DS SCOOP Official Newsletter of the Caribbean District Secretary
May 2016 Volume 1 Issue 1
Photo Credit: www.craiglpc.com www.craiglpc.com www.craiglpc.com
Content‌ Greetings Goals and Plans for the Year Caribbean District Board 2016-2017 Duties of a Club Secretary Tomorrow Fund Meet DS Durene Notices & Reminders
Greetings from DS Durene Hello Club Secretaries My name is Durene Tavares and I will be serving as your district secretary for the administrative year. I am looking forward to working and communicating with all of you as is one of my main duties as district secretary. I hope that this year we will continue to make service our focus as we live to serve love to serve. If you should have any queries or need information, please feel free to send an email or a text message I will respond in timely manner.
Looking forward to great year together as
Team Caribbean District. Yours in love, friendship and service, Durene Tavares District Secretary Caribbean District of Circle K International
Goals and Plans for the Administrative Year 2016-2017 Generate a Starter Pack & to have growth or a sustained level in reporting. Create a secretary starter pack which would contain - Duties and responsibilities of club secretary - How to write Club Meeting Minutes - How to fill out monthly report form - Other information pertinent to the office Reporting To increase or have 70% of all active clubs submitting monthly report forms I will do this by giving monthly reminders and give feedback to secretaries to strengthen reporting. Make available monthly point standing from reports to motivate clubs to submit reports. Understanding Issues -Give secretaries an opportunity to voice issues, opinions at it relates problems they are facing. - In addition to finding ways to revamp the different platforms within the district that clubs may have issues with. Improving Communication -
To produce at least 3 quarterly bulletins for club secretaries Ensure timely and important message gets out to everyone in the Caribbean District of CKI via text, email, calls, and post to Facebook page. This level of communication should be done at least once per month - For clubs overseas make myself available via skype and other online platforms to assist secretaries - In general, to keep abreast on club secretaries and visit clubs and events to keep them informed of what’s happening in the district. Development for and of Club Secretaries, Club Officers & District Resources -at least one Face to Face Training Conference to assist in training the club secretaries - Continuous revision of the awards to package to ensure that it is user friendly and to also encourage more clubs to apply. Special Focus Annual Achievement. Host Training workshop for awards. - Look at changing club monthly reporting form to being online. -Serve as Chair to the District Development & Awards committee and Board Liaison to Membership Development Committee Educate -
To inform Circle Ker’s of opportunities they can benefit from through being a member of Circle K International for Example: Tomorrow Fund, Scholarships
Caribbean District Board 2.
District Governor
Zone Coordinators
Name: Roshane Robinson
Lance Dawkins & Jerome Johnson
School: University of the West Indies, Mona
Sunshine Division
District Secretary Name: Durene Tavares
Club: Kiwanis Club of Young Professionals Western Jamaica
School: University of the West Indies, Mona District Treasurer Name: Dionne Harrison School: University of the West Indies, Mona District Bulletin Editor Name: Tommy Gooden
Administrators District Administrator Name: DP Carolyn McDonald - Riley (DA)
School: University of the West Indies, Mona
Club: Kiwanis Club of Eastern St. Andrew
Lieutenant Governors
Assistant District Administrators
Division: Paradise
Name: DP Paul Miller (ADA)
Name: Sharisa Buckle
Club: Kiwanis Club of North St. Andrew
School: University of the West Indies, Mona
Name: DLG Christine King (ADA)
Division: Crystal Name: Chantal Pinnock
Club: Kiwanis Club of Fort Montagu
School: University College of the Caribbean Division: Sunshine Name: Marcellee Kenion School: University of the West Indies, Mona Western Jamaica Campus
Duties of Club Secretaries The secretary is responsible for the management of all club records. The secretary must be ready to document the details important to running a smooth club operation. Included in the managing of club records is keeping minutes and attendance at all club and board meetings. Club Secretary Duties and Responsibilities: Maintain all records including club membership, dues payment, and committee activity. Document club activity through meeting minutes.
One of the most important duties of the club secretary is documentation of club activities and member involvement with those activities. Accurate records lend to club credibility and viability. In addition, this information is helpful to incoming officers and committee chairs as they evaluate the success of past club activities and then develop goals for the future. The secretary is responsible for documenting: o Member attendance at meetings. o Minutes of club meetings and board meetings. o Member participation in club activities. o Service hours and administrative hours contributed by each member.
Duties of Club Secretaries CONT’D Weekly Duties Attend all meetings and compose the official minutes. Respond to all correspondence within several days and inform officers and advisors of the communication. Monthly Duties Recommend to president agenda items for the board of officer meetings. Attend board of officer meetings. Collect the monthly committee reports. Write and submit monthly report to the district. Forward newsworthy information to the district publication and Circle K Magazine. Publish a club bulletin (if club bulletin editor position does not exist). Annual Duties Obtain all files and information from immediate past secretary. Inventory all club property. Create a filing system for club reports, bulletins, and literature. Produce a club membership directory. Complete award forms for district and International contests. Complete all delegate registration forms for district and International conventions. Assist incoming secretary in becoming acquainted with the position.
Duties of Club Secretaries CONT’D Reporting to the Board At each board meeting the secretary should be prepared to present a report of activities over the past two weeks. This report should include: Information about any correspondence received and/or mailed. Report of meeting attendance and total member and guests participating in club projects. Report on prospective new members. Report activities accomplished, such as the submission of dues, development of club bulletin, and monthly report. Report monthly on the number of committee reports received.
Listed above are your duties and responsibilities as club secretary. Please remember that you may contact me RE any challenges, queries you may have with regards to your duties and responsibilities as the club secretary, as I am here to help you to perform your duties as best as possible.
For more information, click the link below. Source: http://www.circlek.org/Resources/OnlineTraining/ClubOfficerGuide/Secretary.aspx
Tomorrow Fund Looking for assistance to fund a major project?... Well look no further because there is the Tomorrow Fund. The Tomorrow Fund is an endowed fund for Circle K International held within the Kiwanis International Foundation. This fund, utilizing the interest earned, helps CKI clubs and districts serve the world through grants for service opportunities. The fund is established through a portion of CKI member dues, direct donations, the donation of Carthage-Pullman Society memberships and the donation of Sapphire Circle honourees. Tomorrow Fund grants can help you take action. How? Identify projects your club would like to tackle on your campus or in your community. Then, apply for grant funds to support those service projects. Grants by the Circle K International Board from the Tomorrow Fund must conform to the policies of Circle K International. Tomorrow Fund grants are granted only to CKI clubs and/or districts. The review committee may award up to, but not more than, the amount of interest earned off of the endowment available at the convening of the committee. Clubs may request funding assistance from US$200 to US$2,000. The committee typically funds those clubs asking for a portion of the total cost of the project, and clubs that are working with other organizations to fund and complete the project. For more information, click the link below.
Source: http://www.circlek.org/Service/TomorrowFund.aspx
Meet DS Durene DS Durene was born on October 6. She has been a part of the Kiwanis family for a little over 10 years. She spent2 years in Builder’s Club, 6 years in Key Club and is in her 2nd year in Circle K. Throughout her years in Builder’s, Key Club and Circle K she has served in various positions namely, Director, Chairperson, President, Vice –President, Lieutenant Governor and District Secretary.
DS Durene has copped several awards during her years in Key Club. She has received awards for “Outstanding Key clubber to the Key Club Jamaica District 2009-2010”, “Distinguished President 2010-2011& 2011-2012, Robert F Lucas Distinguished Lieutenant Governor 2012-2013 and Kiwanis Club of North St Andrew Service Leadership Program Member of the Year 2013-2014. DS Durene attends the University of the West Indies, Mona where she studies History Education. Durene enjoys, sleeping, hanging out with friends and serving the less fortunate.
This year’s international convention CKIx will be held in Toronto Canada. This will be held June 22-26,2016. CKI members will be housed at the Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel (123 Queen Street West, Toronto) for CAD$169 per night plus the current 16% sales and room tax. Late/on-site registration US$500 (May 16 and after).
Remember MONTHLY REPORTS Monthly reports are due by the 5th of every month. Please remember that when emailing your reports, you MUST send a copy to the following persons: District Secretary Club President Your Lieutenant Governor Faculty & Kiwanian Advisor caribbeandistrictclubreports@gmail.co m SEE NEWLY REVISE FORM HERE
SOCIAL MEDIA Follow us on the following Social Media Sites, Facebook page CKI Caribbean District (‘Like’ it) and twitter CKI Caribbean and Instagram page CKI Caribbean (‘Follow’ us):
Your goals are the road maps that guide you and show you what is possible for your life. Les Brown