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Gold Standard Hearing Care & Technology
from 01-03-2023

Wax Removal
The safest and most effective form of earwax removal is microsuction. It is the only form of wax removal advised for anyone with perforated eardrums, mastoid surgery or ear canal issues.
Hearing Tests
As well as those with known hearing difficulties, all who are experiencing menopause symptoms, diabetics and anyone who has recovered from cancer or Covid-19 should have their hearing tested.
Major advances have been made in tinnitus treatment. The majority of sufferers can now have relief from the noise. We have even developed special devices for those whose sleep is badly affected.
Video Otoscopy
Pictures paint a thousand words and magnified images of the tympanic membrane and the meatus can reveal crucial information. We always provide before and after pictures of microsuction.
Ear Care & Protection
We provide industrial, domestic and musician hearing protection moulds. Also, we give advice on all aspects of ear and hearing health including wax management plans and regular monitoring for those most at risk.
Hearing Aids
We utilise the world’s best technology to deliver superb hearing solutions for your FREE PRSI grant.