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sHaW pROpeRties

desiGninG and deveLOpinG ReaL estate pROJects in pReMieR MaRkets in aRiZOna, cOLORadO, neW MeXicO, and UtaH.

At Shaw Ltd., our project portfolio re ects deep and broad real estate development experience across Colorado, Arizona, New Mexico, and Utah. From hospitals to military projects, from single family homes to apartment complexes and entire neighborhoods, a consistent track record for high ethical standards and meeting or exceeding nancial objectives has fueled our growth.

Our approach starts with selection of highly desirable parcels in low risk markets through detailed analysis. Stunning, environmentally-friendly design is the next step. We take a hands-on role in the build phase, serving as development manager on each project. We protect capital this way, and by bringing key services in-house and utilizing our network of partners in optimal combinations. is allows us to deliver high quality nished products at fair prices for consumers, enhanced spaces for communities, and maximum returns for investors.

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