August 2014
J oi n i n the conversation!
Serving the surrounding community.
What Does GMO Mean?
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See Page 7 You didn’t hear me meowing that it’s suppertime? JC Audiology & Hearing Aids
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What does GMO mean? GMO stands for Genetically Modified Organism. These are plant or meat products that have had their DNA artificially altered by genes from other plants, animals, viruses, or bacteria, in order to produce foreign compounds in that food. These genetic alterations occur in a laboratory and are not found in nature. The relationship between GMO foods and adverse health effects is no longer questionable. Every independent study conducted on the impact of GMO foods shows multiple organ failure and real causation and serious health risk in the area of toxicology. Monsanto is the company that told us that (PCBs) polychlorinated biphenyls, were safe, Agent Orange was safe, and (BBP) butylbenzyl phthalate was safe, and now they’re in charge of telling us that modified foods are safe. Monsanto’s GMOs were approved in 1999, the last year of President Bill Clinton’s office. By 2003,
during President George W. Bush’s term, Monsanto was just starting its wide use. But what most people don’t know is that today, GMOs represent 75% to 95% of the biggest crops such as corn, soybeans, sugar beets, potatoes, squash, papaya, vegetable oil, and even farm-raised salmon. We have been told by Monsanto’s promoters that GMOs are safe for consumption and that the World Health Organization only requires 90 days of testing. Jeffrey Smith: Director for Responsible Technology. Under the first Bush administration—yes, you know, the first President who started the U.S. tradition of pardoning a Turkey on Thanksgiving Day—the White House had instructed the F.D.A. to promote bio-technology. In 1979, a new position was created in the F.D.A. for attorney Michael Taylor, who in 1981 was an
Continued on Page 3
Phone: 813-949-4411
“Say You Saw It In A Dunndeal Publication”
August 2014
Lynn Brooks • Barbara Hahn • Leslie Kaehn • Becky Thompson • Jose Gutierrez • Hannah Meyers • Barbara Heindel • Linda Harre • Judy Taylor • Ruth James • Jacob Layton
Biblical Dating from Hope Children’s Home It All Starts in the Heart
Samantha Taylor Pure Health & Fitness Studios It all starts in the heart—your thoughts, your will, your drive—even your fear and self-sabotage of why you keep going back to the same things you know you shouldn’t. Life can be a complex thing yet seem so simple at the same time, but one thing I know is to change, you have to get to the root, you have to get to your heart. It may help to know that the word heart in the Bible means your will and emotions. There can be good and bad that comes from there. One thing we have to remember is that that is where our entire life is wrapped up. All the things we went through as a child—the joy, the pain, the love, the betrayal. And all of the things we continue to go through as adults all make up who we are. The difference as you mature is, you start to filter through those things and you decide which attributes you want to keep and which ones you choose to no longer live with. Does it take work? You better believe it! Is it worth every ounce of energy? Absolutely! For when you look at your life as a whole, are you happy with where you are? Your job? Your home life? Your body? If not, then do something about it. You can make a change, but not if you don’t do something different. I encourage you to really think about your heart, the root of why you do the
things you do. And don’t underestimate the power of self-sabotage. Many of us have repeating patterns that get us back right where we don’t want to be and sometimes that has to do with not feeling “good enough” to have success, not “worthy” to have a great body, or not “good enough” to have great income. It all ties together. It’s all connected. I am really reflecting on my life lately because I am turning 40 in less than 3 months and although I am in great physical condition and health because of making that important in my life, I still have goals I want to accomplish with my fitness before I turn 40. I honestly want to be in better shape when I turn 40 than I was in all of my 30’s. Is that a big goal? Oh yes, but I know with a serious plan of action and accountability, I WILL accomplish my goal. And so can you, but you need to set your heart on something. So I encourage you to examine your heart as well and really ask yourself, “Why has this been okay in my life? Why have I tolerated this?” And then ask the next important question, “What can I do to stop allowing this in my life?” You have to be fed up with the consequences that behavior brings. Fed up before you will do something about it. I will be honest with you, the goals I have set for my 40th birthday are pretty high. However, I know that with prayer and a solid plan of action, I can get there. I encourage you to do the same thing and do something so you don’t stay where you don’t want to be. Take even one small step, for every journey starts with a step and your journey might begin by finally calling me. 813-909-4939.
In 26 years of ministry of working with young people, I would say that dating is definitely at the top of the list of things that gets teens into trouble. In my experience, a majority of the problem is that most parents have no clear direction on the topic of dating and relationships for their teenagers. With a lack of direction combined with so many opinions that have been adopted from a worldly standpoint, our young people are nearly doomed for failure. May I say to parents that this is a critical topic, one that you cannot avoid dealing with. It needs to start much younger than what most would think. Biblical dating is not the most popular topic, and for many, it will be classified as “old fashioned” and “outdated.” I firmly believe that we have an obligation to God to do the best we can to train every child that He has placed into our care at Hope. With that in mind, I take the time every year to have a dating seminar with our 7th-12th
graders. For most all of them, it is the first time in their lives that they have looked at boy/girl relationships from a biblical perspective. Let me share with you a few of the principles we teach our children. 1 God placed Adam in the garden. Because of Adam’s walk in life, the garden was the most important thing to him. His heart’s desire was taking care of the garden. Because of our teens’ walk of life, the most important thing for them should be studying, serving the Lord, sports, church activities, etc. 2 God created the exact, perfect, ideal woman for Adam. Adam did not have to go looking for Eve. Adam was faithfully serving the Lord when God brought Eve to Adam. Our teens do not have to go looking for someone. They should faithfully serve the Lord, and in God’s timing, He will be faithful to bring the exact, perfect, ideal mate for them. 3 Then the big question. What is the purpose for dating anyway? Is it just to have fun and spend time with someone you enjoy? Or could we be honest and say that dating doesn’t normally stay at a friendship level but grows deeper. I believe the purpose for dating is to find a life mate. When two people date, regardless of age, it always leads to a more intimate relationship.
Continued on Page 6
Franciscan Center Golf Classic The Franciscan Center announces the inaugual First Responders’ Golf Classic benefiting its post trauma training programs at Carrollwood Country Club on Monday, Nov. 10, 2014. Sponsorship levels available for the tournament! To register, go online to “Please help us keep our community’s first responders healthy and strong! They risk their lives every day to keep all of us safe.”
This is a meaningful way to give back to our law enforcement officers and firefighters. All proceeds from the golf classic benefit the Franciscan Center Post Trauma Training Programs. For more information about the Franciscan Center, visit the website online at or call by phone 813-229-2695.
August 2014 WINNERS!
Fax: 813-949-0891
Lynn Brooks • Barbara Hahn • Leslie Kaehn • Becky Thompson • Jose Gutierrez • Hannah Meyers • Barbara Heindel • Linda Harre • Judy Taylor • Ruth James • Jacob Layton
Which of These Costly Home Sellers’ Mistakes Will You Make When You Sell Your Home?
North East Tampa Women in Business she has built the production company Brett Culp Films, which creates digital films for Fortune 500 companies, celebrities, rock stars, political figures, pro athletes and music moguls as well as not-for-profits & small businesses. Tricia is a co-producer of the new documentary film “Legends of the Knight” which tells the uplifting stories of people who were inspired to become real-life heroes because of their childhood love of Batman. The film has played theatrically in over 70 cities this year, with proceeds from Monthly Dinner Meeting each screening benefiting local charities. August 14, 2014 @ 6:00pm–8:30pm She is a co-founder of The Rising Heroes Hunters Green Country Club, Tampa Project, which is focused on producing 1801 Longwater Dr, Tampa FL 33647 films that encourage the heroic spirit & enSpeaker – Tricia Culp, Brett Culp Films gagement with the community. Tricia is a Title: Activate Your Superhero Spirit! mother of 2 crazy boys, and she lives with Tricia Culp is a business owner and a film her family in the Wesley Chapel area. producer. With her husband, Brett Culp,
What Does GMO Mean? Continued from Page 1 attorney for Monsanto and then in 1991 was a Deputy Commissioner for the F.D.A. as a policy maker and Monsanto’s former attorney. He was in charge of policy at the F.D.A. when GMO’s were created, and then he became Monsanto’s vice president. Now, under the Obama administration, he has been put back in the F.D.A. Scientists at the F.D.A. submitted a draft to their superiors of an environmental impact study that not only were GMO’s different, but that they were inherently dangerous as well and that they might cause allergies, new diseases, and nutritional problems, and urged their political superiors to change their course to require longterm studies. Apparently their superiors were furious. Michael Taylor and the political appointees ignored the science, ignored the scientists, denied the existence of their concerns, and set forth a policy that would allow GMO’s to be put on the market. The F.D.A. may be made up of smart people, but they are smart people with a conflict of interest. Companies like Monsanto, DuPont, Dow, Syngenta, and Bayer. Now by taking plants and seeds from nature, they genetically modify them, trademark them, and patent them for packaging. The crops—seeds that once were natural and free are now the property of Monsanto. YouTube: Seeds Of Death Full Movie - watch?v=eUd9rRSLY4A The American farms, the birds and the bees. Remember about pollination? It is a process of plants reaching the maturity of their fruit and flowering. Through this natural process, pollen and seeds can travel many miles with the help of wind, bird, and bees, which allows the plant to reproduce over many miles away, and this
is called pollination. In the case of a farmer, David vs. Monsanto, a judge ruled that if your crops get contaminated against your wishes by Monsanto, you no longer own your plant’s seeds because now they become the ownership of a corporation. In this case it’s Monsanto, who then has the right to send their employees to your farm without your consent and take whatever samples they want. If just 1% of your crops test for GMO no matter how it got there, they have the right to confiscate that crop. YouTube: David vs Monsanto Full Movie - com/watch?v=ULhb1kjqkAk This sounds like manifest destiny to me. That’s when one has the right to take anything regardless of what the prior owner thinks in the name of progress! Some of us would call it stealing. They call it manifest destiny. As a respected scientist, Arpad Pusztai, Ph.D points out in a riveting new presentation that no long-term human studies have ever supported GMO’s and shockingly, the World Health Organization only requires a mere 90 days of testing to claim that GMO’s are safe. Well, no one dies from smoking cigarettes within 90 days of starting to smoke, either! Yet while lifetime studies still have not been done on humans, scientists have done these studies on animals, and what they found is stunning. Lab mice fed just a 33% GMO diet began developing aggressive cancers (particularly breast cancer), liver failure, and kidney failure. Lab mice typically have a lifespan of about 30 to 36 months. They were fed a 33% GMO diet, causing life-threatening diseases that showed up within four months. For humans
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Tampa Bay Area—A new report has just been released which reveals 7 costly mistakes that most homeowners make when selling their homes, and a 9 Step System that can help you sell your home fast and for the most amount of money. This industry report shows clearly how the traditional ways of selling homes have become increasingly less and less effective in today’s market. The fact of the matter is that fully three quarters of home sellers don’t get what they want for their homes and become disillusioned and—worse—financially disadvantaged when they put their homes on the market. As this report uncovers, most home sellers make 7 deadly mistakes that cost them literally thousands of dollars. The good news is that each and every one of these mistakes is entirely preventable. In answer to this issue, industry insiders have prepared a FREE Special Report entitled “The 9 Step System to Get Your Home Sold Fast and For Top Dollar”. To order your FREE copy of this Special Report, visit The Website is always available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Order NOW to find out how you can get the most money for your home. This report is courtesy of Peter Butera with Future Home Realty Inc. Not intended to solicit properties currently listed for sale. Copyright of 1998.
Please send all of your ad copy and press releases to us by August 18th for the September 2014 issue.
Cooking Smart Chef Debby De Graaf Want to eat cleaner, smarter, & healthier? Come to my FREE vegetarian Cooking Classes: August 2nd & 9th at 11:00a Nutrition Smart , Bruce B. Downs Blvd. Wesley Chapel August 16th & 23rd at 11:00am Nutrition Smart, N. Dale Mabry Carrollwood August 19th at 7:00pm Abby’s Health & Nutrition, N. Dale Mabry, Carrollwood Come hungry!!!!
Phone: 813-949-4411
“Say You Saw It In A Dunndeal Publication”
August 2014
Lynn Brooks • Barbara Hahn • Leslie Kaehn • Becky Thompson • Jose Gutierrez • Hannah Meyers • Barbara Heindel • Linda Harre • Judy Taylor • Ruth James • Jacob Layton
Do You Swing Like A Drunken Sailor?
Rick Bradshaw PGA Professional/GM In the 33 years I have been a golf teaching professional, I would venture to say that the majority of golfers that walked onto my lesson tee initially swung the club wildly with their arms trying to swat that ball down the fairway. I always tell them that you are swinging like a drunken sailor and that their arms are AWOL (absent without leave). Swinging the golf club into the back of a golf ball is tough enough without trying to swat the club violently at the ball with the arms free of leverage and control of the upper torso. There has to be some point of control to keep your arms from going AWOL. This point is the connecting of the upper triceps to your pectoral chest muscles. This connection limits the ability of the arms to run off and leave your body behind. This concept is why so many tour professionals place a towel under both arms to practice. The towel drill and connection of the arms to the chest not only limits the premature lifting of the arms on the takeaway, but also leaves your body no choice but to initiate the swing with a pivoting motion. Once the pivot sets the club in motion and energy is passed to the club head, it swings back around a little and up into a set position at the top of your back swing. The pulling force may pull your arms off a little as the club swings up, but don’t lift the arms actively on the back swing!
Gun Trader Gun Show If you’re a shooter, hunter, or collector, we invite you to bring your guns to sell or trade! Our vendors bring the finest in firearms, ammo, parts, accessories, and more. Looking for military or Civil War col-
lectables? See the Bell Boy! Pricing affordable and out of sight! Will be held on August 23rd & 24th at the Pasco County Fairgrounds at 36722 SR 52 Dade City, FL 33525.
“ Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.” — Matthew 7:13-14
If you do lift your arms, it is more difficult to control the swing arc and stay on a constant path. Your goal is not to try to get the attention of a plane or ship like Tom Hanks waving his arms in the movie Castaway. I personally have my students hold a volleyball in front of them and tell them to use their body to toss the ball forward while all the time keeping their arms on the side of the body. They do have to yell “WILSON!” loudly when they toss it. Percy Boomer, the most influential golf instructor of all time, stated this about the arms in the golf swing: “Now I have told you not to use your arms to hit with. In fact, you should not play golf with your hands and arms at all but with your feet and legs. Now this is an exaggeration, but one that is necessary to correct the natural tendency to use our hands and arms to the detriment of foot and leg work. THE ARMS WANT TO WORK AND WILL WORK, so it is necessary to emphasize the importance of foot and leg action in order to get the proper balance.” The control or counterbalance is the connection of the arms to the chest to power the swing through rotation into the resistance of the feet both on the back swing and through swing. The arms will swing naturally, reacting to this pivoting motion. Wait a minute, call the MP’s! I see another drunken sailor teeing off hole #1! Happy Golfing! Rick Bradshaw Award-Winning PGA Teaching Professional Dent/Bradshaw Golf School Heritage Isles Golf & Country Club 813-220-8099
August 2014 WINNERS!
Fax: 813-949-0891
Lynn Brooks • Barbara Hahn • Leslie Kaehn • Becky Thompson • Jose Gutierrez • Hannah Meyers • Barbara Heindel • Linda Harre • Judy Taylor • Ruth James • Jacob Layton
“I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.” — Galatians 2: 20
Women-N-Charge Murder Mystery Tea
On September 27, 2014, Women-NCharge, whose mission, in part, is to support and assist professional women in managing their businesses more effectively, will be holding their annual murder mystery tea event to raise funds for their grant program, giving two deserving businesswomen a $1,000 grant each spring. The theme of this year’s tea, which will be held at the Groves Golf & Country Club from 2pm-4pm, has a western twist. The Bodacious Babes of Buzzard Bend will have you riding shotgun as they try to decide who put the bullet in the handsome city slicker. Join the fun, enter the hat contest,
enter to win a raffle prize, and enjoy the great food catered by Vesh as the mystery unravels before your very eyes! Sponsorships and tea tickets are available now by visiting www.women-n-charge. com or by contacting Tea Chairwoman Anne Childers at 813-957-1196. One ticket is $15, and two tickets are $25. Tickets do sell out fast, and sponsorships will be available until September 5th. To learn more about Women-n-Charge, attend a meeting or visit The organization meets the first Friday of every month at Pebble Creek Country Club in Tampa from 11:30am to 1pm.
Phone: 813-949-4411
“Say You Saw It In A Dunndeal Publication”
August 2014
GFWC Hosts Local Watercolorist
What Does The Fox Say?
the Florida Watercolor Society, to instruct members at one of their weekly arts and crafts session. The class was a great success with Mr. McAnespie expertly guiding the ladies, many of whom had never worked with watercolors before. Members proudly left the class with their own masterpieces to frame. The woman’s club will continue to meet for arts and (L-R) Members Jeannie Oller, Dianne Finn & Lois crafts each Thursday in August at the Lutz Cohen; front: Instructor Bob McAnespie Community Center at 9:30am behind Lutz GFWC Lutz-Land O’ Lakes Woman’s Library on Lutz-Lake Fern Rd. & Hwy. 41. Club recently invited well-known local For more information on this active serwatercolorist Bob McAnespie, member of vice organization, please visit online at both the National Watercolor Society and
Article and photo by Jeffrey Neil Fox
Networking For Your Success Networking For Your Success meets every Thursday morning at 8:00am in Lexington Oaks Country Club, Wesley Chapel. The address is 2615 Lexington Oaks Blvd.
All are welcome, and a continental breakfast is served for a total of $5.00. An annual membership is $79. For more information, call (813) 073-1657.
“ Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments that I give you today are to be upon your hearts. Impress them on your children.” — Deuteronomy 6:5-7
Tampa Bay Buccaneer football is back after the team was put in dry dock after the last regular season football game. Another season went by without our Bucs having an extended season. The goal and mission is for the team is to fight their way to the playoffs with their aspirations and sights on another Super Bowl appearance and trophy. Many changes have occurred with the team since the clock expired on the 2013 season. They have a new coach in Lovie Smith. Jason Licht is the new general manager. You need a roster to tell who is who on the team. Wholesale changes and adjustments have been made to the roster. Many of our familiar Buccaneers are gone. New players have arrived with the team being active in free agent acquisitions, trades and drafting unproven rookie players from the college ranks. Speculation is rampant this time of year as many loyal fans look at the roster and play general manager and try to determine what players will make the final roster before the regular NFL season begins in less than a month. New stars will emerge and will become fan favorites. Will this be the year that our Pewter Pirates return to championship form? Many say a successful season begins in training camp. The players have to get into football shape and learn the new offensive and defensive schemes that have been
Biblical Dating from Hope Children’s Home 4 Unless your 16 year old son or daughter is ready for marriage, it may be worth rethinking this whole “going out” and “going steady” thing. There is certainly nothing wrong with a bunch of young people spending time together and enjoying each other’s fellowship. As a matter of fact, it’s healthy. The youth department of your church is a great avenue for just that. The problem comes when young people want to start singling off, trading rings, and establishing some type of ownership of each other. Remember,
installed. Team relationships and camaraderie are being developed. That being said, every player needs to keep their bags packed, never knowing when they will be asked for their playbooks back and that they are no longer a member of the team. NFL careers are traditionally short-lived. Players age quickly and either retire or attempt to practice their football craft with other teams. Injuries plaque the NFL and are part of the game. The teams that have depth with back up players ready to perform at a high level when called upon are the teams that are still standing in the postseason. Congratulations, Tampa Bay Buccaneers legend Derrick Brooks for being inducted into the prestigious Hall of Fame in Canton, Ohio. Brooks joins the ranks of other former Buccaneer players Lee Roy Selmon and Warren Sapp. Selmon, Sapp, and now Brooks are the only players with their bronze busts forever displayed in the hall for eternity. Brooks will also be inducted this season into the prestigious Ring of Honor at Raymond James Stadium. Rooting and hooting for the hometown team has become a steadfast tradition for many, and traditions are hard to start and impossible to stop. I’m hoping that the Tampa Bay Buccaneers bring back the tradition of playing competitive football and win football games. See you next month when the Buccaneers start their regular season and introduce their fans to a new team, new coach, and new logo. Jeffrey Neil Fox has covered the Tampa Bay Sports scene for four decades. He owns a promotional advertising agency as well as print and direct mail. 813-391-2495
Continued from Page 2
parents, that God has trusted you with that teenager, and if anyone “owns” them, it is you and you alone. This ownership does not change until the day you walk them down the aisle in marriage. I would encourage every parent to begin at a very early age to train your children in the biblical perspective of dating and proper relationships with those of the opposite sex. There are so many broken lives of young people that could have been saved had parents took a stand and applied some of these simple Bible truths. God’s way still works!
August 2014
NAMI Pasco Educational Course The National Alliance on Mental Illness Pasco County Affiliate is offering an educational course for parents and caregivers of children and adolescents living with mental illness. It covers the fundamentals of caring for yourself, for your family, and for your child. It is taught by a team of trained instructors who are also caregivers of indi-
viduals who developed symptoms of mental illness as children. The course will be held September 3 - October 8, 2014 from 9:30am – noon. There is no charge for the course. Registration is required. It will be held at the Medical Center of Bayonet Point, 14000 Fivay Road, Hudson. For further information and registration, call 727-992-9653.
Dancing With Our Stars 2014 The Central Pasco Chamber of Commerce is pleased to announce Dancing With Our Stars 2014! The chamber is seeking volunteer stars and sponsors for this fabulous and fun event designed for the entire community. In its third year, the event showcases the talent and community spirit of business “stars” teamed with local dance instructors to put on a performance Saturday, October 18th, 2014. The event brings attention to local businesses throughout the Tampa Bay area and, through the online auction, from around the United States. Hundreds have enjoyed unique and amazing performances. The community, chamber members, and volunteers all benefit from this great event! Our stars and their sponsors have the opportunity to promote their businesses, the professionals have the opportunity to bring attention to their studios, the visitors to the auction and guests vote and enjoy a great show all while having fun and bringing the community together! Sponsorships for this event are limited and go quickly! There are many ways to promote your business: sponsoring, supporting a star, advertising, or donating an auction item. If you are interested in highlighting your business with this premier event, please
contact the chamber office. Dancing With Our Stars information and forms are available on the chamber website at You may not be able to skate like gold medalist Meryl Davis, the 2014 TV Dancing With the Stars winner, but you could dance like her! Or maybe you have a hidden desire to dance like Donald Driver, the 2012 winner? If so, we have a few spots remaining and are looking for you! We need volunteers to help behind the scenes and for stars that will be trained by dance professionals to perform a short routine. This is a great way to bring attention and exposure to your business and services. Our Overall Star winner will be based on monetary votes. The star that raises the most money to benefit the chamber and its programs wins. A portion of the proceeds also benefits the arts in our community. There are several other awards as well including the popular People’s Choice. Network with new people, get in shape, and benefit your business and community! Please join us in helping make this event a success! We look forward to seeing you October 18th!
Fax: 813-949-0891
Phone: 813-949-4411
“Say You Saw It In A Dunndeal Publication”
August 2014
Lynn Brooks • Barbara Hahn • Leslie Kaehn • Becky Thompson • Jose Gutierrez • Hannah Meyers • Barbara Heindel • Linda Harre • Judy Taylor • Ruth James • Jacob Layton
How Do We Know We Are Righteous?
Dr. Doug Wingate Life Christian University Any Christian that has read the book of Proverbs has undoubtedly come across the verse in Proverbs 29:2 which says, “When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice. But when the wicked man rules, the people groan.” Christians know that people throughout all levels of life exercise authority. If you have been directly under the authority of a wicked person, such as a boss or a schoolteacher, you know that life can become very miserable. We are painfully aware of poor leadership skills and the abuse of power when it is very close to us. But the greatest potential harm that we face as believers is when we experience wicked leaders in the highest places of authority in the land. When the actions of those whose motives are for personal power, fame or glory, or even worse, for the fundamental change of our Christian-based Constitution, culture, and laws, we are surely like those in the Proverbs 29:2 who groan. When the Christians begin to suffer financially, then so does the ministry of the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ. When the preaching of the gospel is shut down, and when God’s ministry cannot be performed, God is not happy and He opposes those who cause the damage to the Church. The question is, do we have to continue to suffer the consequences of the poor leadership and bad choices of the wicked rulers, or can the curse on our nation be reversed? I believe that it can be if the Church takes the correct actions. So if the faithful and diligently praying Church can reverse this curse, then the more immediate question is, do we as Christians have to suffer and groan during the time that we are laboring to turn the situation around. The answer to this question is absolutely, NO.
Here is what the Word of God has to say. Psalms 5:11-12 says, “But let all those rejoice who put their trust in You: Let them ever shout for joy, because You defend them; Let those also who love Your name be joyful in You. For You, O Lord, will bless the righteous; with favor You will surround him as with a shield.” You see, God has a special protective blessing for those who He calls righteous and a completely different plan for the unrighteous. How do I know that I am righteous? That is also a very simple answer for those who have received Jesus Christ as their Savior and Lord. We see in 1 Cor. 5:17, which says, “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away: behold, all things have become new.” And then in 1 Cor. 5:21 it says, “For He made Him who knew no sin, to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.” So now that we know we are righteous by the Lord’s righteousness, we can learn God’s Word and agree with all of God’s righteous causes. What blessings come with that position? I’m glad you asked. Psalms 35:7 says, “Let them shout for joy and be glad, who favor my righteous cause: And let them say continually, Let the Lord be magnified, Who has pleasure in the prosperity of His servant.” Psalms 37:18-19 says, “The Lord knows the days of the upright, and their inheritance shall be forever. They shall not be in ashamed in the evil time, and in the days of famine they shall be satisfied.” There are many more promises to that we can find in the Word for those that God refers to as “the righteous”, we simply need to stand our ground by faith and watch the deliverance of the Lord come. Dr. Doug Wingate is the President and Founder of Life Christian University, which has 114 campuses locations throughout the world. The Main Campus and International Headquarters are in Lutz, FL. Call 813-909-9720 to inquire about the fall schedule of courses. You may also take a free course online with no obligation and without having to enroll. Just logon to the website at
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What Does GMO Mean?
that would be about 10 years. The diseases that showed up in mice within 18 -21 months are a time span of 40 to 50 years for humans. Shockingly, 50% of the males and 70% of the female animals on the GMO diet succumbed to early death at an age equivalent to 40 to 50 human years. Russia Warns Obama of World War over Monsanto GMO Food The shocking minutes relating to President Putin’s meeting with US Secretary of State John Kerry reveal the Russian leader’s “extreme outrage” over the Obama regime’s continued protection of global seed and plant bio-genetic giants Syngenta and Monsanto in the face of a growing “bee apocalypse” that the Kremlin warns “will most certainly” lead to world war. According to these minutes, released in the Kremlin by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of the Russian Federation (MNRE), Putin was so incensed over the Obama regime’s refusal to discuss this grave matter that he refused for three hours to even meet with Kerry, who had traveled to Moscow on a scheduled diplomatic mission, but then relented so as to not cause an even greater rift between these two nations. At the center of this dispute between Russia and the US, this MNRE report says, is the “undisputed evidence” that a class of neuro-active insecticides chemically related to nicotine, known as neonicotinoids, are destroying our planet’s bee population and which if left unchecked, could destroy our
world’s ability to grow enough food to feed its population. So grave has this situation become, the MNRE reports, the full European Commission instituted a two-year precautionary ban on these “bee killing” pesticides following the lead of Switzerland, France, Italy, Russia, Slovenia, and Ukraine, all of whom had previously banned these most dangerous of genetically altered organisms from being used on the continent. Russia Warns Obama: russia-warns-obama-monsanto President Obama has recently signed house resolution bill 933. But what’s hidden within this bill is what the food safety groups are calling the Monsanto Protection Act. The bill actually protects the bio-tech industry from being sued, and the farmer insurance provision takes away the federal government’s right to halt the sale or use of genetically modified seeds and products regardless of the public health concern. Food safety groups are calling foul. They say this is a major separation of powers in the U.S. Jeffery M. Smith, author of a book called Seeds of Deception, said that this act protects the bio-tech industry to introduce new genetic modify crops, such as 24D herbicides which is a component of Agent Orange. Typically they are breaking the laws in order to get this product on the market without doing proper environmental impact statements because this is why they had to stop the Round Up alfalfa cotton and face lawsuits. Now the resolution bill 933 allows them to wave their finger to the courts as they dismember the checks and balance of courts and the executive branch. Even though this bill is only good for a short time, once these genetically-modified plants are released into the environment, they will self-pollinate to other plants many
Continued from Page 3
miles away, and there is little or nothing you can do to stop the process once it starts. Though two million people protested and marched against Monsanto’s GMO bullying, it didn’t stop this bill from happening or force any requirements to label Monsanto GMO foods, which leaves us with the saying, “Buyer beware.” Now as food makers use deceptive labeling to hide GMO ingredients and other harmful potential additives, buyers have to beware of products that appear to have safesounding names, such as natural, all natural, pure, and GMO-free labeling. These may sound nutritious and safe, but not so fast! Remember, there is no legal requirement that these labels stand for anything. That’s why there are certain types of labels you need to be familiar with. In fact, foods with these labels can have GMO and other harmful ingredients in or on them. As you would know, if you have ever used Round Up or other herbicides around your garden or home use for weed control, you can read for yourself. “Keep Out Of Reach Of Children/Caution/Hazards to Humans & Domestic Animals/First Aid/Emergency Medical Information/Environmental Hazards. But take great care to not get it on the any part of a plant that you do not wish to kill and to avoid windy days, for herbicides and pesticides can travel though the air. If these herbicides and pesticides get on your organic corn, the corn will most likely die and their will not be corn for you to eat. Apparently, Monsanto is okay with labeling their chemicals in the store, they just don’t want labeling on the crops that have the same ingredients. Are genetically-modified foods called GMO safe for you and your family as promoters insist, or are these foods called Frankenfoods a distortion of what Mother Nature intended and instead a ticking time bomb?
Dr. Blaylock has made it easier to identify these foods in his new video presentation which exposes how GMO ingredients and other harmful additives are hidden on labels under safe-sounding names. In fact, you’ll see some of the actual labels and find out what to watch for, and those stickers pasted onto fruits and vegetables? Using real examples, you’ll learn a simple way to tell the difference between GMO produce that may also be packed with harmful pesticides and herbicides, and produce that is safe and natural. YouTube: GMO Food — It’s Worse Than We Thought - Dr. Russell Blaylock Whole Foods has launched a five-year campaign, testing and labeling all products that contain genetically-modified foods, and within the next five years 100% of their product will be labeled for consumers, giving them the right to know what’s in their foods. They support customer choice by stepping up their support for organic agriculture and where GMO products are not permitted by law. They believe that the public has the right to know what they are buying. YouTube: Whole Foods to label All GMO Products! Full Movie - watch?v=GBVi3tH0Fqs Abby’s Health & Nutrition Better Health Through Education: NUTRITION S’MART Organic Food & Vitamins: These are just some of the companies supporting, and the fight for your right to know!
August 2014 WINNERS!
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Lynn Brooks • Barbara Hahn • Leslie Kaehn • Becky Thompson • Jose Gutierrez • Hannah Meyers • Barbara Heindel • Linda Harre • Judy Taylor • Ruth James • Jacob Layton
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“Say You Saw It In A Dunndeal Publication”
August 2014
Lynn Brooks • Barbara Hahn • Leslie Kaehn • Becky Thompson • Jose Gutierrez • Hannah Meyers • Barbara Heindel • Linda Harre • Judy Taylor • Ruth James • Jacob Layton
“I have used many carpet cleaners during the past 20 years and I must say that Tim, with Ultimate Tile & Grout, has provided better long lasting cleaning quality than the other companies used for cleaning on the carpets & tile in my home where many hairy pets live, for a very reasonable price.” —Kay Dunn
“Thank you for the great job Tim, I am so pleased I have referred him to my friends. I found him in the Carrollwood Gazette.” —Shannon W.
August 2014 WINNERS!
Fax: 813-949-0891
Lynn Brooks • Barbara Hahn • Leslie Kaehn • Becky Thompson • Jose Gutierrez • Hannah Meyers • Barbara Heindel • Linda Harre • Judy Taylor • Ruth James • Jacob Layton
Sunshine State Window Washing Summer is brief in Florida—from the end of May until early August when kids are out of school, families vacation, and relatives visit. Don’t spend those brief golden days on DIY projects! Call in a pro for the big jobs like semi-annual window cleaning. You will be able to beat the heat but never the service with Sunshine State Window Washing! M. Lewis Briggs operates his fully insured, properly licensed and bonded veteran-owned company with respect for your home and atmosphere. Multi-level homes and offices are no problem for this expert. Sunshine State caters to individuals and business professionals by providing VIP ser-
The Caregiver Corner Summer heat creates a wide variety of situations that can result in risks to health and safety. For instance, alcohol, caffeinated beverages (sodas, coffee, tea), certain medications (blood pressure, heart, tranquilizers, anti-motion sickness), age (less body fat to store water, decreased efficiency of sweat glands decreased sensitivities), disease (kidney, diabetes, heart, paralysis, Parkinson’s, obesity, fever, decreased mental capacity), decreased air flow (no air conditioning, using a fan without open windows) can affect, combine and cause serious illness when environmental temperatures soar. Air quality deteriorates as well as a decreased efficiency of the sweat process. Overheating, breathing, and allergies can become a real problem. Things to do to make these hot spells safer and more bearable are:
Anne Childers, Staff Writer
vice with guaranteed satisfaction, using only environmentally-safe products. Extras such as cobweb removal, screen shampooing, window sill, track, and channel cleaning are always included. Additional services such as mirror, chandelier, and coach light cleaning, ceiling fans, light bulb, and smoke detector maintenance are available upon request. Let Sunshine State enhance the beauty and value of your home or office. Call 813-949-1392 today to schedule a complimentary estimate, ask about the Summer Specials, and regularly repeated service so your home will always sparkle.
By Arthur Moseley, Griswold Home Care
1) Water, water, water. If you can’t drink it “straight,” try the flavored zero-calorie varieties. The human body renews itself best with plain water. Drink more of it in heat emergency periods even if you’re not thirsty. Sugared, carbonated, and caffeinated beverages can actually worsen dehydration! 2) Light, loose-fitting clothing helps expose more skin to air flow to help the body cool itself, and light-colored clothing attracts less heat than dark colors. Use fewer layers and expose more skin to promote evaporation of normal sweat. 3) Schedule your day to be indoors at the height of the heat, and move appointments and physical exertions to cooler periods of the day. 4) Draw the curtains and blinds on the sunny side of the house, but do not obstruct air flow.
5) Switch to easy meal preparation that doesn’t involve the cooking oven. 6) Lighten food intake slightly by avoiding full heavy meals. Increase fruits, salads, and soups to increase water intake. 7) Don’t use salt tablets unless they’re prescribed by a doctor. 8) Check out resources in your area like your local Area Agency on Aging. 9) For the complete article, visit us on Facebook at GriswoldHomeCare-Tampa The Caregiver Corner is coordinated by Arthur Moseley. Arthur and his wife Frieda are the owners of the Tampa and Pasco Offices of Griswold Home Care, one of the area’s leading providers of non-medical private pay home care services (the caregivers they refer provide companionship, homemaking services and personal care). NR30211139 NR30211332
Pick Up A Gazette & Play Our Giveaway Contest & Win!! Westchase Gazette 9202 Anderson Rd. 9212 Anderson Rd. 5709 Gunn Hwy. 6560 Gunn Hwy. 7925 Gunn Hwy. 8568 Gunn Hwy. 8745 Gunn Hwy. 8538 Gunn Hwy. 17633 Gunn Hwy. 17773 Gunn Hwy. 11203 Sheldon Rd. 12950 W. Linebaugh Ave. 12157 W. Linebaugh Ave. 10706 Countryway Blvd. 11211 Countryway Blvd. 13911 Nine Eagles Rd. 12008 Race Track Rd 12950 Race Track Rd. 13006 Race Track Rd.
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New Tampa Gazette 3119 Cove Bend Dr. 14529 Bruce B. Downs 14943 Bruce B. Downs 14919 Bruce B. Downs 17004 Palm Pointe Dr. 16221 Compton Dr. 17022 Palm Pointe Dr. 17511 Bruce B. Downs 17513 Bruce B. Downs 16019 Tampa Palms Blvd. 10001 Cross Creek Blvd. 10359 Cross Creek Blvd. 10853 Cross Creek Blvd. 10861 Cross Creek Blvd. 10960 Cross Creek Blvd. 6431 County Line Rd. 20323 Bruce B. Downs 20331 Bruce B. Downs 20701 Bruce B. Downs 20741 Bruce B. Downs 2653 Bruce B. Downs
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Pasco Gazette 21033 St. Rd. 54 & Hwy. 41 2810 Land O’ Lakes Blvd. 3036 Land O’ Lakes Blvd. 4005 Land O’ Lakes Blvd. 4028 Land O’ Lakes Blvd. 4526 Land O’ Lakes Blvd. 4422 Land O’ Lakes Blvd. 4710 Land O’ Lakes Blvd. 4805 Land O’ Lakes Blvd. 7040 Land O’ Lakes Blvd. 7804 Land O’ Lakes Blvd. 7827 Land O’ Lakes Blvd. 22826 St. Rd. 54 & Collier 2205 Collier Pkwy. 2818 Collier Pkwy. 3032 Collier Pkwy. 23110 State Rd. 54 22829 State Rd. 54 23830 State Rd. 54
TIBBETTS, Lumber Central Pasco Chamber* Holloway’s Farm* ABC Pizza* Tax Appraisal* Larry’s Deli Mosquito Grill Express Shipping Ukulele Brand’s Beef “O” Brady’s Eatery 41 Walgreens Radiant Gas Greenland Grill Pasco Library LOL Rec. Center* The UPS Store* Walgreens 54 U-Store
Wesley Chapel Gazette 1708 Bruce B. Downs 1944 Bruce B. Downs 2022 Bruce B. Downs 2653 Bruce B. Downs 2653 Bruce B. Downs 2653 Bruce B. Downs 28152 Paseo Drive 28230 Paseo Drive 2626 Cypress Ridge Blvd. 2029 Arrowgrass Drive 27221 S.R. 56 26699 S.R. 56 5371 Village Market 5429 Village Market 5450 County Road 581 25195 State Rd. 54 25201 State Rd. 54 24929 State Rd. 54 27616 State Rd. 54 28115 State Rd. 54
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“Say You Saw It In A Dunndeal Publication”
August 2014