3 minute read

Family Notices

EFFICACIOuS NOVENA TO THE SACRED HEART OF JESuS o my Jesus, You have said “truly i say to you, ask and you will receive, seek and you will find, Knock and it will be opened to you”

Behold i knock, i seek and ask for the grace of (here name your request) our father ….hail mary….Glory be to the father


Sacred Heart of Jesus I place all my trust in you o my Jesus you have said “truly i say to you, if you ask anything of the father in my name, he will give it to you.”Behold in your name i ask the father for the grace of (here name your request) our father…..hail mary…..Glory be to the father

Sacred Heart of Jesus I place all my trust in you o my Jesus you have said “truly

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ForTunE TEllEr - available for appointment, private or group bookings. tel. alison 042 933 5102 or 087-67-51229 i say to you, heaven and earth may pass away but my words will not pass away. “encouraged by your infallible words i now ask for the grace of (here mention your request) our father…hail mary…Glory be to the father

Sacred Heart of Jesus I place all my trust in you o sacred heart of Jesus, for whom it is impossible not to have compassion on the afflicted, have pity on us miserable sinners and grant us one grace which we ask of you through the sorrowful and immaculate heart of mary, your tender mother and ours say the hail, holy Queen and add st Joseph, foster father of Jesus, pray for us published to give thanks to the sacred heart of Jesus, immaculate heart of mary for prayers answered and graces given MMC

Novena To The Sacred Heart

Dear heart of Jesus, in the past i asked you for many favours. this time, i ask for this special favour (mention it). take it, dear heart of Jesus and place it within your own broken heart, where your father sees it. then in his merciful eyes, it will become your favour, not mine. amen. say this prayer for 3 days. promise publication and favours will be granted.

(Never known to fail MS

Novena To The Sacred Heart

Dear heart of Jesus, in the past i asked you for many favours this time, i ask for this special favour (mention it). take it, dear heart of Jesus and place it within your own broken heart, where your father sees it. then in his merciful eyes, it will become your favour, not mine. amen. say this prayer for 3 days. promise publication and favours will be granted.

(Never known to fail MC


holy spirit, you who make me see everything and show me the way to reach my ideal. You who give me the divine gift to forgive and forget the wrong that is done to me and you who are in all instances of my life with me in this short dialogue i want to thank you for everything, and confirm once more that i never want to be separated from You no matter how great the material desires may be, i want to be with you and my loved ones in your perpetual glory. ameN

You must pray this prayer 3 consecutive days without asking your wish. after the 3rd day your wish shall be granted no matter how difficult it may be. promise to publish the dialogue as your favour has been granted. MP

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