Lutz Gazette - May 2016

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An Act of Kindness is a New Beginning Where your advertisement can make a difference! From Dunndeal Publications

May 2016




Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. Hebrews 11:1

What is a Family MED Pack?

J oi n i n the conversation!

Have you ever felt at times that your prayers have gone nowhere? Even when we pray diligently over and over, we pray with painstaking effort doing everything we know and wonder if our prayers are even getting through. Sid Roth, in his interview with Robert Hen-


Serving the surrounding community.

derson, shares with us a surprising revelation game changer, that the Devil is a “legalist”. This means that everything in the spiritual realm is legal in the courts of heaven.

Continued on Page 8

Memorial Day It’sthethree-dayweekendthatofficiallykicksoffsummervacations… atimeforhangingoutatthebeach,barbecuing,evencatchingafewlaps at the Indy 500. But Memorial Day is also the most solemn American holiday--adaytorememberthosewhomadetheultimatesacrifice,while defending their nation. In the Civil War, America’s bloodiest chapter, over 600,000 soldiers were killed in action. Almost every community in every state suffered the loss of young men. As the war came to an end, mourners in both northern and southern states began placing flags and flowers on the graves of fallen soldiers. The town of Waterloo, New York is officially credited with starting the holiday. On May 5, 1866, its citizens closed their shops and businesses so that everyone

Continued on Page 8

United Methodist Church 10th Annual Golf Tournament Saturday, May 21, 2016 Shotgun starts at 8am The Claw Golf Course at USF The United Methodist Men’s Group invites you to their 10th Annual Golf Tournament for great fellowship, fun, and support of the ministries and missions of First United Methodist Church of Lutz. Individual player: $80, foursome: $300. Price includes great prizes, goodie bag for every player, delicious buffet lunch, and awards afterward!

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Postal Carrier: Dated news material. Requested in-home delivery by May 6, 2016

Play Trivia & Win! See Page 8!

Sponsorship opportunities available now! Gold Level: $450 – 4 person team, premier banner, and hole sign. Silver Level: $350 – 4 person team and hole sign. Bronze Level: $225 – 2 person team and hole sign. Individual Hole – $125 Registeronlineat Questions? Call Jeremy Rasmussen by phone at (813) 815-0762. All proceeds will support ministries and missions.

GFWC “Sinister Sleepover” GFWC Lutz-Land O’Lakes Woman’s Club members are currently in rehearsal for their upcoming Murder Mystery Dinner Theater production “Sinister Sleepover.” This play, which will put you on the edge of your seat, will involve a reunion pajama party of wacky gal pals. It will be up to the audience to solve this fun “whodunit.”The audience is invited to wear their pa-

jamas, robes, slippers, hair curlers, or whatever to add to the fun. The public is most welcome to join in the fun. Details: Friday, May 13, 2016 at 7pm at Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, 20735 Leonard Rd., Lutz, FL 33558. Tickets: $20 to include play and “breakfast for dinner” buffet. For tickets or information, please contact Karin at 813-786-8461.

2016 Light of Hope Gala

US-based Obria and The Guiding Star Project leadership joined forces inTampa, Florida in support of Guiding StarTampa onThursday evening April 7, 2016. Keynote speakers included Abby Johnson, pro life activist and former Planned Parenthood Director, Kathleen Eaton Bravo, founder of Obria Medical Clinics, and Leah Jacobson, founder of The Guiding Star Project. In 2015, LifeChoices Women’s Care affiliated withThe Guiding Star Project to become Guiding Star Tampa. Guiding Star Tampa is the next stage of the pro-woman & pro-life movement. Guiding

StarTampaprovidesnatural,holistic,pro-woman, pro-familycare.Todaytheyofferacomprehensive center that provides support for natural means of family planning, pregnancy support for planned and unplanned pregnancies, fertility care, childbirth, breastfeeding, and family life. Ana Hidalgo Stooks, Executive Director of Guiding Star Tampa, “Last year our leadership team at Life Choices made a bold decision -we neededtocreate“agamechanger”.Wetookaleap offaithandexpanded.InJulywedoubledthesize of our facility and in doing so nearly doubled the amount of women and families we were serving.” “The overarching goal in collaborating at a national level,”explained Kathleen Eaton Bravo, Founder and CEO of Obria, “is to galvanize the courageous leadership of many pro-life organizations and form an alliance to compete with retail, independent and online abortion providers.” Leah Jacobson, President and Founder of The Guiding Star Project, expanded on Eaton

Bravo’s statement, “Working together nationally and through local affiliate partners, we will have a greater impact in saving babies, reaching more youth, honoring the feminine abilities, and strengthening women and families by servingtheseneedsinacomprehensivemanner consistent with natural law and Christian morality.“ Obria and The Guiding Project announced their national partnership in 2015. Abby Johnson, Pro-Life speaker, author, and Guiding Star BoardMemberexpressedherexcitementoverthe partnership,“Thecontinuityofcareaspectofthis partnership is very exciting to me.To think that a woman can walk into a Guiding Star center and visit the Obria Clinic anywhere in the country and not experience a lapse in her medical care or her medical records –this is game changing.” The 2016 Light of Hope Gala was a record breaking event for Guiding Star Tampa, brining in nearly $180,000 in support for their continued expansion.


Phone: 813-949-4411 WINNERS!

“Say You Saw It In A Dunndeal Publication”

May 2016

June Hernandez • Michele Fisher • Carol Williams • Shawn Ali • Stephen L. Pearson • Anita McElroy • Maurine Thomas • Akshay Patel


I Love My Mommy

Pastor Ed Harckey, Holy Trinity Lutheran Church

Pastor Ed Harkey & his beloved Miriam

Of the many images that speak to the relationship of God to His people, perhaps nonearemoretouchingthanhowHerelates to us through the Church, often referred to in antiquity as our spiritual “Mother”. Of course, this image is all the more vivid inourmindsaswecelebratethoseveryones who brought us into the world, nurtured us in body, and often were the most influential ones in our faith. But as we set out to celebrate Mother’s Day once again, I believe there are some significant parallels for how God, through the Bride of Christ, the Church, nurtures His own. Isaiahtheprophetputsitthisway:“Rejoice with Jerusalem and be glad for her, all you who love her, that you may nurse, that you may drink deeply with delight from her glorious abundance.” (Isaiah 66:10-11 ESV) Child of the Lord, see in this verse the beautifulimagerywhichisconveyedthrough this Word picture. See in this verse and others like it in the New Testament a portrait of Mom, your Mom, spiritually speaking. For here is the Church, an agent of God’s gracious care and compassion, dispensing the gifts which God would freely give.

Here is the Church, ready to pour forth in abundance the healing Word and Sacraments, Water, Body, and Blood. Here is the Church, your mom, ready to sustain you, to grant peace, to comfort you, and to bring you joy—yes, doing what any of our earthly moms would do, except in this case, raising up spiritual children unto the Lord. Yes, this is what I say: “I believe in one holy Christian and apostolic Church.” In other words, I love and believe in Mom, and not because of what she appears to be at times, but because of the One who is her Groom. Yes, I believe in Mom who brings me Jesus, and who, despite appearances, is not dead, not even close, which is to say, I will run to her all the more, as I would run unto the Savior Himself. For here, in the presence of my mothers and my fathers, my brothers and sisters in Christ—here, in the presence of God’s good gifts, I rejoice. I live! I thrive! For the Church is a portrait of all that God would give. This is the Church, Christ’s Church, which in our youth has fed us and kept us safe and warm and which in our old age shall see us safely home. To be sure, I love my mommy. After all, in my case she did bring me to faith in Christ. But all the more, I love my other Mommy, too! Let us rejoice and live in that love together! Pastor Ed Harkey is Pastor of Holy Trinity Lutheran Church in Lutz, FL. They are located at 20735 Leonard Road. For more information, please call them (813-949-7173) or visit them on the web at takes place at 8:00, 9:15, and 10:30am.

“My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” — 2 Corinthians 12:9

Is Your Body Turning Into A Giant Marshmallow?

Samantha Taylor, Pure Health Elite Fitness Studios I went out to dinner with my dad, who is one of the most amazing people I know. Every time I talk to him, he talks about how he is going to start working out, get serious about his exercise plan, and“really do it this time”(he probably mentions it since he knows that what I do for my career is help people get into great shape). He has been saying he is going to get fit for many years, and it really hit me when I realized on July 6th he turns 70, my dad, 70. Isn’t that bizarre when your parents start to get older? That is what hit me, he’s getting older and he is not doing anything about his fitness. His blood work is better than it has ever been, which I am very happy about, yet I am seeing him get“softer”and more out of shape even though thankfully he only has about 10 lbs. to lose. I always saw my dad as Superman and I still do. He was in the Vietnam War, always did physical labor tasks outside, and owned his own businesses. And I always saw him with muscles,ingoodshape,andactivewhichprobably helped me with my choice to be a trainer. But for a moment, I looked at my dad without thoseSupermangogglesonandrealizedthat he is getting older, more out of shape, and if hedoesn’tdosomethinginsteadoftalkabout it, he is going to pay for it big time! I put on my personal trainer hat and expressed my concern for him. I told him how if he didn’t get serious about this, he is only going to get mushier and become like a big marshmallow! (I knew I could raz him a little bitbecausemydadhasalwaysbeenajokester). He said, “Noooo, not a marshmallow!” I said, “Yes and if you don’t want me to start to calling you Mr. Marshmallow Man then you had better do something! And if yourbodyturnsintomushbecauseyouhave

no more muscles from not exercising, you aregoingtostartlosingyourindependence as you get older.” He exclaimed, “No, not that!” I said, “Yes, do you want to be in a nursing home in 10 years? People changing your diapers?” He was aghast, “NO! I never want to lose my independence!” I said, “Well then you better get serious because the life that you are living right now with not being fit, your body is not going to be able to support itself as it gets older and you will not have your independence, you will have to have other people taking care of you. Is that what you want?” I knew it was NOT wanted he wanted because he is a very independent man and his mother was 95 and still lived on her own when she passed away. He got a more serious look on his face, “No, that is not what I want. Okay, I am serious. Wait till you see me next time!” I said, “Dad, you said that last time I saw you, you need a plan, not just talk.” He said, “No, I am really going to do something this time.” So we put a plan together for him. I challenged him to work out at least two times a week for a month and then when he did, he got to buy himself a reward. He decided what his reward was, we shook hands on it and went off on our separate ways. I love him so much and am grateful for him and I don’t want to start seeing his body fall apart because he didn’t take care of it. I encourage you to inspire your family to do the same, and if you are able to share this article with your own father, do so. “I love you, Dad, and want you to live a long, healthy life!” If you want help stopping your body from turning into a giant squishy marshmallow, go here to set a time to meet with me

May 2016 WINNERS!

Fax: 813-949-0891

June Hernandez • Michele Fisher • Carol Williams • Shawn Ali • Stephen L. Pearson • Anita McElroy • Maurine Thomas • Akshay Patel

Women-n-Charge Donates Two charities received donations from Women-N-Charge Fundraising. Elayne Bassinger, Speaker Chair (left) and Kay Dunn, President, (right) presented 2 checks at the April Luncheon meeting:

$500 check to Hope Children’s Home Accepting are Katelyn & Isaac Foster, house parents at the Home.

$500 check to Liberty Manor for Veterans Accepting is Connie Lindsay, Director

Women-n-Charge Meeting JointhevibrantladiesofWomen-n-Charge on Friday, May 6th from 11:30am-1:15pm at Pebble Creek Country Club (10550 Regents Park Dr., Tampa, 33647). The meeting includes lunch, a feature speaker, and time to network. We share our talents, build relationships,andshareourresourceswithother women in business.The cost is $15 for mem-

bers and $18 for all guests. Please register at Formoreinformation,pleasecontactJudy at 813-600-9848 or email Our feature speaker for May is Gayle Hanna of UpHill Marketing Group and her presentation is entitled,“The Buyers Journey - Understanding Your Content.”

Awaken Within Me Awaken Within Me is a two-day conferencethattargetsfaith-basedandheart-centeredbusinessmenandwomenandteaches them how to discover and wake up their strengths and purpose, using biblical principlesandneuroscience,sothattheycancreateanexceptionallysuccessfulbusinessthat they enjoy. General admission starts at $79

and a limited VIP Attendance (that includes aprivatelunch,complimentaryaccesstothe 5-week online program “Clear Path Strategizer”, a copy of Strength Finder 1.0 and more) starts at $109 until May 8th! For more information,pleasecontactClestineHerbert at or visit

“God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble. Humble yourselves, therefore, under God’s mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time.” — 2 Peter 5:5-6

From Screen To Stage Tampa Bay Triple Threat Theatre, along with Mary Jo’s Performing Arts Academy, is proudtopresenttheinauguralperformance of the Spring Musical Theatre Production Class Showcase: From Screen to Stage! This musical revue features songs from movies that turned into Broadway productions. Enjoy songs from Catch Me If You

Can, Kiss Me Kate, Shrek, The Little Mermaid, Mary Poppins, The Lion King, and more! Join us Sunday, May 22 at 2pm & 5pm in the Black Box Theatre at Mary Jo’s Performing Arts Academy. For tickets, information, and more details, please check the theatre website at or call 813-969-0240 x228.



Which of These Costly Home Sellers’ Mistakes Will You MakAe When You Sell Your Home? Tampa Bay Area—A new report has just been released which reveals 7 costly mistakes that most homeowners make when selling their homes, and a 9 Step System that can help Thisindustryreportshowsclearlyhowthetraditionalwaysofsellinghomeshavebecome increasingly less and less effective in today’s market.The fact of the matter is that fully three quartersofhomesellersdon’tgetwhattheywantfortheirhomesandbecomedisillusioned and—worse—financially disadvantaged when they put their homes on the market. As this report uncovers, most home Sellers make 7 deadly mistakes that cost them literally thousands of dollars. The good news is that each and every one of these mistakes is entirely preventable. In answer to this issue, industry insiders have prepared a Free Special Report entitled “The 9 Step System to Get Your Home Sold Fast and For Top Dollar”. Thesesixstrategieswillhelpyoumakeinformedchoicesbeforeyouputyourhomeonthe market in anticipation of moving to a larger home. To hear a brief recorded message about how to order your copy of this FREE Report, call 1-800-366-0892 and enter I.D. 1000. Or visit Both the free recorded hotline and website are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Order NOW to find out how you can get the most money for your home. ThisreportiscourtesyofPeterButerawithFutureHomeRealtyInc.Notintendedtosolicitpropertiescurrentlylistedforsale.Copyrightof1998.

Cheyenne’s Country “Thangs” Organic Market Where Healthy Isn’t Hard!

“Miracle Tree Sold at Cheyenne’s” Really Works!!! Cheyenne’s Country“Thangs”Organic Market has operated since 2009 and is locally family-owned. Open to the public every Saturday from 10am–2:00pm. Locally grown fruits and produce,homemadeicecream,eggs,grass-fed meats,andlocallycaughtseafoodarecontained

in an open air market atmosphere where you can pick your own choices fresh or from their freezers. Co-op members can shop Wed. – Sat. We have moringa trees for sale. Call 813333-8611! For more information, visit www.


Phone: 813-949-4411 WINNERS!

“Say You Saw It In A Dunndeal Publication”

Alva Mullins • Glenda Dillard • Shirley Ulozas • Ronald Waters • Dennis Zulewski • Wayne Waninski

May 2016 WINNERS!

May 2016 WINNERS!

Fax: 813-949-0891

June Hernandez • Michele Fisher • Carol Williams • Shawn Ali • Stephen L. Pearson • Anita McElroy • Maurine Thomas • Akshay Patel

What Does God Think About Work? James H. Willis, III Founder and President The Willis Agency, Inc 813-948-9109 1 Peter 5:7 In our world, work is seen as a “necessary evil!” In most cases it is used to define “who I am.” Many believe that the harder you work, the greater the income potential. Well, “they” might believe that stuff, but I don’t and neither do the Scriptures. The Bibleteachesseveralimportantcharacteristics, such as “having balance in life” or “being in unity with your spouse”. Here are several passages about “Work”. We are his workmanship (Eph. 2:10), finish His work (John 4:34), whatever you do (Col. 3:17-23)! Be not weary (Gal. 6:7-8), do all to the Glory of God (1 Cor. 10:31)! Dr. Ken Boa summarizes the theology of work: Work is not a result of the fall. Work is a part of God’s created order for humanity. (Gen. 2:5, 15) Jesus accomplished the works of His Father. (John 4:34; 5:17; 5:36; 10:32-37; 14:10-13; 17:4) The Father gives us work to accomplish during our earthly sojourn. (Acts 13:2; 1 Cor. 16:10; Eph. 2:10) God has appointed us over the works of His hands. (Gen. 1:27-28; Heb. 2:7) We are called to please God by bearing fruit in every good work. (Col. 1:10; Heb. 13:21) Our work will be tested and rewarded by God. (1 Cor. 3:13-15)

Scripture rebukes idleness and sloth and affirms that work has genuine value. (Eccl. 2:24; 3:12-13; 5:18) There is dignity in manual as well as mental work, as is evident from the occupations of the characters of the Bible. When we seek to glorify God in whatever we do (1 Cor. 10:31), we will pursue excellence in our work, whether others notice or not. I want to conclude with these thoughts: Work puts us in an environment where we can exhibit Kingdom values. Workprovidesacontextwherewecanrepresent Jesus Christ by building, demonstrating, and being in relationships with others. God is not impressed by or dependent on our abilities or accomplishments. There should be a rhythm between work and leisure in our lives so we can enjoy periodsofrefreshment,renewal,restoration,and relationships. Spiritualworkbecomessecularwhendone to please and impress men. Secularworkbecomesspiritualwhendone to glorify God. And that is when we will hear,“Well done, good and faithful servant.” Happy in Him, Jim

“I can do everything through him who gives me strength.” — Phillipians 4:13

Pure Health Elite Fitness Studios Samantha Taylor “I’vebeenoneoftheirlongest-runningadvertisersforthirteenyearsandhavebeenabsolutely amazed with my experience. This paper has been the BIGGEST factor God has used for my success as a Personal Trainer and Weight Loss Expert. Thanks to THIS paper, it’s contributed to me successfully training over 4,500 women. Even though I got calls from day one, the thing I’ve been lately amazed with is how many loyal readers this paper has. I get calls from people that have been reading my articles for years and since they are now ready to get in better shape and better health, they call me because I’ve been the trusted source they’ve seen for so many years in THIS paper. Even in tough times, I’ve never, nor will I ever, stop advertising in this paper. It’s been a tool that has built my business to be one of the most successful Personal Training Studios around. Thank you, Dunndeal Publications! I wouldn’t have done it without you!”




Phone: 813-949-4411

“Say You Saw It In A Dunndeal Publication”

May 2016

Dental Care for the Whole Family Is Something to Smile About! Anne Childers, Staff Writer Dr. David Doering has been a practicing dentist in the Tampa Bay Area since 1989. He is a pioneer in sedation, cosmetic, and restorative dentistry as well as traditional and invisible braces. Dr.Doeringiscommittedtocontinuingeducationwithstate-of-the-artequipmentinorder to provide you and your family with the highest possible level of dental care. He has assembled themostknowledgeableandprofessionaldental care team in the Tampa Bay Area. Dr. Doering maintains his memberships in the American Dental Association (ADA), Florida Dental Association (FDA), International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxi-

cology (IAOMT), West Coast Dental Association (WCDA), and the American Academy of Dental Sleep Medicine (AADSM). At Doering Family Dental, the philosophy is that going to the dentist should be comfortable and enjoyable—you will always feel welcome in this service-oriented practice. Dr. Doering is welcoming new patients at this time with a FREE New Patient Special—$163 value includes x-rays and exam! Call (813) 933-5365 or book online at Check the online testimonial page to see why many of Dr. Doering patient’s have been with him for twenty years!

GFWC Donates to Homeless GFWC Lutz-Land O’Lakes Woman’s Club members Aniko Solomonson, Pat Serio, and Mary Anne Lykins recently delivered a van full of hand-crocheted bedrolls, donated clothing, shoes, and duffel bags for clients of“The Well”, which serves the area’s needy and homeless population in Tampa. The Well is not a residence but serves a variety of other needs such as a food pantry, clothing closet, shower facilities, hot meals, socializationareas,anorganicgarden,andan “in progress” fish farm. LongtimeclubwomanAnikoSolomonson has made it her personal mission to encourage her 100+ fellow members to collect, fold, tie, and crochet recycled plastic grocery bags into weather resistant full-length bedrolls for the homeless. Over the past several years, Ms. Solomonsonhasherselfproducedanddeliveredmanyofthesebedrolls,whichhaveproven to be very useful to the homeless population.Shehasexpandedthisprojecttoinclude teachinghermethodtonumerousothercom-

munity organizations and church groups. Therehasbeenagreatdealoflocalinterest in the bedroll project, and Ms. Solomonson has received inquiries from places as distant as Canada and South America. For more information on the Woman’s Club or this project, please visit

GFWC Helps Lutz Library GFWC Lutz-Land O’Lakes Woman’s Club members recently assisted at the Lutz Library in commemoration of National Library Week by assisting the young children with decorating a craft book and writing a story. The clubwomen also presented a donation check to “Friends of Lutz Library”as they have done for many decades. KarenSue Molis chairs the club Education Committee, which supports our community libraries in both Lutz and Land (L-R) Club members Sara Cooper, Madeline Mc- O’Lakes. For more information on this service Culloh,Youth Librarian Kim Eversole & KarenSue organization,pleasevisitwww.gfwclutzlandolaMolis (not pictured: Kathy Vaughn) and its Facebook page.

GFWC Feeding Tampa Bay GFWC Lutz-Land O’Lakes Woman’s Club members formed a work team of 13 to volunteerrecentlyattheTampawarehouseanddistribution center of the “Feeding Tampa Bay” organization. The clubwomen worked hard, filling orders and packing boxes of foods to be delivered to the food insecure within our communities in 10 counties of Central Florida.Thevolunteerslearnedthattherearemore than 700,000 hungry people, half of whom are children, living in these counties. BackGreen Shirt Members volunteering at packs of food were also prepared to be proFeeding Tampa Bay Warehouse videdtoneedyschoolchildrensotheirfamilies willhavefoodovertheweekendswhenschool on the Woman’s Club, please visit www.gfwmeals aren’t available. For more information

GFWC Honors Members GFWC Lutz-Land O’Lakes Woman’s Club recently honored three outstanding members—Cheryl Benton, Adrienne Schmidt, andVerna Johnson (not pictured)—for their 15 years of volunteer service to the club and thecommunity.Formoreinformationonthis communityserviceorganization,pleasevisit CherylBenton,MembershipChairAnnetteBellingar, www.gfwclutzlandolakeswomansclub.organd Adrienne Schmidt (not present: Verna Johnson) its Facebook page.

Your Home Doesn’t Come With A Lifeguard

Staying safe around water is more than staying near the lifeguard at the pool. Every year, many children drown in residential swimming pools, bath tubs, buckets of water, and other containers of water. Here in Florida, there is a pool in nearly every back yard. However, the beach and swimming pools are not the only dangers. Anywhere there is water there is risk for drowning. Do notleaveayoungchildunattendednearany source of water, not even for a moment. Remove the risk and prevent access • Use physical barriers to prevent children from accessing any source of water. • Use safety locks on toilets and keep bathroom doors closed and toilet-bowl covers down if there are small children in the home. • Empty cleaning buckets immediately after use. • Empty kiddie pools immediately after use. • Install barriers around your home pool. Pool alarms and covers provide additional layers of protection. • Know the water hazards in your community and make sure children stay away.These hazardscouldinclude:drainageditches,gardenponds,creeksandstreams,wellsandcisterns, and canals. • When visiting another home, check the site for potential water hazards and always supervise children. Practice water safety • Teach children to always ask permission to go near water. • Never leave a young child unattended in

a bathtub and do not trust a child’s life to another child or to aids that help a child sit upright in the tub. • Have young children or inexperienced swimmers wear a U.S. Coast Guard-approved life jacket around water. • When swimming, set specific rules for each individual based on swimming ability. •Assignapersontowatchoverchildrenwhen they are in, on, or around a body of water. Know how to respond to an emergency • If a child is missing, check the water first. Secondscountinpreventingdeathordisability. • Know how and when to call 9-1-1 or the local emergency number. • Enroll in water safety, Red Cross first aid, and CPR courses to learn what to do. • Have appropriate equipment, such as reaching or throwing equipment, a cell phone, life jackets and a first aid kit. A Century of Water Safety For the past century, the American Red Cross has helped millions of people learn to swim and be water smart. To honor our 100 years of water safety, we launched the Centennial Campaign—a multi-year action to lower drowning rates by 50% in 50 local communities. The campaign is a multiyear action that will increase our impact by 50,000 and hopefully inspire many more people to sign up for swimming and water safety lessons at local facilities. The American Red Cross offers numerous swimming and water safety programs for children, parents, and swim coaches. Learn about the six-level Learn-to-Swim program, find out about preschool aquatics programs, or learn about SafetyTraining for Swim Coaches. To find classes for your family, contact your local aquatic facility and ask for American Red Cross Learn-to-Swim programs.Formoreinformation,pleasecontact your local American Red Cross office or visit

May 2016

2016 Lutz Guv’na Debate The 2016 Lutz Guv’na Debate is scheduled for Saturday, May 14 from 2-4pm at the Old Lutz School, 18819 US Hwy. 41, Lutz, FL 33549. The annual Guv’na race is sponsored by theLutzCivicAssociationandbenefitsmany

charitable organizations in Lutz. Come join us for an afternoon of crazy antics and sillinessasthisyear’scandidatesdebateandcampaign to win the Guv’na sash by July 4. Interested in running in this year’s race? Please contact Eleanor at (813) 727-7549.

Community Bible Study Our non-denominational Bible study is open to women of all ages, churches and walks of life. We offer an excellent preschool ministry and homeschool ministry as well. We meet Thursday mornings at Harvester United Methodist Church, 2432 Collier Parkway, Land O’ Lakes. Join us for our Visitor’s Day on Thursday, May 5 at

9:30am,whereyoucanexperienceourclass and register for our upcoming fall study (Return to Jerusalem, starting September 8). Hablamos Español. Formoreinformation,pleasecontactJeanine Coris at En Español Rosmary de Del Monte at

Central Pasco Chamber of Commerce 30th Annual Golf Tournament The Central Pasco Chamber of Commerce is pleased to announce their 28th Annual Golf Tournament! An opportunity to network while enjoying the links, the tradition of bringing business and community together continues! The tournament will be Friday, May 13, 2016 at Heritage Harbor Golf & Country Club in Lutz at 19502 Heritage Harbor Parkway. Registration begins at noon with a Shotgun Scramble Start at 1:00pm. Have a great day of golf for a great value, only $70

for an Individual or $260 for a team of four. Registration includes greens fees, golf cart, range balls, and barbeque awards dinner as well as the opportunity to win $10,000 for a Hole-In-One, Putting Contest, awards and great prizes. Just want to network and eat BBQ? Tickets are available to network at the awards barbeque for $15 each. For an application or more information, pleasevisitthechamber’swebsite,, stop in the office at 2810 Land O’Lakes Blvd., or call 813-909-2722.

Dunndeal Gazettes delivered monthly by USPS! Send your press releases & ad copy by May 15 for the June 2016 issue.

813-949-4411 Senior Information Resources SeniorInformationResourceswillbeoffering a free presentation, “Who is Hiring Us?” on Wednesday, May 18th from 12:00pm to 1:30pm at the Jimmie B. Keel Regional Library, 2902 West Bearss Avenue in Tampa. A panel of experts will offer strategies on redefiningyouremploymentopportunities, resourcesavailabletolearnskillswhichmake you more employable, and companies who are looking to hire older workers NOW! This presentation is free and open to the public. A light snack will be provided. Time

hasbeenallottedforquestionsandanswers. Community resource information will be available. To reserve a seat, call 813-9490752 or send an email to Senior Information Resources is a notfor-profit organization offering education andassistancetopeopleduringtheirsecond half of life. We help people remain independent and living well in our community. Visit us on the web at

Fax: 813-949-0891



Phone: 813-949-4411 WINNERS!

“Say You Saw It In A Dunndeal Publication”

May 2016

June Hernandez • Michele Fisher • Carol Williams • Shawn Ali • Stephen L. Pearson • Anita McElroy • Maurine Thomas • Akshay Patel

Answering Prayers Continued from Page 1

Forinstance,whenJesusdiedonthecross, itwasthegreatestlegaltransactioninhistory, and when He said “it is finished”, He meant thateverylegalmandatehasnowbeenmet, leaving us as officers of the courts and that wehavebeendeputizedandanointedbythe Holy Spirit. When Jesus died on the cross, Hewasexecutingjudgment untilapractical function is connected to what he did.

In other words, a verdict has no power unless it is executed into place, for this is how a judge renders a verdict. But if there is no officer of the court to execute it into place, it doesn’t accomplish anything. We are the officersofthecourts,deputizedandauthorized by the Holy Spirit to take what Jesus did on the cross and to execute it into place until there is a practical function connected to what he did before verdict can be rendered. The bigmistakewemake with our prayers is that we try to execute them in the battlefield rather than to the throne in the courts of heaven. The Bible says that the throne of God is describing actually what Daniel saw, what John saw, and what Ezekiel and Isaiah saw in the book of Revelation.The Bible says thatthecourtwasseatedandthebookswere open. The books are full of destinies of people, so what is in the book takes a courtroom activity to get into reality here on Earth. Daniel 7:10 “And a river of fire was pouring out, flowing from his presence. Millions of angels ministered to him; many millions

stood to attend him. Then the court began its session, and the books were opened.” Every person in this room and on the planet has a book in heaven according to Psalm 139:16 “Your eyes have seen my unformed substance, and in your book were all written the days that were ordained for me. When as yet there was not one of them.” We need to know how to step into the courts of heaven and deal with every legal thing that the enemy is using to stop us from receiving the destiny that God has ordained for us. This means that the Devil also can executealegalprocesstoblockyourprayers frombeinganswered,suchashealing,financial, peace or even your family coming into the Kingdom of Christ Jesus. His teaching on prayer puts prayer into three dimensions: the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. We can understand approaching God the Father, and as a Friend, but we don’t know a whole lot about coming to him as Judge in the judicial system of heaven.

Enter for a Chance to Win! Weeki Wachee Springs State Park OR Sunken Gardens St. Petersburg

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Complete the trivia Bible verses found in this issue. Dunndeal Gazettes thanks everyone who entered for the Disney on Ice Show. 8 entries were picked for tickets!!!! Share your event at

1. My grace is sufficient ____________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ 2. I can do everything _____________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ 3. For the foolishness of God ________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ 4. God opposes the proud ___________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________

Jesus was praying in a certain place when one of his disciples said, “Lord teach us to pray, just as John taught.” Luke 11:2. He said.” When you pray, say:“Father, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come. Give us each day our daily bread. Forgive us our sins, forwealsoforgiveeveryonewhosinsagainst us and lead us not into temptation.”


Continued on Page 9

Memorial Day Continued from Page 1

could decorate the graves of the men killed during the war.Then an old war general had an idea. John A. Logan, leader of the Union Veteran Association, spearheaded an effort to unite all the decoration services into one national holiday, designating May 30th as Decoration Day. On the first national Decoration Day in 1868, 5,000 war widows, orphans, and other mourners gathered at Arlington National Cemetery. They placed flowers and ribbons on the 20,000 graves of both Union and Confederate soldiers. Two futurePresidentsandfellowUnionveterans, Ulysses S. Grant and James A. Garfield, attended the ceremony. Throughoutthe19thcentury,Decoration Day grew. Ceremonies were held in major CivilWar battlefields like Gettysburg, Pennsylvania and Antietam field in Maryland. By the end of the century, the holiday was renamed Memorial Day. But war wounds ran deep; most southern states refused to commemorate a holiday they regarded as honoring Union soldiers. So each state commemorated their war deadwithdifferentConfederateDecoration Days. Several southern states continue the


tradition to this day. WWI ushered in the age of modern warfare. America lost over 130,000 soldiers in the global conflict. This shared experience finally bonded America’s north and south. When the war ended, May 30th became a day to honor all American soldiers who died in battle as far back as the Revolutionary War. America interred its first Unknown Soldier in Arlington National Cemetery on Armistice Day in 1921. Every Memorial Day, this soldier and other unknown soldiers are honored with a wreath-laying ceremony conducted by the President or Vice President. They are reminders of all those who’ve never made it home. Memorial Day became a federal holiday in 1971, when Congress shifted it from May 30th to the fourth Monday in May, giving federal workers a threeday weekend. All across America, veterans and civilians stillgatherinparadesandvigilstoremember thegenerationswhogavetheirlivesfortheir nation’s freedom.

Woo hoo! We are soooooo excited!!! Thank you so much for the three tickets to see Disney on Ice! We received them in the mail today! We’re looking forward to it! Thank youforyourwonderfulpublicationthatbringsinspiration,hope,andencouragement to our community! I am uplifted when I finish reading your newspaper! Have a beautiful weekend! — Michele

Thank you so much for the wonderful golf certificate prize I received recently! It was a surprise and a joy to get this gift! I gave it to my grandson who enjoys the rare treat of golfing, so he was very happy to get it and will use it soon. He is in trade school so this is a very special event for him. Thanks again and for your fine paper and the Biblical stands you take. — Jan. S. Thank you so much for the gift certificate to Honeybaked Ham from entering the monthly trivia. The ham was well appreciated over the holidays. Your publication is quite unique and so easy to appreciate by anyone from any walk of life. — Bea

Celebrating 50 Years of Service Sunday, April 24th, Sister Mary David Hydro, OSB, celebrated her 50th Jubilee at Holy Name Monastery. Fellow Benedictine Sisters of Florida, friends, and oblates were privileged to attend the Mass ofThanksgiving with celebrant Fr. Ed Lamp. S. Mary David was born and raised in Miami, Florida and decided early in life that she wanted to be a nun. “My Benedictine vocation is such a blessing,” says S. Mary David. “I connected and made the values my own: community, prayer, love of learning, simplicity, silence, peace—a balanced life of prayer and work.” Sister Mary David’s Jubilee Homily gave everyone in the chapel thoughtful words to ponder.“I’ve learned that life is a process to become,tochangeandgrow.Benedictines call it ‘conversatio’.” She reminded us that our challenge from Jesus is to keep His presence alive and to be a disciple—we must as Jesus’ commands “love one another as I have loved you.”

Relatingherlife’schangesanddifficulties, Sister said it has all deepened her relationship with Jesus and made her realize that “only Jesus can really, fully satisfy me.” The service was followed by luncheon with the oblates and Sisters, loving wellwishes, photos, and gifts. Sister Mary David thanked everyone for sharing the day with her and shared a special fact—the dress she was wearing for her 50th Jubilee was the very same dress she wore for her final vows fifty years before!

May 2016 WINNERS!

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June Hernandez • Michele Fisher • Carol Williams • Shawn Ali • Stephen L. Pearson • Anita McElroy • Maurine Thomas • Akshay Patel

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Answering Prayers Continued from Page 8

Then Jesus told a parable about a certain town where there was a judge and a widow who never gave up coming to him with a plea to “grant me justice against my adversary.” While he was talking about an unjust judge in a certain town, he obviously was not saying God is unjust. His point was, if the widow could get a verdict from an unjust judge, how much more we can receive coming from a righteous Judge, a Judge of all the Earth that can render verdict in our behalf? The Bible says we are seated together with Him in heavenly places, and when you read Hebrews 12:22-24 it actually explains somewhat, that we have come to Mount Zion and the city of the living God.

Then it talks about the Judge, the mediator of the New Covenant, and the blood that

speaks better things to the spirit of judgment. They are the voices that are in the courts of heaven coming into an agreement from a placewherewearetobeseated,andfromthat position we have tremendous authority to present our petition as legal issues before the courts of heaven. In the movie “War Room”Miss Clara shares her favorite place where she follows a spiritual procedure to submit and execute her prayers in the battlefield against the legalist Devil. In order for us to receive judgment here on Earth we first have to follow a legal procedure. The same is true in the courts of heaven. In the nameofJesusshepleadedhercasetorendera

verdict in her behalf to be done here on earth. The good news is the spirit knows all things, and the demons know who has the authority and who doesn’t. Hebrews 4:13 says, “Nothing in all creation is hidden from God’s sight. Everything is uncovered and lay bare before the eyes of him to whom we must give account.”This means you cannot fake the spirit realm. In 1 Peter 5:8 it says “Your adversary, the devil, prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour.” AdversaryisaGreekword(antidikos)which means one who brings a lawsuit. It’s made up into two parts, anti – dikos. Anti = against and dikos = rights.The purpose of the lawsuit is to deny what is rightfully yours.

We wonder why we are not getting what the Bible says and everything Jesus did for us. It’s because the Devil has a case against us in the courts of heaven. When we learn how to come into a realm of holiness and repenting, and to understandthatthegraceofGoddoesn’tgiveus license to sin. It empowers us to live above sin, so that we can take our rightful position in the courts of heaven and see God’s will be done. He wants to expose us to what is about to come for Christians, that it’s not the worst of times, but it’s the best time on planet Earth when we understand that God wants us to take our rightful position in the courts ofheaven.Visit watch?v=FZWDvaL1rDk.

Older Americans Month Older Americans Month is a time to show appreciation for our seniors who contribute their talents, skills, and values to our communities. Older Americans are a vital, thriving part of our heritage and our future. They continue to blaze trails and clear paths of opportunity for younger generations. To celebrate Older Americans Month, we are inviting members of the community to join us at one of our local district meetings

held throughout Florida in May. Those who attend will be invited to share their stories andexperiencesofolderAmericanswhohave blazed trails in their communities and also hear stories of our older volunteers’efforts in advocatingforqualitylong-termcare.Contact your local District Ombudsman Office for more information and volunteer opportunities at 1-888-831-0404 or by visiting online at

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“Say You Saw It In A Dunndeal Publication”

May 2016

June Hernandez • Michele Fisher • Carol Williams • Shawn Ali • Stephen L. Pearson • Anita McElroy • Maurine Thomas • Akshay Patel





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Just Palms Chris Tillman As a longtime advertiser in Dunndeal Publications, I just wanted to say thanks for your years of service. I’ve met so many great readers over the years, many who use our services yearafteryear.Advertisinginyourpublicationsisprobablythe solereasonmyPalmTrimmingbusinesshassucceededoverthe years. It’s the only place I gladly pay for advertising year after year.Thanks Kay for all the great service over the years, and I’m looking forward to many more years of advertising with you!

May 2016


Fax: 813-949-0891 11

June Hernandez • Michele Fisher • Carol Williams • Shawn Ali • Stephen L. Pearson • Anita McElroy • Maurine Thomas • Akshay Patel

I was reading in the Dunndeal Gazettes that Mother’s Day was created by Anna Marie Jarvis. In May of 1908, Anna held a memorial and handed out white carnations, her mom’s favorite flower. Pink or red carnations honored living mothers and white carnations honored mothersthatpassed.Shelatercontacted PhiladelphiaphilanthropistJohnWanamaker, who joined a Mother’s Day committee in hopes of honoring all mothers all across the nation.


Happy Mother’s Day! from Dunndeal Publications

Reaching Out to Long-Term Care Residents Florida’s Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program has advocate positions available in the Hillsborough and Manatee areas.Volunteers visit with residents of nursing homes, assisted living facilities, and adult-family care homes to ensure they are treated with dignity and respect. Training and certifica-

tionareprovidedandvolunteersparticipate in council meetings, administrative assessments,andcomplaintresolutioninfacilities. If you would like to become an ombudsman and make a difference in your community,,searchfor us on Facebook, or call 1-888-831-0404.

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Pasco Gazette 21033 St. Rd. 54 & Hwy. 41 22826 St. Rd. 54 & Collier 1930 Land O’ Lakes Blvd. 2810 Land O’ Lakes Blvd. 3036 Land O’ Lakes Blvd. 3619 Land O’ Lakes Blvd. 4005 Land O’ Lakes Blvd. 4028 Land O’ Lakes Blvd. 4204 Land O’ Lakes Blvd. 4526 Land O’ Lakes Blvd. 4805 Land O’ Lakes Blvd. 7040 Land O’ Lakes Blvd. 7827 Land O’ Lakes Blvd. 1927 Brinson Rd. 2205 Collier Pkwy. 2818 Collier Pkwy. 3032 Collier Pkwy. 22829 St. Rd. 54 23110 St. Rd. 54 23390 St. Rd. 54 23671 St. Rd. 54 23434 St. Rd. 54 22601 St. Rd. 54 1900 Oak Grove Blvd.

TIBBETTS Lumber Radiant Gas The Great Catch CentralPascoChamber Holloway’s Farm* $1.99 Cleaners ABC Pizza* Tax Appraisal Natural Market Larry’s Deli Ukulele Brand’s Beef “O” Brady’s Walgreens Royal Lanes* Greenland Grill Pasco Library LOL Rec. Center* Walgreens The UPS Store* Race Trac DQ Grill & Chill Citgo The Village Inn Pepe’s Cuban Rest*

Wesley Chapel Gazette 1660 Bruce B. Downs Beef “O” Brady’s 1708 Bruce B. Downs Don Pan Int’l Bakery 1715 Bruce B. Downs PNC Bank 2653 Bruce B. Downs Hungry Greek 2653 Bruce B. Downs O.T.B. 2653 Bruce B. Downs Latin Twist Cafe 3751 Bruce B Downs Bentzer Phamracy 3757 Bruce B. Downs NY-NY Pizza 28152 Paseo Drive Woodfire Pizza 28230 Paseo Drive Pretzel Twister 2626 Cypress Ridge Blvd. Strive Athletic Club 27221 S.R. 56 Going Postal 26699 S.R. 56 Gate Gas Station 27215 S.R. 56 $1.99 Cleaners 5327 Village Market Woody’s Pizza 5371 Village Market Ace Hardware 5429 Village Market City Grill 5450 St. Rd. 54 & BBD The UPS Shore 25195 State Rd. 54 Tailgate Station 25201 State Rd. 54 Walgreens 24929 State Rd. 54 Mobile Circle K 27251 State Rd. 54 PostNet 27616 State Rd. 54 Mobile Gas Station 27741 State Rd. 54 Radiant Gas 28115 State Rd. 54 Walgreens

12 Phone: 813-949-4411

“Say You Saw It In A Dunndeal Publication”

May 2016

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