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Mary's Magazine ran Art Competition. This year's prompts were: space, distance, history and time. WINNER: Molly Mihell, English Literature, 1st Year
Having always been intrigued by different spaces and how they can be transformed, I took prompt 'space' and considered architectural places and their often dynamic nature - whether due to the movement of light or people. I attempted to reflect this sense of movement and change through my artwork by abstracting real architectural scenes - the first two are gothic churches and the second two are industrial sites.
RUNNER UP: Francesca Fantoni, Modern Languages, 4th Year

I believe this charcoal life drawing represents the body ’ s connection with its surrounding space – something that we don ’t acknowledge enough in our busy lives. The sitting and relaxed figure offers a moment of contemplation. The combination of sharp mark making in the negative space with the dustiness of the chalk also alludes to the passing and fading of time that the body experiences.