Wesley Chapel Gazette - June 2015

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June 2015

Flag Day is June 14

J oi n i n the conversation!


Serving the surrounding community.

God’s Plan for America’s Comeback By Dave Meyer, V.P. Joyce Meyer Ministries

See Page 11

Although many people are unaware of it, Satan has a plan for America. He wants us to forget our godly heritage and slowly erase our rich, biblical foundation. We see the signs everywhere, God and prayer have been removed from schools and history books. God has been removed from our government except during times of emergency like September 11. Our Constitution has also been reinterpreted and re-written to change our Founders’ original intent. To take our moral temperature, all you have to do is turn on the television. Our society celebrates doing whatever they think is right, and sin is no longer called sin.

The good news is God also has a plan—and His plan is always greater. What is it? God’s Four-Step Recovery Plan In 2 Chronicles 7:14, the Lord says, “If My people, who are called by My name, shall humble themselves, pray, seek, crave, and require of necessity My face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven, forgive their sin, and heal their land.” God gives us four specific things to do: humble, pray, seek, and turn. This is our part of the process. As we do these things, then God will do His part to hear, forgive, and heal. Continued on Page 8

Status And Success

Dr. Dianne Coflin Co-Pastor, River of Life Church

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See Page 12

The dictionary defines success as getting or achieving wealth, respect, or fame. Success may also refer to attainment of a higher social status or achievement of a goal. Status implies position or rank obtained when compared to others. It is amazing how many people are driven to obtain success and status without which they are so unhappy. The world’s system then dictates a person’s self-esteem, respect, or happiness by creating value through competition with one another. No wonder the world is so unhappy, always trying to get ahead, comparing each other, judging each other and oftentimes feeling inferior to one another. We see the consequences of this world’s system resulting in a racial divide, civil unrest, and frustration on so many levels. God’s system of worth and value is so much better. Our inherent value to God was so incredible that He sent his only begotten Son to die for our sins that separated us from God and HE PURCHASED US BACK THROUGH HIS

OWN BLOOD. It was the love of God for all of us that provided the basis of our worth! This places us all on the same level. We were ALL valuable to God! We need to receive His sacrifice. In Philippians 2:5-8 (The Message) it says “Think of yourselves the way Christ Jesus thought of himself. He had equal status with God but didn’t think so much of himself that he had to cling to the advantages of that status no matter what. Not at all! Having become human, he stayed human. It was an incredibly humbling process. He didn’t claim special privileges. Instead he lived a selfless, obedient life and then died a selfless, obedient death, the worst kind of death—a crucifixion.” Jesus left for us an example of how we are to follow in his footsteps. He did not cling to the advantages of status when He could have—after all, He was the Son of God! Instead, He set aside those privileges and took on the status of a servant and became the most successful minister of His time and was rewarded a seat at the right hand of His Father. We see another example of one who was ruled by God’s system of status and success in the life of John the Baptist! His disciples came to him actually upset because Jesus was baptizing more people than they were, and they said “Everybody is going to him instead of coming to us.” I love John’s reply!! “No one can receive anything unless God gives it from heaven. I am not

the Messiah, I am only here to prepare the way for Him. Therefore, I am filled with joy at His success, and I must become less.” While we are told to not compare ourselves, nothing should thrill us more than seeing others become successful whether it is in ministry or in the secular world. We should rejoice when one is enlarged in his or her spiritual gifts, has prospered and perhaps advanced on his or her job. Their success does not devalue our worth!! John knew that it was his time to decrease, to humble himself, as his job to prepare the way was nearing the end. Did you know that heart attitude made John successful in the sight of God!! What decisions, feelings, directions for your life would change if you were no longer ruled by the world’s system? Food for thought!! Dr. Dianne Coflin Co-Pastor, River of Life Church Lutz, Florida www.roltampa.org 813-949-9931 We would love to invite you to visit River of Life Church on 410 East Chapman Rd. in Lutz. Our lively worship begins at 10:30 on Sunday morning. Our church is a non-denominational, spirit-filled ministry. Our church family loves the Lord and loves people! So please honor us with your visit. We would love to have you.


Phone: 813-949-4411


“Say You Saw It In A Dunndeal Publication”

Becky Thompson • Lynn Brooks • Patrick Meyers • Leslie Swilley • Cheryl Russell • Judy Taylor • Samantha Norris

Family Times By Kay Dunn

My husband and partner, Mark, had an item on his bucket list checked off on his birthday May 18th. He had 30 minutes of fly time at Tampa North Flight Center in Wesley Chapel. The instructor, Jim McLeod, let Mark operate the control stick on the way to the gulf and back. This is a great gift for anyone who wants to know how it feels to fly a 2 seater airplane. Next I treated him to dinner at Cody’s

Samuel Isabel

Original Roadhouse. Mark ordered the barbecue ribs and I ordered the sirloin bites covered with onions & mushrooms. We did a lot of sharing, both were awesome and with the large servings of both, we had enough for lunch the next day. We had baked potatoes and all you could eat salad in a homemade dressing as sides. WOW! What a fun place to eat. When you go, tell them Kay was bragging on them!!!!

June 2015 WINNERS!

Kay’s Kitchen

This will be the start of sharing my new lifestyle recipes with you in honor of my Daddy, who died in 1990 due to complications of melanoma cancer. He had spent 30 years working as an electrical engineer where a lot of his work was on rooftops. He and I enjoyed all types of food! Now I have been diagnosed with the same type of cancer. Over the last year and a half, I have learned that the very food I was eating was not God’s health care plan! So my cooking has taken a twist. Here’s a favorite way of mine to start:

Scrambled egg omelet with grass-fed beef and lamb crumbles. Cook ground grass-fed beef and ground lamb in a large fry pan. Drain any grease. Add & saute onions, spinach, jalapeno and bell pepper with sliced mushrooms for 1 minute. Sprinkle garlic powder, turmeric, and pink Himalayan salt over the mixture. Pour 4 large eggs (whisked) with a little almond coffee creamer over the mixture. Then, top it off with a little goat cheese to melt on the top. Let it cook on medium low heat for about 5 minutes. I place a lid on the pan to help the liquid settle. I added an avocado and cucumber smoothie with whey protein powder along with a slice of organic tomato, a few organic blackberries, and a toasted slice of 7 grain fiber low carb Sami’s Bakery bread. Enjoy and look for another yummy healthy dish next issue! Kay Dunn, Publisher’s Wife

Our son is the best Daddy ever. Happy Father’s Day, Nick! Here he is with his daughter, Isabel and son Samuel. We look forward to their visit over the 4th of July. We will all be celebrating our nation’s independence at the beach and of course, the Lutz Parade.

Free Dinner & A Movie Relax and enjoy a FREE movie, “Maleficent,” in our newly renovated Duffy Hall at Most Holy Redeemer Catholic Church. Located at 10110 N. Central Ave. An Italian dinner by Chef Dino Castellano will be available for purchase. Event date/time: Saturday, June 20th, 6:00 - 9:00pm. For more info: facebook.com/MHRTampa or call 813-933-2859.

My Body is Turning Into A Giant Marshmallow!

Samantha Taylor Pure Health & Fitness Studios I went out to dinner with my dad, who is one of the most amazing people I know. Every time I talk to him, he talks about how he is going to start working out, get serious about his exercise plan, and “really do it this time” (probably mentions it since he knows I’m a Personal Trainer). He has been saying he is going to get fit for many years and it really hit me when I realized on July 6th he turns 68. My dad, 68. Isn’t that bizarre when your parents start to get older? That is only 2 years away from 70! That is what hit me, he’s getting older and he is not doing anything about his fitness. His bloodwork is better than it has ever been, which I am very happy about, yet I am seeing him get “softer” and more out of shape even though thankfully he only has about 20 lbs. to lose. I always saw my dad as Superman and I still do. He was in the Vietnam War, always did physical labor tasks outside and owned his own businesses. And I always saw him with muscles, in good shape, and active which probably helped me with my choice to be a trainer. But for a moment, I looked at my dad without those Superman goggles on and realized that he is getting older, more out of shape, and if he doesn’t do something instead of talk about it, he is going to pay for it big time! I put on my personal trainer hat and expressed my concern for him. I told him how if he didn’t get serious about this, he is only going to get mushier and become like a big marshmallow (I knew could razz him a little bit because my dad has always been a big jokester)! He said, “No, not a marshmallow!”

I said, “Yes, and if you don’t want me to start to calling you Mr. Marshmallow Man, then you had better do something! And if your body turns into mush because you have no more muscles from not exercising, you are going to start losing your independence as you get older.” He exclaimed, “No, not that!” I said, “Yes, do you want to be in a nursing home in 10 years? People changing your diapers?” He was aghast, “NO! I never want to lose my independence!” I said, “Well then, you better get serious because the life that you are living right now with not being fit, your body is not going to be able to support itself as it gets older, and you will not have your independence. You will have to have other people taking care of you. Is that what you want?” I knew it was NOT wanted he wanted because he is a very independent man and his mother is 92 and still lives on her own. He got a more serious look on his face, “No, that is not what I want. Okay, I am serious. Wait ‘till you see me next time!” I said, “Dad, you said that last time, you need a plan, not just talk.” He said, “No, I am really going to do something this time.” So we put a plan together for him. I challenged him to work out at least 2 times a week for a month and then when he did, he got to buy himself a reward. He decided what his reward was; we shook hands on it and went off on our separate ways. I love him so much and am grateful for him, and I don’t want to start seeing his body fall apart because he didn’t take care of it. I encourage you to inspire your family to do the same, and if you are able to share this article with your own father, do so. “I love you, Dad, and want you to live a long, healthy life!” If you want to attend a free seminar at my studio, see my ad in this paper. To learn more, go to this website at purehealthstudios.com.

June 2015 WINNERS!


Fax: 813-949-0891

Becky Thompson • Lynn Brooks • Patrick Meyers • Leslie Swilley • Cheryl Russell • Judy Taylor • Samantha Norris



Which of These Costly Home Sellers’ Mistakes Will You Make When You Sell Your Home?

Tampa Bay Area—A new report has just been released which reveals 7 costly mistakes that most homeowners make when selling their homes, and a 9 Step System that can help you sell your home fast and for the most amount of money. This industry report shows clearly how the traditional ways of selling homes have become increasingly less and less effective in today’s market. The fact of the matter is that fully three quarters of home sellers don’t get what they want for their homes and become disillusioned and—worse—financially disadvantaged when they put their homes on the market. As this report uncovers, most home sellers make 7 deadly mistakes that cost them literally thousands of dollars. The good news is that each and every one of these mistakes is entirely preventable. In answer to this issue, industry insiders have prepared a FREE Special Report entitled “The 9 Step System to Get Your Home Sold Fast and For Top Dollar”. To order your FREE copy of this Special Report, visit www.TampaBayHomeGuide.com. The Website is always available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Order NOW to find out how you can get the most money for your home. This report is courtesy of Peter Butera with Future Home Realty Inc. Not intended to solicit properties currently listed for sale. Copyright of 1998.

Human Trafficking In Tampa Bay Stolen Lives, Stolen Innocence Anne Childers, Staff Writer

Since December 2014, this space has focused on the global tragedy of human trafficking. Between an estimated 20-27 million people— men, women, and children—currently endure exploitation as sex slaves, domestic or agriculture workers, health and beauty technicians, construction workers, restaurant help, and traveling crews. The National Human Trafficking Resource Center (NHTRC) defines human trafficking as modern-day slavery and provides information and education on the website www.traffickingresourcecenter.org. Please take the time to check this site, speak with your groups and organizations, and find a way to educate and inform your circle of friends, family, and neighbors. Human trafficking is big business, ranking just behind drugs and guns as a multimillion dollar enterprise. Trafficking of our fellow human beings is not a distant problem in some third world country. It is here in America, the number one consumer of human trafficking, and here in our hometown of Tampa Bay, ranked #3 in the nation as a trafficking destination. 83% of the victims are American citizens, with an average age of 12. Local law enforcement departments and our Florida State Attorney, Pam Bondi, are making progress in locating and arresting those involved in this brutal exchange of human lives

for money and services. As individuals, we can make a difference, first by spreading awareness and secondly helping to make a difference in the rehabilitation of those rescued. This information has been published before, but until every victim is rescued, it bears repeating. Locally, two women who are making a difference could use your help. Edie Rhea, herself a survivor, has established Healing Root Ministry. To provide the resources needed to offer victims a two year recovery program, Edie estimates the cost at $350,000 annually. Call Edie at 813-458-5970 to schedule training for your church, group, or organization. Natasha Nascimento is the Founder of Redefining Refuge, a safe house for girls and the first of its kind in the state. Call 813-909-0300 to volunteer, offer financial support, schedule a training opportunity, or collect items for the wish list. Pasco FREE (pascoFREE@gmail.com) also has opportunities for volunteers to make a difference. At this time we will stop monthly articles in this space, but we will report on any and all new developments as we become aware of them. Anyone wishing to share or report information with this publication may send an email to edit101@ddpnews.com.

Hair Solutions and Designs Anne Childers, Staff Writer

If Mother Nature has blessed you with less than perfect hair, Jill Canfield—owner of J. Ellen Studio—has the perfect solution. She has perfected her skills for over twenty-five years in the Tampa Bay area and now operates her own hair replacement studio on Cypress Street in Tampa. Jill specializes in permanent bonding, progressional hair lines, and extensions for both men and women using only 100% human hair. The permanent bonding process allows for 4-6 weeks of normal wear to include regular grooming, washing, styling, and swimming.

Jill’s designs hold up even in Florida’s humid climate—at work, at play, and even on the beach or golf course. Jill is available by appointment only and offers free consultations. The studio is open Monday through Saturday with extended evening hours on Tuesdays and Fridays. Whether you are looking for a solution to hair loss and/or patterned baldness or a dramatic design for a special occasion, J. Ellen Studio can help you find your best style. Call 813-749-7966 to request a design consultation and be sure to check Facebook and “like” J. Ellen Studio.

Christian Business Connections New location! Come and network with Christian professionals from all over the Tampa Bay area! We meet every Thursday at Heritage Church, 1854 Oak Grove Blvd. Lutz, FL 33559 at 7:45am. Meeting cost is $5 and includes coffee. Breakfast is available at additional cost. Visit www.CBCCentralPasco.com.

Fifth Third Bank Serves Families in Need Fifth Third Bank employees prepared and served meals to Tampa Bay families in need as well as helped sort and store non-perishable food items collected by Fifth Third as part of its sixth annual “Fifth Third Feeding Families” food drive. Items were collected in all 48 Fifth Third locations in the Tampa Bay area in a month-long food drive that wrapped up on May 3 – Fifth Third Day. Enough food was collected to feed over 5,300 Tampa Bay area families in need and give hope to a community battling hunger. Nearly 50 Fifth Third employees volunteered their time on Saturday, May 2nd at Metropolitan Ministries in downtown Tampa. “We believe that an ongoing investment in our community can make a meaningful im-

pact,” said Brian Lamb, president and CEO of Fifth Third Bank (North Florida). “We’re proud to once again be working with a great organization like Metropolitan Ministries to help families and children in need throughout Tampa Bay.” The collected items will be distributed to people in need in Hillsborough, Pinellas, Pasco and Polk counties. “The need for food in our community continues to grow, and the donated items will directly help people right here in our own backyards,” said Tim Marks, president and CEO of Metropolitan Ministries. “We are humbled that Fifth Third Bank has once again focused on contributing to our mission to fight hunger and provide hope.”


Phone: 813-949-4411


“Say You Saw It In A Dunndeal Publication”

Becky Thompson • Lynn Brooks • Patrick Meyers • Leslie Swilley • Cheryl Russell • Judy Taylor • Samantha Norris

Women-n-Charge Grant Winners way. Learn more at pascomentalhealthfoundation.com. The second grant was awarded to Connie Lindsay of Liberty Manor For Veterans. The organization’s main objective is to provide housing to veterans, specifically targeting honorably discharged veterans who have fallen victim to homelessness. Learn more at libertymanor.org. Women-n-Charge awards Connie Lindsay of Learn more about Women-n-Charge at Liberty Manor. www.women-n-charge.com. The organizaOn May 1, 2015, Women-n-Charge, tion meets the first Friday of the month at whose mission, in part, is to support and as- Pebble Creek Country Club in Tampa from sist professional women in managing their 11:30am to 1:15pm. businesses more effectively, awarded two grants. Each spring the organization gives two $1,000 grants to deserving women in business. Both grants were graciously sponsored this year by Centennial Bank. The first grant was awarded to Dawn Easter on behalf of Pasco Mental Health Foundation, which provides mental health services and education to Pasco residents who Women-n-Charge awards Dawn Easter of Pasco wouldn’t be able to access evaluation, counMental Health Foundation. seling, therapy, or medications any other

Women-n-Charge Monthly Meeting Join the vibrant ladies of Women-n-Charge on Friday, June 12th from 11:30am-1:15pm at Pebble Creek Country Club (10550 Regents Park Dr., Tampa, 33647). The meeting includes lunch, a feature speaker, and time to network. We share our talents, build relationships, and share our resources with other women in business. The cost is $15 for members (Tuesday before the meeting) and $18 for

all guests (and members paying Wednesday and after). Please register online at the website www.women-n-charge.com. For more information, please contact Judy at 813-600-9848 or admin@women-n-charge.com. Our feature speaker for June is Ginger Rockey-Johnson, the Original Spice Girl of Tampa Bay, and she will be speaking on “The Art of the Perfect Pitch.”

“Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” — Matthew 6:9

Garden Connect By Steve & Jeanne Wolfe

First of all, we have had some positive responses to our articles in the Gazette neighborhood newspapers. We appreciate that! This month’s subject is the MORINGA OLEIFERA tree that is becoming very popular in gardening circles. The Moringa tree is grown mainly in tropical and sub-tropical areas and in a protected environment. It will grow in USDA zones 9 and 10. It will tolerate a wide range of soil conditions and it is a sun and heat loving plant but does not tolerate frost. It is mainly grown in Hawaii, India, the Philippines, Africa, Indonesia, Cambodia, Pakistan, and in other areas. One of the many uses of Moringa is for water purification. Some scholars believe that this is the tree that God had Moses use to sweeten the bitter waters at Marah

in Exodus 15. Moringa seed cake is used to filter water using flocculation to produce potable water for animal or human consumption. The tender pods called drumsticks are used in many culinary dishes. The leaves are added to broth for soup. Also, Moringa juice from the leaves mixed with lemonsito juice to make ice candies. Many nutritious recipes can be found at http://miracletrees.org/moringa_recipes.html. The Moringa tree is being used to provide malnutrition relief and is used by many organizations like Tree for Life International, the Christian and Missionary Alliance, and Church World Service to name a few. We found the powder and extract sold at WireGrass Mall Outdoor Organic market that occurs on the first Saturday of the month.

June 2015 WINNERS!

The History of Flag Day

The Fourth of July was traditionally celebrated as America’s birthday, but the idea of an annual day specifically celebrating the Flag is believed to have first originated in 1885. B.J. Cigrand, a schoolteacher, arranged for the pupils in the Fredonia, Wisconsin Public School, District 6, to observe June 14 (the 108th anniversary of the official adoption of the Stars and Stripes) as “Flag Birthday.” In numerous magazines and newspaper articles and public addresses over the following years, Cigrand continued to enthusiastically advocate the observance of June 14 as “Flag Birthday” or “Flag Day.” Following the suggestion of Colonel J. Granville Leach (at the time historian of the Pennsylvania Society of the Sons of the Revolution), the Pennsylvania Society of Colonial Dames of America on April 25, 1893 adopted a resolution requesting the mayor of Philadel-

phia and all others in authority and all private citizens to display the flag on June 14th. Leach went on to recommend that thereafter the day be known as “Flag Day” and on that day, school children be assembled for appropriate exercises, with each child being given a small flag. In 1894, the governor of New York directed that on June 14 the flag be displayed on all public buildings. With B.J. Cigrand and Leroy Van Horn as the moving spirits, the Illinois organization, known as the American Flag Day Association, was organized for the purpose of promoting the holding of Flag Day exercises. On June 14th, 1894, under the auspices of this association, the first general public school children’s celebration of Flag Day in Chicago was held in Douglas, Garfield, Humboldt, Lincoln, and Washington Parks, with more than 300,000 children participating. Inspired by these three decades of state and local celebrations, Flag Day—the anniversary of the Flag Resolution of 1777— was officially established by the Proclamation of President Woodrow Wilson on May 30th, 1916. While Flag Day was celebrated in various communities for years after Wilson’s proclamation, it was not until August 3rd, 1949, that President Truman signed an Act of Congress designating June 14th of each year as National Flag Day. http://www.usflag.org/history/flagday.html

The Lutz 4th of July Parade Lutz is gearing up for this year’s Independence Day Parade on Saturday, July 4th themed “Lutz Heritage: Proudly We Serve.” Please contact Phyllis Hoedt at 949-1937 for more information. Food items will be available for sale from the Lutz-Land O’ Lakes Woman’s Club and

Boy Scout Troop 12 as well as a wide variety of vendors. Parade starts at 10am at Lutz Lake Fern Rd. & Crooked Ln. Trophies will be presented and the new Guv’na will be announced & inaugurated. Parade breakdown will follow immediately after the festivities (volunteers appreciated!).

Summer Explosion Looking for some summer fun for your children? Check out Summer Explosion, a free and fun-filled event from 5:30pm to 8:15pm. June 22-26 at Hope Church, 5107 W. Lutz-Lake Fern Road. We’re inviting kids ages 5 through fifth grade to join us at 5:30pm for dinner. Next, we’ll have interactive Bible stories followed by nightly mini fun camps, which will include carpentry, sewing, cupcake decorating, soccer, stamp-

ing, field hockey, magic tricks, volleyball, hair braiding, cartoon drawing, flag football, kickball, stickball, fingernail/toenail painting and dance. Friday night, June 26th, will be a special family fun night with exciting wet and wild games that will leave you as soaked as you want to be! Please pre-register by calling (813) 818-1211 or visit the website at hope4tampa.com. For more information, call (813) 818-1211.

White Dove Farm Garden Connect We invite you to Garden Connect. The date is Saturday June 20th at 3:30pm. Call 813-991-9786 for RSVP, please leave your name and phone number and that you are interested in attending. We will call you back with information. Bring a cutting, something to share to eat, a smile and a camera—the

garden is extraordinary beautiful this year! A Master Gardener speaker will be announced when you RSVP. We thank David Strawderman for the great teaching he gave at the May meeting on his vegetables grown from seeds he collected from around the world. Steve & Jeanne Wolfe

Granny’s Attic & Yard Sale The Social Ministry Team at Messiah Lutheran Church and Preschool will hold its annual Granny’s Attic & Yard Sale Saturday, June 27, 2015. The hours of the sale are 8:00am to 1:00pm. Granny’s inventory will consist of gently used furniture, small household appliances, tools, games, toys, bicycles, costume jewelry, and much more. The sale will be held in the Ministry Center gym on the church campus which is located at 14920

Hutchison Road in the Carrollwood area of Tampa. All proceeds will be utilized for local, human care outreach. Tours of Messiah Preschool will also be available to parents or grandparents of preschoolers shopping at Granny’s Attic & Yard Sale that day. The school doors will be open and staff will be on hand to show you around the nationally-accredited and licensed facility.

Bonsai Tree Seminar Eve’s Garden Gifts, 5602 Land O’ Lakes Blvd (Hwy. 41) in Land O’ Lakes will host free Bonsai Tree demonstrations & seminar from 10am to 4pm every Saturday in June. The emphasis will be on bonsai trees as a hobby and relieving stress. We will be demonstrating on all aspects of the art of bonsai.

Perfect time for gift giving to start the “Art of Bonsai”. You are welcome to bring in your own bonsai trees for us to demonstrate on and share our professional advice. Enjoy a walk through our beautiful bonsai garden. For information, call 813-996-5012 or visit our website at www.evesgardengift.com.

June 2015 WINNERS!


Fax: 813-949-0891

Becky Thompson • Lynn Brooks • Patrick Meyers • Leslie Swilley • Cheryl Russell • Judy Taylor • Samantha Norris



Magnolia Manor Assisted Living, Inc. Barbara Keithly, Owner “I had a long, successful history of advertising with Dunndeal Publications for a prior business, so when I began plans for opening Magnolia Manor Assisted Living, I immediately called Dunndeal to put an advertising campaign in place. As soon as the papers are circulated each month, my phones ring non-stop. It is not unusual to receive forty calls a day. The calls are from prospective clients, prospective employees, and other businesses seeking to network and share resources. Dunndeal covers all my advertising needs and makes a tangible difference in my business success!” “If anyone loves me he will obey my teaching. My Father will love him and we will come to him and make our home with him, these words belong to the Father, who sent me.” — John 14:23-24

AARP Driver Safety Refresher Course AARP Smart Driver Course can help Florida drivers update skills and potentially save on auto insurance. AARP Driver Safety just got smarter. The AARP initiative that has helped older drivers stay safe, educated, and confident behind the wheel since 1979 debuted its new AARP Smart Driver™ Course. The course is now available in classroom settings led by certified volunteer instructors. In addition to learning safety strategies that can reduce the likelihood of a crash, partici-

pants of the new course will learn how aging, medications, alcohol, and other health-related issues affect driving ability and how to adjust driving accordingly to allow for these changes. The course also helps participants determine when it may not be best to drive (e.g., late at night, inclement weather, etc.) and how to plan for a time when driving is no longer an option. Benefits of Taking the AARP Smart Driver Course In Florida, it is mandated that course par-

ticipants may be eligible for a multi-year auto insurance discount upon course completion. Participants are encouraged to check with their insurance agent for details about the type of discounts they can receive by taking the course. Cost for Taking the AARP Smart Driver Course For classroom classes: $15 for AARP members, $20 for non AARP members. June 15th at 9:30am at the Meadow Point

Community Center (Building A) located at 2845 County Line Rd. Wesley Chapel, FL 33543. Registrations: 813-994-9832. August 6 &N ovember 5, 2015, Brookdale Carrollwood, 9:30am-4:00pm. For registrations, call 813-908-5300. (13550 S. Village Dr., Tampa, Fl. 33618). August 19, 2015, Brookdale Horizon Bay, Lutz, 9:00am-3:30pm. For registrations, call 813-787-3373 (414 Chapman Rd East, Lutz Fl. 33549).


Phone: 813-949-4411

“Say You Saw It In A Dunndeal Publication”

Gulfside Hospice Veteran Program

VFW Post 8154 Zephyrhills donated $500 to support Gulfside Hospice and its We Honor Veterans program. Pictured left to right: Erin Labbe, Special Events Coordinator for Gulfside Hospice; Cliff Standish, Post Commander; Dan Paiz, elected Post Commander; Carla Armstrong, Director of Philanthropy for Gulfside Hospice

Members of the VFW Post 8154 Zephyrhills presented a check of $500 to Gulfside Hospice in support of its We Honor Veterans program. The donation, raised from weekly dinners at the VFW, will go to provide specialized care for veteran patients, patient and community pinning ceremonies, community education about caring for veterans at the end of life, and pairing veteran volunteers with veteran patients.

“One out of every four hospice patients is a veteran,” said Carla Armstrong, Director of Philanthropy for Gulfside Hospice & Pasco Palliative Care. “We truly make it a priority to serve them the best way we can and thank them for their service. It can bring peace of mind just to hear a thank you.” Current Post Commander Cliff Standish and elected Post Commander Dan Paiz presented the check at the Gulfside Center for Hospice Care in Zephyrhills on Tuesday, May 5. “We are just glad we could do it,” said Standish. The VFW Post 8154 Zephyrhills has more than 500 veteran members and works to serve veterans, military families, and the local community. Gulfside Hospice is a Level Four participant in the nationwide We Honor Veterans Program. Gulfside has served more than 370 veterans in the last year alone. Gulfside is working to grow the program in Pasco County by holding pinning ceremonies, honoring each veteran patient with a pin and certificate, and participating in community events centered on veterans. To learn more about Gulfside’s We Honor Veterans program or find out how to get involved, please call 800-561-4883 or visit www.GHPPC.org.

June 2015

Percy Boomer, Golf ’s Most Influential Instructor (Part 1)

Rick Bradshaw PGA Professional/GM Aubrey Boomer, younger brother by 13 years and student of Percy’s, was an outstanding golfer and was known in Europe as “the boy who shot 61”, an incredible eleven under par score, during a Ryder Cup match against the Americans. Percy Boomer himself did win 3 tournaments—the Belgian Open in 1923, the Swiss Open in 1924, and the Dutch Open in 1927. However, he found that teaching golf was his calling, and after his death was remembered as the world’s most influential golf instructor in the history of the game. Ben Hogan, a disciple of Boomer’s teaching philosophy, is considered to have influenced the teaching of the golf swing more than any other American-born P.G.A. golf tour professional. Hogan, a winner of 62 P.G.A. tournaments, 9 major championships including the grand slam of golf, The British Open, The Masters, The U.S. Open, and the P.G.A. Championship, however, was ranked second to Percy Boomer on the Golf Illustrated list of most influential golf instructors. The importance of Percy Boomer’s instruction laid the foundation for how P.G.A. golf professionals as well as recreational golfers can study books and videos that have been produced over the past few decades on the most efficient way to swing the golf club. What is remarkable is that Percy Boomer’s instructional wisdom and creativity blossomed without the use of modern-day technology like video replay and computers, which are used today to study the golf swing. The reason for this excellence is that Boomer focused his instruction on what he felt, his students felt, and what Aubrey Boomer, his brother, felt during the golf swing. Aubrey

Boomer, who was an excellent swinger of the golf club, finished second to the infamous American golfer Bobby Jones in the British Open. Bobby Jones, winner of numerous championships in the 1920’s, founded and designed Augusta National Golf Club, which is where the most celebrated golf tournament ever, The Masters, is played every year. Percy centered his teaching on the feeling of producing what he called a centrifugal swing, much the same movements felt by a track and field hammer throw contestant. Boomer’s swing movement focused on the feeling of how a rotary body movement could produce a momentous effortless power effect. Percy believed that focusing on body rotation and an inner opposing force felt in the chest, shoulders, arms, hips, and the legs as they stabilized and controlled the outward centrifugal pulling action of the club head was the secret. By not letting the club head fly out of the hands, a constant and repeating swing arc was an automatic result. Boomer also compared the golf swing to “the drawing of arcs with a pair of compasses” and said “the reason that we cannot be so precise in our stroking as the compass can is that we are supported on two legs instead of one, and we are full of flexions and joints.” To be continued next month. Rick Bradshaw Award-Winning PGA Teaching Professional G/M, Director of Instruction Dent/Bradshaw Golf School 2004 and 2006 PGA Teacher of the Year (North Florida Section) Heritage Isles Golf & Country Club www.tourexperience.com 813-220-8099

June 2015


An Easy Way To Get Benefit Verification

By Daryl Rosenthal, Social Security Public Affairs Specialist in Tampa, FL Need verification of your Social Security benefits? There’s no need to visit or call an office to get the verification you need. Simply visit www.socialsecurity.gov/myaccount. There are a number of reasons you may need written verification of your Social Security benefits. You may need to provide it to an energy assistance program or for subsidized housing. Perhaps you’re ready to make a major purchase and you’re trying to get a loan from a bank or financial institution. Or maybe you’re applying for state benefits or moving into a new apartment or home. You can use this benefit verification letter for any reason that someone requires proof of your income. In addition to offering proof of income, the letter is an official document that verifies your Medicare coverage, retirement or disability status, and age. If you need verification that you have applied for benefits but have not yet received a decision, it also serves as proof that you applied.

Whatever your reason, if you need verification of your income from Social Security, obtaining it is easy and convenient. Create a my Social Security account and you can instantly get your benefit verification letter online and obtain one anytime you need it. You also can use your account to manage your benefits, check your benefit amount, or change your address, phone number, and direct deposit information. Millions of people have already opened their accounts. In fact, someone opens a new my Social Security account about every six seconds! You can also get a benefit verification letter mailed to you by calling 1-800-772-1213 (TTY 1-800-325-0778). However, for most people, getting the verification online is the most convenient way to get what they need. Get your benefit verification letter by registering today for a my Social Security account at www.socialsecurity.gov/myaccount.

Statewide Ombudsman of the Year State Ombudsman Leigh Davis has announced Joan Rixom, an Ombudsman volunteer in the West Central Office (Hillsborough-Manatee), as Statewide Ombudsman of the Year. This honor is bestowed each year to the volunteer who is a shining example for the Ombudsman Program throughout the State. “Our volunteers are the cornerstone of this program, serving as advocates for the long-term care facility residents we assist every day. This population needs these caring individuals to be their voice,” said Leigh Davis, State Ombudsman. “Through her hard work, Joan consistently demonstrates her dedication to the role of ombudsman.” Ms. Rixom joined the program as a volunteer in June 2007 and works overtime to complete her assessments and also mentors fellow volunteers. Joan is well-respected among her peers and brings passion and knowledge to the monthly council meetings.

“Joan has devoted over eight years to advocating for the program and generously shares her ombudsman and nursing experiences as a mentor to ombudsmen-in-training. She serves as the West Central State Council Representative and State Council Vice Chair, and she also volunteers in the Guardian ad Litem Program. All should admire her stamina and commitment to others,” said Lynn Penley, West Central District Ombudsman Manager. The Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program advocates for the health, safety, welfare, and rights of individuals residing in long-term care settings. Ombudsman volunteers work with residents, family members, administrators, and other parties to resolve complaints or issues brought by or on behalf of long-term care residents. For more information on the Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program, please visit http://ombudsman.myflorida.com.

Local Company Earns National Recognition IERNA’s Heating & Cooling was named a 2014 Medal of Excellence (MOE) award winner by Bryant Heating & Cooling Systems, a leading supplier of heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) equipment. IERNA’s Heating & Cooling was one of only 15 Bryant® Factory Authorized Dealers throughout the U.S. to be chosen for the prestigious Medal of Excellence award. This is the 5th consecutive MOE award that IERNA’s has earned, designating them as the very first Florida Factory Authorized Bryant dealer to earn the prestigious Bryant Pinnacle Award. IERNA’s has a long history of providing customers with reliable, worry-free comfort. Charlene Ierna, IERNA’s Vice President, stated, “We couldn’t achieve success without our dedicated staff who have embraced the “Whatever It Takessm” philosophy. This allows us to provide the greatest possible level of comfort, products, and service to our customers. We do this to ensure our customers remain 100% satisfied with their entire experience.” IERNA’s Heating & Cooling has been providing the Tampa Bay area with world-class service, sales, and repair for nearly 12 years. In order to continually remain to be one of the best HVAC contractors in the industry, IERNA’s technicians regularly attend factory training and continuing HVAC education.

The company employs NATE and EPA certified technicians, they are designated Healthy Air Specialists and Indoor Air Quality Experts as well as many other designations. This is done to make sure each member is competent and up to speed in their knowledge of the cutting-edge technology and changes within the HVAC industry. In addition to being a leader in the industry, IERNA’s continues to be a dedicated to community servant. From blood drives to working with Habitat for Humanity, sponsoring local youth sports organizations, donating equipment and labor to non-profit organizations in need, and so much more. The staff at IERNA’s works tirelessly to help its customers and the entire Tampa Bay community in any way they can. Bryant Factory Authorized Dealers competing for the Medal of Excellence award must meet a minimum score and then are judged on overall customer satisfaction, Bryant-branded product sales growth, highefficiency and indoor air quality equipment sales and participation in various dealer programs and promotions. The 15 regional finalists are from five different North American geographic regions. Visit www.IernaAir.com for additional information.

Fax: 813-949-0891


Gulfside Hospice Receives A Special Visit to leave their rooms, the horses were ridden to the patients’ windows so they could also share in the experience. Margaret Bushell, a Pasco Sheriff’s Deputy and member of the Mounted Posse, sat atop her horse Dylan as she spoke to the patients about the important roles that the horses play at the Pasco County Sheriff’s Office. She also took the time to answer questions as people pet the horses. “What a pleasure it is for us to be here,” said Bushell. Residents from Bayonet Point Health & Rehabilitation Center, Heather Hill Healthcare Center, and students from the Red ApGulfside Hospice CNA Pam Chamberlain, right, assisted patient Lucille, left, to visit and pet and meet Samson, ridden by Dep. John Bushell with Pasco Sheriff’s Mounted Posse at the Gulfside Center for Hospice Care at Heather Hill.

Patients and staff at two Gulfside Centers for Hospice Care received a special treat when the Pasco Sheriff’s Mounted Posse brought five of its horses to visit on Monday, May 11. Patients from both the Gulfside Centers Gulfside Hospice social worker Ashley Monteath for Hospice Care at Heather Hill and at poses with Mr. Quiet ridden by Melanie Waldron Bayonet Point were able to come outside at the Gulfside Center for Hospice Care at Bayonet to enjoy the beautiful weather and love on Point Health & Rehabilitation Center on May 11. the gentle giants. For those who were unable ple Adult Training Center also were able to meet the horses and Posse members also. The Pasco Sheriff’s Mounted Posse has raised more than $120,000 for Gulfside Hospice over the past seven years through the annual Ride for Hospice fundraiser held in the spring. Gulfside Hospice, established as a nonprofit corporation in Pasco County in 1988 and initially licensed in 1989, serves more than 350 patients daily. Gulfside employs Patients at two Gulfside Centers for Hospice Care received a special treat when the Pasco Sheriff’s Mounted over 250 professionals, has more than 500 Posse brought five of its horses to visit with them on Mon- volunteers, and is the only hospice that serves day, May 11. Here Mr. Quiet is going up to windows of Pasco County exclusively. For more information about Gulfside Hospice, call 800-561people who cannot come outside at the Gulfside Center for Hospice Care at Heather Hill Healthcare Center. 4883 or visit www.GHPPC.org.


Phone: 813-949-4411


“Say You Saw It In A Dunndeal Publication”

Becky Thompson • Lynn Brooks • Patrick Meyers • Leslie Swilley • Cheryl Russell • Judy Taylor • Samantha Norris

The Tree of Life

Anne Childers, Staff Writer

What if there was a tree whose leaves, branches, and roots provided for the health and nourishment of humans and domestic animals by providing medicinal benefits, soil enrichment, and even bio-fuel for cars and machinery? What if this fast-growing, hardy tree grew naturally in subtropical areas, and what if this amazing tree had ties to Tampa Bay? The publishers of the Dunndeal Gazettes recently learned of the Moringa tree, how it has changed and improved lives around the world, and how research in Tampa has contributed to saving lives in third world countries. USF is currently involved in exciting experiments involving the Moringa tree in the production of bio-fuel, and Morningstar Farms in Dade City is using this multi-purpose tree to educate hungry nations on food

production in order to prevent starvation. Over the next few months, this space will be dedicated to sharing information about the amazing Moringa and how it can be used to improve the quality of life for people everywhere. Stay tuned for some astounding facts and information as we explore all the Moringa tree has to offer mankind. In our world of continual hype about perfect products for everything from weight loss to cleaning supplies, it is easy to be skeptical of anything touted as the perfect natural remedy for nearly everything. The upcoming series on the various species of the Moringa promises facts and information to answer any questions or concerns. For now, please read the review below from the renowned John Hopkins School of Medicine Research on the medical evidence for the Moringa’s nutritional, therapeutic, and prophylactic properties: Moringa Oleifera: “In fact, the nutritional properties of Moringa are now so wellknown that there seems to be little doubt of the substantial health benefit to be realized by consumption of Moringa leaf powder in situations where starvation is imminent. Clearly, much more research is justified, but just as clearly this will be a very fruitful field of endeavor for both basic and applied researchers over the next decade.” Jed W. Fahey, Sc.D.

The Dunndeal Gazettes and their contest got me and my broken foot out of the house last Saturday. John’s Pass Village was crowded with pirates of all ages and types. The Mad Beach Craft Brewing Company were great hosts for our catered meals served on their “patio” on the second floor of the mall at the Pass. Mad Beach is really a fun place for all the family with concerts and games and their craft beer. The event successfully created an upbeat atmosphere. Our family enjoyed the day, so thank God and the Dunndeal Gazettes for enriching our lives.

10 entries will be drawn to receive 2 admission tickets to the Clearwater Marine Aquarium (value of $44)

2 Ways to Win! 1. Complete the trivia bible verses. OR 2. Share your experience when you visited one of our advertising partners.

Trivia Verses 1. Our Father in heaven, ___________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ 2. If anyone loves me, ______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ 3. Delight yourself ________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________

Share Your Experience What Gazette Advertiser have you used recently? _________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________

Continued from Page 1

But until we do our part, God will not do His part. The key word in this entire verse is “then.” It makes it clear that our part must be fulfilled before God’s part can be initiated. Our part involves true humility and repentance. We can pray for restoration. However, restoration can’t come until there is revival. Revival can’t come until there is responsibility, responsibility can’t come until there is repentance, and repentance can’t come until we remember. We must remember who we are, where we come from, and why it’s important to be accountable for what God’s given us through our Founding Fathers. We must discover things like: • How was our government formed? • What price was paid for our liberty, and who paid it? • What role did God play in the lives of our Founding Fathers? • What responsibilities did our Founders give us? The Bible says wisdom comes from two sources: the Word of God and life’s experiences (history). If we choose to forget the past, then we lose the wisdom of the past—wisdom that came at a great price. If we forget, then history will inevitably repeat itself, and we’ll once again pay a tremendous price. God wants to use our nation as a beacon of light to shine brightly for Jesus Christ all around the world.


Enter for a Chance to Win!

God’s Plan for America’s Comeback Revival or Rescue? On May 7, millions in America observed the 64th Annual National Day of Prayer. It’s an incredible opportunity to come together and focus our eyes on the true Source of our help. However, as we pray, we have to be willing to do what God shows us. I believe a lot of people simply want God to rescue this nation—to solve our problems without requiring any action on our part. However, revival for America includes taking responsibility to do what God shows us to help preserve what our forefathers obtained. In 1787, as Benjamin Franklin exited the Constitutional Convention, a woman shouted from the crowd, “Sir, what have you given us?” Franklin famously responded, “A republic, ma’am, if you can keep it.” What did he mean? A republic means “rule of law” (our Constitution). This form of government offers the very greatest liberties and freedom—but it also requires the most responsibility, moral virtue, and maintenance to keep it intact. America has gone from a strong, godly nation, ready to fight for our liberties and moral princicples to one that’s complacent, allowing ungodliness to creep in little by little. Evil doesn’t just happen overnight, it happens slowly over time as we fail to fulfill our responsibilities. Not doing what needs to be done in the face of evil encourages its existence and growth. Evil is only denied exis-

June 2015

tence by wise action, and wise action is our responsibility! As Christians, the choice is up to us. We can either stand up and fight or lay down entirely. But we can’t stay the same and expect the direction of our country to change. Worth Fighting For God is waiting for the body of Christ in America to become a courageous body—a group who will stand up and do what He is asking us to do. This is the true meaning of a “patriot.” It involves becoming educated about our past, then taking action for our future. The Lord wants to use our nation, our resources, and our people to once again become a beacon of light to shine brightly for Jesus Christ all around the world. On May 26, Memorial Day, we celebrated those who have allowed our light to shine in years past, an honor all of the servicemen

and women who fought for this nation and made the ultimate sacrifice. Today, we continue the fight. However, it’s a battle against misinformation, passivity, and what I refer to as “historical amnesia.” These battles are just as important as any we’ve ever fought. Our generation has the responsibility to protect the precious liberties that brave men and women have sacrificed to protect. Friends, with your help, we can protect them—God has given us the plan. One by one, we can do our part to take a stand for America. As we are faithful to do what we can do, the Lord will be faithful to do what we can’t, and bring healing to our land. joycemeyer.org • (800) 727-9673 The Future of America - Dave Meyer h t t p s : / / w w w. y o u t u b e . c o m / watch?v=fWOiGY-lkbo

Thank you for dinner! I enjoyed being with with my husband and son. Also, it was nice to walk on the beach! God bless! — Becky Thompson


God’s Long-Term Health Care Plan Space Available! “Hell” Forgot About That!

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Fax: 813-949-0891

Becky Thompson • Lynn Brooks • Patrick Meyers • Leslie Swilley • Cheryl Russell • Judy Taylor • Samantha Norris

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The benefits to having quality windows are endless. Windows maintain the temperature in your home, keeping the cold out in the winter and the heat out in the summer. It is important to have well sealed, efficient, and double-paned glass windows custom made for your home. New windows offer countless benefits like enhanced safety, security, and overall health of your home; new windows will increase the value of the home and assist in obtaining a higher resale value, which is critical in today’s real estate market. Let’s look at the great reasons that you may wish to consider when upgrading the windows in your home. Energy Efficient Windows: Savings 1. Rebates from the government and utility companies are given for new, energy-efficient windows. Rebates are often given for hom-

10 Reasons to Replace Your Windows

eowners that purchase new energy-efficient windows. For more information, you can contact your local energy company or tax advisor to obtain specific details on these incentives. 2. Utility bills become less expensive with premium quality windows. Quality windows ensure that the home uses less energy to heat or cool the home. This commonly results in a noticeable reduction in your monthly utility bills. Imagine the money that will be saved each month and at the end of the year! When you add up the savings, the new windows will essentially pay for themselves. 3. Cracked and broken windows are dangerous. The windows become even more dangerous once cold arrives, as the glass becomes brittle and cold. If you have children in the home, they are in great danger if they play or sleep in a room with old windows. Further concerns are

the drafts that old windows cause. 4. Environmentally friendly. Windows that are energy-efficient use electricity or gas. Using less energy decreases greenhouse gases emitted into the environment. 5. Dangerous materials. Old windows may contain lead paint, which is dangerous for children and adults alike. Upgrading not only reduces energy bills and increases the aesthetics of a home, but it may also protect your health. Replace Windows vs. Old Windows 6. Inefficient windows leak. Leaking windows allow water to come into the home, both in front and behind the walls. Mold is a dangerous byproduct of moisture entering the home, and it can be detrimental to your family’s health and the resale value of your home. 7. Single-paned. Old windows are commonly single-paned. Double-paned energy-

efficient windows lock out more moisture and cold/heat than old, single-paned windows. 8. Old sealing. Old sealing could let in moisture and cause additional damage to the inside of your home’s structure, which could cause mold. Mold spoors get in the air and can spread quickly throughout your entire home. 9. Aesthetically pleasing. Whether you are renovating or painting the outside of your home, windows instantly perk up the aesthetics of your house. Quality Vinyl Windows 10. Never a better time to buy. Reduce energy; increase the value of your home, and much more. Please call EcoView today for a free in-home consultation and benefit from our factory direct pricing at 813-885-4837. Also see our ad on page 11 for more information.

10 Phone: 813-949-4411 WINNERS!

“Say You Saw It In A Dunndeal Publication”

Becky Thompson • Lynn Brooks • Patrick Meyers • Leslie Swilley • Cheryl Russell • Judy Taylor • Samantha Norris





June 2015 WINNERS!





The Ultimate in Cleaning & More Childers, Staff Writer


Ultimate Tile is locally owned and operated by Tim Hunter and has served the Tampa Bay area for eight years. His company is fully licensed & insured, providing tile and grout cleaning, color sealing, and much more. The humid Florida weather makes tile a perfect solution for busy households, not just in bathrooms and kitchens but on pools decks, driveways, and patios. While tile stands up well to moisture and traffic, it is usually the grout that shows the first signs of wear and discoloration. “Instead of re-grouting your tile over and over again to maintain its original color, allow us to color seal it. We provide our customers with amazing results, superior service, and a lifetime guarantee,” says Tim. In addition to excellent tile and grout restoration, Ultimate Tile and Grout also cleans other hard surfaces such as driveways, sidewalks, patios, pool decks, and soft surfaces like carpet and upholstery. Ultimate Tile and Grout even offers weekend service and serves both residential and commercial clients. Check the website at www.ultimatetileandgrout.com and call 813-961-8453 for a complimentary, no obligation quote on all your surface cleaning needs—you will never need to make another call!


June 2015



Fax: 813-949-0891 11

Becky Thompson • Lynn Brooks • Patrick Meyers • Leslie Swilley • Cheryl Russell • Judy Taylor • Samantha Norris











Sunshine State Can’t Be Beat!

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Anne Childers, Staff Writer

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Dunndeal Publications 218 E. Bearss Ave. #256 Tampa, FL 33613

Summer is brief in Florida—from the end of May until early August when kids are out of school, families vacation, and relatives visit. Don’t spend those brief golden days on DIY projects! Call in a pro for the big jobs like semi-annual window cleaning. You will be able to beat the heat but never the service with Sunshine State Window Washing! M. Lewis Briggs operates his fully insured, properly licensed and bonded, veteranowned company with respect for your home and atmosphere. Multi-level homes and offices are no problem for this expert. Sunshine State caters to individuals and business professionals by providing VIP service with

guaranteed satisfaction using only environmentally safe products. Extras such as cobweb removal, screen shampooing, window sill, track, and channel cleaning are always included. Additional services such as mirror, chandelier, and coach light cleaning, ceiling fans, light bulb, and smoke detector maintenance are available upon request. Let Sunshine State enhance the beauty and value of your home or office. Call 813-9491392 today to schedule a complimentary estimate, ask about the Summer Specials, and regularly repeated service so your home will always sparkle.

“Delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart.” — Psalm 37:4

All major credit cards are accepted.

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The UPS Store Wawa Gas Station Pita Express Bobalouie’s Grill Big Papa’s Pit Sparta Fitness River Of Life Church* Royal Lanes* Mr. Empanada Lutz Mail Depot Al’s Lawn Care The UPS Store ACE Hardware* Beef “O”Brady’s* Walgreens Bay Cities Bank Int. Supermarket* Friendly Farm Feed Depot Richard’s Cafe Lutz Library Walgreens The UPS Store Shell Station

New Tampa Gazette 3119 Cove Bend Dr. Chick-Fil-A* 1041 Bruce B. Downs Anytime Fitness 1257 Bruce B. Downs Jimmy John’s 2653 Bruce B. Downs Nutrition Smart 14529 Bruce B. Downs Compass Self-Storage 14943 Bruce B. Downs Land & Sea Market 17511 Bruce B. Downs Walgreens 20331 Bruce B. Downs Firestone Auto Care 20701 Bruce B. Downs Central Bank 20741 Bruce B. Downs Walgreens 17004 Palm Pointe Dr. Ciccio -CALI16221 Compton Dr. Y.M.C.A. 17022 Palm Pointe Dr. Pizzazzone 16019 Tampa Palms Blvd. Cody’s 10001 Cross Creek Blvd. New Tampa Library 10359 Cross Creek Blvd. Biagio’s Pizza 10853 Cross Creek Blvd. Star Cleaners* 10861 Cross Creek Blvd. Post Office 10960 Cross Creek Blvd. Shell Gas Station* 6431 County Line Rd. Pita Republic

Pasco Gazette 21033 St. Rd. 54 & Hwy. 41 22826 St. Rd. 54 & Collier 2810 Land O’ Lakes Blvd. 3036 Land O’ Lakes Blvd. 4005 Land O’ Lakes Blvd. 4028 Land O’ Lakes Blvd. 4204 Land O’ Lakes Blvd. 4526 Land O’ Lakes Blvd. 4805 Land O’ Lakes Blvd. 7040 Land O’ Lakes Blvd. 7804 Land O’ Lakes Blvd. 7827 Land O’ Lakes Blvd. 2205 Collier Pkwy. 2818 Collier Pkwy. 3032 Collier Pkwy. 23110 St. Rd. 54 22829 St. Rd. 54 1900 Oak Grove Blvd. 1904 Oak Grove Blvd. 1246 Seven Springs Blvd. 3136 Little Rd., Trinity 3152 Little Rd., Trinity

TIBBETTS Lumber Radiant Gas Central Pasco Chamber* Holloway’s Farm* ABC Pizza* Tax Appraisal* Natural Market Larry’s Deli Ukulele Brand’s Beef “O” Brady’s Eatery 41 Walgreens Greenland Grill Pasco Library LOL Rec. Center* The UPS Store* Walgreens Pepe’s Cuban Rest. ME Hobby WOW Express* Christo’s Restaurant The UPS Store

Wesley Chapel Gazette 1660 Bruce B. Downs Beef “O” Brady’s 1708 Bruce B. Downs Don Pan Int’l Bakery 1715 Bruce B. Downs PNC Bank 1944 Bruce B. Downs Taste of Boston 2022 Bruce B. Downs Fifth Third Bank 2653 Bruce B. Downs Hungry Greek 2653 Bruce B. Downs O.T.B. 2653 Bruce B. Downs Latin Twist Cafe 28152 Paseo Drive Woodfire Pizza 28230 Paseo Drive Pretzel Twister 2626 Cypress Ridge Blvd. Strive Athletic Club 2029 Arrowgrass Drive Sports + Fields 27221 S.R. 56 Going Postal 26699 S.R. 56 Gate Gas Station 5371 Village Market Ace Hardware 5429 Village Market City Grill 5450 County Road 581 The UPS Shore 25195 State Rd. 54 Tailgate Station 25201 State Rd. 54 Walgreens 24929 State Rd. 54 On The Run 27616 State Rd. 54 Mobile Gas Station 27741 State Rd. 54 Radiant Gas 28115 State Rd. 54 Walgreens 27405 Wesley Chapel Blvd. Cody’s Roadhouse

12 Phone: 813-949-4411

“Say You Saw It In A Dunndeal Publication”

June 2015

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