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Company Spotlight: Pacaso - 2nd Home Ownership
www. aca o.com
y Linde yder
Cu i m wa a re olutionary new approach to repre enting reality in which di erent iew o u ect were rought together in the ame picture. hi uncon entional art orm ha een con idered the mo t in uential art mo ement o the th century. It i thi di tincti e art tyle that in pired a company to re olutioni e the econd home indu try.
aca o e i t to ma e econd home owner hip po i le or a roader audience tate aca o C u tin lli on who helped e ta li h aca o a ter achie ing hi per onal goal o owning a econd home. ringing all o the piece together to create a memora le e perience or more indi idual i what aca o i all a out.
ccording to the company econd ome entiment Report nearly hal o the people who de ire to own a econd home are una le to a ord one.
nother percent cannot u ti y the purcha e o a home they will only u e a ew wee out o the year. aca o ena le amilie to own a hare o a econd home rom to owner hip a ed on e pected u age. complicated and ery per onal. e create a property LLC or each home find and et co owner and handle all the ale detail ay lli on. t clo ing co owner together en oy complete owner hip o the home aca o doe not retain any hare .
ing the company mart tay app homeowner can re er e their property with a little a two day notice any time o year. he app di tri ute re er ation e uita ly according to owner hip percentage and e en account or holiday . aca o lu ury home are located in de tination where people a pire to ha e a acation home. rice tart at per hare.
aca o partner with leading an around the country to a i t owner in o taining financing or their hare. wner can al o ell their portion o a aca o property ea ily a the company acilitate all a pect o the ale tran action. urthermore aca o ta e care o urni hing repair utilitie and property management.
lli on ay it i aca o mi ion to enrich li e y ma ing econd home owner hip po i le and en oya le or more people. nd that ma e the aca o e perience a true wor o art
By Alyssa Mammano
Seafarers take to the water for a day of leisure and when they return, a waterfront estate with deep-water dockage is the preeminent boater’s paradise. Those afforded the luxury of living on the water will attest to its many advantages. The readied availability to dock one’s marine vessel at the con enience o hi or her home i one o the mo t amia le enefit for waterfront homeowners who also happen to be boating connoisseurs. The accessibility to private dockage just steps from a homeowner’s seaside sanctuary is his or her own slice of paradise.
Several yachters and water sports enthusiasts alike aspire to someday own a primary residence or second home with direct water frontage. Coupled with ease of access to the water are unimaginable views that promote peace of mind and well-being. Living on the water is said to stimulate mental and physical health, as the sea has a way of administering a sense of calm. According to marine experts, studies show waterfront living lowers stress and anxiety while increasing overall happiness.
Entertaining that transcends land and sea is also enhanced by ample dockage at one’s residence. During the day, guests aboard the vessel relish in salty air, cruising through open waters, sunbathing on the upper deck, conversing in the lounge or diving from the platform. After admiring the sunset at sea, carrying on into the evening is made easy when company can di em ar at the doc and retire to the ac yard or a firelit e ening. Waterfront accommodations afford a luxury that is unmatched by alternative dwellings.
A selection of the world’s paramount boaters’ paradise estates is curated in the properties and pages to follow. Explore the locations and home tyling on o er in today upper echelon real e tate mar et to find the waterfront home of your dreams. Our agent partners are available to share their expertise in purchasing and selling premier waterfront boaters’ listings. Consult a knowledgeable professional in your destination of choice when considering your next waterfront purchase.
Dover, New Hampshire Bean Group Barbara Dunkle | 603.498.7927 www.beangroup.com
Fort Lauderdale, Florida Florida Luxurious Properties Julie Jones-Bernard | 954.328.3665 www. oridalu uriou .com
Virginia Beach, Virginia Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Towne Realty Susan Pender | 888.737.9246 susanpender.com