New Tampa Gazette - October 2019

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An Act of Kindness is a New Beginning Where your advertisement can make a difference! From Dunndeal Publications




New Tampa

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He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.” - Mark 16:15

J oi n i n the conversation!


Serving the surrounding community.

And Jesus Said… “No one can serve two masters.”

Mammon: In the New Testament of the Bible, it is commonly thought to mean money, material wealth, or any entity that promises wealth, and it is associated with greed and the pursuit of material gain. The Gospels of Luke and of Matthew both quote Jesus using the word in a phrase often rendered in English as “You cannot serve both God and mammon.” In the Middle Ages, it was often personified as a deity and sometimes included in the seven princes of Hell. Mammon in Hebrew means “money”.

Who or What is Mammon?

“…One day, the Sons of God came to attend on Him and among them was Satan. So God asked him, ‘Where have you been?’ Satan replied, ‘Around the Earth roaming about walking to and fro on it.’” (Job: 6-8) Continued on Page 8

Salvation Army Auto Auction

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See Page 11 Free Public Auto Auction occurs on Saturday, October 26. Registration starts at 11am, engines start at noon, and auction begins at 1pm. Up to 60 donated vehicles, both running and nonrunning, will be available to bid on at The Salvation Army Tampa Adult Rehabilitation Center at 13815 N. Salvation Army Lane, Tampa 33613. Before October 26, a list of the vehicles will be posted on, along with some photos. To donate an unwanted vehicle, such as a car, truck, motorcycle, scooter, boat, trailer or camper, schedule a free truck pickup by calling 1-800-SA-TRUCK (1-800-728-7825) or visiting

GWFC Honors Veterans

GFWC Lutz-Land O’Lakes Woman’s Club members attend the return each and every Honor Flight after veterans visit to the Washington DC war monuments. Dee Knerr and her team are present to honor these veterans and present them with a “STAR” packet for their service, rescued from retired American Flags. These packets are meant to be carried in breast pockets near their hearts to remind them of their faithful service and sacrifice. For more information on this volunteer organization, please visit www. or its Facebook page.


Phone: 813-949-4411

“Say You Saw It In A Dunndeal Publication”

Don’t Drift

Keith Chandler Journey Christian Church The theme of Hebrews is Jesus is greater, so don’t give up. Maybe you’re thinking about giving up. You’re thinking about reverting back to your old life. If that’s you, the writer of Hebrews is going to tell us why we shouldn’t. “In the past, God spoke to our ancestors through the prophets at many times and in various ways.” Hebrews 1:1 Think about all the ways God spoke to his people in the Old Testament. God revealed himself in dreams, appeared in a burning bush, delivered messages through angels and wrote on walls. He even spoke through the mouth of a donkey. (anytime I think of that story,I imagine Eddie Murphy in Shrek). It goes on to say “But in these last days, he has spoken to us by his Son, whom he appointed heir of all things…” The entire Old Testament is building up to the coming of Jesus…and Jesus was the heir of all things “and through whom also he (Jesus) made the universe.” Hebrews 1:2 He’s saying, from the beginning to the end it all belongs to Jesus. Verse 3 says, “The Son is the radiance of God’s glory and the exact representation of his being, sustaining all things by his powerful word.” There are a lot of times when we just want to know, “What is God like?” If you want to know what God is like, you look at Jesus. If you want to know what kind of value God placed on you, look at the way Jesus valued people. If you want to know where God is when you’re suffering, look at the way Jesus cared for people who were suffering. Jesus is

the exact representation of God. It says, “After he had provided purification for sins, he sat down at the right hand of the Majesty in heaven.” Hebrews 1:3 When do you sit down? You sit down when there’s nothing left to do. The Jewish people for centuries had sacrificed for their sins. Year after year, they pushed back their sins for another year because the task was NEVER completed. When Jesus came, he offered himself as a sacrifice once and for all. And then he sat down. It was finished! The point is, Jesus is greater. He accomplished everything and then sat down. Then the writer begins to explain to us how Jesus is superior to the angels. (Read Hebrews 1:4-14) The bottom line… angels are just messengers of God. “We must pay the most careful attention, therefore, to what we have heard, so that we do not drift away.” Hebrews 2:1 He is giving us a warning. Do not drift away from what you know is true. All of us tend to drift. If we’re not careful, we will drift from God’s purpose for our life. Drift… it is slow, incremental, and unintentional. It doesn’t happen all at once. Nobody plans to drift. This truth is, you can’t drift away from something without drifting toward something else. The key to NOT drifting is to pay attention. What you focus your attention on is where you go. So, pay attention to the drift toward what feels spiritual instead of Jesus. You find yourself chasing after spiritual things, but it really has nothing to do with Jesus. When you understand the Christian life, everything is spiritual. It’s all about Jesus. Base your life on the word of God and what it’s saying. That becomes the focus that you go after. Jesus did not come to be your personal assistant, he came to be your personal savior. The drift towards our old life when things get hard. For the Israelites, this was their pattern. The children of Israel left Egypt after 400 years of slavery, but they wanted to go back! The drift towards distraction. Maybe going to church used to be a priority and now it’s

Is Your Body Turning into a Giant Marshmallow? Samantha Taylor Samantha Taylor Fitness I went out to dinner with my dad when he was 68, who is one of the most amazing people I know. Every time I talked to him, he talked about how he “was going to start working out, get serious about his exercise plan” and “really do it this time” (probably mentions it since he knows that is what I do for my career). He has been saying he is going to get fit for many years and it really hit me when I realized he was soon to be 70. It worried me that he was getting older and he was not doing anything about his fitness. His blood sugar was sky high with type 2 Diabetes and not eating well. And I was seeing him get “softer” and more out of shape. I always saw my dad as Superman and I still do, but I was starting to get worried. He was in the Vietnam War, always did physical labor tasks outside and owned his own business. And I always saw him with muscles, in good shape and active which probably helped me with my choice to be a trainer. But for a moment, I looked at my dad without those Superman goggles and realized that he was getting older and more out of shape and if he didn’t do something instead of talk about it, he was going to pay for it big time! I put on my personal trainer hat and expressed my concern for him. I told him if he didn’t get serious about this, he was only going to get mushier and become like a big marshmallow! (I knew I could raz him a little bit because my dad has always been a jokester). He said, “Noooo, not a marshmallow!” I said, “Yes, and if you don’t want me to start to calling you Mr. Marshmallow Man, then you had better do something! And if your body turns into mush because you have no more muscles from not exercising, you are going to start losing your independence.” He exclaimed, “No, not that!” I said, “Yes, do you want to be in a nursing home in 10 years with people changing your diapers?” He was

aghast. “NO! I never want to lose my independence!” When he heard that, he looked more serious. I said, “Well then, you better get serious because the life that you are living right now with not being fit, your body is not going to be able to support itself as it gets older, and you will not have your independence, you will have to have other people taking care of you. Is that what you want?” I knew it was NOT what he wanted because he is a very independent man and his mother was 95 who still lived on her own when she passed away. He got a more serious look on his face, “No, that is not what I want. Okay, I am serious. Wait till you see me next time!” I said, “Dad, you said that last time I saw you. You need a plan, not just talk.” He said, “No, I am really going to do something this time.” So we put a plan together for him. I challenged him to workout at least 2 times a week and he has been doing it! He lost 20 lbs., has been working out consistently AND his blood sugar has become so healthy they are reducing his medication! I love him so much and am grateful for him and I don’t want to start seeing his body fall apart because he didn’t take care of it. And for Father’s Day, I took him zip lining and he is now 73! I encourage you to inspire your family to do the same and if you are able to, share this article with your own father. We love our dads and want them to live a long, healthy life! For the ladies, if you want help stopping your body from turning into a giant squishy marshmallow, go here to set a time to meet with us.

hit or miss whenever it’s convenient for you. Maybe you used to engage in the Bible each week and now you don’t. Your drifting has been caused by distraction. You’ve just gotten busy. It’s time to pay attention. It’s time to get back on course again. A few chapters later, the author of Hebrews gives this encouragement: “Fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him, he endured the cross,” You want to know what the Joy set before him was? IT WAS YOU. YOU were the joy set before him. He endured the cross for you. “…scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Consider him (the one who has done all

October 2019

this for you) who endured such opposition from sinners, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart.” Hebrews 12:2-3 So that you will not grow weary and lose heart. Some of you are so tired. You feel like giving up. He’s saying, come back, pay attention, fix your eyes on Jesus. He’s the one who began your faith, and he will perfect your faith. Until next month, Keith 7708 Van Dyke Rd, Odessa 813-920-0442 Services Sunday at 10:00

Life Changing Educational Workshops

Bella Tires will be offering Saturday educational workshops for women from 9:00am-11:00am. The class will introduce a variety of skills and knowledge for girls to understand specific terms for vehicle maintenance so that they will not be taken advantage of by other car repair companies. On Thursday evenings from 7:00-8:00pm, Bella Tires will also offer Bible Classes that will provide people with a thoughtful perspective and could possibly change the life of the individual. All classes are free. For more information, please call (813) 995-0777.

One More Child Backpack Program

One More Child is excited to be meeting the needs of children who are often hungry on the weekends by providing backpacks full of nutritious food for them and their families through its Backpack Program in local schools. One More Child currently provides thousands of meals for children in locations such as Sleigh Middle School, and we need the help of churches, individuals, and businesses to expand! Please visit to find out how you can help children and families be happier and healthier on the weekends through your support.

October 2019

Women-n-Charge Monthly Meeting

Phone: 813-949-4411

Train Up: Be a Great Barista Denice McClure


From left to right, Membership Chair Kay Dunn, Linda Berardi with Global Cynergies - Nashville, TN, Francine DiGiorgioi with Cultural Care Au Pair, Bella Trione, Personal Assistant, and President Mary Adele Cluck. Join the vibrant ladies of Women-n-Charge on October 4th from 11:15am-1:30pm at Plantation Palms Golf Club (23253 Plantation Palms Blvd., Land O’ Lakes, FL 34639). The meeting includes lunch, a presentation, and time to network. We share our talents, build relationships, and share our resources with other women in business. The cost is $15 for members and $18 for guests who RSVP by Monday prior to the meeting. Tuesday and after, the cost is $20 for members and $23 for guests. Please register at http:// For more information or to RSVP, please contact Judy at 813-600-9848 or Our October meeting will feature Dr. Carlos Garcia and his presentation is entitled, “Resilience for Business Owners: Managing Stress.”

Embrace Grace

River of Life Church in Lutz will be hosting the fall semester of Embrace Grace starting Wednesday, September 4. This is a 12-week support group with baby shower for single young women with unplanned pregnancies. We want the church to be the first place they turn to for support. We accept financial donations, new and gently used baby clothing, and other baby items. For registration/information, call Naomi Holloway at 813-431-1706 and find us on Facebook at Embrace Grace-River of Life-Lutz, FL

Blessing of the Animals Festival

St. Clement’s Episcopal Church hosts its 32nd Annual Blessing of the Animals Celebration on Saturday, October 5, 2019, from 10am until 2pm. All proceeds will go to the St. Clement’s General Endowment Fund and to Pets for Patriots. The festival offers activities and fun for the entire family. Admission is free. For more information, visit or call St. Clement’s Office at 813-932-6204.

Enjoying everyday life on the way to where I’m going!

St. Timothy Women’s Club 32nd Annual Holiday Boutique & Craft Fair St. Timothy Women’s Club will be hosting their 32nd Annual Holiday Boutique & Craft on Saturday, November 9, 2019, at St. Timothy Catholic Church from 9:00am - 3:00pm. This event is FREE to attend. There will be over 150 inside and outside vendors displaying beautiful handcrafted and fine quality items. They will also have their popular Bake Sale and Plant Sale! Come with your family and friends and enjoy raffles, food, music, and more. St. Timothy’s is located at 17512 Lakeshore Rd in Lutz (corner of Van Dyke/Lakeshore). For more information, visit www. or email the event chairperson, Burnita Wilder at


For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction according to Newton’s Third Law. Science is predictable. Life is not that simple. We have situations that happen to us; some good and some bad. The great thing is we can choose how we react to each situation. As they say in Jamaica, “There are no problems, only situations.” As I said in the beginning of this series, I’ll share with you people who have taught me lessons in life that I have learned from to grow my business. Someday, you will remember lessons that you had no idea they were going to help you navigate through your own situations. Let me share with you how my Dad, who was first generation Italian, taught me about how to handle situations that could result in positive changes when personal growth was the outcome of the solution to any situation. Let’s transport to my first year in grade school. One day I came home from school crying. I was in first grade and my sister was in kindergarten. My dad was the president of the school board. My sister was brought to my class room. We were called to the front of the class. The teacher told my class that we weren’t going to have school for a month because our father didn’t approve teacher raises for their new contract. We didn’t know what a raise was or a contract. We just knew we could play and learn together. The kids boo’d us. It was horrible My dad didn’t get mad or try to explain. Instead he asked me to fill a pot with water and put it on the stove to boil. Then he handed me carrots to chop. When I was done, he asked me to count out 12 eggs and 250 coffee beans. I finally asked him what we were making. He said “Denice, if you boil carrots, will you change the

water somehow? What if you boil the eggs? Will you change the water? Now what will you get if you add the coffee beans to the boiling water?” I was so puzzled. I was crying because my friends were mean to me and he was doing some weird old Italian thing. He then said, “The carrots will get soft. We aren’t people that get soft and allow others to roll over us. We also aren’t people that will get hardened by tough situations. It is better to seek to understand the other person’s perspective than to have them understand where you are coming from.” I asked him, “What about the coffee beans?” He said, “The beans changed the water to become something that many would share and enjoy together. Change can be good or change can be bad, but if you can make a good cup of coffee every time change happens, life is full of sweetness for all.” My dad was full of great lessons growing up. Ironically, my first grade teacher popped into my life when I ended up working at the same company her husband worked for. One day she was telling the story of her first strike. She said she was asked by the Teacher’s Union to embarrass two little girls and had always regretted it. There was so much regret on her face. She didn’t know I was one of the girls due to my new last name. Later that evening, I introduced myself and told her that I understood now and I forgave her. It was a beautiful moment. My wish for you all is to become bigger Coffee Connoisseurs than my generation. I have a COFFEE CHALLENGE for you: Go to Coffee Time in Land O’ Lakes. Ask the owners how making coffee has impacted their lives and the lives of their customers. Order a drink and post the video on the Facebook page called Train Up in Land O’Lakes. TRAIN UP is a series of stories told in an attempt to bring Proverbs 22:6 to life for young people that have an entrepreneurial spirit. Contact Denice at with comments.


Phone: 813-949-4411

“Say You Saw It In A Dunndeal Publication”

A Healthcare Alternative for Women in our Community

With a compassionate approach to medicine, Guiding Star Tampa is a leader in transforming women’s healthcare. Part of the mission of Guiding Star Tampa is to serve women who are uninsured. Through the Florida Women Wellness program, they provided free annual physicals, cervical cancer screening, HIV, Chlamydia/Gonococcus, cholesterol screening and other labs covered by the program to more than 486 women in 2018. Guiding Star Tampa is a member of the consortium of Pro Women’s Healthcare Centers (PWHC) who are Obstetrics and Gynecology or Family Practice clinics. In 2016, they brought on Tammy Taylor, APRN, CNM as a full time nurse practitioner, and embarked on the journey of getting fully licensed by the Agency for Healthcare Administration (AHCA). It has grown to be a true community medical resource licensed by AHCA as a healthcare clinic and is a non-profit. Executive Director Ana Hidalgo Stooks said, “Women deserve to be able to go to a women’s healthcare practice that offers comprehensive evidence-based care that focuses on the body, mind, and spirit. All PWHCs have created these high standards of medical care.” Besides offering free physicals, paps and labs to uninsured women over 18, Guiding Star Tampa takes many insurance plans including Aetna, Cigna, United, Ambetter and Florida Medicare and Medicaid including Staywell, Multiplan, and PHCS. Guiding Star Tampa is located in the Chateau Professional Park at 18560 North Dale Mabry Hwy. Call to make your appointment at 813-948-7734.

Kidz Corner: Oasis Volunteering

Hi. My name is Harley, and I recently volunteered at Oasis Pregnancy Center. I helped and packed diapers for the infants and they said I was a huge help. It’s a ministry to help other babies and mommies. The mommies go to the special classes to learn how to take care of their babies, and then they get points to go shopping in the Baby Boutique room. The things that are in the baby boutique room can include different sizes of diapers, clothing, toys, and other items. And the reason they do this is so the babies can grow up and become people who tell people about Jesus and then those people tell other people about Jesus and they tell other people and everybody goes to heaven. And even Jesus said be like the little children of the world for you will be rewarded. You can help too. You could probably help with things like packing diapers and whatever they would like you to do so they can keep helping others. You can also donate money at The people there are pretty nice. They make everybody feel welcome. They give free sonograms. A sonogram is the image produced by the ultrasound of a baby in the mommy’s belly. It is a big deal because that mommy may not know that there is a baby in her belly. Children are a gift from God and they are a privilege to have. Harley Isabel Smith is a 1st grader who has been featured on TV as a philanthropist, has a heart for evangelism, and writes monthly for the Gazette’s Kid’s Corner. For more information on this story or others, visit

“No one can serve two masters. Either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money.” — Matthew 6:24

October 2019

October 2019

Phone: 813-949-4411


What Does the Bible Say About Investing? James H. Willis, III Founder and President The Willis Agency, Inc

813-948-9109 1 Peter 5:7 A bunch, believe it or not. It’s a major theme throughout the entire Bible. Spiritually speaking, the Bible has a great deal to say about investments and investment decision making. For example, we need to be aware of 5 things in our decision process. 1st is Diversification, 2nd is Our Long Time Horizon, 3rd is What Our Professional Counsel May Suggest, 4th Ask What Are Our Motives, and 5th What Is Your Personal Perspective on Things. Next, we need to always be aware of the investment worlds larger picture. Investments are a tool and not an end in themselves. Here are the 4 Universal “Big Pictures”. 1) Economic uncertainty is always certain-isn’t that true? 2) Economic prosperity is certain only in retrospect. All the education and experience is still uncertain. 3) Economic cycles (ups & downs) are normal, and to ignore them is foolish and dangerous. 4) The future cannot be predicted, we just don’t know what we don’t know. When you and I are looking at investing, we should be aware of some of the quantitative variables that affect our objectives. They are our age, our temperament, our situation, the financial climate, and the timing of income and cash flow. When we are looking for options, they are not found in company names per say, but in classes and periods; for example, by time period, the dollar cost averaging, or by asset class-

in allocation or by specific investment desires and even in geography-parts of the country or world and lastly, having professional help. Personally, at the Willis Agency, we specifically focus on the Preservation Phase of money. Long ago we realized that we were working with many retired people and they just didn’t want that roller coaster ride of the ups and downs with their life savings anymore. I also found that everybody talks about making money, but few show how to keep your money. At the Willis Agency, that’s what we do. We show people how to keep their money. I just never wanted to be that guy who you call on Monday and say, “What happened to all of my money?” I just do not like that scenario. We also have a concept of having your money match your age. So, all my customers can say that they have never lost 1 dime of money, ever! If you want to find out how to never lose money again and how to have your money last as long as you do, give the office a call to set up an appointment 813-948-9109. In conclusion, I have listed several verses for your review. Prov. 24:27, Prov. 28:20, Luke 14:28, Prov. 6:6-8, Ecc. 11:1-2, Prov. 15:16, II Peter 3:4, James 1:5, Heb 11:6, Prov 4:20-27. Caring for you and yours, Jim

The Great Florida Outdoors: Antlionst Dr. Robert Norman, Clinical Professor, Dermatology, Nova Southeastern University

Who makes these circular depressions?

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Antlions have a worldwide distribution with the greatest diversity occurring in the tropics. They most commonly occur in dry and sandy habitats where the larvae can easily excavate their pits, although some larvae hide under debris or ambush their prey among leaf litter.

In the 2nd century AD Physiologus, the Myrmecoleon was a mythical ant-lion hybrid used when animal descriptions were paired with Christian morals. Although the exact meaning of the name “antlion” is uncertain, it probably indicates that ants form a large percentage of the prey of the insect. Popular folklore in the southern United States include a poem or chant to make the antlion come out of its hole and similar cultural practices have been recorded

other places throughout the world. Where can you find these antlions?

Get out and look for them in the Great Florida Outdoors! Dr. Norman is an advanced master naturalist graduate of the FMNP program from UF and a board-certified dermatologist based in Tampa and Riverview. He can be reached at 813-880-7546.

Antlion The Concave Sandborer Ground Wasp Palmetto Beetle Feral Sand Nymphs

The antlions (Distoleon tetragrammicus) are a group of about 2,000 species of insect in the family Myrmeleontidae that are known for the fiercely predatory habits of their larvae. Many species dig pits to trap passing ants or other prey. The adult insects are less well known and mostly fly at dusk or after dark. They may be mistakenly identified as dragonflies or damselflies and are sometimes known as antlion lacewings. In North America, the larvae are sometimes referred to as doodlebugs because of the strange marks they leave in the sand.

In trap-building species, an average-sized larva digs a pit about 2 inches deep and 3 inches wide at the edge by starting with a circular groove and crawling backwards, using its abdomen as a plough to shovel up the soil. The steepsloped trap, based on a critical angle of repose, guides prey into the larva’s mouth while avoiding crater avalanches. It is one of the simplest and most efficient traps in the animal kingdom. Antlions are poorly represented in the fossil record. The antlions’ closest living relatives are thought to be the owlflies (Ascalaphidae). The predatory actions of the larvae have attracted attention throughout history, and antlions have been mentioned in literature since classical times. The term appears to go back to classical antiquity as the scientific name of the type genus Myrmeleo is derived from Ancient Greek léon (λέων) “lion” + mýrmex (μύρμηξ) “ant.”

“If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be given to you. This is to my Father’s glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to by my disciples.” — John 15:7


Phone: 813-949-4411

“Say You Saw It In A Dunndeal Publication”

October 2019

Travel Immunizations, Sports Physicals, and Back to School Physicals By Karen McBride

Summertime can be a busy travel time for families. Make sure to have all vaccinations up to date that are required when visiting other countries. Contact Dr. Michele JohnsonTowson at Pediatric Place of Tampa, a boardcertified pediatrician with 30 years of experience in caring for children ages newborn to 21 years old. If your son or daughter is involved in sports, it is time to schedule his/her sports physical. Same-week appointments are available for school physicals at Pediatric Place of Tampa, and the practice accepts all insurances as well as self-pay patients. New patients are always welcome! When visiting Pediatric Place of Tampa for the first time, new patients should bring: •Your child’s insurance card •A release of medical records •Copies of preexisting medical problems •Immunization records

Children will feel comfortable in the warm and welcoming environment while being cared for by the professional staff. The cheerful, kid-friendly office is on the bus line too. Students return to school in August. It is important for all shots to be up to date, and hearing and vision tested so students are totally ready for a new year of learning and healthy playing. Schedule an appointment soon. Dr. Johnson-Towson and her staff are dedicated to keeping patients both healthy and educated on changes in children’s health care. Pediatric Place of Tampa offers Urgent Care hours to accommodate sick children after work, school, and/or daycare. Urgent Care hours are available Monday – Friday until 7pm, and Saturday 8:00am until noon. Pediatric Place of Tampa is located at 1338 W. Fletcher Avenue, Tampa, FL 33612. For more information or to schedule an appointment, call 813-264-2288.

An Act of Kindness: The Good Samaritan

Jesus answered, “A certain man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho, and he fell among robbers, who both stripped him and beat him, and departed, leaving him half dead. By chance a certain priest was going down that way. When he saw him, he passed by on the other side. In the same way a Levite also, when he came to the place, and saw him, passed by on the other side. But a certain Samaritan, as he travelled, came where he was. When he saw him, he was moved with compassion, came to him, and bound up his wounds, pouring on oil and wine. He set him on his own animal, and brought him to an inn, and took care of him. On the next day, when he departed, he took out two denarii, and gave them to the host, and said to him, ‘Take care of him. Whatever you spend beyond that, I will repay you when I return.’ Now which of these three do you think seemed to be a neighbor to him who fell among the robbers?” He said, “He who showed mercy on him.” Then Jesus said to him, “Go and do likewise.” — Luke 10:30–37, World English Bible

October 2019

Phone: 813-949-4411

The Power of Truth Dr. Dan Coflin Pastor, River of Life Church In the Book of Psalms, King David wrote about what God desires, “Behold, you desire truth in the inward parts…” (Ps. 51:6). In other words, David was saying that God’s desire for him and for us is that we would be truthful. David knew what he was talking about because he had just experienced the greatest failure of his life. You see, David was walking around the housetop terrace of his palace when he looked through the window of his neighbor’s house to see a beautiful woman named Bathsheba bathing. David desired her and sent a messenger to bring her to the palace. The result of this adulterous affair was revealed to David by a note Bathsheba sent to the king. She was pregnant and her husband had been with the armies of Israel for months. King David then put into motion a plan to cover up the affair. He sent word to Joab, the commander of his army, for Uriah, Bathsheba’s husband, to return home immediately. Upon his arrival, David honored Uriah and commended him for his service and sent him home to be with his wife. Instead, Uriah slept in the barracks near the palace. When David’s servants told him that Uriah had not gone home, the king summoned him and asked why he had not gone to his home after such a long journey. Uriah said to the king, that it would not be right for him to go home when his commander and fellow soldiers were camped in the open field and engaged in battle. When David was convinced that Uriah was not going to go home, he gave him a sealed message for Joab and sent him back to the battle. The message to Joab was to set Uriah in the hottest battle and withdraw from him so he would be killed. Joab obeyed the king, and the next day Bathsheba’s husband was dead. After a month of mourning for her husband, Bathsheba was taken to the palace and she became David’s wife. David thought his sin was covered, but God sent a prophet to the king who told him a story about a poor man who

had a pet lamb that was greatly loved by him and his children. The poor man’s neighbor was very rich and had many flocks. One day a friend visited the rich man. When he prepared a meal for his visitor, he stole the pet lamb from the poor man instead of taking one from his own flock. When king David heard of this injustice, he pronounced a judgment against the rich man, saying, “the man who has done this deserves to die, and he shall restore the lamb fourfold, because he did this thing, and because he had no pity.” (2 Sam. 12:5). The prophet then said to David, “You are the man.” David’s lies to conceal his sin were discovered, resulting in the judgment he himself had determined. The prophet said, “The sword shall never depart from your house.” (2 Sam. 12:10). Sadly, four of David’s children died. In the Book of Proverbs it says, “He that covers his sins shall not prosper; but whoso confesses and forsakes them shall have mercy.” (Pr. 28:13) I wonder what might have been if David had gone to God with his sin instead of lying about it. Could he have avoided judgment and found forgiveness and mercy instead? If we are walking in truth, then there is no place for things to hide in the dark. Give the devil “no place” (Eph. 4:27). Anything we attempt to hide will be the very thing that brings our ruin. Most people confess their wrongs if caught red-handed, but how sincere is their sorrow? If I am grieved for a wrong I’ve done even when no one knows about it and I go to God and ask forgiveness, I have exposed what was in the dark to the light of God’s truth. Then when “I walk in the light as he is in the light…the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanses me from all sin” (1 Jn. 1:7). Truth is transformational, and when we walk in the truth, we are aligning ourselves with God and in God is life and life more abundant (Jn. 10:10). Dr. Dan Coflin and his wife Dianne co-pastor River of Life Church at 410 E. Chapman Rd. in Lutz, FL. 33549, (813) 949-9931, www. We would love to invite you to visit River of Life Church. Our lively worship begins at 10:30am on Sunday. We are a non-denominational, spiritfilled ministry. Please honor us with your visit. We would love to have you!

Salvation Army Auto Auction

Florida Power Yoga: A Fitness Plan for Total Health By Karen McBride

Denice McClure first tried yoga 15 years ago. The busy mom worked out daily at her local YMCA at 5am before work, came home, cooked dinner, took the kids to baseball all while running a bed and breakfast in a historic mansion. One evening a guest invited her to a yoga class. She laughed before asking when she would squeeze that into her life. “My first class was a horrific experience. It was hot, I didn’t know what I was doing, I had the wrong kind of mat and clothes, yet I could not wait to do it again. I was hooked. It’s funny, but life became so much easier. I had more time because I wasn’t rushing around anymore nor was I exhausted. I felt alive and great!” said Denice. She retired at 38, spent three years benchmarking the fitness and yoga industry to find out what people liked and didn’t like, and Florida Power Yoga was born on February 20, 2013. Today it is the largest yoga studio in the Tampa and surrounding area with over 2,500 people attending classes. She calls her style American Yoga. It’s yoga free of its Eastern culture and religious influences in an environment where everything from floor to heating choice is world class. “Our clients come here 7 days a week, which is unusual for a fitness program. The reason for our high retention rate is that we aren’t focused on weight loss. In fact, most of us don’t have scales. We are focused on moving to feel great and we have a lot of fun together,” said Denice.

On Saturdays from 9:30-10:15am, they host a free beginner’s workshop for 6 adults. Silver Toz is for the 65 and over crowd and is offered on Mondays at 9:15am. Another unique service offered is a new company launched by Maria Gross and Denice called “Art Slingers”. At Art Slingers, they use historical artists to teach kids about leadership by selecting one artist each month and developing 6 projects for the children to do. The cost is $25/child/session for the general public and $15/child/session for Florida Power Yoga members. Upcoming Events October 6 - Parents Night Out-Kids Night at Art Slingers from 6:30-10pm October 11 - Destination FPY at Tiki Cove: Beginner’s Yoga class at 5:30pm, a Slow Power in the Sand at 6:30pm and with an Art Slingers class following November 16 - Hula & Mai Tais Art for parents and Moana Art & Hula for kids for $25 a person November 16 - kicks off their 4 Week Learn to Hula Series for $99 Florida Power Yoga is located at Wilderness Plaza, 7016 Land O’ Lakes Boulevard, Land O’ Lakes, FL 34638. For more information, call Denice at 813-431-8033 or visit https://www. and

Free Public Auto Auction occurs on Saturday, October 26. Registration starts at 11am, engines start at noon, and auction begins at 1pm. Up to 60 donated vehicles, both running and non-running, will be available to bid on at The Salvation Army Tampa Adult Rehabilitation Center at 13815 N. Salvation Army Lane, Tampa 33613. Before October 26, a list of the vehicles will be posted on org, along with some photos. To donate an unwanted vehicle, such as a car, truck, motorcycle, scooter, boat, trailer or camper, schedule a free truck pickup by calling 1-800SA-TRUCK (1-800-728-7825) or visiting



Phone: 813-949-4411

“Say You Saw It In A Dunndeal Publication”

Who or What is Mammon? David Cravatta, Wells Fargo Associate VP, Investments 1) For days, I found it very difficult at just how I would present this or even why bother. At first I thought this would be easy, however, after pondering the subject, I reproached myself. Do I dare go here? Why attempt to talk about this when most people, churches and even preachers don’t bring this up? I’ve been told, “Don’t concentrate on that”, “This does not need to be discussed”, “People will think you’re nuts” and better yet, “Who?” Okay, here goes: My question is, what is Mammon? Let me rephrase: Who is Mammon? Mammon is mentioned numerous times in both the Old and New Testament books and is most specifically mentioned in the book of Matthew when Jesus was preaching the Sermon on the Mount. In fact, Jesus directly addressed a question by answering “…you cannot serve two masters; one cannot serve God and Mammon.” I never noticed this before, but my version of the Bible had Mammon as a pronoun. “Mammon is a person?” I asked myself. “Who is this Mammon?” I started asking questions about this…I mean, Jesus just doesn’t throw words around, right? To my great frustration, the Bible often underscores the emphasis of an unseen enemy as I am a firm believer in knowing. 2) Did some digging and inquired of those who I worship with and inquired of two preachers who I know. To my astonishment, they did not know of this Mammon and did not know what it meant as a noun; now I’m really curious. Here is what I found: the noun “mammon” is associated with avarice and greed for wealth. However, the pronoun “Mammon” is one of the infernal names that was created by God and placed under God’s third ranking Order of Angels via Thrones (majestic and beautiful charioteers with wings that sparkled like brass). 3) When Lucifer was cast out of Heaven, Mammon soon followed. In fact, prior to Mammon’s banishment from God’s splendor, he was already focused on himself, admiring Heaven’s gold and emeralds and wanting and coveting them for his own in direct contrast to the spirit of God. 4) Mammon is easily disguised, extremely pervasive, and difficult to detect as he at-

taches himself to money and wealth, provides advice on how to build it, and whispers gently not to share with anyone. He attempts to convince us that wealth is more important than anything God can provide, constantly instructs to leave God’s word behind, promises great wealth and fortune if we listen to him, and tells us sharing treasures is for ingrates… the exact opposite of God’s love. Mammon’s greatest power is his enticing influence he can exert and plant in hearts and minds inspiring envy and greed so potent that even the most innocent and loving person will corrupt themselves to obsession only to have their soul laid waste to his empty promises of fortune. 5 It is very easy and tempting to listen to Mammon’s promises; I do admit I have in the past. But our heavenly Father & Almighty God has made his word perfectly clear: Mammon is one of the seven infernal princes of Hell who was cast down from Heaven like lightning. His fall was so heavy he is permanently stooped over and cannot stand straight, spending eternity staring at the ground. His supreme wickedness puts him on the same level of Satan himself and embodies the second of the seven deadly sins. As a financial advisor by profession for 36 years, I have seen him destroy people, families, and businesses. Mammon is relentless and will stop at nothing every hour of every day. 6) In our modern world of image, money turning over quickly and everything measured by gain, Mammon is everywhere like a monster devouring its prey with his true identity found by those who flaunt their wealth and abundance. 7) In the book of Ephesions, Paul addressed the subject of spiritual warfare: “…put God’s armor on to resist the evil one’s tactics. For it is not against human enemies that we struggle but against the Sovereignties and Powers who originate the darkness…” (Eph 6: 10-14). Sounds like Paul knew exactly who Mammon was, too. David Cravatta Associate Vice President - Investments Wells Fargo Advisors 11300 State Road 54 Trinity, FL 34665 Tel 727-815-3000 Fax 727-372-7964 Toll Free 800-759-3599

Samantha Taylor Fitness What Our Longest Advertiser Says When my personal training career started in this area over 17 years ago, Mark Dunn called me and asked if I wanted to be a part of their paper. I was new in business in this area and knew I had to get my name out there, so this was the first media outlet I had ever advertised in. As people started to hear about what I offered, through THIS paper, my name started to get out in the community, and in a few years I became the #1 producing personal trainer in the large gym I was in, out of 2,000 trainers! When it was time to go out on my own, God used THIS paper to give me the confidence that I could find clients outside of that gym. I knew I must, because I wanted to create an environment for women that didn’t want to be in a gym. That wanted a safe place they could work out and not feel judged. I also enjoy catering to Christian women who liked that our studio cared about that. Now we have trained over 6,000 people, have 17 trainers, won the Small Business of the Year Award by the Chamber, give free seminars to the community, and started a meal prep service delivered to your home. We opened our 5th location in Palm Harbor, and we just moved our Wesley Chapel location into a new building that we own. We also have Land O Lakes, Carrollwood, Westchase, and more to come! I thank God for bringing this paper into my life, and I am SO grateful, for they helped give me the original confidence that I could build this business, and look what its turned into and the amount of people we serve! The owners, Mark and Kay, are some the nicest, most genuine people you’ll ever meet and I appreciate how they honor Jesus Christ in this paper. It’s such a blessing to partner with them, and I’m happy to know that I am the longest advertiser in the last 17 years! I wanted to thank you for the Heritage Harbor Golf Round for (2) two. We enjoyed playing Heritage Harbor this past Sunday afternoon. The course and the greens were in good shape. Once again, thank you very much. – Jerry L.

October 2019

Enter to Win!

Family Pack of “What Would Jesus Do” bracelets!

Fill in the Verses (answers are found in the paper!)

1. If you remain in me _______________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ 2. No one can serve two masters. _____________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ 3. Do not store up for yourselves treasures on Earth, _____________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________

Winners for September Contest:

Olivia D., Barbara C., Linda B., Gene & Christina P., Gloria G., Enoch D. Share your experience with other readers by sending a note & photo to

October 2019


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* Some minds are like concrete: thoroughly mixed up and have permanently set.


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Gulfside Hospice Seeking Volunteers Gulfside Hospice is looking for individuals who are passionate about helping people to join their team of volunteers and help with a variety of tasks. Volunteer opportunities include patient care tasks as well as other opportunities that do not require working directly with patients. Volunteers are encouraged to choose an area of interest to them, and the team at Gulfside will work with them to create a schedule that best suits their needs. For more information about specific tasks and steps to become a volunteer: Contact Kirsty Churchill at 800-561-4883 or

Reaching Out to Long-Term Care Residents Florida’s Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program has advocate positions available in the Hillsborough and Manatee areas. Volunteers visit with residents of nursing homes, assisted living facilities and adult-family care homes to ensure they are treated with dignity and respect. Training and certification are provided and volunteers participate in council meetings, administrative assessments and complaint resolution in facilities. Candidates need to: • Enjoy working with seniors and those with disabilities • Plan to volunteer 20 hours a month • Pass a background check (paid for by the Program) • Complete certification training • Communicate well • Attend a monthly meeting If you would like to become an ombudsman and make a difference in your community, visit, search for us on Facebook or call 1-888-831-0404.

Get your Smile on! Think about this: * Do you think “stop, drop, and roll” will work in Hell?

HOME WINDOW TINTING Since 1999 Improve Comfort & Security-Save Energy FREE Quote & Samples — 727-741-0943 NOTICE FOR FICTITIOUS NAME UNDER SECTION 865.09, FLORIDA STATUTES. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned, desiring to engage in business under the fictitious name of Stylist Outside LLC, located at 2810 Land O Lakes Blvd. in the county of Pasco, in the city of Land O Lakes, intends to register the said name with the Division of Corporations of the Florida Department of State, Tallahassee, Florida. Dated this 26th day of September 2019. Tabitha Anton (owner).


* Many folks want to serve God, but only as an adviser.



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Phone: 813-949-4411

* God loves everyone but probably prefers ‘“fruits of the Spirit” over nuts! * The good Lord didn’t create anything without a purpose, but mosquitoes came close. * Opportunity may knock once, but temptation bangs on the front door forever. * Quit griping about your church! If it was perfect, you couldn’t belong. * If your church needs a better pastor, it only needs to pray for the one it has. * The best mathematical equation is 1 cross + 3 nails = 4 given. * God Himself doesn’t propose to judge a man until he’s dead. So why should you? * Don’t wait for six strong men to take you to church. * We don’t change the message, the message changes us. * Why advertise your business to keep God’s word in print media? He will give you somthing to sing about and something you can dance to.


Grammy Award Winning Recording Artist David Phelps at First Baptist Church

Once a childhood musical prodigy from Tomball, TX, David Phelps earned a bachelor’s degree in music from Baylor University. Since then, he has become a nationally celebrated vocalist, whose gifts and talents are matched by none. Perhaps best known as the powerful tenor for the multiple Grammy and Dove Award-winning Gaither Vocal Band, Phelps is constantly building on a career that has already been groundbreaking. Emerging as a leading voice in contemporary Christian music, Phelps has been winning the hearts of audiences all over the world for more than two decades. He has performed at numerous prestigious venues across the globe, including the White House, New York’s Carnegie Hall and the Sydney Opera House in Australia. With 14 solo albums to his credit, David’s electrifying voice has moved audiences from all walks of life, crossing generational and stylistic barriers. This event, presented by Carpenter’s Son Productions, featuring David Phelps, as well as Phelps’ musical entourage, including daughters, Callie and Maggie Beth, and will feature many of the songs from Phelps’ Hymnal recording. Phelps lends his three-octave range to some of the most treasured hymns of the church with this new recording, which showcases masterful vocals and lush arrangements of such cherished gems as “Amazing Grace,” “How Great Thou Art,” “In The Garden,” “Victory In Jesus” and “It Is Well With My Soul.” Each song takes the listener on a journey of inspiration and worship in song. Any music lover, regardless of stylistic preference, will not want to miss this special evening of worship and celebration featuring David Phelps and the Phelps Family Band at the First Baptist Church in St Petersburg, FL, on Friday, October 11. Event information may be obtained by visiting www. or

10 Phone: 813-949-4411

“Say You Saw It In A Dunndeal Publication”

October 2019









Florida Flood & Mold Rescue By Karen McBride

Florida Flood & Mold Rescue can help you during your time of crisis. Whether your house is flooded due to a broken water pipe or leaky toilet, call the experts to dry out your home before mold begins to grow and causes further damage. In the Florida heat, mold can begin to grow in as little as 48-72 hours if the dampness is left untreated. Josh Greene, owner of Florida Flood & Mold Rescue, has been in the industry for 12 years. Last year he stepped out on his own, and he started his own company. As a Christian, his reputation for being honest while providing quality work is important to him, and this is the foundation for his company. “It’s not about the money. I feel this is my mission field,” said Josh. “It’s an opportunity for me to spread the love of Jesus and share God’s word, while helping people to fix their homes after a flood.” When a flood occurs in your home, the team of professionals will remove the standing water and any damaged drywall, baseboards, and flooring. The drying process can take 3-10 days. Often times, homeowners will need to move out during this process as the home will be uninhabitable. Josh takes it a step further and helps homeowners with the insurance process and can even recommend flooring and drywall companies to repair the home once it has been confirmed there is no mold. For more information or to schedule an appointment, call 813-926-MOLD (6653) or visit

Bella Tires Wheels & Service

Bella Tires desires to help anyone keep their vehicle in great working order, starting with the most important safety feature of all, the tires. They also carry a large assortment of affordable wheels and can order wheels of your choosing. They are aware that car maintenance and repair can be a bit overwhelming and want to put that apprehension to rest and replace it with peace of mind by offering complete auto and truck service. In an effort to empower ladies in the community, Bella Tires is offering Saturday educational workshops from 9:00-11:00am that will introduce a variety of vehicle maintenancebased classes. On Thursday evenings they will also offer Bible Classes from 7:00-8:00pm that will at least give one a thoughtful perspective and at the most change your life. Rich Nicoloff, owner of Bella Tires, recently retired from the Federal Government and pondered the ways he would spend his time while continuing to support a family. “I have never been one to ‘sit still’ and have always enjoyed working on vehicles. That is: vehicles of any kind.” said Nicoloff. “I observed a friend’s tire business in West Virginia and was led to open a tire business in Land O Lakes to serve the people in my community.” Bella Tires desires to answer some very deep, life changing questions that were answered for Rich around seven years ago. They have a personal desire to share the Love of Jesus Christ with whoever chooses to visit Bella Tires. From cleaning love bugs from your car to tire and wheel repair, Bella Tires will offer different classes every Saturday along with coffee and treats in their café’ style showroom. Bella Tires is located at 19245 SR 52, Land O Lakes, Florida, 34637. For more information, call (813) 995-0777. Business hours are: Monday-Friday from 8:00am-6:00pm, Saturday from 8:00am-1:00pm, and are closed on Sundays.

Whether by Racks, Mail, or Online Dunndeal Publications Has You Covered! Get your ad order in by the 18th!

October 2019

Phone: 813-949-4411 11

Kay’s List of Christian Businesses Business Bella Tires Wheels & Service Christian Bros. Automotive Land O’ Lakes Cornerstone A/C, Plumbing & Electrical Coverage by Dave—Health Insurance Ernest Walker Agency Insurance Nautilus Soap Company Oasis Pregnancy Care Centers PFG Private Wealth Financial Planner Reflexology Therapy The Willis Agency—Medicare

Contact Richard Nicholoff Larry Giannone Ellen Castellani David Taylor Ernest Walker Melissa Brown April Beck Andy Whitten Louise Richardson Jim Willis

Harvester United Methodist Church Our Lady of the Rosary Catholic Church Journey Christian Church Keystone United Methodist Calvary Chapel Tampa Grace Family Church Keystone Community Church River of Life Church, Holy Trinity Lutheran Church All Saints Lutheran Church St. Timothy’s Catholic Church Grace Lutheran Church Northwest Community Church

Phone (813) 995-0777 (813) 949-0100 (813) 343-0804 (813) 391-3448 (813) 968-4043 (813) 438-3507 (813) 406-4965 (813) 546-6377 (813) 965-1697 (813) 948-9109

2432 Collier Parkway, Land O’ Lakes 813-948-2311 2348 Collier Parkway, Land O’ Lakes 7708 Van Dyke Rd, Odessa 813-920-0442 16301 Race Track Road, Odessa 813-920-5153 17538 Livingston Ave., Lutz 813-265-2759 5101 Van Dyke Rd., Lutz 21010 State Road 54, Lutz 813-948-4522 410 Chapman Rd. E., Lutz 813-949-9931 20735 Leonard Rd., Lutz 813-949-7173 5315 Van Dyke Rd., Lutz 813-963-0969 17512 Lakeshore Rd., Lutz 3714 E. Linebaugh Ave., Carrollwood 813-961-8747 14913 Hutchinson Rd., Carrollwood 813-962-4990

Aposento Cristiano de Lutz

Domingo: Estudio Bíblico 2:00pm -2:45pm Martes: Llamada de Intersecion: 7:00pm Jueves: Oración de Clamor 6:00pm -7:00pm

“Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, your heart will be also.” — Matthew 6:19-21

Servicio Advivamiento: 3.00pm 5:00pm Llama: 712-775-7035 Extensión 349924# Dirección: 2541 Henly Rd, Lutz, FL: 33558 Sun. 7:45, 9:45, 11:30, 5:00 Sun. 10:00 Sun. 8:30, 9:45, & 11:00 Sun. 10:15, Sat. 5:00 & 7:00, Sun. 9:30 & 11:30 Sun. 10:30 Sun. 10:30 Sun. 8:00 & 10:00 Worship 9:45, Sun. School 11:00 Sat. 5:30, Sun. 7:00, 9:00, 11:00 & 5:30 Sun. 10:30

Aposento Cristiano de Lutz

Come Celebrate With Us Advent Service: 3.00pm 5:00pm Call: 712-775-7035 Extension 349924#

Sunday: Bible Study 2:00pm -2: 45pm Tuesday: Intersection Prayers: 7:00pm Thursday: Clamor Prayers 6:00pm -7: 00pm

Not receiving the Gazettes? Subscribe! 12 issues for only $34.95! 218 E. Bearss Ave. #256 • Tampa, FL 33613

Pick Up a Copy from Any Dunndeal Operating Partner Listed Below Citrus Park Gazette 6560 Gunn Hwy. Quick Lane & Auto* 6602 Gunn Hwy. Tire Kingdom 8500 Gunn Hwy. Subway 8568 Gunn Hwy. Beef “O” Brady’s* 8741 Gunn Hwy. Keystone Cafe 8745 Gunn Hwy. G. Peppers* 8538 Gunn Hwy. Ace Hardware* 17633 Gunn Hwy. The UPS Store* 17928 Gunn Hwy. Keystone Rec. Center 17623 Gunn Hwy. Dash Cleaners 17627 Gunn Hwy. Subway 17635 Gunn Hwy. Dunkin’ Donuts 17773 Gunn Hwy. Three Brothers Pizza 17808 Wayne Rd. Austin Davis Library 8848 S. Mobley Rd. Citrus Park Landscape 11203 Sheldon Rd. Shell Gas Station 9872 W. Linebaugh Ave. Marco’s Pizza 12121 W. Linebaugh Ave. Marina Pizza 12157 W. Linebaugh Ave. The UPS Store 11211 Countryway Blvd. Upper Tampa Bay Reg. Library 13911 Nine Eagles Dr. Walgreens 12008 Race Track Rd. Ellie’s Restaurant 12702 Race Track Rd. Nutrition Smart 12950 Race Track Rd. Hungry Greek 13001 Race Track Rd. The Village Inn 13006 Race Track Rd. Tire Choice* 13032 Race Track Rd. Subway 13048 Race Track Rd. Westchase Pizza 13151 Race Track Rd. 7-11

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Hank’s Catfish & BBQ Riviera Restaurant Wild Birds Shop The UPS Store* Abby’s Health The Hungry Greek First Watch Carrollwood Shell Mr. Empanada IHOP Restaraunt Firehouse Subs AAA Office Zoe’s Kitchen Orangetherapy Evo’s Real Food 7-11 Ricky’s Cuban Cafe TB Farmers Market Jimmie B. Keel Library Subway Honeybaked Ham The UPS Store Thornhills Gas Station Natural Market Life’s Treasures Walgreens Beef “O” Brady’s Hank’s Pizza The UPS Store Rainbow Dry Cleaners Pak Mail NY Bagel Cafe The UPS Store Pepo’s Cuban Rest. YMCA

Lutz Gazette 205 E. Bearss Ave. 218 E. Bearss Ave. 804 E. Bearss Ave. 1911 E. Bearss Ave. 1913 E. Bearss Ave.100B 14915 N. Nebraska Ave. 15003 N Nebraska Ave, 410 Chapman Rd. 17693 N. Dale Mabry 18801 N. Dale Mabry 18560 N. Dale Mabry 18905 N. Dale Mabry 19235 N. Dale Mabry 19130 N. Dale Mabry 17514 U.S. Hwy 41 18421 U.S. Hwy 41 18511 U.S. Hwy 41 18431 Livingston Dr. 101 Flagship Drive 101 Lutz-Lake Fern Rd. 3850 Van Dyke Rd. 3967 Van Dyke Rd. 3949 Van Dyke Rd. 3959 Van Dyke Rd. 3971 Van Dyke Rd. 5524 Van Dyke Rd.

Racetrack Gas The UPS Store Wawa Gas Station Wings Express Copo Cuts Barber Sparta Fitness Culver’s Restaurant River Of Life Church* Mr. Empanada Lutz Mail Depot Guiding Star Al’s Lawn Care Subway Dunkin’ Donuts Dunkin’ Donuts Beef “O”Brady’s* Walgreens Speedway Gas Richard’s Cafe Lutz Library Walgreens China Taste Uncle Maddio’s Pizza The UPS Store Subway Shell Station

New Tampa Gazette 3119 Cove Bend Dr.


14903 Bruce B. Downs Speedway 15014 Bruce B. Downs Race Track 16014 Bruce B. Downs Publix 16010 Bruce B. Downs Subway 17402 Bruce B. Downs Circle K 17511 Bruce B. Downs Walgreens 20741 Bruce B. Downs Walgreens 5220 Cypress Preserve

Race Track

15309 Amberly Dr.


16221 Compton Dr.


17402 Donna Michelle Shell Gas 5102 Point of Tampa Way 7-11 17503 Preserve Walk Ln Peta Express 17503 Preserve Walk Ln Taste of NY Pizza 10001 Cross Creek Blvd. New Tampa Library 10006 Cross Creek Blvd. The UPS Store 10359 Cross Creek Blvd. Capi Pizza 10861 Cross Creek Blvd. Post Office 10960 Cross Creek Blvd. Shell Gas Station* 10928 Cross Creek Blvd. Publix 1041 Bruce B. Downs

Anytime Fitness

Pasco Gazette 1930 Land O’ Lakes Blvd. 3036 Land O’ Lakes Blvd. 3619 Land O’ Lakes Blvd. 4005 Land O’ Lakes Blvd. 4028 Land O’ Lakes Blvd. 4204 Land O’ Lakes Blvd. 4526 Land O’ Lakes Blvd. 4805 Land O’ Lakes Blvd. 7016 Land O’ Lakes Blvd. 7040 Land O’ Lakes Blvd. 7044 Land O’ Lakes Blvd. 7804 Land O’ Lakes Blvd. 7827 Land O’ Lakes Blvd. 2121 Collier Pkwy. 2818 Collier Pkwy. 3032 Collier Pkwy. 22601 St. Rd. 54 22829 St. Rd. 54 23390 St. Rd. 54 23673 St. Rd. 54 28225 St. Rd. 54 21627 Village Lakes Center 1900 Oak Grove Blvd. 3138 St. Rd. 54 (Trinity) 11345 St. Rd. 54 (Odessa)

The Great Catch Holloway’s Farm* $1.99 Cleaners ABC Pizza* Tax Appraisal Natural Market Larry’s Deli Ukulele Brand’s Papa John’s Pizza Beef “O” Brady’s Dunkin’ Donuts San Jose Mexican Walgreens Publix Pasco Library LOL Rec. Center* The Village Inn Walgreens Race Track First Watch Wawa The Imperial Buffet Pepe’s Cuban Rest* Christo’s Restaurant Vallarta’s Mexican

Wesley Chapel Gazette 1259 Bruce B. Downs 1660 Bruce B. Downs 1708 Bruce B. Downs 1920 Bruce B. Downs 2653 Bruce B. Downs 3751 Bruce B. Downs 5400 Bruce B. Downs 28329 Paseo Drive 26699 State Rd. 56 27140 State Rd. 56 27215 State Rd. 56 27866 State Rd. 56 27221 State Rd. 56 1920 Co. Rd 581 5371 Village Market 5429 Village Market 5450 St. Rd. 54 & BBD 25195 State Rd. 54 25201 State Rd. 54 24929 State Rd. 54 27251 State Rd. 54 27616 State Rd. 54 27741 State Rd. 54 28115 State Rd. 54

Honeybaked Ham Beef “O” Brady’s Don Pan Int’l Bakery Publix Going Postal Bentzer Phamracy Publix Pholicious Rest. Gate Gas Station Race Track $1.99 Cleaners Wawa Gas Station V’s Barbers Publix Ace Hardware City Grill The UPS Shore Tailgate Station Walgreens Mobile Circle K PostNet Mobile Gas Station 7-11/Subway Walgreens

12 Phone: 813-949-4411

“Say You Saw It In A Dunndeal Publication”

October 2019

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