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General information
Headoffice Ethimo Italy
N° 6 Via La Nova, 01030 — Vitorchiano VT (Italy) tel +39 0761 300 444 e-mail info@ethimo.com www.ethimo.com
Ethimo reserves the right to make slight variations (dimensions or details) to the products presented in the catalogue due to improvements or technological adaptation. The colour of the product images could be slightly different from reality due to photographic and printing resolution.
Ethimo si riserva di apportare lievi variazioni (misure o dettagli) ai prodotti presentati in catalogo per ragioni migliorative o di adeguamento tecnologico. Il colore dei prodotti presentati nelle immagini potrebbe essere lievemente difforme dalla realtà a causa della resa fotografica e di stampa.
ISO 9001 / UNI EN ISO 9001:2015
Ethimo is an FSCTM Forest Stewardship Council TM certified company, guaranteeing the quality of the materials used and respect for nature.
Certificate SGSCH–COC–090034 Look for our FSCTM certified products.
CATAS Member