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Dumpers forced to collect rubbish after call out

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A few days after Ciaran had left the tonne bags of rubbish at the side of the road Ciaran returned to the scene of the crime to find the rubbish had disappeared. Given the fact he had contacted the council about the incident he assumed they had taken the rubbish away. However, as Ciaran explains there was a twist in the tale.


“There were two separate tonne bags which we pretty much filled from the twenty black bin bags that were dumped at the side of the road. I returned to the spot where we left the bags on the Saturday morning after I initially found the rubbish and saw that they weren’t there anymore. I contacted the council asking if they had taking the rubbish away but they said they hadn’t so it was immediately clear to me that the people who dumped the rubbish were worried after my call out and returned in the dead of the night to collect the rubbish that they had dumped a few days earlier.

“Obviously, we are very happy that the rubbish is gone but it shouldn’t have happened in the first place and the people who did it should be ashamed of themselves. We have a beautiful country here and these selfish people are hell bent on destroying it. We have to keep calling these people out and there has to be consequences for their selfish action,” stated Ciaran.

Louth County Council advised members of the public to always use a properly permitted waste collector to ensure that their waste doesn’t end up being dumped illegally.

“Louth County Council Litter team investigated the incident of illegal dumping at Cornamucklagh and unfor- tunately found no evidence which would allow us to pursue a prosecution.

Litter Wardens continue to patrol the area.

“Louth County Council encourage all members of the public always use a properly permitted Waste Collector to ensure that your waste does not end up fly tipped in locations such as we have seen here.

A full list of permitted collectors is available at the National Waste Collection Permit Office www.NWCPO.ie ; if they are not on this list, please do not give them your waste.”

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