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Our founder Gerald Durrell was a pioneer in conservation who left an enduring legacy to the generations that follow him. As we celebrate the 60th anniversary of Durrell Wildlife Conservation Trust and look back at all we have achieved, it is clear to see that gifts kindly left to us in Wills have been instrumental to that success.

At Durrell we invest in four core areas to achieve our mission:
REWILDING SITES We deliver hands on conservation to combat human-driven threats, support local communities, recover threatened or missing wildlife, and restore ecological functions and habitats.
JERSEY ZOO We undertake endangered species breeding programmes, develop specialist animal management and breeding techniques and skills, and provide a ‘wild’ zoo experience for our visitors to more closely connect with nature.
CONSERVATION TRAINING Our Academies in Jersey and Mauritius deliver specialist training and capacity building to enable conservationists and partner organisations in our priority regions to become more effective.
SCIENCE Our Conservation Science provides evidence to guide our conservation strategies, monitor effectiveness of our actions and evaluate the impact we are achieving.

We are truly grateful to the many kind supporters who have left us gifts in their Wills. Quite simply, without their thoughtfulness and generosity, we could not have accomplished what we have over the past 60 years.
As we look to the future, this type of support is more important to us now than ever, so that together we can rebuild ecosystems and recover threatened wildlife and continue to strive to fulfil Gerald’s original legacy, to prevent species from becoming extinct.
Gifts in Wills provide essential funds which enable us to deliver significant change to the fortunes of threatened wildlife through our positive and bold vision for conservation.
In the words of Gerald Durrell: “The world is as delicate and as complicated as a spider’s web. If you touch one thread you send shudders running through all the other threads. We are not just touching the web; we are tearing great holes in it.”
But like a spider’s web, we can also rebuild the threads, making new connections between animals and their habitats.
Gifts of all sizes are equally important to Durrell, so if you can consider leaving a gift in your Will, please do contact our Legacy Manager Amy Bompas. In complete confidence, Amy will be happy to answer any questions you may have, including:
• How unrestricted gifts in Wills future proof your support
• Explain more about the four areas above, where you could direct your support to Durrell
• Provide examples of wording that you can provide to your solicitor
Please contact her on amy.bompas@durrell.org call +44 (0)1534 860065 or write to her at Les Augrès Manor, La Profonde Rue, Trinity, Jersey JE3 5BP.