Walk Alone Permission: Leaving School Unaccompanied by an Adult
Option 1 : for Year 4,5,6
All students in Year 4, 5, and 6 may walk or cycle home unaccompanied from the school at the end of the school day if written permission is received from parents
Option 2 : for Year 3
Senior School siblings(Year 7 to above)may collect and accompany Year3 siblings to walk home.
To allow your children to commute between school and home by themselves (walk/cycle), please fill out the form below. Teachers in responsibility will be informed accordingly.
Please return this form to the Reception / School Administrator at school@dulwichseoul.kr as soon as possible. Your child will not be allowed to leave the College until we have received this completed form.
Nursery to Year 2 pupils must be collected by parents or legal guardians.
Year 3 pupils may be accompanied by Senior School Siblings with given permission. (see option 2)
Walk Alone Permission: Leaving School Unaccompanied by an Adult
Student Name: Year Level / Class:
Option1 : for Year 4, 5, 6
I hereby give permission for my child, named above, to walk or cycle alone to/from school.
My child travels to and from school by :
Walk Cycle
Option 2 : for Year 3
I hereby give permission for my Year 3 child to be collected by Senior School Siblings (Year 7 to above).
• Name of Senior School Sibling :
Parent/Guardian's Name :
Parent/Guardian's Signature : Date :