NOV 2020
Give Thanks With A Grateful Heart By: Shannon Hanna
The words of the song "Give Thanks With A Grateful Heart" have served as a reminder to me at times when I questioned my position in life.
our inability to progress in the workplace, and in what we perceive to be successive failures in many of our pursuits in life.
Many of us share the similar basic woes as we journey from day to day.
We find ourselves dwelling on past betrayals, poor decisions, heartaches and disappointment, all overshadowing what would otherwise be a “smooth ride�. Now worsened by the COVID-19 pandemic, it is easy to feel overcome by feelings of hopelessness which often lead to ingratitude."
We worry about how we will make ends meet, where we will find employment, the safety of our children, challenges with health, and family discord. Sometimes we are dissatisfied with our financial positions, our relationships,
To some extent, most of us have fallen during 2020.
For many the fall has impacted employment, and finances, and for others still, health and life. But have you fallen face down, so that the bottom is all you can see, or have you fallen face up, so that all you can now see is a world of possibilities before you? Life today is filled with uncertainties, the likes that we have not seen in our lifetimes. While this pandemic may be one of the most frightening experience we may ever live, I’ve also heard it described in ways you may not have considered.
There are some who view this period as a time to reflect and re-evaluate the things we have come to depend on for fulfilment. Many agree that it has, in some ways, taken us back to a simpler time when we knew how to make more out of less. Others, still, admit to learning that they have been able to find joy in the most overlooked and unusual activities. So what does thankfulness look like today?
It is not at all easy to maintain a spirit of gratitude in a time where we are suffering so much loss. Loss of freedoms, physical distance from friends and loved ones, loss of our daily routines, loss of income, loss of pride, and loss of hope have given way to feelings of despair. It is much easier at times to focus on the burdens and shortfalls which seem to force themselves to the forefronts of our minds.
But where there is life, there is hope, and where there is hope there is always a reason to give thanks. Thankfulness doesn’t always come from a place of comfort and complete satisfaction, but it comes with the acknowledgement that your situation could easily be far worse than it is today. Though we may not be able to enjoy many of the elements of the lives that we have become accustomed to, each day still presents an opportunity to do something different. These difficult times will either make you question what there is to be thankful for, or make you question why you have not been more thankful all along.
There will come a time when this will be but a distant memory. Would you have wasted this time lamenting over things lost, or would you remember this time as the opportunity given to repair broken relationships, to help someone find a meal to feed their hungry children, or to finally sharpen a talent that has been allowed to lay dormant for years? We may substitute tuna for turkey this year but our needs will be satisfied. Bills may accumulate and debtors call, but know that this is not your final disposition in life. Thank God that, despite these trying times, we have life, and can look forward with hope to brighter days. As terrifying as the uncertainty of our present circumstances may be, don’t allow the external situation define the inner you.
Research has shown that the effects of gratitude can actually be measured and that making thankfulness a practice changes your perspective to one of long-lasting positivity. Nurturing a thankful spirit is proven to improve psychological health, mental strength, and self-esteem. A people of faith give thanks not only for today, but also for tomorrow. In times of plenty we praise God, so in times of lean we ought to thank Him in advance for what we know He is capable of doing. Give thanks today for His promises of tomorrow. He gives us this day our daily bread and He has already provided all we need for the days ahead.
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