1 minute read
Cool off
Dear shop owners of downtown Durango, please close your doors during business hours.

I know it may seem more inviting to tourists, but for a progressive community that prides itself on a love of the outdoors and that also believes global warming is real, I encourage you to keep the cold in and the hot out.
I love spending my money locally rather than online, and it does feel great to walk into an air-conditioned store on a hot, summer day. But to see the doors wide open, and to know all of those resources are being wasted, makes me not want to shop at your stores.

So, if you’re not running on solar energy, please keep your doors closed. Thanks for keeping Durango local and vibrant. I appreciate our downtown area, but we can do better.
– Trish Lemke, Durango
All aboard
Durango could be amazing. It has mountains, lakes and interesting outdoor activities. But people here are destroying the environment. The hot summer days aren’t helped by cars and tourists. So do something about it.
Use the bus to get around town. It’s cheap, and the more people who use it, the more options for stops there will be. Don’t understand how to use it? There are lots of people who can help. Locals should use it more. The drivers are excellent. And, during the summer, it’s free to ride.
– Christa Lawyes, Durango
Burt the Bard
I have been reading the poetry, short stories, narratives and musings of Burt Baldwin for more than 20 years. He writes with a passion that creates imagery and emotion within the mind of the reader. His word choice and expressions of the heart and mind are second to none. He is a gifted poet and storyteller that draws from both history and life experience. Please continue to publish and give his submissions top billing. Thank you, Burt, for sharing your gift with all of us.
– Chris deKay, Durango