TABLE of CONTENTS 03 03 Letter Letter from from Founder Founder 04 04 Travel Travel Sense Sense Asia Asia Introduction Introduction 05 05 Why Why partner partner with with Travel Travel Sense Sense Asia Asia 07 07 Destination Destination 08-09 08-09 Travel Travel Sense Sense Asia Asia D.M.C D.M.C Product Product range range 10-11 10-13 Travels’ M.I.C.E Travel Feedback 14 Our Customers around the world 15 Our Competency
02 02
LETTER FROM FOUNDER Dear Dearpartners, partners, After After working working inin travel travel industry industry for for 10 10 years years and and 88 years years develop develop Travel TravelSense SenseAsia Asiato tobe beone oneof ofleading leadingtour touroperators operatorsininIndochina, Indochina, I’d I’dlike liketo toshare sharemy mypersonal personaltravel travelphilosophy. philosophy. When When travelling travelling to to aa new new destination destination away away from from home, home, travellers travellers like like having having an an authentic authentic experience experience inin different different culture, culture, meeting meeting the the local local people, people, enjoy enjoy the the beautiful beautiful natural natural sceneries sceneries …I …I know know this thisbecause becausetravel travelisismy mylife. life. When When our our team team build build your your trip, trip, they they combine combine their their love love of of their their countries, countries, people, people, culture culture with with your your interests interests and and personalize personalize ourcountries. countries. services servicesto tomake makeititbe bethe theunforgettable unforgettableexperience experienceininour Each Each member member of of our our team team isis clear clear of of our our mission mission when when join join Travel Travel Sense SenseAsia Asia(TSA): (TSA): “Bring “Bringthe themost mostconvenience convenience,,most mostsatisfy satisfywith withthe the best bestdeals dealsto toclients” clients” We We developed developed our our company company from from aa small small passion passion team, team, so so we we deeply deeply understand understand the the important important role role of of clients clients inin developing developing process processof ofour ourcompany companyas aswell wellas aslocal local tourism tourismindustry industrydevelopment. development.IIand andmy mypassion passionteam teamare aretrying tryingto to introduce introduce our our Indochina Indochina land’s land’s beauty beauty to to people people inin the the world world through throughour ourpersonalize personalizeservices. services. We We aim aim to to aa long-term long-term business business inin “win-win “win-win co-operation”. co-operation”. We We focus focusto tobe bethe theleading leadingDMC DMCprovide provideininIndochina. Indochina.Let Letus ustake takecare care of ofyour yourclients clientson onbehalf behalfof ofyou youininIndochina, Indochina,you youcan cansleep sleepwell wellon on pillow pillowwhen whenthey’re they’rewith withus usininour ourdestination! destination!
03 03
TRAVEL SENSE ASIA INTRODUCTION Travel Sense Asia is a Destination Management
So, be it excursions and tours, airport services, hotel
Company in Vietnam that guarantees an authentic
bookings you can depend on us to organize it best for
experience and sets unmatched standards of
performance, quality and consistency.
With a current team of around 20 enthusiastic and professional permanent staffs, Travel Sense Asia has
Established in 2009 by Mr. Le Van Kien, who has over
provided almost travel services with the highest quality
12 years of experience in destination management,
as the leading Destination Management Company
experience in hospitality and Tourism Industry, Travel
and tour operator to top clients from around the
Sense Asia has already made an indelible mark on the
world. Having a network of the best resorts in the
travel and tourism sector. The company is synonymous
destination, well-negotiated rates and a dedicated
for its professionalism, impressive operational infra-
team are the keys to be successful in this business.
structure, personalized service, inspired itineraries
Our expertise and dedication has gained us a reputation
which enable us to provide clients with the most
with our partner clients abroad and the local suppliers
memorable travel experience. We strongly believe
in the Indochina as well.
that a thorough understanding of the requests,
We have a wide spectrum of clients ranging from
personalized service, prompt replies, attention to
Travel Agents, Tour Operators, Lifestyle Management
detail, creativity and comprehensive knowledge of
Companies & Corporate Travel Houses plus a formidable
the destination ensures you have the pleasure of
team of forward thinking professionals, with valuable
traveling in style & confidence.
expertise and experience – this makes us to be one of
Having made a passion of keeping clients happy with
the Indochina’s top Destination Management
exceptional service, we are fully equipped to assist
you in planning, organizing and fulfilling your clients’ needs for group, incentive and individual travel.
WHY PARTNER WITH TRAVEL SENSE ASIA Here why Travel Sense Asia make GOOD SENSE with partners…
Reliable trusted brand with full ordered- licenses by Government & travel organizations. 12 years - Experience and well-trained leader in tourism industry We are 100% own & Based local company. This help us being the best in negotiate, understand local culture and quick action than oversea companies.
Best Deals – Expert Advice.
Quick reply and 24/7 live support One by one care service. 100% clients satisfy with this service which make them feel like a local friend care.
100% Passionate & Well-trained local tour guide team Our commitment to Responsible travel. We’re an active member of local responsible tourism clubs and updated member of worldwide responsible tourism organizations.
Our experience local expert team allow us to deliver better product solution that can be tailored to suit the size, special interests and flexible to the last minutes of your clients’ need. We work directly with your brand, products and our young, dynamic marketing team can create the different product that you can own and distribute to your market.
Explored Exploredbybythe theFrench Frenchover overa ahundred hundredyears yearsago, ago,Laos Laosdoes doesnot not change changethat thatmuch muchininlandscapes landscapesand andpeople. people.This Thisisis why whytravellers travellersfind findLaos Laosasasa avery veryunique unique country countrybetween betweenVietnam, Vietnam,Cambodia Cambodiaand and Thailand. Thailand.Quiet Quietbeauty, beauty,quiet quietlife, life,the theLaos Laos people peopleseems seemstotobebeone oneofofthe thehappiest happiestnation nationininthe theworld. world. Strolling Strollingon onthe thestreets streetsininVientiane Vientianeon onSundays Sundaysisissuch sucha arare rare peaceful peacefulfeeling feelingfor fora acapital capitalofofthe thecountry, country,ororjust justenjoy enjoythe the sunset sunseton onthe theriver riverbank bankwith withsome somegrilled grilledfishes fishesand anda abeer beerLaos, Laos, ororsee seethe theworld worldgoing goingbybyinina asmall smallcafe cafeon onmain mainstreet streetininLuang Luang Prabang, Prabang,you youwill willfeel feelyou youare arereally, really,find findsomething somethingmissing missingininyour your real realworld. world.
DESTINATION DESTINATION Vietnam Vietnam Vietnam Vietnamisisananexotic exoticland landfilled filledwith withdiverse diversescenery, scenery,intriguing intriguing culture, culture,and anda arich, rich,fascinating fascinatinghistory. history.The Thecountry countrycan canbebedivided divided inin toto three three distinct distinct geographical geographical regions: regions: Hanoi Hanoi && North, North, Hue-Hoian Hue-Hoian&&The Thecentral central, Hochiminh , Hochiminh&&South, South,each eachwith withitsitsown own highlights highlightsand andcultural culturaldistinctions. distinctions.ToTotruly trulycapture capturethe theessence essenceofof Vietnam Vietnamtravelers travelersshould shouldspend spendtime timeinineach eachregion; region;however, however, shorter shorterVietnam Vietnamtours toursare arestill stillrewarding rewardingexperiences! experiences!
Laos Laos Explored Exploredbybythe theFrench Frenchover overa ahundred hundredyears yearsago, ago,Laos Laosdoes doesnot not change changethat thatmuch muchininlandscapes landscapesand andpeople. people.This Thisisiswhy whytravellers travellers find findLaos Laosasasa avery veryunique uniquecountry countrybetween betweenVietnam, Vietnam,Cambodia Cambodia and andThailand. Thailand.Quiet Quietbeauty, beauty,quiet quietlife, life,the theLaos Laospeople peopleseems seemstotobebe one oneofofthe thehappiest happiestnation nationininthe theworld. world.Strolling Strollingon onthe thestreets streetsinin Vientiane Vientianeon onSundays Sundaysisissuch sucha arare rarepeaceful peacefulfeeling feelingfor fora acapital capitalofof the thecountry, country,ororjust justenjoy enjoythe thesunset sunseton onthe theriver riverbank bankwith withsome some grilled grilledfishes fishesand anda abeer beerLaos, Laos,ororsee seethe theworld worldgoing goingbybyinina asmall small cafe cafeon onmain mainstreet streetininLuang LuangPrabang, Prabang,you youwill willfeel feelyou youare arereally, really, find findsomething somethingmissing missingininyour yourreal realworld. world.
Cambodia Cambodia Cambodia Cambodiaisisananunique uniquelocation locationfor forvacation vacationgiven givenitsitsrich richcultural cultural history historyand andheritage, heritage,wonderful wonderfulnatural naturalfeatures featuresand andthe theever ever friendly friendlyCambodian Cambodianpopulation. population.Cambodia Cambodiatours toursare aredefinitely definitelynot not complete completewithout withoutvisiting visitingsome someofofitsitskey keyattractions. attractions. The TheAngkor Angkorisisone oneofofthe thetop toptourist touristattractions attractionsininCambodia. Cambodia.This This huge hugeand andancient ancienttemple templefeatures featuresthe theremains remainsofofthe thefamous famous Khmer KhmerEmpire. Empire.Travel TravelExperts ExpertsatatTravel TravelSense SenseAsia. Asia.Create Createthe thelist list ofofCambodia Cambodiapackage packagetours toursbelow belowtotobring bringyou youthe theauthentic authentic experiences experiencesand anddeep deepknowledge knowledgeofofthis thislegend legendland landmore morethan thana a visit. visit.
Culture Culture adventure: adventure: Adventure experiences Adventure travellers seek experiences travellers seek highlight natural, that historic, that highlight natural, historic, religious, religious, cultural and culinary assets, and culinary and cultural assets, and are are
filled with plenty of local plenty of filled with local interaction. interaction. Our Our operational operational bases bases have extensive have extensive
connections with local connections with suppliers, local suppliers, artists…which allows us offer to artists…which allows us to offer aa range range
of opportunities for your client’s for your client’s of unique unique opportunities next We aim next trip. aim to trip. We bring them to bring them an an
authentic more than visit. authentic experience experience more than aa visit.
Family Familyvacation: vacation: Our Our private easy offer an an easy private family tours offer family tours pace every and tailored flexible for and flexible pace tailored for every
family. Yourclients getto all notonly onlyget clientsnot seeall family.Your tosee the attractions, but key attractions, the key but also also enjoy enjoy some some
activities activity, aa cooking activity, activities like family cooking like aa family ride be trip to countryside, aa trip to be ride through the countryside, through the aa famer will be be engaged engaged to famer will to them. them.
Shore Shore excursion: excursion: We We have wide range office in of office have wide cities range of in cities which us quick help action soluand in which help us quick in action and solu-
tion your clients’ need anywhere clients’ need anywhere in tion to to your in our our destination destination
08 08
we we provide provide high high quality, quality, valuevalue- base base products products across across aa range range of of travel travel styles, styles, from from budget budget to to boutique. boutique.
FIT FIT& &Tailor-made Tailor-made travel: travel: we we can duration can create and long short and create short long duration made itineraries tailor to individuals and itineraries tailor made to individuals and
small our destinations, cross our destinations, small group group cross offering out product that stand out that stand unique product offering unique of the rest of the rest
Ground Ground services: services: Our Our experienced experienced local operations teams local operations teams arranging dots can you: connect the for can connect the dots for you: arranging
arrival hotel transfers, arrival packages, packages, leaders, transfers, leaders, hotel day more. TSA TSA operating FIT and operating and more. day trips, trips, FIT
policies ensure policies and procedures ensure and standard standard procedures with delivered product your the is same your product is delivered with the same
consistency matter quality, no no matter high quality, and high consistency and where world your where in your clients clients come come the world in the
from. from.
Incentive Incentive travel: travel: We We caters caters for Conference all aspects of Conference for all aspects of Meetings, Business organizing organizing Business Meetings, Event Event
Management, Management, Seminars, Seminars, Exhibitions, Exhibitions, Product You and Incentives. Product Launches Launches and Incentives. You
only need to only need Shop for contact one Stop Shop one Stop to contact for all your needs accommodation, travel i.e. all your travel needs i.e. accommodation,
event management, forex, event management, visas, travel travel forex, visas, insurance etc. insurance etc.
09 09
“I started 8 months ago chatting with Julie from Travel Sense and from the moment we chatted on Viber I got a sense of how professional and detailed she was but I had no idea until the months went by on how wonderful she really is and how lucky I was to find her. We had group of 20 when we started that grew to 46 when we finished. Every time I added more people to the group she worked around the details and issues. We had some problems with passports and tickets, some of my group got ill and had to cancel last minute , what I'm trying to say is that we had lots of struggles getting 46 people organized and Julie did it with a smile and never once complained. She is a credit to her profession and a value and asset to Travel Sense and the travel business. I sent her many $1000's of dollars by wire and did it with confidence and trust. I recommend Julie and Travel Sense if you ever want to see Vietnam right. They will put their heart and soul into every detail and fix whatever you're not keen on. I will be booking the same group with her and Travel Sense in November to Myanmar and know that my plans are in good hands. Thank you Julie glad I found you in a maze of many agents. Hope we can do many tours together” Ghalston (Vancouver - Visited January 2017)
This will be the 3rd time I asked TSA to set up a VIetnam Tour for us to visit Ho Chi Minh city, Vung Tau beach and Mekong Delta
Emma - San Jose, USA - visited June 2016
3 weeks of "bucket list" sights, fabulous food and unique experiences. Our guides and drivers provided by Travel Sense were uniformly knowledgeable, professional, well organized but with the willingness to make adjustments to the itinerary to suit our particular needs and interests. Dragon Legend 2 night cruise of HaLong Bay was one of the major highlights of trip.
Sam - Washington DC, USA - visited April 2016
This was my second time using Travel Sense Asia. Once again, Travel sense Asia went out of their way in organising every detail of my trip. Highly recommend Travel Sense Asia, particularly Julie, who ensures everything is perfect for you from the hotel, to the attractions and even considering how you will feel after a long journey AK - Singapore - visited December 2015
Get in touch Head Office: Room 606, block A, M3 - M4 Building 91 Nguyen Chi Thanh, Dong Da, Hanoi, Vietnam Tel: +84 - 4 6668 3333 | +84 4 3715 3977 Fax: +84 - 4 3715 3798 Email:
Rep. office in Hochiminh city 292/17 Binh Loi St., W.13, D.Binh Thanh, HCMC, Vietnam. Tel: +84 982 074 436 Email:
Rep. Office in Laos 2nd floor, 52/2 Sakarine Road, Ban Phone Heuang, Luangprabang, Lao P.D.R Phone: +856 2098 000 752 Email:
Rep. office in Cambodia #506D, Phum Wat Bo, Sangkat Salakamreuk, Siem Reap, Cambodia Tell: + 855 977 574 477 – 63 966 772 Fax: + 855 63 966 773 Email: