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appeal for blood donations at local clinics
from 01-02-2023
DunDalK man Stephen Cousins is appealing on behalf of the Irish Blood Transfusion Service (IBTS) for people to donate blood at two upcoming local clinics.
The IBTS head of Donor Services and Marketing from ard easmuinn told the Dundalk leader that currently there is a shortage of blood.
“We are putting out an appeal for blood donors to come forward and donate at a clinic in the Cooley Peninsula on Sunday, February 12,” said Stephen.
“The Cooley clinic is due to take place in the Bush Post Primary school from 11.30am to 3pm.
“The Dundalk blood donor clinic is to take place at the Crowne Plaza hotel on Monday, March 6 from 3.45pm to 8pm.”
Stephen added: “Potential donors can regis-
Stephen Cousins.
ter their interest on our website www.giveblood. ie.
“hospital demand is so high there is a real need for blood donations. at the same time there has been a lot of sickness in recent weeks in terms of our donor panels.
“We saw it in the build up to Christmas and especially the week after Christmas, our appointments were way down on what they would normally be.” he continued: “a lot of people had to cancel their appointments or were no shows. When