too.
• Inform the Head of School of the child’s name and illness/injury.
• Reception will call the parents and hospital if you have to stay with the child.
• Never send the child to the hospital alone. If the child requires continued medical attention, accompany the child to the hospital and inform the Head of School. Otherwise, ensure that another responsible adult accompanies the child (i.e. teacher or teaching assistant.)
*The College recognizes that a range of different family members and other caretakers may be responsible for the welfare of a child. Nevertheless, for the ease of simplicity these will be referred to as parents in this document.
First Aid
• All school staff (academic and support) must have first aid training and update their training every year.
• All PE staff must update first aid training each year
• A register of First aid trained teacher is held by the CPD lead teacher and nurse
First Aid Kits & ADE
• Teachers need to book the first aid kits through sharepoint.
• First aid kits must be taken on all trips.
• Wall-attached First aid kits are on every floor. ADE (Automated External Defibrillator) is in the foyer and swimming pool.
Dulwich College Seoul Management for Medical Problems
Any medical problem should be assessed by College nurse who will decide on the suitable course of action.
College community
Name Office and cell phone
College Nurse Christine Kim
Main Number 02 -3015-8520
Mobile Number 010 -2075-7990
Headmaster Gudmundur Jonsson
Main Number 02-3015-8505
Mobile Number 010-6532-8505
Administration Director Paul Smith
Main Number 02-3015-8540
Mobile Number 010-4663-1969
Head of Primary Jane Smith
Main Number 02-3015-8509
Mobile Number 010-4211-8509
Medical Service
Ambulance: 119 (School phone: 9-119)
St Mary’s 24hr emergency medical centre 02-2258-2003/2005
B1 Cafeteria area 1F Foyer (& AED) EYFS 2F Between art classrooms 3F Beside fire hydrant Room 310, 316,317, 319, 320, 322 4F Beside counselling office Room 410, 417, 419
Head of Senior School Suzanne Pugh
Main Number 02-3015-8507
Mobile Number 010-6886-8507
5F Beside 504 Pool manager office (& AED)
Main Guard Number 02-3015-8530