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Women's Rugby
St Mary's College WOMEN'S RUGBY
Natasha Judson-Richardson, Physics, 3rd Year
How long have you been involved with Women’s Rugby? Since my first year, so 3 years!
Why did you join Women’s Rugby? I wanted to get involved with a new sport when I came to Durham. I saw Women ’ s Rugby at the sports and societies fair during Fresher ’ s Week and thought it seemed like good fun. I had never played before, yet quickly realised the majority of members hadn ’t played either! It was nice to learn together surrounded by such a friendly and inclusive group of people.
How is the club run? Are there regular meetings and sessions? The club is organised by an executive committee consisting currently of a Captain, Vice-Captain, Treasurer, Publicity Officer, Development Officer, and Social Secretary. During the season, which runs in Michaelmas and Epiphany, we have weekly training sessions at Maiden Castle which focuses on gameplay and rules. We also have socials throughout the year. The main playing aspect is at the weekend where we play in the college league, playing 10 aside matches against various colleges.
How has it been being Vice-Captain of Women’s
Rugby? What sort of responsibilities does this role entail?
It is good fun and predominantly involves the organising and running of training sessions. It is the joint responsibility of the captains to run practice, including the training of new members of the club. As
Vice-Captain, I am responsible for stepping in for the
Captain during practice or game days, as well as completing administrative work for the club. Most importantly, I am responsible for managing the stash.
This year, I organised the application for the
Development Fund to buy new kit for the club. MARY'S 39
Please could you tell us about one of Women’s Rugby’s successes? At the end of Michaelmas Term, we were at the top of the college leader board for Women ’ s Rugby!
How has Women’s Rugby added to your sense of the College community? As Women ’ s Rugby is a relatively small group, you get to know one another really well. When I first joined, everyone was so friendly and inviting, and more than willing to help out! Most people have never played before coming to university, so we all learn and develop our gameplay together - you quickly become part of a very close-knit team.
What would you say to those considering joining Women’s Rugby? Do it! Rugby games, practice, and playing in matches, more recently at the Festival of Sport, have been some of my favourite College memories! If you have never played before, don ’t worry as most of us haven ’t either. We learn together and I have formed some great friendships through Women ’ s Rugby. We are open to people joining at any time throughout the year, so never feel like it’ s too late because we would absolutely love to have you!
What is your favourite Women’s Rugby memory? The post-match chocolate orange tradition. In my first year, Jess, current Women's Rugby Captain, brought a chocolate orange to one of our first matches and ever since, we bring a chocolate orange to every match! It definitely motivates you when you ’ re playing!