Dungarvan observer 26 9 2014 edition

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B a l l yg u n n e r s u r v i ve s D u n g a r va n challenge

Friday, 26th September, 2014

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Proposed Drumhills wind farm refused permission By Paul Mooney

Muiri K Boutique Styling Children

Fr. Doherty celebrates Diamond Jubilee page 4

PLANNING permission sought for a wind farm in Drumhills, Dungarvan, has been refused by Waterford City and County Council. There was massive public outrage at a proposal by Eco Power Developments Ltd., to erect 12 industrial sized wind turbines in the rural area of Drumhills, each with a height of 126.6 metres in townlands at Knocknaglogh Lower, Barranastook Upper, Knocknamona, Woodhouse, Tinakilly,

page 13

Monageela, and Killatoor, but which would also affect other surrounding townlands visually. (Council reference: 14600109). Public meetings were organised where people living in the townlands affected by this proposal, and further afield, vented their anger at the sheer size and scale of the proposed development, and voiced concerns over visual impact, health concerns, impact on property and tourism, and many other worries. Eco Power’s planning application with the Council received up to 270 submissions from a broad section of the community – a

phenomenal response considering that people had just under three and a half weeks to make a submission after the proposal came to light. A spokesperson for Waterford City and County Council confirmed to this newspaper that a decision has been made on the Eco Power Developments proposal, but could not reveal what decision was taken until the applicant and people who made submissions are informed first. It is understood that the Council’s decision, along with an explanation of their decision will be available to view by the

public on the Council’s website from Wednesday morning. However, the Dungarvan Observer understands from other sources that the Council’s decision was to refuse the proposed Drumhills wind farm. While a refusal will bring a sigh of relief to the affected communities, the battle is not over for the people, as Eco Power will very likely appeal the Council’s decision to An Bord Pleanála. Continued on page 5

Perpetual boxing shield dedicated to the memory of former Mayor Michael O’Riordan By Paul Mooney

Council asked to ‘spruce up’ Marion Grotto


A FITTING tribute was paid to one of Dungarvan’s most prominent sons, former Mayor, the late Michael O’Riordan, when a plaque dedicated to him was unveiled at the Boxing Club last week. The plaque, named the Michael O’Riordan Perpetual Shield is part of the Celtic Box Cup tournament and was handed over by the O’Riordan family to Dungarvan Boxing Club last Thursday evening. Michael O’Riordan was a former Mayor of

Dungarvan and Town Councillor, whose career in politics spanned 30 years. He retired from politics in 2009, but sadly passed away last December. Michael’s wife, Áine, presented the plaque, on behalf of the O’Riordan family, to Gerry O’Mahony of Dungarvan Boxing Club. “I am delighted on behalf of the family to present this to the boxing club,” said Ms. O’Riordan. “Mickey was always involved with the boxing club. We are delighted to present this plaque and I know he would be delighted as well,” she said. Continued on page 2

Comeraghs Wild Festival, Waterford. Pictured at the Comeraghs Wild Festival, Waterford are Richie and Carmel Grant, Christine and Molly O'Niell and Deirdre Grant from Waterford. An audience of 200 scaled 400 metres to enjoy the compelling performance of Lackendara Jim - A hermit of the Comeragh Mountains by Rigout Productions, performed deep in the Comeragh Mountains at Lake Coumshinghaun during the Comeraghs Wild Festival, Waterford on Saturday night. S EE PAGES 32 & 33 [Patrick Browne]

Pipers Union – Park Hotel, Dungarvan page 61

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