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Welcoming 2023 (Book Review
Book Review By Hoong May Ann, PJN7
Iwas reading the last few chapters of The Good and Beautiful Life when I received the invitation to write what I felt about this book. I chuckled to myself and responded with a resounding “Yes” in my heart.
I have been greatly blessed by this series.
The Good and Beautiful LIFE
The Good and Beautiful Life is the second book in the Apprentice Series by James Bryan Smith. It is a sequel to The Good and Beautiful God. But if you have not read the first one, rest assured. Although this may be a sequel, it holds its own weight.
Right at the beginning, James blew my mind with this statement (paraphrased):
“We all want to be happy. When we find that we “We all want to be happy. aren’t, have you stopped to consider if what we When we find that we aren’t, have you think will make us happy is a false narrative (a lie) stopped to consider if what we think will by which we have been living?” make us happy is a false narrative (a lie)
by which we have been living?”
Chapter after chapter, James unpacks some false narratives we could be operating under. And then he counters them with Jesus’ narratives, truths based on the Sermon on the Mount.
Narratives dealing with anger, lust, deception, worrying, judging, to name a few.
There are questions to consider within each chapter. The questions are not too hard, but you may end up tearing your hair out! Take your time with this book – consider and reflect on each question honestly.
There are also suggested applications after every chapter that are not difficult at all to begin doing. And begin we must. Not only to just begin but to engage in the discipline of doing it every day, every time.
Journaling helps and is recommended, in fact. Journal your wins and your no-wins.
As I read, I began to see the Sermon on the Mount from a whole new perspective. I found myself nodding and tearing at some parts. I found my spirit being overwhelmed with such a shift I had to put the book down and be still before God. I found my soul so filled to the brim with His love I just lifted my arms, book still in hand.
Let me give you another excerpt from the book (rephrased in my own words) that touched my heart, taken from Chapter 10: Learning to Live Without Worry.
“God is working with me, and his kingdom pace is one day at a time. He has wisely ordered and measured what I can handle (today). Adding tomorrow’s problems to today’s is (futile). (Why do I still do so?)”
When I read this, something about it just made sense in me. Now, I discipline myself to focus on my present moment and experience
more of God in the now when I find my mind wandering anxiously and aimlessly. I know He has made this day and that even at this moment, He holds me in the palm of His loving hands. And He will be with me too when my tomorrow becomes my now. I can surrender my worries.
It is a book you will want to read – savour slowly and digest well. May you be richly blessed with all the nutrients packed within. It may be the start of a great journey towards a good and beautiful life.
It begins now…