Dungarvan observer 28 11 2014 edition

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Friday, 28th November, 2014

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Butcher’s Block launches cookery booklet page 18

Comeragh roads to cost over €1m in repairs By Paul Mooney WATERFORD Council is to seek special funding from Government after five percent of the year’s average rainfall fell in the space of two hours, causing over €1m worth of damage to roads in the Comeragh area, earlier in November. At the November meeting of the Comeragh District Council, Cathaoirleach Cllr. Michael J. O’Ryan highlighted the seriousness of the damage caused by a freak weather storm during the night of 13th and 14th November. “It was one of the worst nights for rain I’ve ever seen,” said Cllr. O’Ryan, who said he has photographic evidence of up to 15 roads in the Comeragh area which were destroyed in the storm. Cllr. Liam Brazil said the issue is so serious that it is beyond the District Council. “We should seek central funding for this,” said Cllr. Brazil.

BOSCH Switching on Christmas lights

“We can’t take money from next year’s budget or we’ll be going backwards to where we were five years ago. This money will have to come from a different fund,” he said. “After all the good work which was done on our roads recently, it is a pity to see it come undone,” Cllr. Brazil added. Concurring, Area Engineer, Eamon Lonergan, described the freakish weather as doing “more damage to the Comeragh road network” than any other event in the past, and said that initial estimates of damage and repair required will be in excess of €1m. Cllr. O’Ryan said that while Council staff carried out great work during the Summer to clear gulleys and trim back hedges, he could count up to 15 roads in the Comeragh West area which were nearly destroyed that night. He outlined the emergency of the situation, where a constituent and her family were trapped in their house because flood water was coming up through the floorboards and they couldn’t get out

their own front door. Agreeing, Mr. Lonergan pointed out that around five percent of the average annual rainfall fell in the space of two to three hours. “That goes to show the scale of the event,” said Mr. Lonergan. “Water courses, streams and rivers burst their banks.” He said the streams and rivers came out onto the roads and destroyed road edges and caused subsidence in road embankments, while there were landslides near Portlaw and other areas of the Comeragh District. Road diversions were put in place and some continue even today. He said it is hoped to start work this week to stabilise the embankment at the Grotto near Ballymacarbry. Mr. Lonergan said that while other areas of the Comeraghs suffered during the extreme weather a fortnight ago, none of them suffered as much damage and destruction as Comeragh West. He pointed out that deep gradient roads suffered the worst

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A section of road at Barnashingaun, in the Comeragh area. damage, particularly along the Works Programme going forward road between Touraneena and and ensure that more drainage Clonmel. works are included. Mr. Lonergan said the Council “The damage caused recently has to work with all landowners by this weather will likely affect to try and take surface water off the 2015 Road Works the roads, noting that up to four Programme, especially if we don’t days after the stormy weather, get any national funding,” Mr. water was still coming off the land Lonergan said. “Funding will be onto the roads. essential to get our roads back to “We are going to need a more what they once were.” robust solution to this problem,” Mr. Lonergan praised the said Mr. Lonergan. Council staff who responded on He said that it wouldn’t simply the night. be a matter of covering over the “Great credit to the crews, they damage with the same material were working in darkness late on which was washed off, but would Friday night and they quickly require cleaning and clearing the drains, channels and gulleys, in co- responded to the emergencies. operation with the landowners, as They worked all weekend to well as construction works - not ensure the roads were safe or passjust maintenance works on the able,” said Mr. Lonergan. Cllr. O’Ryan also praised roads. Mr. Lonergan said this freak Council staff for their quick event “is becoming very common, response. “I believe the roads were never whether it is climate change, or whatever weather pattern it is”, better prepared for a flood,” said and that “routine maintenance Cllr. O’Ryan. “But it is disheartening to see the roads being won’t cover this”. He agreed that the Council will washed away in this ‘act of God’.” have to look at their 2015 Road Continued on page 2

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