www. aca
Cu i m wa a re olutionary new approach to repre enting reality in which di erent iew o u ect were rought together in the ame picture. hi uncon entional art orm ha een con idered the mo t in uential art mo ement o the th century. It i thi di tincti e art tyle that in pired a company to re olutioni e the econd home indu try. aca o e i t to ma e econd home owner hip po i le or a roader audience tate aca o C u tin lli on who helped e ta li h aca o a ter achie ing hi per onal goal o owning a econd home. ringing all o the piece together to create a memora le e perience or more indi idual i what aca o i all a out. ccording to the company econd ome entiment Report nearly hal o the people who de ire to own a econd home are una le to a ord one. nother percent cannot u ti y the purcha e o a home they will only u e a ew wee out o the year. aca o ena le amilie to own a hare o a econd home rom to owner hip a ed on e pected u age. hile co owner hip o real e tate together ha generation aca o aim to impli y the proce
een occurring or which i typically
complicated and ery per onal. e create a property LLC or each home find and et co owner and handle all the ale detail ay lli on. t clo ing co owner together en oy complete owner hip o the home aca o doe not retain any hare . ing the company mart tay app homeowner can re er e their property with a little a two day notice any time o year. he app di tri ute re er ation e uita ly according to owner hip percentage and e en account or holiday . aca o lu ury home are located in de tination where people a pire to ha e a acation home. rice tart at per hare. aca o partner with leading an around the country to a i t owner in o taining financing or their hare. wner can al o ell their portion o a aca o property ea ily a the company acilitate all a pect o the ale tran action. urthermore aca o ta e care o urni hing repair utilitie and property management. lli on ay it i aca o mi ion to enrich li e y ma ing econd home owner hip po i le and en oya le or more people. nd that ma e the aca o e perience a true wor o art 15
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2/17/21 8:47 AM