DCI Social Media Group Policy

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DCI Social Media Group Policy

POLICY NAME Social Media




# DCIAMC 005

DCI Group Marketing and Communication Director (ex. DCL)

Safeguarding; AMC; Critical Incident


EFFECTIVE DATE 1 December 2016

LAST REVIEWED From April 2016







Running and Monitoring

1 August 2017

Associate Directors of Marketing and Communication

Director of Marketing and Communication; Director of Schools

• All social media sites of the Colleges and International High Schools must be approved by the Director or Head of AMC, the Headmaster and each school’s CLT. Sites must be set up from an official College email address/profile and there must be an administrator and a moderator (see online application form ).

• Monitoring of College social media sites must be undertaken by at least two members of staff within the College. Monitoring of sites must take place on a daily basis by the site administrator and any concerns must be flagged up immediately to the school’s AMC leader. This may need to be further escalated to the Headmaster and group Director of Marketing and Communication.

• If negative comments are made about the College or any of its staff or students on a College social media site the Director/Head of AMC should be informed immediately.

DCI Social Media Group Policy


• College social media sites should carry the approved Dulwich College logotype and/or crest and staff should obtain the correct protocols from their AMC department before setting up a College social media site. Staff will have the freedom to customise College social media sites within the group’s brand and style guidelines.


• An individual’s name should not be included in a College social media site name, URL, username or in conjunction with a photo.

• College social media site names should reflect site content or department and include reference to the College (Dulwich College (city) or DC (city) as character limits allow).


• Staff may be members of private groups with College students only in the Senior School or International High School i.e. from Year 7 and above (from Year 10 for International High Schools), provided a minimum of two members of staff are present within the group. Private groups for students in Junior School and DUCKS are not allowed.

• Staff must exercise due discretion and caution about appropriate choice of photos and ensure students whose photos may not be used for publishing either in print or online are not used or published by participants on the site. The names of the students must be checked with AMC, who are responsible for the collection and maintenance of this data. Staff must think responsibly about who they follow, “like” and connect with when acting either on behalf of the College or in their personal webspace or on their personal sites.

• Student names may not be used in full on any College sites; first names only may be used.

• As a general rule, no item may be published on a social media site th at could not be published in a College publication or on the website.

DCI Social Media Group Policy

1. Introduction

Dulwich College International recognises the immense benefits that the internet and social media can bring to marketing and communication and working practices and we welcome their contribution to the educational experience of the students.

The principles set out in this policy are designed to ensure that the personal and professional lives of staff remain separate and that social media is used responsibly so that the confidentiality of students and staff is maintained and the reputation of t he Dulwich College International group is protected.

2. Scope

2.1 This policy applies to Dulwich College International group, all staff, trainees, volunteers, casual workers, agency workers and other individuals who work for the group. These individuals are collectively referred to as ‘staff’ in this policy.

2.2 This policy covers personal use of social media, where the reputation of Dulwich College International group may be harmed as well as the use of social media for official College purposes, including sites hosted and maintained on behalf of each College or International High School.

3. Related Policies

The following College policies shall apply in conjunction with this policy with regard to the use of social media:

• Dulwich College International Code of Conduct for Employees

• The Responsible Use Policy

• Safeguarding Policy

• College Acceptable Use of ICT Policy

• Creating a Social Media Site

• AMC Policy

• Critical Incident Policy

DCI Social Media Group Policy

4. Definitions

For the purposes of this Policy:

• Dulwich College International (DCI) refers to the group, which comprises DCMI, DCMAP, the international Colleges and International High Schools.

• Head of AMC refers to the Director of AMC or CLT member responsible for the marketing and communication function, Director or Head of Marketing and Communication, or Head of AMC.

• the term ‘social media’ means websites and applications that allow users to create and share content and/or take part in online networking, including without limitation Facebook, Instagram, blogs, microblogs such as Twitter, chatrooms, WeChat, forums, podc asts, open access online encyclopaedias such as Wikipedia, social bookmarking sites such as del.icio.us and content sharing sites such as flickr, LinkedIn and YouTube.

• the term “College social media site” means a social media site that is set up by a member of staff during the course of their work for the Colleg e or International High School and to which students have access.

5. Principles - Be Professional, Responsible and Respectful

5.1 All interactions relating to the College that take place between members of staff and other people associated with the College should occur in an open and transparent way.

5.2 Staff should not post comments on social media that may damage the reputation of the College. Particular care should be taken when a member of staff’s private views conflict with statements made by the College or DCI.

5.3 Staff must not represent their personal views as those of their school or DCI.

5.4 Staff must not use social media: (a) to make disparaging comments about the College or any of its staff or students or their families; (b) to harass or bully or unlawfully discriminate against another member of staff; (c) to make false or misleading statements about the College or any of its staff or students or their families; (d) to impersonate another member of staff or infringe in any other way the relevant laws; (e) undertake any commercial activity, advertising, trading, sale, auction or commercial referral; or (f) use the site as a forum for expressing personal grievance or seek personal vendetta.

5.5 Staff must think responsibly about who they follow, “like” and connect with when acting either on behalf of the College or in their personal web space.

DCI Social Media Group Policy

5.6 Before referring to a colleague by name or posting a photograph that they are in on social media, staff s hould consider whether they ought to obtain permission first. If a colleague asks a staff member to remove a comment about them or photograph of them on social media, the staff member should do so immediately.

5.7 Staff may be required to remove any social media content that the College considers to constitute a breach of this policy or any applicable law or any applicable College policies as may be amended from time to time including those set out in section 3 abov e.

5.8 Staff who see social media content that disparages or reflects poorly on the College or any of its staff or students, should speak to the Head of AMC.

6. Using Social Media on Behalf of Dulwich College

6.1 Staff may only use official College sites (i.e. those branded as Dulwich College International schools or approved by Dulwich College International) for workrelated purposes.

6.2 All College social media sites should be monitored by at least two members of staff within the relevant department. This should include an administrator and a moderator (see application form for details).

6.3 All College social media sites should carry the relevant College logotype and or crest and staff should obtain the correct protocols and/or design frameworks from AMC before setting up a social media site. Staff will have the freedom to customise sites within the AMC brand and style guidelines to provide consistency across the various College social media sites and within the group

6.4 An individual’s name should not be included in a College social media site name, URL or username.

6.5 College social media site names should reflect site content or department and include reference to the College (Dulwich College (city) or DC (city) as character limits allow). Examples of good practice:

• https://twitter.com/DCSART

• https://twitter.com/DCBAlleynHouse

• https://twitter.com/DCSZShackleton

DCI Social Media Group Policy

6.6 There must be a strong pedagogical reas on or strong reason to foster a community environment for creating College social media sites to communicate with students or others. Staff must not create College social media sites for trivial or other reasons, which could expose the College to unwelcome publicity or cause reputational damage. The approved social media sites are: WeChat, WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn. A YouTube channel for the group exists with separate channels for each school. Other social media sites can be considered, but their use has to be approved by the Headmaster and the group Director of Marketing and Communication in advance. Please be aware of the legal framework in your location regarding acceptable social media sites as local laws may apply about operation of these sites.

6.7 College social media sites must be created and managed according to the requirements specified in the ‘Creati ng a Social Media Site’ document.

6.8 Staff must not disclose on College social media sites personal information about students, parents, staff and other professionals they interact with as part of their job (including personal phone numbers, emails and other contact details).

6.9 Information about the purpose, audience and administration of a College social media site must be included when submitting an Application Form to set up a new site.

6.10 Staff should have regard to the terms and conditions of social media service providers, for example with regard to minimum age requirements and other relevant local legislation

6.11 Monitoring of social media activities must take place on a daily basis or more frequently in the case of a significant issue or incident by the si te administrator and any concerns must be flagged up immediately to AMC.

6.12 Staff must exercise due discretion and caution about appropriate choice of photos for College social media sites and be aware of the students whose photos may not be used for publishing either in print or online. The same caution should be exercised with respect to photos published by participants on the social media site. The names of the students can be found in the School Offices and the information is entered into SIMS.

6.13 If negative comments are made about the College or any of its staff or students on a College social media site the Head of AMC should be informed immediately.

6.14 Staff must be gracious about other schools when they post comments on a College social media site about competitive events (both in victory and defeat or of the quality of organisation).

DCI Social Media Group Policy

6.15 Websites or social media sites created by parents e.g. class reps or FOD to facilitate communications between the school, students and parents are not directly managed by the College. However, they should be subject to occasional review to ensure best practice. Parents and FOD representatives should receive copies of this policy and guidelines to help in the management of their sites or platforms. Significant breaches should be referred to the Head of College for review and action.

7. Personal Use of Social Media

7.1 A member of staff should not use personal social media to communicate with (and should politely decline ‘friend requests’ received from):

(a) any current student of Dulwich College; or

(b) any former student of Dulwich College and Dulwich College International (unless they have completed their secondary education at least 3 months previously); or

(c) a current student of one of the staff member’s previous schools; or

(d) a former student of one of the staff member’s previous schools (unless they have completed their secondary education at least 3 months previously)

except (in each case) where the current or former student in question is a family member.

7.2 Staff must no t contact current Dulwich College or Dulwich College International students by means of personal social media sites after their employment by the College ends.

7.3 Staff should remember that postings may be copied and pasted elsewhere, that many 'private' social media sites still have a wide audience and that privacy settings on social media sites may vary from time to time.

7.4 Staff must not use Dulwich College International logos or branding in their personal web space (except on LinkedIn or equivalent site).

7.5 A member of staff should not have any social media contact with the family of any College student if that contact is likely to create a conflict of interest or call into question his/her objectivity (except where the staff member is a member of the student ’s family).

7.6 Private information, which a member of staff has access to as part of their employment (including information about students, their families, staff or the College), must not be discussed on their personal web space. (For these purposes, inf ormation is considered private if it is not freely available to the public on the College’s website or Parent Portal.)

DCI Social Media Group Policy

7.7 The following rules apply in relation to the use of images (whether photographic, video or other) in a staff member’s personal web space:

(a) Images of a College student may not be used without the consent of the student’s parents.

(b) Images whose main subject is staff wearing uniform or clothing with College logos may not be used without the consent of the Head of AMC or Headmaster.

(c) Images of sensitive areas of College buildings may not be used (e g bedrooms, dormitories, changing rooms, toilets, showers, bathrooms and medical facilities).

7.8 Staff must not edit online encyclopaedias such as Wikipedia in a personal capacity when logged on t o the College network. This is because the source of the correction will be recorded as if it comes from the employer’s IP address.

7.9 Staff must exercise caution and appropriate professional judgment when they follow, “like” or connect with work colleagues on personal social networking sites. Social networking sites blur the line between work and personal lives and it may be difficult to maintain professional relationships or it might be embarrassing if too much personal information is known in the work place.

7.10 Staff are strongly advised to ensure that they set the privacy levels of their personal sites as strictly as they can and to opt out of public listings on social networking sites to protect their own privacy. Staff should keep their passwords confidential and ensure they change them often.

7.11 Staff should never provide references for other individuals on social or professional networking sites (including LinkedIn), without the prior knowledge of the Headmaster or relevant Head of School, because such references, positive and negative, may be attributed to the College and create legal liability for both the author of the reference and the College.

7.12 College email addresses and other official College contact details must not be used for setting up new personal social media accounts.

7.13 Adequate copyright acknowledgement must be included where postings involve quotations and excerpts from works belonging to others. This includes publication by or under the auspices of the College.

DCI Social Media Group Policy

8. Monitoring of College Social Media Sites

8.1 Dulwich College International group monitors usage of its social media (whether accessed on site or remotely) without prior notification or authorisation from users.

8.2 Users of Dulwich College International group email and internet and social media services should have no expectation of privacy in anything they create, store, send or receive using the College’s ICT system.

9. Legal Framework and Breaches of the Policy

9.1 All individuals working for the College are bound by a legal duty to protect confidential information to which they have access to during the course of their work. Posting confidential information on social media would be a breach of that duty.

9.2 Staff s hould be aware that other laws (including libel, defamation, discrimination, harassment and copyright) may also expose them to liability when they post information on social media and that (in addition) the College may be held vicariously liable for wrongf ul acts committed by staff during the course of their employment.

9.3 Any breach of this policy may lead to disciplinary action being taken against the staff member(s) involved.

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