Westchase Gazette - November 2016

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November 2016

Westchase Gazette.com


He said to them, “GoFaith intoisall thesure world and we preach gospel to all creation.” - Mark 15:16 11:1 being of what hopethe for and certain of what we do not see. Hebrews

Joi n i n t h e conversation!


Serving the Westchase & Odessa community.

Should Christians Vote? This topic has the potential to be divisive when you’re talking about religion, and when you add a political overtone sometimes it has the potential for fireworks. Rather than turning this into a debate of opinion about who is right and who is wrong, let see what the Bible has to say about Christians voting. Psalm 146:3: “Put not your trust in princes, nor in the moral son of man, in whom there is no help.” The Bible says that there is no supreme answer for the woes of the world. But how do we as Christians relate to what is about to unfold in 2016 in an intense and inflammatory political season? Should we run in the other direction? After all, we’re citizens of another kingdom. Others think we should use our influence for good and

see every church become a polling station. This is not about any party or person, it’s about principles and attitudes. Christians are primarily citizens of another kingdom. John 18:36: “My kingdom is not of this world, but right now my kingdom is from not from here.” Notice he said, “Now my kingdom is not from here.” This is letting us know that Jesus will someday reign supreme in this world. But right now there’s a contest between two principal leaders: Jesus and the Devil being the other, and with a lot of people in between. Luke 17:20: “The kingdom of God does not come with observation. Or will they say, ‘See here! Or see there!’ For indeed the kingdom of God is within you.” Continued on Page 8

GFWC Annual Arts & Crafts Show with good food and very unique holiday shopping. Find that special gift or pick up some beautiful hand-crafted jewelry, original artwork, photography, wood and metal art, plants, and yard art. Mark your calendar for this year’s show on Sat. & Sun. Dec. 3rd & Dec. 4th, 2016. Hours: Sat. 10 to 5pm and Sun. 10 to 4pm. Admission is FREE but there will be a per car parking fee collected to benefit the school. Plan to carpool and save. For more information, call Show Directors Kay Taylor at 813-833-3962 or Lois Cohen at 813-528-1179.

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(L-R) Club President Karin D’Amico and member Val Burris

GFWC Lutz-Land O’Lakes Woman’s Club, after decades at Lake Park, has moved its hugely popular Annual Arts & Crafts Show to a new location on the campus of Keystone Prep High School, 18105 Gunn Hwy. (north of Van Dyke), Odessa 33556. The club women are busily preparing for their 37th Annual juried Arts & Crafts Show, their major fundraiser, which promises to be bigger and better than ever with over 350 vendors, a large Food Court and very ample parking. This very popular show is always a big hit with families enjoying an outing in a festive atmosphere

Prior Art Show supporters shopping and vendor booths

Developing An Attitude of Gratitude Besides sharing time with family and friends over food, the primary ingredient of the American Thanksgiving holiday is gratitude. While it’s certainly good to have an annual holiday to remind us to express gratitude, there’s much to be said for the benefits of cultivating the spirit of thankfulness year-round. People who are thankful for what they have are better able to cope with stress, have more posi-

tive emotions, and are better able to reach their goals. Scientists have even noted that gratitude is associated with improved health. “The word gratitude is derived from the Latin word gratia, which means grace, graciousness, or gratefulness (depending on the context). In some ways, gratitude encompasses all of these meanings. Gratitude is a thankful appreciation for what an individual receives, whether tangible or intangible.

With gratitude, people acknowledge the goodness in their lives. In the process, people usually recognize that the source of that goodness lies at least partially outside themselves. As a result, gratitude also helps people connect to something larger than themselves as individuals — whether to other people, nature, or God. Continued on Page 2


Phone: 813-949-4411


“Say You Saw It In A Dunndeal Publication”

November 2016

Melanie Nordwall • Jeanne Leasure • Elizabeth Wunderlick • Vicki Scarpinski • Linda Baha • Karen McBride • Esther Jencen • Janet Ford • Melissa Gimson • Judy Taylor • Jason Johns

This Political Season

Dr. Dianne Coflin Co-Pastor, River of Life Church This political season has certainly been one of the most robust, judgmental, proud, and strife-producing times that I can remember. I am sure the political rancor has gone on before, but doesn’t it seem to be at a whole new level? Never before have I seen so many people with strong opinions that have been debated amongst each other to the point of dividing relationships. This is happening even among Christians!! I love what Paul wrote to the Galatian churches when he observed outlandish behavior. He was calling them out for something else, but the principle is still here. He wrote: “O you foolish and thoughtless and superficial Galatians, who has bewitched you [that you would act like this]?” Galatians 3:1 Amp. Paul well knew that their change of behavior was a result of a spiritual battle. We are told in the scriptures that our battles are not with flesh and blood but with spiritual entities that stir up strife. The Bible goes on to say that this wisdom does not come from above but in fact is earthly, sensual, and demonic. Certainly, if we can become divided, not only as a nation, but also in the church, this becomes a victory for the enemy. I am not speaking of political opponents; I am speaking of the result of striving and division that are produced in our conversations to get our opinions across. No doubt this was an important election for many reasons, but was it so important that relationships, families, and churches become divided? I would say absolutely not!! At the end of the day, while elections are important, our victory as a nation and per-

sonally in every area of life is not dependent upon one candidate or another getting into office. If that was our thinking, then we are going to be terribly disappointed. If our eyes are on the only one who can help our nation, the Lord Jesus Christ who was victorious in death, burial, and resurrection, then we will surely maintain hope. The way I see it is if we all take responsibility to get our hearts right with God, begin living righteously and become vessels of honor ready for the Master’s use, then our prayers would become effective and fervent!! God said, “If my people who are called by my name would humble themselves and pray, turn from their wicked ways, and seek my face, then I would hear from heaven and forgive their sin and HEAL their land.” II Chron. 7:14 There was no mention of this happening ONLY if a certain man or woman became president. If you have been caught up in these striving battles, I want to encourage you on how to change your behavior. 1) Recognize and honor that all people have their right to their own opinions. I Peter 2:17 “Honor the brotherhood.” 2) Avoid strife. Proverbs 20:3 “It is an honor for a man to keep away from strife (by handling situations with thoughtful foresight), But any fool will start a quarrel without regard for the consequences.” 3) Recognize a striving atmosphere is not from God above. James 3:16 “Where there is strife, there is confusion and every evil work.” 4) Forgive one another just as Christ has forgiven you. Matthew 6:15 Amp. “But if you do not forgive others, nurturing your hurt and anger with the result it interferes with your relationship with God, then your Father will not forgive your trespasses.”

Food for thought! We invite you to come join us at River of Life Church in Lutz, Florida. We would love to see you! Dr. Dianne Coflin


Co-Pastor of River of Life Church. 410 Chapman Rd. East, Lutz, FL 33549 (813) 949-9931 www.roltampa.org

2nd Annual VIP Bowl Tampa Bay Buccaneers linebacker Lavonte David announced today that he will host his second annual VIP Bowl For Kids’ Sake benefitting Big Brothers Big Sisters of Tampa Bay and sponsored by Athletes and Causes. The entertaining night of bowling with Lavonte and several of his Buccaneer teammates, scheduled for Nov. 14, will again be held at the Splitsville Bowling Center in the Chan-

nelside Bay Plaza near downtown Tampa. What: 2nd Annual Lavonte David VIP Bowl For Kids’ Sake benefitting BBBS Tampa Bay and sponsored by Athletes and Causes. Where: Splitsville at Channelside Bay Plaza, 615 Channelside Dr., # 120, Tampa. When: Monday, Nov. 14, 7-10pm. Checkin begins at 7pm with bowling scheduled to start at 8pm.

“Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful!” — Colossians 3:15

Developing An Attitude of Gratitude Can Help You Live a Longer, Happier Life Continued from Page 1

People feel and express gratitude in multiple ways. They can apply it to the past (retrieving positive memories and being thankful for elements of childhood or past blessings), the present (not taking good fortune for granted as it comes), and the future (maintaining a hopeful and optimistic attitude). Regardless of the inherent or current level of someone’s gratitude, it’s a quality that individuals can successfully cultivate further.” One way to harness the positive power of gratitude is to keep a gratitude journal or list, where you actively write down exactly what you’re grateful for each day. In one study, people who kept a gratitude journal reported exercising more, and they had fewer visits to the doctor compared to those who focused on sources of aggravation.

Ways to Cultivate Gratitude Cultivating a sense of gratitude will help you refocus your attention toward what’s good and right in your life rather than dwelling on the negatives and all the things you may feel are lacking. And, like a muscle, this mental state can be strengthened with practice. Besides keeping a daily gratitude journal, other ways to cultivate a sense of gratitude include: • Write thank you notes: Whether in response to a gift or kind act, or simply as a show of gratitude for someone being in your life, getting into the habit of writing thank you letters can help you express gratitude in addition to simply feeling it inside. • Count your blessings: Once a week, reflect on events for which you are grateful and write them down. As you do, feel the sensations of

happiness and thankfulness you felt at the time it happened, going over it again in your mind. • Pray: Expressing thanks to God during your prayers is an important way to cultivate gratitude. Oftentimes we find ourselves asking God to meet our needs and wants, but forget to thank Him for all He provides for us every day. From our family, to our jobs, to our health, and to the beautiful sun, moon, and stars. Sometimes it’s the little things we tend to take for granted. Cultivating an Attitude of Gratitude as Part of a Healthy Lifestyle Starting each day by thinking of all the things you have to be thankful for is one way to put your mind on the right track. Also, remember that your future depends largely on the thoughts you think today. So each moment of every day is an opportunity to turn your thinking around, there-

by helping or hindering your ability to think and feel more positively in the very next moment. Most experts agree that there are no shortcuts to happiness. Even generally happy people do not experience joy 24 hours a day. But a happy person can have a bad day and still find pleasure in the small things in life. Be thankful for what you have. When life gives you a 100 reasons to cry, remember the 1,000 reasons you have to smile. Face your past without regret, prepare for the future without fear, focus on what’s good right now, in the present moment, and practice gratitude. Remember to say “thank you”—to yourself, God, and others. It’s wonderful to see a person smile, and even more wonderful knowing that you are the reason behind it! And with that, I wish you all a Happy and Healthy Thanksgiving!

November 2016 WINNERS!


Fax: 813-949-0891

Melanie Nordwall • Jeanne Leasure • Elizabeth Wunderlick • Vicki Scarpinski • Linda Baha • Karen McBride • Esther Jencen • Janet Ford • Melissa Gimson • Judy Taylor • Jason Johns



Women-N-Charge Join the vibrant ladies of Women-n-Charge on Friday, November 4th from 11:30am-1:15pm at Pebble Creek Country Club (10550 Regents Park Dr., Tampa, 33647). The meeting includes lunch, a feature speaker, and time to network. We share our talents, build relationships, and share our resources with other women in business. The cost is $15 for members and $18 for all guests. Please register at women-n-charge.com. For more infor-

mation, please contact Judy at 813-600-9848 or admin@women-n-charge.com. Our guest speaker for November will be Wendy Howard, the Outreach Manager at Trinity Security Allies, Inc. Wendy’s presentation will be “Why is situational awareness important to you?” Learn techniques that can enhance your situational awareness, giving you extra skills to prevent yourself and others from coming to harm.

St. Timothy’s Craft Fair Event: St. Timothy Women’s Club 29th Annual Holiday Boutique & Craft Fair Date: Saturday, November 12, 2016 Time: 9:00am - 3:00pm Location: St. Timothy Catholic Church, 17512 Lakeshore Rd., Lutz, Florida Contact: Nancy Carrow, Event Chairman, nbcarrow@aol.com St. Timothy Women’s Club will be hosting their 29th Annual Holiday Boutique & Craft on Saturday, November 12, 2016, at St. Timothy Catholic Church from 9:00am 3:00pm. This event is FREE to attend. There will be over 100 inside and outside vendors of beautiful handcrafted and fine quality items. They will also have their popular Bake Sale and Plant Sale! Come on out and also enjoy raffles, food, music, and more. St. Timothy’s is located at 17512 Lakeshore Rd. in Lutz (at the corner of Van Dyke and Lakeshore). For more information, visit www.sainttims.org or email event chairman Nancy Carrow at nbcarrow@aol.com. Thank you!

Cheyenne’s Country “Thangs” Organic Market Where Healthy Isn’t Hard!

“Miracle Tree Sold at Cheyenne’s Really Works!!!” Get your FREE MORINGA TREE at Cheyenne’s when you join our organic co-op!! Order your ham or organic turkey from us for the holidays. Open to the public every Saturday from 10am– 3:00pm. Locally grown fruits and produce, homemade ice cream, eggs, grass-fed meats, and locally caught sea-

food are contained in an open air market atmosphere where you can pick your own choices fresh or from their freezers. Co-op members can shop Wed. – Sat. We have moringa trees for sale. Call 813333-8611! For more information, visit www. cheyennescountrythangsinc.com.

¡CUATRO Holiday Vendor Expo The ¡CUATRO Holiday Vendor Expo will be held on November 10th with over 30 different vendors. Our indoor event includes local craft vendors selling their homemade items as well as direct sales vendors. Vendors

include jewelry, essential oils, skin care, candles, homemade decor, etc. Start your holiday shopping while enjoying our food and drink specials. 6pm - 9pm. TPC Tampa Bay, 5300 West Lutz Lake Fern Road, Lutz.


Phone: 813-949-4411


“Say You Saw It In A Dunndeal Publication”

November 2016

Melanie Nordwall • Jeanne Leasure • Elizabeth Wunderlick • Vicki Scarpinski • Linda Baha • Karen McBride • Esther Jencen • Janet Ford • Melissa Gimson • Judy Taylor • Jason Johns

Magnolia Manor Celebrates 5 Years Anne Childers, Staff Writer

Magnolia Manor Assisted Living is celebrating 5 full years of “Southern Hospitality and Old Fashioned Care” with a wine and cheese party on Tuesday, November 15th. The public is invited to attend from 5:007:00pm. Come see for yourself why Magnolia Manor exceeds all expectations! The best time to choose an assisted living facility (ALF) for yourself or a loved one is before you need one. Finding a perfect match for your needs and expectations will require time and due diligence. The staff to resident ratio at Magnolia Manor is above state requirements. In fact, everything at this beautiful boutique facility meets or exceeds Florida state requirements. Owner Barbara Keithly’s lifelong dream was to create just such an assisted living facility in a natural setting with an open airy concept. The family owned and operated ALF features a homey atmosphere where residents enjoy delicious meals, companionship, and activities. Barbara’s daughter Robbin serves as Executive Director, and her son Chris is the Business Office Manager. Medication monitoring and a respect for individual dignity is provided by a cheerful staff of trained professionals. Staff is available 24/7 and always accessible for family members. Families are provided with a calendar of events and are welcome to participle in

their loved ones’ activities. Residents enjoy holiday and birthday parties, a 4th of July parade, a summer Luau, and Christmas banquet for the whole family, plus weekly happy hours with live entertainment. Transportation can be provided for appointments and outings, including regularly scheduled dining out and shopping trips. Seasonal outings are also scheduled so residents can enjoy local activities and events. Magnolia Manor has a fleet of vehicles to transport residents in small and large groups for medical visits and social outings. Magnolia Manor is pet friendly, with regular pet visits scheduled along with visits from community groups and organizations. Recently a Girl Scout Brownie Troop visited and spent an enjoyable time decorating cookies with the residents. The Brownie troop then delivered the decorated cookies to a local children’s home. Other civic groups and organizations are invited to visit, and fresh new ideas are always appreciated. If you are considering a move to an ALF, be sure to visit this outstanding facility. Magnolia Manor is licensed for both adult daycare and full residential care. Call 813-918-0588 to RSVP for the open house or to schedule a personal tour. View additional information at www.magnoliamanoralf.com.


Garden Connect

By Steve & Jeanne Wolfe from White Dove Farm

What can I say? I never cease to be amazed at what the next day will bring. Our scheduled guest speaker for October’s Garden Connect meeting had an emergency and could not attend, informing us just one day prior to the event. I was beside myself. Not Steve, this time he was the rock. After venting, I asked our helper Bob and Steve if they would please pray for me. Have you ever been between “WHAT? “ and “HOW?” Well, it all worked out. All is well that ends well. Steve was the one this time that took up the slack. He gave a demo on our health shake recipes. Everyone was very receptive. One main flavor was fresh strawberries and banana and the other, one of my favorites, was a fresh-cut pineapple with coconut cream plus coconut flakes. We put wheat germ, turmeric, pure vanilla, black strap molasses, a scoop of super greens-fruit, muscle milk protein powder, three teaspoons of raw old-fashioned oatmeal, 3 sun-dried prunes per blender container, a teaspoon of omega-3 ground flax seed, aloe vera juice (about 3 ounces), any kind of fruit nectar, and milk (soy, cashew, or almond, whatever healthy

liquid you desire) into the shake. Add ice and blend on high or pulse. Note: if anyone is allergic to any ingredient, just omit. Sometimes we add calcium or B-12. You can add what you need and omit what you don’t need. This drink never gets dull because you can create your own main flavor by using any berries or mango/peach combination, pears/apple, orange juice with mandarin oranges, and don’t forget moringa powder or leaf. Baby spinach leaves and kale are also good. It is best to use fresh but you can use canned or frozen in a pinch. Our group of 15 who attended was delighted with the rich flavor of the shakes. I believe that this demo was very inspirational and all will benefit from the time given for our health betterment and improvement. We do not use any high fructose sweeteners. It has been five months since we began making the shakes. Improvement has been evident in both my wife and myself. We make the shakes 5 out of 7 days since sometimes a busy schedule does not permit us to do so. It is always freshly made and used in the place of a meal. It’s neat to drink two servings in a wine glass. Any mealtime is appropriate, especially on the front porch deck. Next Garden Connect meeting will be Nov. 19th Saturday at 3:30pm. RSVP at (813) 991-9786 (home), (813) 618-0646 (cell), or email whtdovefarm@yahoo.com. Share with God’s people who are in need. Romans 12:13. Around a simple table in Wesley Chapel, family and guests alike receive an unforgettable lesson in giving and receiving.

“Whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him.” — Colossians 3:17

“Be imitators of God, therefore, as dearly loved children and live a life of love, just as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God.” — Ephesians 5:1-2

November 2016 WINNERS!


Fax: 813-949-0891

Melanie Nordwall • Jeanne Leasure • Elizabeth Wunderlick • Vicki Scarpinski • Linda Baha • Karen McBride • Esther Jencen • Janet Ford • Melissa Gimson • Judy Taylor • Jason Johns



Biblical Finances: Wise Decision Making James H. Willis, III Founder and President The Willis Agency, Inc 813-948-9109 Jim@TheWillisAgency.com www.TheWillisAgency.com 1 Peter 5:7 I can’t think of a more practical subject that the one that helps answer, “How do I make the best decisions?” I talk to people on a daily basis about major, life-changing, situations: retirement and all of the questions that come along with it. What? When? Why? Who? What will life be like in the future? How do I figure out the two major federal programs, Social Security and working through the Medicare maze? In my Kingdom Advisor material is a whole chapter dealing with decision making. I will simplify the outline here. If you would like the entire chapter, it is available through our main office. It is helpful! Awesome! Revealing! The Typical Decision Making Situation 1. Confusion 2. Conflict 3. Competing Objectives 4. Limited resources with many demands 5. Time Restraints Barriers to Decision Making—Always 1. Lack of Time 2. Buried Raw Data 3. Poor Process 4. Lack of Skills 5. Answering the Wrong Questions 6. Is your decision in God’s name? “Woe to the rebellious children,” declares the Lord, “who execute a plan, but not Mine, and make an alliance, but not of My Spirit.” (Isaiah 30:1)

7. Five Emotional Traps a. Fly by the seat of your pants b. Underestimate the influence of personalities—yours! c. Moving too fast—jumping to conclusions d. Overconfidence e. Group-thinking 10 Steps to Wise Decisions 1. Prayer (James 1:5-6) “Lord, what would you have me do?” 2. Define your Decisions “What’s the question?” 3. Clarify your objectives “What are the decision criteria?” 4. Prioritize your objectives “What are the non-negotiables?” “What are the trade-offs?” 5. Identify your alternatives. 6. Evaluate your alternatives “What are the facts?” 7. Make preliminary decisions. 8. Assess the risk “What could go wrong here?” 9. Make the final decisions. 10. Test the decisions with your spouse or friends, primarily God’s Word. As your Stewardship Assistant, I work very hard in guiding you to your best end result and have been doing so for 35 years now. Caring for you and yours, Jim

Value Your Health Samantha Taylor Pure Health & Fitness Studios One of the things I have learned in the 24 years I have been working on my own health and fitness was that I had to truly learn how to value my health and make it a priority. I was always someone who struggled with eating healthy, would only do it because I knew I was supposed to, but I could never keep consistent. I also found any excuse to not stick to it and whichever way the circumstances took me, I would eat whatever was around. I couldn’t say no to unhealthy food until I turned 40. I wanted to use the motivation of turning that age to get myself to stop eating sugar for 3 months, just to see if I could do it. The first few weeks were tough, but soon I no longer had cravings and I was empowered by being able to walk right by it and not even want it. That was new for me. Then when my birthday arrived, I knew I had a choice to either go back to that prison I felt like I lived in with sugar cravings or keep going and choose to not eat it as a way of life. I chose to keep going, and I am happy to say it’s now been 2 years and 3 months since I have had sugar and I feel incredible!! I am so happy to no longer be in that trap, and I have to tell you, it’s much easier than you would think. One thing I realized was that I was an emotional eater and I would be triggered by all kinds of reasons to eat sugar. I had a true test just happen though, and that is because one of my beloved dogs just suddenly died this weekend. He was about 10, but the hard part was he was showing no signs of sickness.

My husband took him to the vet and then the next day, he died! It was so fast and still so shocking, for he was here daily, then gone, just like that. It’s bizarre how attached to pets you can get, for those of us that were never able to have children, they seem to be even more so our “furry kids.” I am so grateful that he waited for me because I was out of town and I got to spend a few hours with him when I returned. We sat out on the cold grass and huddled together in the middle of the night, for he seemed to prefer the cool air. I petted him and reminisced on some fun memories we had had together, for I knew it was the end and I got to say my goodbyes. That still seems odd to say when someone you care about has been a part of your life for almost 10 years. I thought back to when my other dog, Ezekiel, passed away about 4 years ago and how I drowned myself in sugar, only making the come down off sugar swirl me into feeling more sadness. I knew this situation was different because I was different. I allowed myself to grieve, losing him as tears streamed down my face, but it wasn’t amplified by a crash off sugar, and the ups and downs weren’t near as intense. I encourage you to love those daily you have in your family because you never know when they won’t be there anymore. And take care of your body so your loved ones don’t have to suffer losing you earlier then maybe they could have. If you need help making your health a priority, call me. I would love to chat with you! Call 813-377-3739 or visit www.SamanthaTaylorFitness.com. In memory of Edge Taylor – Thank God that He gave us dogs to enjoy on this earth, it’s an amazing experience to know such unconditional love from one of His creations!

Free Seminar! “Enjoy the Holidays With No Weight Gain!” by Samantha Taylor on November 16th. Register at PureHealthStudios.com. Get AMAZING Thanksgiving and Christmas recipes like Chocolate Pecan Pie!


Phone: 813-949-4411

“Say You Saw It In A Dunndeal Publication”

Tampa Monster Jam® Tickets On Sale Now Feld Entertainment announced that tickets for Monster Jam®, the most adrenalinecharged motorsports experience for families on the planet, are now on sale. Monster Jam events are affordably priced for the whole family with seats starting at $15. Monster Jam will be performing at Raymond James Stadium on Saturday, January 14, 7:00pm and Saturday, February 4, 7:00pm. The January 14 event will feature 13 trucks and drivers competing to be the Tampa champion including Grave Digger driven by Dennis Anderson, Son-uva Digger driven by Ryan Anderson, Team Hot Wheels driven by Scott Buetow, Monster Energy driven by Coty Saucier, Jester driven by Matt Pagliarulo, Xtermigator driven by JR McNeal, Rage driven by Cory Rummel, Barbarian driven

by Devin Jones, Wrecking Crew, OVER Bored, and in her farewell Tampa run, Madusa (trucks/drivers subject to change). The February 4 event will feature 11 trucks and drivers vying for the Tampa championship including Grave Digger driven by Charlie Pauken, Dragon driven by Scott Liddycoat, Metal Mulisha driven by Todd LeDuc, Alien Invasion driven by Chad Tingler, VP Racing Fuels Mad Scientist driven by Lee O’Donnell, Storm Damage driven by Tim Mente, Hurricane Force driven by Steven Thompson, Big Kahuna driven by Shane England, Fatal Attraction driven by Jeff Murphy, Scooby-Doo, NEA, and El Toro Loco (trucks/drivers subject to change). For more information on a Monster Jam near you, please log onto www.MonsterJam.com.

November 2016

November 2016


The Cold and Flu Season is Here! Anne Childers, Staff Writer Dr. Michele Johnson-Towson is a boardcertified pediatrician with 26 years of experience in caring for children ages newborn to 21 years old. The doctor is encouraging patients to schedule now for flu shots. Vaccines are available and same-week appointments are possible. Dr. Johnson-Towson and her staff are dedicated to keeping patients both healthy and educated on changes in children’s healthcare. The live attenuated nasal flu spray vaccine is not recommended this year due to the Center for Disease Control (CDC) failing to prove it was adequate enough over the last 3 flu seasons to keep patients from contracting the influenza A (H1N1) type virus. Normally, it is recommended for patients ages 2 to 49 that are healthy without underlying medical problems. The flu shot, which contains coverage against the influenza A&B

strains, is available in proper doses for ages 6 months and up. Tampa Bay students have been back in school for several weeks, sharing germs right along with academics and sports. Be sure to call Pediatric Place of Tampa and schedule checkups and physicals to keep your whole family healthy. It is important for shots to be up-to-date and hearing and vision tests current so students are ready for learning and healthy playing. Pediatric Place of Tampa accepts all insurances as well as self-pay patients. New patients are always welcome! Pediatric Place of Tampa is conveniently located at 1338 W. Fletcher Avenue in Tampa. The cheerful, kid-friendly office is on the bus line, too. Call today at 813-264-2288 and schedule for protection against the flu season!

Community Thanksgiving Service Several interfaith communities from the Carrollwood, Forest Hills, and Citrus Park areas have come together to offer a Community Thanksgiving Service. Everyone is welcome and invited to attend. Pre-service music begins at 4:30pm. The service will be held at Grace Lutheran Church, 3714 West

Linebaugh Avenue on Sunday, November 20, 2016 at 5:00pm. Let’s come together as one interfaith community to praise and thank God for the many blessings he has provided. For questions, call Susie at 813-265-3448 or Robin at 813-963-7893.


God’s Long-Term Health Care Plan Space Available! “Hell” Forgot About That!

Fax: 813-949-0891



Phone: 813-949-4411


“Say You Saw It In A Dunndeal Publication”

November 2016

Melanie Nordwall • Jeanne Leasure • Elizabeth Wunderlick • Vicki Scarpinski • Linda Baha • Karen McBride • Esther Jencen • Janet Ford • Melissa Gimson • Judy Taylor • Jason Johns


Comforter! Counselor! Advocate! Helper! This holiday season please take a look at donating to Joyce Meyer Ministries. Loving people through Hand Of Hope World Outreach and sharing Christ. Human Trafficking Rescue, Disaster Relief, Prison Ministry, Feeding Programs, etc.

“Through the Spirit you can experience joy and peace in every circumstance.” Joyce Meyers “How To Survive Change” • “The Mind Connection” • “Season Of Change” Books & CD’s available at joycemeyer.org or (800) 727-9673 Phil. 2:4 “Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others. 1. Set your minds _________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ 2. Let the peace of Christ ___________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ 3. Whatever you do, _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________

Should Christians Vote? With that said, is there anything wrong with a Christian feeling some emotions of patriotism, and how did Jesus feel when He prayed, “Oh, Jerusalem, Jerusalem how often?” The concept of voting or choosing leaders is actually Biblical. Deuteronomy 1:13: Moses said,” Choose wise, understanding, and knowledgeable men from among your tribes, and I will make them head over you.” Trying to find a replacement for Judas, the two cast lots. Acts 1:23-26: “So they nominated two men: Joseph called Barsabbas (also known as Justus) and Matthias. Then they prayed, ‘Lord, you know everyone’s heart. Show us which of these two you have chosen to take over this apostolic ministry, which Judas left to go where he belongs.’ Then they cast lots, and the lot fell to Matthias, so he was added to the eleven apostles.” Acts 6:3: “Therefore brethren, seek out from among you seven men of good reputation, full of the Holy Spirit and wisdom, which we may appoint over this business” It may not be clear on how they came up with the seven deacons for nominees, but they came up with seven names. One of the seven was Nicholas of Antioch, a convert who later went bad, whom you can read in Revelation about the doctrine of the Nicolatians. Nicholas started out good, full of the Holy Spirit, so the Disciples decided “We’re not going to vote for anyone ever again because they could go bad.” This may have not been clear thinking on their part because after all, who made Lucifer? Was he a good angel? His going bad was his responsibility. Though the people said, “Give us a king.” The people didn’t pick Saul. God picked Saul and then filled him with the Holy Spirit. For a while he was a good king. But then pride went to him and he went bad, so did God make a mistake? God picked Saul because of his free will to do good, so He entrusted him and filled him with the Holly Spirit until pride crept into his heart. The point is, God does not pick bad behavior people, unless you’re born again. A good example of this is in the New Testament. Saul

Continued from Page 1

of Tarsus had been converted along the Da- the ordinance of God, and those who resist mascus road where Jesus restored his sight in will bring judgment on themselves.” Acts 9, then later changed his name to Paul. When the children of Israel were sent off to Babylon because of their bad behavior, they didn’t like the idea, but God said “You’re going to be there for 70 years.” Jeremiah 29:5-7: “Build houses and dwell in them; plant gardens and eat their fruit. Take wives and beget sons and daughters. Seek the peace of the city where I have caused you to be carried away captive.” He’s saying, “You’re going to be citizens of that country. Be good citizens even though you are children of Israel. Pray for the peace of that People are going to do their best if they keep country.” Because what happens in that country their promises. So you can’t say you are not is going to affect you. While you are in Babygoing to pick anybody because of what they lon, He said, “You ought to care about Babylon might do. Are we really going to go through and pray for Babylon because what happens life that way? As Christians, you have to make in Babylon is going to happen to you.” So as your decisions based on biblical teachings and Americans, and Christians, we have like dual compare them to what you are hearing at the citizenship, and as children of Christ, we’ve got time and what you know and pray for the best. to occupy till He comes back. So plan for 1,000 There were times in the 1800’s where political parties were extremely divided. Paul said in 1 Corinthians 3:3-4: “For you are still carnal. For where there are envy, strife, and division among you, are you not carnal and behaving like mere men?” As Christians, we shouldn’t be doing any of that in the house of the Lord, for judgment does not fall upon you, only God. But there are biblical principles and issues that Christians should support and demonstrate. We are to years, and live like you might die tomorrow. respect his cities and political systems and our There’s a story in 2 Kings 20-1-10 in the Bination established by God. Good or bad, this ble where Hezekiah was sick and God worked is how we get leaders. They are picked by the a miracle and healed him. And to prove the people. So if people don’t represent their bibli- miracle, the sun went backward 10 degrees cal values in their government, you’re going to (Isaiah 39) when the ambassadors came to get what you deserve. When someone say’s I’m Babylon to find out about their God. voting this way, or that way, just say “Praise the But instead of Hezekiah showing them the Lord.” We live in a country where we are free to God of Israel, he showed them all his stuff. Isamake those choices. You shouldn’t feel like you iah came to him later and said, “What did they have to twist anybody’s arm to think like you. see in your house?” He said, “Oh, I showed Paul says in Romans 13:1-2: “Let every soul them all my stuff.” He said, “You didn’t show be subject to the governing authorities. For them God?” “Ah, no.” He said, “Thus saith the there is no authority except from God, and the Lord, the day’s coming when the Babylonians authorities that exist are appointed by God. will come to take your sons and make them Therefore whoever resists the authority resists eunuchs in the palace of Babylon.” As in Shad-

rach, Meshach, and Abednego. “Everything you showed them is going to be carried off. Hezekiah said, “Good in this is the work of the Lord. At least there will be peace in my day.” He may as well said, “You know, I don’t care about what the government does with the environment, as long as I still have resources in my day.” Nevertheless, who we will be electing will have consequences for generations to come. The reason you are free now is because many lives were shed in World War l and World War ll, and because of America, more and more countries have had a democratic representation and the privilege to vote. Some people think by not voting, they won’t be linked to what happens or what these people do in office. But, you might be linked by not voting anyway because this too will influence the outcome. Actually, not voting is a form of voting. So when policies and leadership are being chosen, we ought to pray for wisdom to make intelligent choices for the proclamation of the gospel. Jesus said, “Occupy until I come.” Luke 11:23. “He who is not with me is against me, and he who does not gather with me scatters.” So as Christians, you may have to get involved, for we live in a country where rich, poor, no matter who you are, you have the privilege of that one vote. 1Timothy 2:1-2 tells us that we should care about who our leaders are, so we might have a quiet and peaceable life. Edmond Burke said, “All that is required for evil to prevail is for good men to do nothing. “A Psalm of Thanksgiving; Shout happily to the LORD and to all the earth.” God bless America for which it stands. Amen. Call 1-877-232-2871 and get a Free Special offer! #181 “U.S.A In Bible Prophecy” www.amazing facts.org Formulated by DunndealPublications.com

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New Tampa Gazette 3119 Cove Bend Dr. Chick-Fil-A* 14913 Bruce B. Downs TAKARA Lounge 14929 Bruce B. Downs Mr. Dunderbak 14903 Bruce B. Downs Speedway 16014 Bruce B. Downs Publix 16010 Bruce B. Downs Subway 17511 Bruce B. Downs Walgreens 19062 Bruce B. Downs Wing Zone 20741 Bruce B. Downs Walgreens 15309 Amberly Dr. Pharmacy 16221 Compton Dr. Y.M.C.A. 17402 Donna Michelle Shell Gas 5102 Point of Tampa Way 7-11 17503 Preserve Walk Ln Peta Express 17503 Preserve Walk Ln Taste of NY Pizza 10001 Cross Creek Blvd. New Tampa Library 10006 Cross Creek Blvd. The UPS Store 10359 Cross Creek Blvd. Capi Pizza 10853 Cross Creek Blvd. Star Cleaners* 10861 Cross Creek Blvd. Post Office 10960 Cross Creek Blvd. Shell Gas Station* 6431 County Line Rd. Pita Republic 1041 Bruce B. Downs Anytime Fitness 2653 Bruce B. Downs Nutrition Smart

Pasco Gazette 21033 St. Rd. 54 & Hwy. 41 22826 St. Rd. 54 & Collier 1930 Land O’ Lakes Blvd. 2810 Land O’ Lakes Blvd. 3036 Land O’ Lakes Blvd. 3619 Land O’ Lakes Blvd. 4005 Land O’ Lakes Blvd. 4028 Land O’ Lakes Blvd. 4204 Land O’ Lakes Blvd. 4526 Land O’ Lakes Blvd. 4805 Land O’ Lakes Blvd. 7040 Land O’ Lakes Blvd. 7804 Land O’ Lakes Blvd. 7827 Land O’ Lakes Blvd. 1927 Brinson Rd. 2205 Collier Pkwy. 2818 Collier Pkwy. 3032 Collier Pkwy. 22829 St. Rd. 54 23110 St. Rd. 54 23390 St. Rd. 54 23671 St. Rd. 54 23434 St. Rd. 54 22601 St. Rd. 54 1900 Oak Grove Blvd.

TIBBETTS Lumber Radiant Gas The Great Catch Central Pasco Chamber Holloway’s Farm* $1.99 Cleaners ABC Pizza* Tax Appraisal Natural Market Larry’s Deli Ukulele Brand’s Beef “O” Brady’s San Jose Mexican Walgreens Royal Lanes* Greenland Grill Pasco Library LOL Rec. Center* Walgreens The UPS Store* Race Trac DQ Grill & Chill Citgo The Village Inn Pepe’s Cuban Rest*

Wesley Chapel Gazette 1660 Bruce B. Downs Beef “O” Brady’s 1708 Bruce B. Downs Don Pan Int’l Bakery 1715 Bruce B. Downs PNC Bank 2653 Bruce B. Downs Hungry Greek 2653 Bruce B. Downs Going Postal 2653 Bruce B. Downs O.T.B. 2653 Bruce B. Downs Latin Twist Cafe 3751 Bruce B Downs Bentzer Phamracy 3757 Bruce B. Downs NY-NY Pizza 28152 Paseo Drive Woodfire Pizza 28230 Paseo Drive Pretzel Twister 2626 Cypress Ridge Blvd. Strive Athletic Club 27221 S.R. 56 Capital Taco 26699 S.R. 56 Gate Gas Station 27215 S.R. 56 $1.99 Cleaners 5327 Village Market Woody’s Pizza 5371 Village Market Ace Hardware 5429 Village Market City Grill 5450 St. Rd. 54 & BBD The UPS Shore 25195 State Rd. 54 Tailgate Station 25201 State Rd. 54 Walgreens 24929 State Rd. 54 Mobile Circle K 27251 State Rd. 54 PostNet 27616 State Rd. 54 Mobile Gas Station 27741 State Rd. 54 Radiant Gas 28115 State Rd. 54 Walgreens

12 Phone: 813-949-4411

“Say You Saw It In A Dunndeal Publication”

November 2016

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