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AtasteofItaly inDurango

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Working on the line


Time has its effects on everything. Rust comes from time, and brings its own curses.

When rust claims a victim, the victim becomes worthless,

A piece of junk, a pile of old steel that no one will ever use again.

Powerful, beastly machines fall victim to rust over time, and they are seen as nothing but.

Steam engines could tell you that, Lined up on sidings, cold and damp, waiting for the end by the cutters torch.

Mighty, hissing, and clanking giants that all of a sudden went quiet.

Because time has made the new come again,

But the rusty old cannot stay too, And the stories they would share must go with them, And the future stories they would tell will never come.

Another one is ready for scrap. What part will they cut off first?

– Xander Beck, Fort Lewis College


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