Friday, 1st May, 2015
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Crackdown sought on litter offenders Disposal of 20 tonnes of rubbish cost taxpayer €4,000 By Paul Mooney
Muiri K Boutique O'Connell St Dungarvan
NEARLY 20 tonnes of rubbish was collected during the Comeragh Clean-up last Easter, which cost the taxpayer thousands of euro to dispose of - leading to calls for a tougher crackdown on litter offenders. Senior Environment
Officer, Ray Moloney, told the April meeting of Comeragh District Council that 19.26 tonnes of rubbish was collected during the clean-up, and the cost to dispose of that waste was €4,000. Lots of communities get involved in the annual Spring clean-up around the Comeragh area, which takes in numerous scenic and
beauty spots around the Comeragh Mountains. Mr. Ray Moloney commended all the communities involved in the clean-up during Easter and said great work was carried out to make the areas tidy and litter-free. Cllr. Seanie Power said a huge help in combatting illegal dumping and flytipping would be to highlight
any prosecutions brought against litter offenders. “Prosecutions for dumping seem to be very rare - so, highlighting any prosecutions would be one way that might help to stop illegal dumping,” said Cllr. Power. Cllr. Declan Clune said the littering along a major artery from Carrick-onSuir to Portlaw was “hor-
rific”, while Cathaoirleach, Cllr. Michael J. O’Ryan said the amount of dumping going on between the Nire Valley and Rathgormack was “unbelieveable”. Cllr. O’Ryan said it has come to the stage where the Council would have to catch the offender in the act to make sure it goes through the court system, “which,” he said “will
hopefully happen”. EVIDENCE FOUND Cllr. O’Ryan informed the Council that ‘evidence’ was found by a citizen in relation to one incident of flytipping between the Nire Valley and Rathgormack, which was passed on to Cllr. O’Ryan. He said he would pass on the evidence to Council officials. Continued on page 2
Commitment given to replace Grattan Square’s lead piping during Smarter Travel revamp
Last act for Dungarvan Sea Angling Club?
Work not due to start until end of August
page 6
Local business with global reach page 8 Joe McHugh, Minister of State at the Department of Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht pictured with Ciara Conway T.D., Cian Ó Conchúir from Sólás na Mara and Éimhín Ní Chonchúir from Waterford Local Enterprise Office at Sólás na Mara, An Rinn, during Minister McHugh’s visit to West Waterford last Thursday. SEE PAGE 4 [David Clynch Photography]
IRISH Water has given a commitment that they will fund work needed to replace lead piping and replacement of water mains in Grattan Square, Dungarvan, when Smarter Travel begins its upgrade, which won’t happen until the end of August, 2015. In correspondence from Ray Mannix, Senior Engineer with Waterford City and County Council, to members of the Smarter Travel Town Centre Consultative Group, he said a meeting was held with members of the design team and project management team, in relation to existing water
supply issues and the timing of the works. The issues outlined were in relation to the condition and age of the existing water mains and the fact that a number of service connections to some premises consist of lead piping. These issues were previously highlighted in the Dungarvan Observer, with some businesses expressing concern that Grattan Square could be ‘dug up’ twice for work once for the Smarter Travel project and a second time for Irish Water installing new pipes and metres. Continued on page 2
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